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12 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade (PHOTOS)

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posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
So let's count down what Huffington Post things are the 12 most obsolete things of the decade.


Calling? Like the phone? How is that obsolete?

#2--Classifieds In Newspapers

Not in my weekend papers. Plenty of bargain, and in the local rag plenty of work/job related things.

#3--Dial Up Internet

Most ISP's have dialup as a backup if Broadband goes down, and some still offer plans. Most I would think.

Has the word obsolete been given a new meaning? Is the old meaning now obsolete? oO


Well, we still have ours..


Strange I see music stores all over the place selling those ancient things. How archaic!

#6--Landline Phones

I must have some strange cat that sits in the corner of the room and purrs with a strange electronic timbre then. It stops when I pull it's head off and speak into it's face however, and often talks back to me!

#7--Film (And Film Cameras)

Actually, I saw an advert the other day just for those things, a novelty no doubt. Like those people who actively filter in scratches and pops onto digital audio, to remember the good old days of records and record players. Which we have still in the lounge, with records even!

#8--Yellow Pages And Address Books

It might seem as if they are obsolete, but actually they're so big now they're split in two. They do well sitting next to that cat I mentioned earlier!


Bah, they don't even make good kindling. Piles of them in the recycle bin.

Obsolete? I wish !

#10--Fax Machines

Hrmm, well the last time I used one was in 2008. So, maybe since then they've gone the way of the dodo, but ya know... I don't think so.


Your headphones might not work, nor the power get to your house without them. Silly.

#12--Hand-Written Letters

My relatives in Scotland have one of those fancy printers that has a font exactly like an old womans handwriting ! Genius !!

I get the impression that these huffington posts people live in a very different world than I do. I wonder if they even make their own coffee or have home cooked meals?!

Oh, kettles boiling..

[edit on 27/12/2009 by Ha`la`tha]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:42 PM

And records. You can add them together.

1,000 years from now there will be a massive void in Human history, when they look back on our era they will see hardly a trace of our every day lives.. hand written letters, historical accounts etc are no longer exchanged. Most of our data is kept on electronic formats. And lets face it, books these days don't hold up like they did back in the day .. they are cheap and will deteriorate quickly.

Also ... Pagers. Do they even make those anymore?

And CRT monitors, as well as projection TV's.

And our Economy. Yes, I think it's safe to say our economy is officially obsolete.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:47 PM
Implied means I was at fault or shading the facts, which means I was wrong, politicians have always been scum, so again, what's your point? Not sure what your problem is, if it's with me specifically, or just with mankind, and you're taking it out on me, but keep on going if you want, but I'm tiring of your comments because I see zero intelligence coming from them and only hostility and trying to keep picking a fight.

look, i dont know about your reasoning skills, but listing "honest politicians" in the list of supposedly obsolete things means that those "honest politicians" are extinct. in the same breath you say "politicians have always been scum". in other words there were never any "honest politicians" to start with by your assumption. you are just contradicting yourself. that`s it.

Who the Hell cares? So far, you're amusing, in the kind of way like a Chihuahua yipping at a T-Rex. Can you make your point, soon, please? Because now you're boring me.

arent you the one coming up with long winded posts that are aside the point? dont get your panties in a bunch.

You know, the dictionary, Thesaurus (that's not a dinosaur), or actually reading a book is much more developmentally structuring and reinforcing.\ I'm not sure if you think you're irritating me, or showing me up, because so far you're not, only boring me with your nitpicking of everything I'm saying, so obviously you've got an invested interest in hating me. This thread is the first time I've seen you, so I have to assume you're a previously banned member, or something, or is it just I seem like someone to pick a fight with today, or the rotations are going around for some reason to individual members?

cornered much? next time be nice and get your facts straight.

Yeah, I do not prefer automated check-outs, didn't I just state that? I prefer getting in and out, and dealing with a cashier, because I enjoy talking to the pretty women. I prefer people over machines. What exactly is wrong with that? Here I am just minding my own business today, and wham, you're agitating me, or trying to, for some reason, so again I have to wonder if you're a previously banned member, or just someone who's been skulking.

well you were the one complaining about lack of good service nowadays. now you dont mind staying in a line. you are wiggling like a worm on a frying pan.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by marsvolta]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by marsvolta
Well, duh, my comment there was more on the reliance of electronics, and society in general being non-self reliant through the crutch of electronics, and not knowing how to use a compass and map anymore. Personally, I've heard and laughed at more people bitching about their Tom-Tom, G.P.S., or other electrical doo-dad because they do not understand why it say thirty-five minutes from Destination A to Destination B, and therein I see the generation, of all generations, and the downfall of intelligence in relying on electronics and ushering in the paperless and cashless society. A friend of mine was meeting me, and said he'd be at our meeting location at X time, I called when he was late, to make sure he was okay, he said he should be there within fifteen minutes, I asked where he was, he told me, and I said that was incorrect due to my knowledge of traffic patterns and the location, told him forty-five minutes, he argued, I won the bet.

yeah why dont we just go back to breast ploughs and chaff cutters? why do we even need watches when we got sun?

Wow, a technodefender.

Is that why you're picking my posts apart, because you're a techno-junkie?

Originally posted by marsvolta
Oh, and when G.P.S. is not consitantly updated, and it's not, just like the map, it becomes obsolete when a road is put in, constructon is under way, or accidents happen.

maybe that`s why paper maps are still avail in your local bookstore?

So, what exactly was your point here?

Originally posted by marsvolta
Of course, another duh moment, brought to me, by you. I've been online since AOL was $3.50 an hour, what about you? I choose to remember society as it was and how it's becoming, and sadly miss the way things were, but as well look forward to how they will be, and I live a mixture of both.

no i wasnt even using net back then. i wasnt even in the states. but the point is there existed tons of lolcats, figuratively speaking, before those days. it isnt like Internet created the culture of illiteracy. (i myself am pretty illiterate, but it is not because the times are such)

I never once stated the Internet created illiteracy, never.

Either you're missing something, or implying I'm saying something, assume on your own.

So, you've stated you're illiterate, learn to overcome it.

You'll respect yourself more, and so will everyone else, everyone wins.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Okay, if you're a New Yorker, it would explain your semi-hostility towards me.

not it is not a hostility. i just dont like patronizing tone.

Your perceptions on patronizing is your perception, alone.

I was never condescending, patronizing, or looking down on anyone, until you attacked my posts.

As far as I'm concerned, you were condescending, patronizing, and harrasing.

Originally posted by marsvolta
9 out of every 10 New Yorkers, I instantly despise, not because they're from New York, nor, because I pick them out singly or on purpose, nor even because of their beliefs about 9/11, but because they usually, and generally are rude as Hell, have a chip on their shoulder to prove who's bigger, badder, and more of an ass.

another blanket statement.

And I see no problem with a blanket statement, when generalizing my life.

Those were experiences of my life, I was speaking about, not all New Yorkers.

I'm not sure nor do I care if you're illiterate, but I'm not sure you see content, context, nor intent in an online environment, because so far you've seen everything I said from your own perspective, and not from my intent.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Guess what, I always win, I'm always the bigger ass. Notice there how I did not insult you, nor New Yorkers, but the who’s the bigger prick, and stated I usually am, because challenging me, only give me a challenge, and so far I've caught one New Yorker who for years was robbing the 7-11 blind, cartons and cartons of product going into her car's trunk and sold out of her garage at yard sales.

lol. okey.

Yeah, I caught one lady doing that, she got fired, so what's funny aout it?

She was stealing $9,000 a month, right under the corporations nose.

Guess what, she wasn't the only one robbing that 7-11 blind, just the only New Yorker.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Another guy who came to a different job, first words out of his mouth were "I got fired from my previous job for hitting a co-worker", I knew he was trouble, and took him down, and he got himself fired due to a lack of intelligence. Am I saying all New Yorker's are that stupid? No. Were those two stupid to cross me? Yes. That’s 2 out of the 9, out 10, I've experienced, and I am generalizing, because I've dealt with more than ten, just the most hostile 10 in my history. I have plenty of New Yorkers as friends too, some on both sides of the 9/11 debate. Are you from New York? I'm just picking on New Yorkers here, because you brought them up, not because I have any issue with them, because I would have never brought them into this thread unless you had.

all this and i am not even from New York. i just picked out some random generalization.

Yeah, and I replied according to your commentary, so what's youre point?

Originally posted by marsvolta
Go ahead and hate doormen, I don't, I've never seen one in my lifetime.

didnt you say doormen were obsolete in the first place? and you say you have never seen one?

Know what?

I talk to people, ask questions, read books, and all sorts of other things.

Having fun harrassing others?

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by marsvolta

You just speak in circles don't you?

I mean, the man simply responded to the questions with his perspective, his view point, his opinion. Nothing he said was directed at you, or to be taken as derogatory, inflamatory or a generalization.

I could pick out plenty of those in your posts, I will choose not too simply to not derail the thread further.

Funny enough throughout your ranting you have not once provided anything of substance to the thread, I asked to list other things that were obsolete and you have not, nor have you discussed why the ones I have listed are either obsolete or not.

You've simply nit picked at one posters responses, one that and this is with respect is a far more experienced debater and poster than you are and has proven time and time again that those who cross him in a game of wits will quickly find themselves on the loosing end of the fight.

And I say that from experience.


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:54 PM
For some unknown reason, all I see is hate coming off of you, and your general lack of comprehension in my over all speaking about society as a whole, and you've got some notion that you're going to piss me off, shame me, or generally obstruct my time better spent elsewhere. No offense meant to the original poster, but I see this thread as a relaxing thread whereas I'll go back to posting on September 11th now. marsvolta, you have fun picking fights with the intelligent now, you hear. Personal pespective and denying ignorance is what ATS is all about, which is why I chose to answer the way I did, and I can only answer for me and my perspective, although I speak to people every single day. marsvolta, I don't know what your problem with me is, but it's your problem alone, because as far as I'm concerned, this is the first time we've spoken, and for me it will be a pleasure to make it my last, because you don't know how to respect other people's perspectives, you've proven that.

you are generalizing and i am pointing it out. keep your cool and g`night, King Leonidas.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

You tell 'em dad!!!

What is with the trolling in threads lately? Holidays...sigh~

I thought of something that is going to become obselete, which for me is more Interesting doing the predictive stuff.

I think ALL TV and Radio will all go online, and within 5 years

[edit on 27-12-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by marsvolta
Implied means I was at fault or shading the facts, which means I was wrong, politicians have always been scum, so again, what's your point? Not sure what your problem is, if it's with me specifically, or just with mankind, and you're taking it out on me, but keep on going if you want, but I'm tiring of your comments because I see zero intelligence coming from them and only hostility and trying to keep picking a fight.

look, i dont know about your reasoning skills, but listing "honest politicians" in the list of supposedly obsolete things means that those "honest politicians" are extinct. in the same breath you say "politicians have always been scum". in other words there were never any "honest politicians" to start with by your assumption. you are just contradicting yourself. that`s it.

Gee, I guess you don't know sarcasm, speaking on both sides of an issue, or speaking to people who like to think for themselves.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Who the Hell cares? So far, you're amusing, in the kind of way like a Chihuahua yipping at a T-Rex. Can you make your point, soon, please? Because now you're boring me.

arent you the one coming up with long winded posts that are aside the point? dont get your panties in a bunch.

I've only replied to your posts, and you began taking this thread off track, not me.

Originally posted by marsvolta
You know, the dictionary, Thesaurus (that's not a dinosaur), or actually reading a book is much more developmentally structuring and reinforcing.\ I'm not sure if you think you're irritating me, or showing me up, because so far you're not, only boring me with your nitpicking of everything I'm saying, so obviously you've got an invested interest in hating me. This thread is the first time I've seen you, so I have to assume you're a previously banned member, or something, or is it just I seem like someone to pick a fight with today, or the rotations are going around for some reason to individual members?

cornered much? next time be nice and get your facts straight.

I've had my facts straight from the beginning.

And I don't generally like rude people like you, ever.

You've got me cornered?

I think not.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Yeah, I do not prefer automated check-outs, didn't I just state that? I prefer getting in and out, and dealing with a cashier, because I enjoy talking to the pretty women. I prefer people over machines. What exactly is wrong with that? Here I am just minding my own business today, and wham, you're agitating me, or trying to, for some reason, so again I have to wonder if you're a previously banned member, or just someone who's been skulking.

well you were the one complaining about lack of good service nowadays. now you dont mind staying in a line. you are wiggling like a worm on a frying pan.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by marsvolta]

I never once stated I like standing in line.

I am not wriggling at all, I'm answering based upon what's necessary to your commentary.

I said, I like dealing with people, there's a complete difference between a lack of quality of service and dealing with people.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I think trolls and thread derailers are becoming obsolete....

And yes I think it will go online.

I remember seeing a family guy episode where Stewey was explaining something about the Golden Girls and it was a stark reality this is how it went.

For our younger viewers, B Arthur was a member of the cast on Golden Girls, Golden Girls use to be a show on NBC, NBC use to be a network that aired television shows, television shows are those things you watch on your labtop.

[edit on 12/27/2009 by tothetenthpower]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

Hahaha I should have known I was not the only one miffed by this list - you and me both mate. 3'rd world Australians like me just have to deal with the obsolete items the rest of the world neglects..

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower



posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

My dad the OP lives in Canada, and I live in OZ too, the Canadian part of my family is refering to the obselete use of moose calling imitations when finding a mate

j/k i think he meant people text more now?

[edit on 27-12-2009 by zazzafrazz]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I think trolls and thread derailers are becoming obsolete....

And yes I think it will go online.

I remember seeing a family guy episode where Stewey was explaining something about the Golden Girls and it was a stark reality this is how it went.

For our younger viewers, B Arthur was a member of the cast on Golden Girls, Golden Girls use to be a show on NBC, NBC use to be a network that aired television shows, television shows are those things you watch on your labtop.

[edit on 12/27/2009 by tothetenthpower]

Wait, what the Hell?!?

Trolls have become obsolete?

Didn't I just reply to one for the last hour or so?

Damn you tothetenthpower, why didn't you tell me trolls were obsolete?

Did I just argue now with an ex-girlfriend or something?

Sorry, it was never my intent to de-rail your thread, I was just replying.

I know one thing that's obsolete and no one pointed it out.

The people being fairly represented without lobbyist groups or special interest groups re-directing what politicians vote on in Washington D.C.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Just like slot machines, there's at least one payphone every convenience store here in Vegas.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

I don't spoon feed anybody Spartan

I knew you'd get there eventually haha.

And yes I like that one, fair representation.

How about no Taxation Without Representation?


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

hey sorry about that. when people go off on how today sucks by saying how today lacks common sense and other "morals", i just cant help, but tell them otherwise. they choose to lose their cool. also i`ll let the dude have the last word. because i am that nice.

things that are no more:

immersion heater (i have seen one 10 years ago)
paper bags ( in Russia). it was surprising to see them here in the US.
soda in glass bottles
drive-in-theaters. there`s one where i live. looks spooky.
Circuit City
Google Answers
Max Factor

[edit on 27-12-2009 by marsvolta]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:22 PM

Well, not for me. Calling is quick, and I hate querty type. Leads to popeye thumbs.

#2--Classifieds In Newspapers
Alive and well where I live.

#3--Dial Up Internet
yep. A gonner.

Still the best bug-smashers around

Stupid iTunes won't work with our country, nor Amazon. CDs are it.

#6--Landline Phones
How else would I get internet?

#7--Film (And Film Cameras)
yep. Gonner.

#8--Yellow Pages And Address Books
???? photographic memory?

Yes, for the most part. Still need my Grainger catalog.

#10--Fax Machines
huh??? What are the rest of you using?

as opposed to wireless, as in Crackberrys? Okeydokeyfine. More for me (wires)

#12--Hand-Written Letters
No more Christmas/Birthday/Valentines cards? Very sterile world.

And NOW............ here's something that most of you probably thought WAS gone, and long gone, but nope, it's still kicking:

The beloved -- albeit archaic -- Drive-In Movie Theater (listing for U.S. Drive-Ins by state). Yeah, I know. Nobody has time for such foolishness now....... and all that sticky necking, and beverages and crappy "food" all over your faux leather Lexus seat. Nothing like a tinny speaker blaring a disjointed movie into your steamed-up little hybrid world. ahhhh science.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:17 PM
In 10 years there will be no more

#1...Wired internet (cable and phone lines)
#2...Blockbuster video rental type places.
#3...Mouse or keyboards needed for computers (all touch screen and voice interactive)
#4...small cellphones (they will get bigger,because there going to hold everyones lifes in them)
#5...Men and Women only weddings
#6...Blue jeans and such will be no more, with the discovery of new fabric mendins and such coming out.
#7...Real Person at the drive-thru window taking your money. (at fast food places, banks, etc, etc)
#8...Peace in the west, east, or abroad
#9...Domination of religion views
#10...People who really care about another fellow humanbeing, like existed 20-40 years ago.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Mr_skepticc

#3...Mouse or keyboards needed for computers (all touch screen and voice interactive)

I could quibble with more of your choices, but this one I hope doesn't come to pass.

I like to lean back in my chair with my keyboard and mouse and surf the web. I'd hate to have the screen so close that I could touch it and frankly, I don't really like talking to computers.

My GPS is voice-activated and that is fine for the road where hands-free operation is becoming the norm, but at home I don't want to talk and I might also like to listen to music, which everyone knows confuses the computer to no end.

Oh, by the way, my brother who is blind has had voice-activation on his computer for years. I've never seen him use it, but he gets and returns my emails without much ado.

Still, I prefer the keyboard and mouse.

[edit on 2009/12/27 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

It's sad that we rely on the internet for everything these days. I'd much rather hand written letters than some informal IM from somebody. But obviously that just isn't how the world works anymore. I'd honestly really rather be living without all the crap we have in our lives now to take up all the physical human tasks and such.

But so be it.

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