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12 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade (PHOTOS)

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posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by freedomataprice

Check your U2Us.

If you need more help, just ask.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:49 PM
Figures that an Online Blog would create such a list.

#1--Calling---In most business, the simple act of calling a client after service results in a much higher retention rate.

#2--Classifieds In Newspapers- Getting obsolete but still serves it's purpose.

#3--Dial Up Internet- Yeah this one is pretty dead along with #4--Encyclopedias

#5--CD's They still have some life left.

#6--Landline Phones Try using your cordless, cellphone or cable phone during a blackout. I had to search for my old phone during the North East blackout a few years ago....everything else wouldn't work.

#7--Film (And Film Cameras)- I think a professional photographer would disagree... but for the average person I would have to agree.

#8--Yellow Pages And Address Books- I dunno, I track how much in the way of customers come by way of the Yellow Pages, I make many times over my cost. To me making money isn't obsolete. There is a fairly large segment of the population (older) who still swear by them.

#9--Catalogs- Same as above. Many people still like to shop that way. If they weren't making money, they wouldn't still be sending them.

#10--Fax Machines- Still have to use it in my business.

#11--Wires I wish they were obsolete!!!

#12--Hand-Written Letters- Sort of like #1, it really increases the retention rate of customers. I do have to say it's a dying art, most grade school kids can't even write a decent one anymore. Plus no one every saves the printout of a loved one's email to them, can't say the same for a handwritten letter.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by havok

#14. Pagers - No one seems to know what happened to these cool little vibrators lately. About the year 2003, they all but vanished. You might find one in a hospital from Birgdteeteville, Kentucky, but I doubt it.

#15. ARCADES! - Since the mass implementation of home-console entertainment systems in the 90's. Arcades have vanished too!

Yeah my friend still has a pager for his biz......I laugh at him all the time. He actually found out it wasn't even working.... he didn't know because NOBODY ever tried to use it.

I try and tell my kids about arcades and they just don't get it... They used to rock!

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:13 PM
I just realized that the original article is from the "Huffington Post."

No wonder it's shot full of holes.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by marsvolta
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

oh, this must be one of them “my generation is better than yours” posts

I have to say I agree with the majority of your list, tothetenthpower. A few other things that are obsolete, as far as I see, or almost. 1) An Honest politician - Almost extinct, unless you've found a Do-Do lately.

it`s an oxymoron. besides new gen. politicians learned their skills from the old school ones.

Oh look, he can copy and paste, and bold.

Never once did I say this was a generational issue, and I defy you to point out where I did, your post just looks like you're nitpicking, striving for conflict, and picking someone arbitrarily, so far.

Wrong person to pick a fight with, online, or otherwise.

Politician's, both the old generation and the new generation, are self-serving jackals, so what exactly was your point?

There is no such thing as an honest politician, I was using levity and sarcasm.

Originally posted by marsvolta
2) Common sense - Basic human thought of how things work.
my grandma is like a monkey with a grenade around a computer. but i bet i`d be the same way trying to light up a fire in tundra. ever heard of relativity of things?

Semantics, completely, and I never said the senior generation was computer literate, or illiterate, each is independently unique and either gets it, or doesn't.

Just as much as the younger generation.

I see far too many young people who can barely tie their own shoes speaking of young as early twenties, let alone figure out a door at McDonalds.

I'm not a senior either, I'm thirty-six, and I was speaking from watching all generations, young, old, and now deceased, over my lifetime.

The original poster, with all due respect, was mentioning this decade, I was not, my post was left open-ended, on purpose and speaking over my three decades on this planet, called Earth.

What planet are you posting from, Mercury, Mars, or Pluto, oh wait Pluto was downgraded, just to confuse history and as well bring conflict, controversy, and confusion.

Originally posted by marsvolta
3) Real intelligence - Based on unbiased thoughts, without looking something up online, lack of knowledge of history falls into that category as well.

it`s rather ironic you should talk about it when you are confusing intellect with erudition. google was invented not exactly because current gen. is stupid. In dem olden days people relied on heavy encyclopedias. it`s not like they were born with that knowledge.

Interesting, you seem to know when I'm confused, when clearly, I know when I am not.

I meant intelligence, not erudition, because to me intelligence is many things, not just one word out of a dictionary.

Intelligence is as well on my family crest, wealth through intelligence, not violence.

Originally posted by marsvolta
5) Real service - Food service, Service Stations, almost any other part of the service industry.

i prefer automated checkout stations when there`s a huge line at a register. how`s bad? i dont know.

Great, you prefer it, I do not, semantics, again.

I prefer the intelligence to spot the shortest line, maneuver to it, and or get in and out of Wal-Mart in the shortest time, without using the electronically expedient route.

In other words, I make my trips to Wal-Mart, like a mission.

Can I get my X number of items in X amount of time, without hurting anyone, without running out of breath, and without making security nervous because I'm moving fast as Hell when everyone else is slow and in my way.

Mission Impossible Theme(full theme)

Originally posted by marsvolta
6) Maps - Everyone is now relying on Tom-Tom or some other generic G.P.S. device.

you can get all types of paper maps from books stores. today they got a wealth all imaginable types of them on print. again i dont understand how are paper maps better than digital ones. btw, i am not biased towards one or another.

Well, duh, my comment there was more on the reliance of electronics, and society in general being non-self reliant through the crutch of electronics, and not knowing how to use a compass and map anymore.

Personally, I've heard and laughed at more people bitching about their Tom-Tom, G.P.S., or other electrical doo-dad because they do not understand why it say thirty-five minutes from Destination A to Destination B, and therein I see the generation, of all generations, and the downfall of intelligence in relying on electronics and ushering in the paperless and cashless society.

A friend of mine was meeting me, and said he'd be at our meeting location at X time, I called when he was late, to make sure he was okay, he said he should be there within fifteen minutes, I asked where he was, he told me, and I said that was incorrect due to my knowledge of traffic patterns and the location, told him forty-five minutes, he argued, I won the bet.

Oh, and when G.P.S. is not consitantly updated, and it's not, just like the map, it becomes obsolete when a road is put in, constructon is under way, or accidents happen.

Originally posted by marsvolta
7) Real communication skills - Slang, E-Talk (LOL, OMG, WTF), lack of content, context, and intent within language, and Ebonics have taken over.

there have always been people like that around. in fact tons of them. you just didnt encounter them in amount the nets lets you.

Of course, another duh moment, brought to me, by you.

I've been online since AOL was $3.50 an hour, what about you?

I choose to remember society as it was and how it's becoming, and sadly miss the way things were, but as well look forward to how they will be, and I live a mixture of both.

Originally posted by marsvolta
8) Common courtesy - Rarely do I see a man hold a door for a woman anymore, it happens, but it is not common as it once used to be.

yeah, right. it`s like one of those stories of how New-Yorkers are supposedly rude…I just laugh at these petty stereotypes.

Okay, if you're a New Yorker, it would explain your semi-hostility towards me.

9 out of every 10 New Yorkers, I instantly despise, not because they're from New York, nor, because I pick them out singly or on purpose, nor even because of their beliefs about 9/11, but because they usually, and generally are rude as Hell, have a chip on their shoulder to prove who's bigger, badder, and more of an ass.

Guess what, I always win, I'm always the bigger ass.

Notice there how I did not insult you, nor New Yorkers, but the who’s the bigger prick, and stated I usually am, because challenging me, only give me a challenge, and so far I've caught one New Yorker who for years was robbing the 7-11 blind, cartons and cartons of product going into her car's trunk and sold out of her garage at yard sales.

Another guy who came to a different job, first words out of his mouth were "I got fired from my previous job for hitting a co-worker", I knew he was trouble, and took him down, and he got himself fired due to a lack of intelligence.

Am I saying all New Yorker's are that stupid?


Were those two stupid to cross me?


That’s 2 out of the 9, out 10, I've experienced, and I am generalizing, because I've dealt with more than ten, just the most hostile 10 in my history.

I have plenty of New Yorkers as friends too, some on both sides of the 9/11 debate.

Are you from New York?

I'm just picking on New Yorkers here, because you brought them up, not because I have any issue with them, because I would have never brought them into this thread unless you had.

Originally posted by marsvolta
9) Opening doors - At almost any corporate chain, the electronic eye has separated you from opening their door, and the Wal-Mart greeter is a senior there to make you feel welcome. The hotel doorman is almost extinct as well.

I hate doormen. They make me feel guilty. I can open the doors myself. How about those self-appointed door openers in front of your local 7-11? They want some change for that. Does it warm your heart?

Go ahead and hate doormen, I don't, I've never seen one in my lifetime.

Your guilt is your own, not the doorman's fault, don't project it onto them.

And the homeless avoid me, because I go out of my way to ignore them, because I don't respect someone who lives off of others, just like Welfare recipients, I would much rather work two, three, or four jobs, and have, to make my living.

Originally posted by marsvolta
10) Actual street skills - People have become so "connected" via the online world, they have lost street skills, unless they are an idiot thug, gang banger, or drug-using punk.

What are those street skills you speaking of?

The street skills I'm speaking of are the art and ability to spot a liar, to spot a set-up vis-à-vis, robbery, co-workers who are conspiring, and or the ability to actually go into the ghetto and be respected, not because people fear you, but because they know you're not someone to be messed with, and equally you don't mess with them.

And figuring hot to get somewhere on your own, without G.P.S., or a map, is far better.

And that's my short list.

So, what was that you were saying, because I was too busy laughing at your post and wondering if you intentionally picked a fight with me, or just felt like replying to someone, anyone, and hoping for a conflict, or whether you were trying to befriend me.

I'm only replying.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:27 PM
1. Analogue TV
2. Teletext
3. Humanity
4. Concorde
6. Dial-Up Internet
7. The Traditional Newcastle Ale Brewery
8. British Summer Heatwaves
9. The majority of our Freedoms
10. Childhood Innocence
11. The World Trade Centre
12. Nintendo 64

[edit on 27/12/09 by ROBL240]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower

#3--Dial Up Internet

Goddamn, how I wish I could say it was obsolete. I mean, I had thought this for a while when I using my old fibre optic connection, loading everything in an instant. Now I'm back on dial up and I hate life 500 times more than I did before it.

Seriously. I couldn't even download the latest MSN update because it was 100mb. That would have taken me 9 hours or more. Oh wait, and there's even more of a catch! I could potentially disconnect during that time because of the large amounts of data being received.

Also, it takes like, 7 minutes to log into Pidgin...and it has to be uninterrupted. My computer has slowed down because of the crappy modem, too.

Now everytime I use my computer I feel like smashing my head into a brick wall.

Yeah, I'm venting 'cause my connection sucks.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Whine Flu

I pity you friend, I really do lol.

Although I can't get Fiber in my present location at the house (I installed a Fiber line at my business a few years back for a hefty penny) I do have a T1 connection that is pretty decent.

My son gets a ping of about 2 playing WoW and counter strike so until that's somehow a bad thing I will keep it this way considering what I payed to have it set up for my business lol.


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Ohh and he's another..

Parenting. Not that it's become obsolete, but people seem to think it as since they have no knowledge of the concept.


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by marsvolta
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

11) Actual and real pay - The generic paycheck, with a 5 cent, or 10 cent raise, lack of corporate loyalty to you when you're loyal to them.

Work for your own self. Nobody owes you nothing.

I never once stated anyone owes me a damn thing.

I am referring to a lack of company loyalty to their workers.

I do work what I feel is the norm, whereas I work harder than most, but corporate America seems to think the average worker deserves less and less, and pays them accordingly, and I'm tired of working for corporate America which is why I'm working towards geting a non-profit off the ground.

Originally posted by marsvolta
12) The Family Unit - Nowadays, the family unit is dieing not because of a lack of effort, but because of the false electronic "connectivty", the downfall of the family unit through lack of real leadership, ethics, morals, and real beliefs are slowly following as well.

I just had to yawn at this. Yeah another police of made up morals. Moral Orel is a great show for people who love talking about morals. Quite an eye opener.

Wow, how abstract and boring a reply from you, oh fight picking person.

Originally posted by marsvolta
13) Cook books - So much more people are not breaking out Betty Crocker cook books, but instead the ready-made cake-in-a-box, Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, or some other generic food. The art of cooking is being lost, and instead watching it on televsion on "Reality TV". The are actually cooking a meal through growing your own vegetable, and making a meal from the from scratch recipe.

What seems to be a problem here? For pete`s sake, there enough f*cking restaurants around. Also just google them recipes and bake away, dude. I promise ya, you will be buried under the avalanche of great recipes. It`s just a matter of who can cook and who cant. I betcha there were enough people in dem olden days who couldn’t cook either. And they try to copy them cooks on TV because it`s fun. People who don’t have time or like me, who really hate fooling around kitchen or kitchen garden for that mater, don’t bother with “stuff from scratch”

Pete, is that you Pete?

People have the time they allow to do things, no one does not have time to do something or not do something.

They usually hide behind excuses, like you're doing.

Originally posted by marsvolta
14) Living life - American Idol, "Reality TV", "Big Brother", "The Real World", and sit-coms instead of breaking out a board game of Monolopy, Sorry, or Life. Long dieing are hiking, mountain climbing, exploring the world for yourself.

When was the last time you went skiing? Last I checked the majority of snowboarders and skiers at my fave spot were young people. The reason you don’t know this is because you yourself don’t practice what you preach.

For some unknown reason, all I see is hate coming off of you, and your general lack of comprehension in my over all speaking about society as a whole, and you've got some notion that you're going to piss me off, shame me, or generally obstruct my time better spent elsewhere.

No offense meant to the original poster, but I see this thread as a relaxing thread whereas I'll go back to posting on September 11th now.

marsvolta, you have fun picking fights with the intelligent now, you hear.

Personal pespective and denying ignorance is what ATS is all about, which is why I chose to answer the way I did, and I can only answer for me and my perspective, although I speak to people every single day.

marsvolta, I don't know what your problem with me is, but it's your problem alone, because as far as I'm concerned, this is the first time we've spoken, and for me it will be a pleasure to make it my last, because you don't know how to respect other people's perspectives, you've proven that.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Yeah, I'd probably kill for a 1.5mbps connection right now. Then again, broadband in this country is horribly priced, anyway. I think my old ISP had plan which included your home phone line and a 25mbps connection with a 250gb download quota for $260 a month. I hear that it's only something like $60US per month for something like that.

I do miss my old connection, though. 10mbps of goodness...*sigh*

Better than this dial up hell that I thought I would be rid of for the rest of my life. I just don't know how many times I swear when I use the computer now.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Whine Flu

Well just to give you an idea, I pay about 200 a month, for Digital Cable, Internet and Home Phone which I get about 100G download quota a month, and every channel available on the TV, which I don't use very often.

Now for my business I pay about 500 a month just for connection and it cost me almost 100 thousand, yes thousand to splice the fiber optic line into my building.


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

...And all of a sudden, dial up doesn't sound that bad after all.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:03 PM
Oh look, he can copy and paste, and bold.
Never once did I say this was a generational issue, and I defy you to point out where I did, your post just looks like you're nitpicking, striving for conflict, and picking someone arbitrarily, so far.

nope it`s just not hard for me to tell whose tone is condescending.

Wrong person to pick a fight with, online, or otherwise.

is this supposed to scare me off?

Politician's, both the old generation and the new generation, are self-serving jackals, so what exactly was your point?

yeah that was my point. the fact that politicians didnt evolve in those jackals as you implied in your earlier post that said there were no honest politicians anymore. should i say like in dem olden days?

Semantics, completely, and I never said the senior generation was computer literate, or illiterate, each is independently unique and either gets it, or doesn't. Just as much as the younger generation. I see far too many young people who can barely tie their own shoes speaking of young as early twenties, let alone figure out a door at McDonalds. I'm not a senior either, I'm thirty-six, and I was speaking from watching all generations, young, old, and now deceased, over my lifetime. The original poster, with all due respect, was mentioning this decade, I was not, my post was left open-ended, on purpose and speaking over my three decades on this planet, called Earth. What planet are you posting from, Mercury, Mars, or Pluto, oh wait Pluto was downgraded, just to confuse history and as well bring conflict, controversy, and confusion.

what? i just pointed out your generalizations.

Interesting, you seem to know when I'm confused, when clearly, I know when I am not. I meant intelligence, not erudition, because to me intelligence is many things, not just one word out of a dictionary. Intelligence is as well on my family crest, wealth through intelligence, not violence.

yeah, ok. your post was something along the lines of how people arent smart these days because they look up things on google. i also can say that "car" means many things to me, not just a word out of a dictionary. it means "butterfly" to me among other things.

Great, you prefer it, I do not, semantics, again. I prefer the intelligence to spot the shortest line, maneuver to it, and or get in and out of Wal-Mart in the shortest time, without using the electronically expedient route. In other words, I make my trips to Wal-Mart, like a mission. Can I get my X number of items in X amount of time, without hurting anyone, without running out of breath, and without making security nervous because I'm moving fast as Hell when everyone else is slow and in my way.

and you tell me you dont like automated checkouts.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Pay Phones

I remember using them, but now it is almost impossible to find one.

I'm not sure if they are even being made anymore.


There is one across the way and down a bit from me, and we love to see who uses it, always a business men having an affair
doesnt want to use the bill to call the mistress

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by marsvolta

Oh look, he can copy and paste, and bold.
Never once did I say this was a generational issue, and I defy you to point out where I did, your post just looks like you're nitpicking, striving for conflict, and picking someone arbitrarily, so far.

nope it`s just not hard for me to tell whose tone is condescending.

Wow, my tone wasn't condescending, until in reply to you.

My original reply was never meant that way, nor was the intent.

See, I hold the original poster in high regard, and I was replying like I know he would reply to me, sorry if you took my original reply to the original poster as condescending, because it was not, that was your own perception.

Not my intent.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Wrong person to pick a fight with, online, or otherwise.

is this supposed to scare me off?

No, it wasn't, nor was it meant to bully, it was meant I stand my ground, period.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Politician's, both the old generation and the new generation, are self-serving jackals, so what exactly was your point?

yeah that was my point. the fact that politicians didnt evolve in those jackals as you implied in your earlier post that said there were no honest politicians anymore. should i say like in dem olden days?

Implied means I was at fault or shading the facts, which means I was wrong, politicians have always been scum, so again, what's your point?

Not sure what your problem is, if it's with me specifically, or just with mankind, and you're taking it out on me, but keep on going if you want, but I'm tiring of your comments because I see zero intelligence coming from them and only hostility and trying to keep picking a fight.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Semantics, completely, and I never said the senior generation was computer literate, or illiterate, each is independently unique and either gets it, or doesn't. Just as much as the younger generation. I see far too many young people who can barely tie their own shoes speaking of young as early twenties, let alone figure out a door at McDonalds. I'm not a senior either, I'm thirty-six, and I was speaking from watching all generations, young, old, and now deceased, over my lifetime. The original poster, with all due respect, was mentioning this decade, I was not, my post was left open-ended, on purpose and speaking over my three decades on this planet, called Earth. What planet are you posting from, Mercury, Mars, or Pluto, oh wait Pluto was downgraded, just to confuse history and as well bring conflict, controversy, and confusion.

what? i just pointed out your generalizations.

Who the Hell cares?

So far, you're amusing, in the kind of way like a Chihuahua yipping at a T-Rex.

Can you make your point, soon, please?

Because now you're boring me.

Originally posted by marsvolta
Interesting, you seem to know when I'm confused, when clearly, I know when I am not. I meant intelligence, not erudition, because to me intelligence is many things, not just one word out of a dictionary. Intelligence is as well on my family crest, wealth through intelligence, not violence.

yeah, ok. your post was something along the lines of how people arent smart these days because they look up things on google. i also can say that "car" means many things to me, not just a word out of a dictionary. it means "butterfly" to me among other things.

You know, the dictionary, Thesaurus (that's not a dinosaur), or actually reading a book is much more developmentally structuring and reinforcing.

I'm not sure if you think you're irritating me, or showing me up, because so far you're not, only boring me with your nitpicking of everything I'm saying, so obviously you've got an invested interest in hating me.

This thread is the first time I've seen you, so I have to assume you're a previously banned member, or something, or is it just I seem like someone to pick a fight with today, or the rotations are going around for some reason to individual members?

Originally posted by marsvolta
Great, you prefer it, I do not, semantics, again. I prefer the intelligence to spot the shortest line, maneuver to it, and or get in and out of Wal-Mart in the shortest time, without using the electronically expedient route. In other words, I make my trips to Wal-Mart, like a mission. Can I get my X number of items in X amount of time, without hurting anyone, without running out of breath, and without making security nervous because I'm moving fast as Hell when everyone else is slow and in my way.

and you tell me you dont like automated checkouts.

Yeah, I do not prefer automated check-outs, didn't I just state that?

I prefer getting in and out, and dealing with a cashier, because I enjoy talking to the pretty women.

I prefer people over machines.

What exactly is wrong with that?

Here I am just minding my own business today, and wham, you're agitating me, or trying to, for some reason, so again I have to wonder if you're a previously banned member, or just someone who's been skulking.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:31 PM
Well, duh, my comment there was more on the reliance of electronics, and society in general being non-self reliant through the crutch of electronics, and not knowing how to use a compass and map anymore. Personally, I've heard and laughed at more people bitching about their Tom-Tom, G.P.S., or other electrical doo-dad because they do not understand why it say thirty-five minutes from Destination A to Destination B, and therein I see the generation, of all generations, and the downfall of intelligence in relying on electronics and ushering in the paperless and cashless society. A friend of mine was meeting me, and said he'd be at our meeting location at X time, I called when he was late, to make sure he was okay, he said he should be there within fifteen minutes, I asked where he was, he told me, and I said that was incorrect due to my knowledge of traffic patterns and the location, told him forty-five minutes, he argued, I won the bet.

yeah why dont we just go back to breast ploughs and chaff cutters? why do we even need watches when we got sun?

Oh, and when G.P.S. is not consitantly updated, and it's not, just like the map, it becomes obsolete when a road is put in, constructon is under way, or accidents happen.

maybe that`s why paper maps are still avail in your local bookstore?

Of course, another duh moment, brought to me, by you. I've been online since AOL was $3.50 an hour, what about you? I choose to remember society as it was and how it's becoming, and sadly miss the way things were, but as well look forward to how they will be, and I live a mixture of both.

no i wasnt even using net back then. i wasnt even in the states. but the point is there existed tons of lolcats, figuratively speaking, before those days. it isnt like Internet created the culture of illiteracy. (i myself am pretty illiterate, but it is not because the times are such)

Okay, if you're a New Yorker, it would explain your semi-hostility towards me.

not it is not a hostility. i just dont like patronizing tone.

9 out of every 10 New Yorkers, I instantly despise, not because they're from New York, nor, because I pick them out singly or on purpose, nor even because of their beliefs about 9/11, but because they usually, and generally are rude as Hell, have a chip on their shoulder to prove who's bigger, badder, and more of an ass.

another blanket statement.

Guess what, I always win, I'm always the bigger ass. Notice there how I did not insult you, nor New Yorkers, but the who’s the bigger prick, and stated I usually am, because challenging me, only give me a challenge, and so far I've caught one New Yorker who for years was robbing the 7-11 blind, cartons and cartons of product going into her car's trunk and sold out of her garage at yard sales.

lol. okey.

Another guy who came to a different job, first words out of his mouth were "I got fired from my previous job for hitting a co-worker", I knew he was trouble, and took him down, and he got himself fired due to a lack of intelligence. Am I saying all New Yorker's are that stupid? No. Were those two stupid to cross me? Yes. That’s 2 out of the 9, out 10, I've experienced, and I am generalizing, because I've dealt with more than ten, just the most hostile 10 in my history. I have plenty of New Yorkers as friends too, some on both sides of the 9/11 debate. Are you from New York? I'm just picking on New Yorkers here, because you brought them up, not because I have any issue with them, because I would have never brought them into this thread unless you had.

all this and i am not even from New York. i just picked out some random generalization.

Go ahead and hate doormen, I don't, I've never seen one in my lifetime.

didnt you say doormen were obsolete in the first place? and you say you have never seen one?

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas[/i

The street skills I'm speaking of are the art and ability to spot a liar, to spot a set-up vis-à-vis, robbery, co-workers who are conspiring, and or the ability to actually go into the ghetto and be respected, not because people fear you, but because they know you're not someone to be messed with, and equally you don't mess with them. And figuring hot to get somewhere on your own, without G.P.S., or a map, is far better. And that's my short list.

tell you what, you dont need no ghetto or streets to posses any of those skills.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Whine Flu

Well, I don't like to be off-topic, but as this is slightly related to the topic, I will add that I pay 64.9€ each month for digital TV (I think that they are 127 channels) and radio (I think that they are some 12 stations), a digital video recorder, phone and unlimited 100Mb internet connection (that I cannot fully enjoy because the cable to my room is an older 10Mb cable, I have to replace it

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

That's actually pretty good ArMap.

I would about 30 dollars more for what you have.


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