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Second Thoughts on 2012 because of Jessie Vantura

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posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 11:29 AM
So.. Victor what is your theory on why our Galaxy has such a monstrous black hole at the center. I have heard this before, but no explanation as to why the other Galaxies have smaller ones.
So. I guess we are on our own, since the peasants are not going to be allowed in the underground facilities. It does not seem that the general public has much of an option.
What happened 26,000 years ago? Is it not documented? Or maybe documented, but not the whole truth?

[edit on 24-12-2009 by ellieN]

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by ellieN

I think it's just natural for the black hole to be there. Think of a planet like Jupiter. It's huge, massive, but it has a low density becuse it's mostly gas. Even so, it's center is very dense. More massive elements gravitate towards the center. The galaxy is like Jupiter or the sun, just on a larger scale. The whole galaxy has a gravitational field that pulls things towards the center, even though the mass of the galaxy is spread out over vast distances. All matter in the galaxy is slowly spiraling in on a decaying orbit around the center of gravity of the galaxy, hence the shape of the Milky Way. That's my guess anyway.

posted on Dec, 24 2009 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by VictorVonDoom
reply to post by ellieN

I think it's just natural for the black hole to be there. Think of a planet like Jupiter. It's huge, massive, but it has a low density becuse it's mostly gas. Even so, it's center is very dense. More massive elements gravitate towards the center. The galaxy is like Jupiter or the sun, just on a larger scale. The whole galaxy has a gravitational field that pulls things towards the center, even though the mass of the galaxy is spread out over vast distances. All matter in the galaxy is slowly spiraling in on a decaying orbit around the center of gravity of the galaxy, hence the shape of the Milky Way. That's my guess anyway.

Now...your theory on the sun under a magnifying glass brings up a question that came to my mind. What if it has the reserve effect? Meaning you know concave and convex mirrors? What instead of focusing in one spot, by pass and spread past our planet?

Also, 26,000 years ago man was her, and they survived. Now....the question is. 26,000 years is in our front yard about to ring the door bell and we have to answer, the question is. Are we going to survive?

My second theory to 2012 from my first is. 2012 is going to be a VERY BAD year, you may ask my? Well Mr, Weaponx why do you say that? Well simply people will be in MASS panic, they will be robbing each human, stealing from stores, robbing banks, destroying stuff. Our own (LIMITED KNOWLEDGE) to 2012 is going to kill and destroy people because others are scared and doing thing we wouldn't believe.

I believe it's going to just come and go, another phase since the Mayans believed in phases. I think people will be scared, excited, worried days before the 21st. And when the 22nd rolls around people are going to feel let down, lost, and return the normal day crappy life.

I also think 2012 is another "MONEY MAKER EXCUSE" what do I mean by this? Think about it, people will publish the most outrageous theories in books about 2012 to get people to buy the, Heck they made a movie called 2012 that DIDN'T show all the facts to the 2012 theory. They never showed the the SIMPLE fact, "The Mayan's never predicted the end, they would of documented it. They only predicted the end of one phase and the start of another" so man kind is the reason to believe the world may end in 2012 because we've led our self's to believe that with no proof. Also if the world doesn't end in 2012 which I highly doubt it will the date will then be moved to 2020 (I guarantee that)

Also I'd like to say for the end of my post, I respect everyone's theories and everyone's post about this manner, I hope to know that you all will be watching this Jessie Vantura EP and better understand the works of our government and what they are really hiding.

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 12:24 AM
can you please provide a drawing or source of where one single Myan artifact or engaraving states that The Earth and Sun will be aligned with the the center of the galactic plane? Everyone loves to throw this around and yet I have yet to see anyone provide 1 piece of evidence of this beyond History Channel showing the possible misinterpretation of a ball game. Where does the calendar speak of this alignment? Where does anything ancient speak of this alignment?

I'm not trying to be sarcastic at all. I really haven't seen anything that alludes to this other than what gloom and doom shows say. I have read through the Dresden Codex, but I don't know how to decipher the funny pictures. I'm asking to further the discussion. Thx

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:37 PM
First and foremost, much, if not most of the Mayan writings, philosophy and history was lost to the European's Christian conquest and their destruction of anything they saw as contradicting to Christianity, similar to what the Taliban did in Afghanistan, only to a much more extreme Because of this, we know little about the Maya today and we try to reconstruct their history from pretty much their stone-work and a writing -or codex- that survived, the only writing to survive to that we know about. So, if the Maya did come out and say that the world was going to end, we surely wouldn't know what they said or didn't say. To suggest what they Maya said or what they didn't say is is foolish and to base your beliefs on that notion, is ignorant (not that you are ignorant, only the premise).

With that being said, I don't believe that the world is going to come to and end. I believe that the Mayan calendar and the supposed cut-off to that calendar is purely astronomical in nature. They were simply charting time on earth through their observations of the stars and basing their belief system on this chart.

As far as the government readying themselves, I think that the government is simply preparing for our financial collapse and because people are ignorant of our impending and iminent financial doom, we relate their actions to whatever best suits our world-view. After all, we can't make sense of why they are doing what they are doing and in secret too, so we come up with our best answer and for many people who don't understand our dire fiscal predicament, they rationalize the evidence with irrational notions or the best answer they can come up with.

edit on 9-10-2010 by airspoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:41 PM
I've been saying for years, that if the Mayans knew that every so many thousands of years the stars around the Earth reset their positions, why not just use the same calendar over for the new cycle? Why build two?

We know that every 12 hours time repeats itself (with the adjustment of AM/PM) and we only have 12 hours on our watch. NO ONE thinks that because we're coming to the end of our current 12 hour cycle, the world will end.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
can you please provide a drawing or source of where one single Myan artifact or engaraving states that The Earth and Sun will be aligned with the the center of the galactic plane? Everyone loves to throw this around and yet I have yet to see anyone provide 1 piece of evidence of this beyond History Channel showing the possible misinterpretation of a ball game. Where does the calendar speak of this alignment? Where does anything ancient speak of this alignment?

I'm not trying to be sarcastic at all. I really haven't seen anything that alludes to this other than what gloom and doom shows say. I have read through the Dresden Codex, but I don't know how to decipher the funny pictures. I'm asking to further the discussion. Thx

You got it. I've got a friend who is a very qualified astrologer. His question regarding Dec 21, 2012 is "What Galactic Alignment?". There is NO galactic alignment taking place anywhere near that date.
edit on 9-10-2010 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

Seed banks have been built for a long time. The reason to build one is to conserve genetic diversity. Crops are typically planted from a single genetic source. This provides a large of number of plants that have desired qualities such as drought resistance or high production or long storage or whatever is of interest. The problem comes around when trying to develop other plants with other qualities such as disease resistance. Working with a large genetic variation available from seed banks allows someone to have a chance to develop properties of interest. To characterize these places as doomsday vaults is simply hyperbole. The disasters are more mundane such as a change in a blight that destroys a lot of crops.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by Genetix

Can't the same thing be said about the Gregorian calendar? Why doesn't the calendar end on the longest day of the year? Wouldn't it make sense to have the calendar start on the day after the winter solstice?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:45 AM
The notion of any prophecy or prediction connection with the end of long count calendar is due to a book. The author made up some claims. The tall tales have long since been forgotten in the morass that is the hoax called 2012. If this modern author had not confused people with his tall tales then there would be no thoughts of 2012 as anything other than an oddity of an ancient civilization. I apologize for not recalling the author's name.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by xweaponx thoughts are.....why are the government building these? Are they scared to? Or is it an "IF" it could happen situation?

Because a general breakdown of civilization is imminent (within the next decade I'd guess).

Any proximity of the coming collapse to 2012 is mere coincidence.

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