Originally posted by TaraLou
reply to post by operation mindcrime
Everyone is here to learn, you say.
What about the murdered babies - why are they here? I am talking about war, starvation, abortion, etc.
And what can starving people learn?
Can you tell me why babies are born to die soon?
Babies are not born here to die soon.
People are neglectful, selfish, and harmful. These aren't peoples' only qualities, but they're the qualities that people focus on the most because
people rarely focus or pay attention to the good. The bad gets more attention because we become comfortable instead of thankful when good happens.
Therefore, these bad things gain much more attention.
As well, no one likes that babies die soon. However, some people are not mindful enough to make sure it DOESN'T happen. As well, the government and
corporations work based on numbers. Therefore, whatever they have to do to make sure that the -least- amount of perceivable damage occurs, they will
do... regardless of the long-term consequences.
There are some cases in which babies die early after birth. In these cases, it is beyond the peoples' control. We should not be developing more
invasive and less safe techniques in an attempt to save those babies who might have lived had the parent(s) been more focused, active, and yet also
more relaxed. From what I've seen, the people who have the hardest time are the people who are too worried and try way too hard to relax (and yet
all they do is worry).
Should we consider that these things that happen are fake? Absolutely not. I think the OP is on to something, but I think that the word 'fake' is
an inappropriate description of our universe. For example, to Bilbo Baggins, Middle Earth is a reality. To us, it's "made up". Of course,
because we as humans, especially as of late, are leaning more toward believing that the universe is some kind of inevitable accident. This mindset
makes people believe that everything they see is real and that reality is simply a set of numbers and rules.
OP, It is my contention that what you are realizing is that the universe is a creation and not a realistic accident. Something that is a -creation-
gives the illusion of being fake because it is art. Art, of course, means something that is molded. Something that is artificial is, of course,
something that has been made as art. For us to believe that we ourselves are not artificial is a lie that has been fed to all of us forever. Our
entire universe is, in reality, artificial. Our universe is a work of art.
As far as the negative connotation of artificial, this is what you perceive to be the information that we are fed. This is also correct. We are fed
an artificial explanation of the way things are. Should the explanations be artificial because our universe is artificial? No. Because then the
reality of the universes artificiality is then being made FAKE as you say. It is not reality to claim that our universe is an accident in which
everything you see and hear is a form of art! It makes no sense!
To be more clear, here is the reality of our universe. Time is the canvas upon which energy paints the picture. Time is the nothingness. Energy is
the wholeness. When combined, the masterpiece of our reality is continually being made.
No one can change time. Once you've painted on a canvas, you can't go back. If you miss a stroke, you can blend that stroke to enhance the image,
but you can never take back that stroke. You can make it better, but you can never erase what was accomplished.
All things are from energy. Energy is the root of all wholeness. There is nothing made that was not made with Energy. Amazing how energy has become
Reality? This is reality. Many people want to live in the reality where a rock is just a rock and time is just a clock. Many people are so deluded
by their "family values" and "business" and "sciences" to even care about the reality of the artificiality of our creation and the One who did
it all! And we were created to be co-painters in this beautifully painted and well written fact-based fiction.
The ultimate irony of it all is that once we are created, we have no choice but to participate, if even but for a second. We have the free will to do
as we please, but we cannot change the fact that we have added to the masterpiece!
Yes, welcome to the artificial universe - the only which exists. Let's make it a beautiful masterpiece and not set it on fire with our simple-minded
desire for "knowing". Our desire to know, although healthy in small doses, completely interferes with our true education which is the power of the
I always rant. I know it. Once I pop, I can't stop.
Good thread OP.