posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 07:14 AM
Your headline makes the story sound really urgent and sensational, but the 6 deaths have occurred over the entire span of 2009. The count was 4 by
June 25, 2009, so only 2 have died in the last 6 months. I would flag you down if I could.
Q fever exists everywhere but the increased infection rate is really the result of mal-management of life stock. Overpopulated stables, malnutrition
and too little experience with the needs of goats in general caused the bacteria to spread.
The outbreak is causing some political fall out, perhaps some more news on that later.
The symptoms look and feel like flu, but is a bacterial infection that can be treated with anti biotics.
I think your headline is overdone and slightly misleading. On top of that, you could use a little education regarding the Dutch. They are mostly nice,
polite, self sufficient and tolerant people. I know, because I'm one of them.