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please point me to something you believe it is genuine ALIENS proof !

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posted on May, 23 2004 @ 12:45 PM
I accept the possibility that there is alien life somewhere in the Universe. I don't need proof to accept the possibility...only reason. Anything beyond this regarding alien lifeforms is nothing more than conjecture or out and out lies. I also accept the fact that gravity is real despite not being able to see, smell, taste or hear it as well.

[Edited on 5-23-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 04:48 PM
I also accept the fact that gravity is real despite not being able to see, smell, taste or hear it as well.

why do you think the liquid inside your lemonadeglass is not drifting up your face ???

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by NOGODSINTHEUNIVERSE
why do you think the liquid inside your lemonadeglass is not drifting up your face ???

"The Law of Gravity" is nothing more than a theory. There's actually no such thing as a 'law' in science...only a theory that most scientists accept as being mostly correct. The Theory of Gravity is still being reshaped by todays scientists. We as laymen take gravity at face value because we are taught it from an early age but we are never told why gravity hasn't crushed us to pulp or shot us through the middle of the Earth. We just assume we won't becayse gravity holds us down just oerfectly...holds? Wait...does it hold...or push?

Newtons theory wasn't a complete theory. Black holes are one of the most mysterious gravitational anomalies today. Only mathematics and theory are able to explain what they may be...keyword being, may.

You're not talking to some little tinfoil helmeted, confused sci-fi fan. I'm fully aware of of science and theory. You seem to rely on it without knowing anything about it. Congrats.

[Edited on 5-23-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 02:36 AM

Take a look at those, and give me a logical explanation why that is no hard enough evidence. I bet that if you find a drawing with SH holding chemical warhead in his hands would be enough evidence to say he had them..
Just Kidding...

But in all cases it's safe to say that "UFO's" are nothing really new to men. So either it's something very odd or it's real. And besides there are many more reasons to deny Alien existance than reasons not to. So I'm sorry dude, this is something you have to do on your own, find your own truth, no one can convince you, just like you can't convince anyone.

I don't say they they exist or not, I say the chances that they do exist is for me bigger than that they don't exist. Just look at the many acient and present things we can't really explain. The bible for example, take a modern look at it, and think about what it's saying. If you ask me the evidence is right there but that is personal.

[Edited on 24-5-2004 by TigeriS]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:15 AM
There's actually no such thing as a 'law' in science...

i advise you strongly to try this out:
just walk in to some QUICKSAND and you soon will experience the law of gravitation !

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by Faceless
Check Billy Meiers' picks.

Ohhh Faceless... And I thought you were so together!

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 12:31 PM
poor billy meier. debunked left and right and a class action suit to go with it.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by triplesod

Originally posted by Faceless
Check Billy Meiers' picks.

Ohhh Faceless... And I thought you were so together!

And what about my info on my first post here?

Please note I never said I thought they were genuine. I feel the same about these pics as I do about most other things, I neither believe nor disbelieve, I merely take note.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 01:10 PM
Take a look at those, and give me a logical explanation

amazing & astonishing at least but NO actual proof for extra terrestials !

you see what we are missing here besides the artifacts is the "timespirit" and all the other decoration that is not anymore there !

most of the artifacts are intended for rituals and war intended.
not much enough do we know what they did with their prisoners when at war !
i believe some were catapulted in the air,dropped into the dept of canyons or simply others were stoned like a shrimp when they made such art.

paintings and writings on the walls are not bad if the translation is 100 % exact and telling us in detail the whole story.

[Edited on 24-5-2004 by NOGODSINTHEUNIVERSE]

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 01:17 PM
Despite what NOGODSINTHEUNIVERSE is saying, there is no such thing as a law in science. Some people hide behind the label of "skeptic" only when it serves their purpose.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 01:29 PM
science is a thing entirely about natural laws !
science is the island in the sea of chaos !
obey them and you survive...ignore them and you're pushing up daisies !

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by NOGODSINTHEUNIVERSE
science is a thing entirely about natural laws !
science is the island in the sea of chaos !
obey them and you survive...ignore them and you're pushing up daisies !

I'm not sure what you were trying to say above but...

sci�ence n. - 1. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
2. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
3. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
4. Methodological activity, discipline, or study
5. An activity that appears to require study and method
6. Knowledge, especially that gained through experience.

...that's what science means. You'll notice is doesn't say anything about science being entirely about natural "laws". Do you do any reading AT ALL? How can you claim science is all knowing when you have no idea what science even means?

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 07:47 PM
First, I'm just an ordinary dude of very sound mind, tho some would argue that, of course. I am very well educated in the sciences, too, with 200+ undergrad and 100+ grad credits in biology, math, etc. (mostly As)... I know some real hard and fast facts about the little gray "aliens," having watched them intently every night all night for three weeks (please don't argue my veracity - it's perfectly fine). They were playing hide/seek, so I only caught sight of them on two brief occasions, but at close range and I burned the memory firmly into my mind. The fact that they opened a tightly shut door each night, turned on an outside light, and that we played this game constantly proves beyond doubt that they are physically real. I was NOT abducted, they ran off whenever I failed at faking sleep and caught them moving in. But they are not only physically real, but they also "fade" in from another dimension of sorts, resembling balls of vibrating light as they appear (that was the second instance that I caught them at). I'm certain they are NOT aliens in the space brother sense, but they live in another dimension entirely and just somehow manage to bridge across to this one. The entire notion that they are space travellers is likely an illusion that they foster - they are NOT! It's really impossible to prove what they really are because of all of the likely deceptions and uncertainties about how they present themselves and their true origin, despite what some say that they have witnessed. My opinion, after many, many years of research, is that they are, okay, the religion hackers are not going to like this, but I believe that they are a type of demon that specializes in creating false impressions. The lephrachauns and other "little men" of such in past ages probably were of the same origin. On the other hand, I also refuse to believe the majority of alien stories and abduction anecdotes - NOT all of the, but most... The important and interesting crux of the matter, however, is that they ARE most definitely real, these critters really do drop in on us in these stealthy ways, but they are NOT dwellers or travelers in this physical universe. The story of Flatland (or even current string theory) might help explain how these things can happen - the whole of reality goes far beyond the physical dimensions that we are trapped it. The material makeup of these critters is also of a different kind, though it does appear real to us and does interact with our type of matter to a limited extent... ok, these are the facts with just a dash of opinion...

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
If my Gov stepped forward and said Yup, we have seen and had contact with them, and puts forward the story, I would accept it as proof.

You're very, very naive or very, very young... Most people know that every word the government says is a lie. The only reason conspiracy theories weaken after a point is that the government hasn't the intelligence to form very elaborate conspiracies, fortunately...

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by Aladin
On the other hand, I also refuse to believe the majority of alien stories and abduction anecdotes - NOT all of the, but most...

Its interesting to note, that if alien abductions are real, we are looking at one of the most profound aspects of being a human being living in this day and age. WHat is even more interesting, is that if alien abductions are not real, are the result of a combination of false memory, delusions, fabrications etc., we are still looking at a profound, albeit psychological, aspect of being a human being living in this day and age.

I can understand people perhaps misidentifying something, or even seeing something flying that they cannot understand, but it is hard to fathom people "making a mistake" about being taken aboard a spaceship and being medically examined, or even impregnated. This is not to dilute your post or your experiences Aladin, I make no judgement about them, it is just a fascinating aspect to the phenomenon that I have noticed.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:04 PM
--------------------Originally posted by Aladin--------------------
You're very, very naive or very, very young... Most people know that every word the government says is a lie. The only reason conspiracy theories weaken after a point is that the government hasn't the intelligence to form very elaborate conspiracies, fortunately...


Man, that was the silliest, tin foil hat wearing garbage I've read on this board in weeks. You can't possibly be smart enough to know how stupid that sounded or you never would have typed it. It's irrational and immature to make the statement that THE EVIL EVIL UNITED STATES lies every time it "says" something. Who are you to judge men and women you don't know? These people have hard jobs and most go home to damn good families. The only reason conspiracies weaken after time is NOT because the government is too unintelligent to form elaborate conspiracies...conspiracies weaken because the nutjobs who perpetrate them either grow up and set aside their childish thinking or they overdose.

[Edited on 5-24-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Aladin
I'm certain they are NOT aliens in the space brother sense, but they live in another dimension entirely and just somehow manage to bridge across to this one. The entire notion that they are space travellers is likely an illusion that they foster - they are NOT!

How do you know they are not "space brothers" with the ability of interdimension travel? Or how do you know they can't just teleport wherever they want?

I believe that they are a type of demon that specializes in creating false impressions. The lephrachauns and other "little men" of such in past ages probably were of the same origin.

Lephrachauns are elemental spirits and I quite frankly find it a little silly that you can even say they are similar. I've never heard of anyone being abducted by Lephrachauns

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Aladin
You're very, very naive or very, very young... Most people know that every word the government says is a lie. The only reason conspiracy theories weaken after a point is that the government hasn't the intelligence to form very elaborate conspiracies, fortunately...

I am niether. Maybe a little nieve, but personally, I do believe, in fact I am fairly certain that the gov does indeed have a lot of information they are not telling people about UFOs. I was just stating that if they ever did break thier silence, I would accept it.

But I also go by personal experiences, and showing me pictures and such, does not prove its real. I can only go by what I experience in these matters. I do believe there is a cover up, but what they are covering up, I don't know. If you read some of my other posts I have made, I am open to the possibility. But as of yet, I have not seen any facts of an alien. UFOs, sure, lots of pictures and such, and I even saw a UFO back in 97 when I was camping. But I don't know what they are. Big difference between a UFO and an alien being. Lots of ufo pictures, where are the alien beings?

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:40 AM
I dont think anyone would believe the real deal if it was within touching distance. Pictures are either too fuzzy, or too good for people. Even the Mexico City sightings in the 90s during the Eclipse were probably the best out there,,,yet we wanna hate on it and debunk it.
Perhaps that has been their plan all along if "they" do exist. Desensitize everyone with so many debunks that a ufo could practically be by your car and you wouldn't see it, completely oblivious to it.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:44 AM
Aladin, you are an abductee?

Ok, I read your post, and I am also open to the possibility that they are something other than alien. Being as I am very familiar with spirits and spirit contacts. I am aware that there are other realms. But it has been my experience also that if an entity wanted to mess with humans, it doesnt need the whole UFO experience to do it. Thats not to say it couldnt happen. I have an open mind, but not so open as to let my brains fall out, As Art Bell once said.

But it has been my experience that the spirit realm, is totally seperate from the physical world, and the laws that govern the two, would not normally allow for such an event, it doesn't normally work that way. But thats just been my experience with it, thats not to say your experience with it isnt different. Just not mine.

That doesnt make it a non-valid experience.

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by Darkblade71]

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