posted on May, 23 2004 @ 12:34 PM
There are only a few things that would make me accept PROOF that aliens have been here. Although I personally am open to it, and think it might be
likely, because of all the eyewintess accounts over the years,and my own sighting of something I cannot explain.
I havnt accepted that it does happen. Things I would need:
If an alien was to land in my front yard, I would accept it as proof.
If I was abducted, I would accept it as proof.
If my Gov stepped forward and said Yup, we have seen and had contact with them, and puts forward the story, I would accept it as proof.
I wont take anyones word for it, I wont accept photos, or film as proof.
Actually, I think thats about it as far as I can think of off the top of my head, pictures and film etc are all interesting to say the least. But
always leave open the possibility of a fraud or fake or could be just military or weird atmospheric phenominon. There are lot of things out there we
don't understand yet.
I do believe and have accepted the fact that somewhere out there *points to the stars* there is intelligent life. My own common sense tells me that
there is no way we could be the only ones, and I don't think we are actually all that intelligent.
So I am very open to the possibility.
But it is just a possibility, and not fact yet as far as I am concerned.