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If You Want to Stop Terrorism, Stop Killing Muslims!

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posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 04:09 PM
We Europeans never asked for mass-immigration of muslims, and this started before any war in the middle east.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:51 PM
Re-igniting this thread because of the current situation with Israel.

Do you really thing by acting as a terrorist state will stop terrorism?

I dont think so.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:54 PM
I'm sorry, but u come off a bit too strong in your opinions

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by wheelerism

If you had a problem with my opinion, then why did you reply?

I am not saying that replying is a bad thing, thank you but... state something relevant.

EDIT: *Clarity*

[edit on 6/4/2010 by ugie1028]

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:25 PM
Well first i wanna start off by stating that terrorists are always categorized or identified by the stronger government, society, or just a very influential media. Therefore, I believe that the word terrorism today is used by governments of both west and eastern origin as an excuse in order to engage in war. The definition of the word terrorism provided in this forum is adequate but you must also think about the generation a terrorist exists in, his motives, his enemies, study his enemies and their motives as well, create an analysis and verify how guilty both parties are. America has lost its faith in its methods of dealing justice around the world ever since Vietnam and I believe all Americans and everyone in the world can agree on that.

Referring to the WWII Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing, which some people believe was an act of terror or a war crime, I believe that it was not necessary for America to exterminate 120,000 civilians in order to prevail. The Soviet Union was at the Japanese doorstep getting ready to invade as much as America was, the only problem America had was that the USSR had already taken out Hitler and conquered Berlin and Belgium ending the war in Europe, destroying the Nazi regime. If Russia managed to take out Japan as well, which was only a matter of time, the victory would be Russia's to take and celebrate and that was something America did not want. America's bombing was a hastened act in order to achieve victory before Russia and make its mark in history, and it worked.

Another topic i would like to address is the Israeli/Arab conflict in the Middle East. First of all i would like to clarify that i am not here to agitate anyone but only want to form a debate in order to educate myself further as well as engage in an interesting conversation. I for one, am against the Israeli occupation of Palestine, which in my opinion, represents the very form of aggression, terrorism, immorality, and corruption. People around the world are against America's foreign political affairs because of its support for Israel. All 350 million Arabs in the Middle East despise the Zionist Regime and claim it to be the most extreme form of evil a human being can express in this world (notice how i labeled Israel as a Zionist regime and not a legitimate Jewish movement). The only thing keeping the Arabs contained is the corrupt dictators and kings who were appointed by the British Empire after WWII and are being backed up, protected, funded, and supported politically by the American government. So when you have a world power that claims to be the ally of freedom, justice, and all that is good in this world support the worst, most corrupt, most evil agitators and help them stay in leadership positions, your bound to have people terrorize that country. 1.5 million Iraqi's died so far in the Iraqi war which has lasted for what? a few years? yet Saddam killed 50,000 civilians total in a time span of 30 years but he is the terrorist, he is the aggression and the spurt of evil. Keep in mind that it was Britain, France, and America that appointed Saddam in Iraq, financed his military and political procedures, and supported his fight against the democratic, people appointed government of Iran.

Iran, which use to be the most respected ally of the western countries, was the worst country in the Middle East in terms of its terrorism acts on its people, inflicting fear into the hears of all Iranians to force submission and threaten all Arabian countries not to engage in a war with Israel. Yet after the people of Iran fought desperately to take down this corrupt leadership and appoint a people representative as president, this man becomes the source of evil in the eyes of American media and becomes a threat to all that is peaceful in this world and must be dealt with. In other words, America does not want the Middle Eastern countries to be ruled by people for the people because it is against American international interests. Keep in mind that even though this is from a thorough study Ive done on the internet, it still represents my point of view of the world.

Hosni Embarak, president of Egypt, is supported and protected by the American government, heck even Condoleezza Rice compliments him on hearings and proclaim the American Egyptian relationship to be a strong, peaceful, positive relationship. 80 Million Egyptians would beg to differ. This man as openly rigged elections, imprisoned any candidate that posed a threat, terrorized his people in order to force his law and his ideals and yet he is supported by the American government. Why would America support a dictator like this man? because he cares about American interests in Egypt more than Egyptian interests. King Hussein on another note, the former king of Jordan, was another dictator who was appointed by the British Empire and was supported by the American government, the French government, and the British government. King Abdulla II, current leader of Jordan, is supported by the western governments yet he is a corrupt leader that only thinks about his personal interests and people also have reason to believe that he can be a western agent just like his father was. Yes, king Hussein turned out to be a British undercover agent appointed king by the British Empire in order to enforce British policies and rules. By the way, these are facts released by the British government not so long ago.

King Farouk, a man who was supported by the western governments, was a dictator that terrorized his people and killed the Egyptian people if he had to in order to make his point. When he was overthrown by the Egyptian republican movement, and a new president elected by the people came forth, Gamal Abdul Nasser, that man was seen as a terrorists to the western world, a danger to the peace of the world and an imperialist, yet he was against all imperialism and he was a socialist reformer and believed in the word of the people, his goal in life was to unite the Arabs under one banner in a democratic government. in fact, the former Arabian Republic loved that man so much that when he stepped out of power in 1967 after the 6 day war, the people refused to appoint any other man. All 350 million Arabs today believe that he was the greatest Arab leader during the 20th century yet he was proclaimed to be a terrorist and a dictator by the western countries...I hope my point is clear and concise.

If you want to solve the terrorist dilemma the west is having with the east...or so says the media, you should try to support more democratic governments in the Middle East and have them subdue criminals of their own countries rather than invading and wasting American lives in useless operations that only lead to further hatred and further bloodshed and thus subsequently creating a generation that would think only to proceed on this path.
edit on 23-11-2010 by Itami because: In accordance with the topic at hand.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 03:43 PM
Reality is that there are about 1.450 Billion Muslims with only 3 million or so being rooted in this mind mess. Out of that, roughly 85% are misguided and all 3 million need some sort of oppourtinity for education and careers so offer someone a education and a job and watch how quick they will devote to changing their current predicament.

You cannot cutdown a rebellion w/out first addressing its root cause.

We are as a planet getting past and off of petrolchemicals so that is effectively erasing the No. 2 cause for Islamic Extremitism. The No. 1 item is our continued and blind support of Israel but even that is shifting towards a more centritst and neutral stance.

We must listen and not turn a blind eye to any group as we are all in this together.

Tel Aviv, Israel is in a similiar state that Detroit, Michigan is in. Violent crimes and robberies are on the rise domestically because people feel that they have no avenue to escape their current predicament. It is just a matter of time before someone straps a bomb to themselves domestically and walks into either a crowded theatre or shopping centre and nukes themselves. Let us pray that it never gets that far!

Give someone's kid a place to go to school and get some education, allow the kids parent to get a job so that they can self support themselves and their families and watch how many people turn against the radical collective. The No. 3 problem in a nutshell is in Arabic nations the minority thinking is running the show like our ultra Neo radical conservative group is trying to run things here domestically.

No. 1 - Blind support of Israel!
No. 2 - Bombing Arabic nations for nothing more then oil and petrolchems.
No. 3 - A small minority group who is for dictatorial policies.

Shift those to work with the people and watch how quick people's prespective and outlook changes.

Watch the following vid courtesy of The Iraqi Resistance Group, a radical Islamic Shiite group as this explains everything :

Star and flag for the OP!
edit on 26-11-2010 by TheImmaculateD1 because: Added vid and info! D1!

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 08:50 PM
The globalist elite hate the Muslims because they are so staunchly devoted to Allah that they would never accept the coming Antichrist - they would reject him outright, and the globalists hate it. They would want to kill off 1.5 billion Muslims to achieve that, by using the Western militaries as their means to kill Muslims in the Middle East, while helping them in Eastern Europe.

posted on Nov, 26 2010 @ 10:59 PM
I'm sorry, stop killing Muslims?

If Muslims come into this country and commit acts of terrorism against the U.S. they should be killed.. I don't see many if any moderate Muslims living in the the U.S. denouncing Islamic terrorists.. makes ya kinda wonder don't it??

There's no need for Sharia Law in this country.. If Muslims come into the U.S. to live they WILL abide by U.S. Laws.. Muslims should not expect their laws (Sharia) to be implemented and recognized here. The second that happens is the second we as a nation cease to exist.

Go to YouTube and search on Islam in Europe, or Islam in Sweden.. take a look at them and say to yourselves, is this what I want happening here in the U.S.

If anyone thinks that if we just pull out of Afghanistan and say we're sorry, we'll stop now if you promise not to attack us any more that Muslims will stop with their terrorist attacks against us you're naive.

No Sharia Law in the U.S. Period..
No Muslims in the U.S. if they can't accept our culture and way of life.. which means No Sharia Law.
Limit the Number of Mosques in the U.S.

IMO, Islam is a cult, not a religion

God Bless America and Semper Fi

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by E5Marine
I'm sorry, stop killing Muslims?

If Muslims come into this country and commit acts of terrorism against the U.S. they should be killed.. I don't see many if any moderate Muslims living in the the U.S. denouncing Islamic terrorists.. makes ya kinda wonder don't it??
--What you do not get is the fact that they came here to attack us after we've attacked them for decades on end.

There's no need for Sharia Law in this country.. If Muslims come into the U.S. to live they WILL abide by U.S. Laws.. Muslims should not expect their laws (Sharia) to be implemented and recognized here. The second that happens is the second we as a nation cease to exist.
The following phrase is copied from the 1st Amendment of The US Constitution :
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. This decrees it illegal and against the law to deny someone their right to worship in the manner of one's own choosing. The reality is that The US is only one of a handul of nations to not endorse, have an Official State Religion. Learn what the law is before you say anything about this very topic.

Go to YouTube and search on Islam in Europe, or Islam in Sweden.. take a look at them and say to yourselves, is this what I want happening here in the U.S.
--The deal over there is that they want to be able to take 5 mins every 3 hours to pray as per the Qua' Ran. Try reading and you'll get a broader understanding!

If anyone thinks that if we just pull out of Afghanistan and say we're sorry, we'll stop now if you promise not to attack us any more that Muslims will stop with their terrorist attacks against us you're naive.
--End the era of petrolchemicals which keeps us battling other nations and cultures in this effort to totally dominate the planet's finute resources.

No Sharia Law in the U.S. Period..
No Muslims in the U.S. if they can't accept our culture an--d way of life.. which means No Sharia Law.
Limit the Number of Mosques in the U.S.
--You cannot cut down a rebellion without first addressing its root cause. People want an oppourtunity to get their kids the best education possible and to get a stable job that pays well. That is all people want.

IMO, Islam is a cult, not a religion

God Bless America and Semper Fi

Answered in quote!

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 01:45 AM
how about terrorists stop killing innocent people? Think that might work???

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 02:42 AM
We need to stop killing muzzies, how about the muzzies stop trying to KILL US, like this moron:

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by ugie1028

This is just complete non-sense. Are you saying that Muslims never instigate any attacks?

Sorry, but this approach on a very complicated issue is as retarded as it can get. It really doesn't matter that the majority of the population in the middle east are Muslim. It wouldn't matter if they were Sikh or Buddhist. You would still be seeing the US in the region, because nobody seems to get through their heads that our country is an oil guzzling vampire.

Now...the only thing I agree with is ending US dependence on foreign oil, which would eliminate the need for US occupancy in much of the middle-east. What I don't want to see is having our troops spread thinly across the globe like it is now. We need to reinforce our armed forces into strategical locations without having to sacrifice the security of the nation itself.

I don't have any dissidence for the Israeli people...Israel is a state to be recognized, and while I understand that certain elements of the Israeli government are quite controversial, and with good reason...I do not oppose the state of Israel and never will. Of all middle-eastern nations, Israel is the diamond in the rough. And they should and will continue to get the support of the US.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 03:23 AM
the original poster is right in his own time. everyone myself included is victim/heir to their own karma/dharma its in your dna. to the people who say they are european and dont like the influx of usurpers; im sure the muslims would rather make a quick death out of a long post. but as long as a post some of you have made regarding your identity i doubt you realize how european your relatives from the east are that are still returning from the "crusades".

i think if you want to stop terrorism you dont quantify what it is. terrorism is going to increase direct squared the more nations try and evaluate what triggers are associated with terror and means of activating for their own "gains" these triggers. as you know terror is an emotion and the nearest emotion i can think of that is likened as terror is insanity and unbridled lust; but as these are my impressions to one man terror can be love and to another the acts of a "lunatic": since it is impossible to quantify the value of any emotion. whomever is leading the world using these obvious knowns is not immune from their own faculties.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Kram09
reply to post by Wertdagf
I live in a town with quite a large muslim population. Why aren't they all running through the streets slaughtering everyone?

I suggest you take a trip to Malmo, Sweden. Where the fireman are pelted with rocks trying to put out a Mosque which is on fire. Where women are raped because they're "dogs for not being Muslim and thus, it doesn't matter". Or how about you listen to some of your "peaceful" Imams say that one day Islam will be the dominating factor in Europe no matter what anyone does. Or how about those Muslims here who say things like, "Muslims will date non Muslims for fun. Because when it comes time to marry, they'll marry a Muslim because non Muslim girls have been ****ed to death."

Yeah, they're all peaceful here too.

This is exactly the kind of thing I have been saying all along, people feel the need to be politically correct which blinds them to what Muslims do across Europe. Open your eyes, get out a bit. When you've been around Europe, the Middle East and Asia as I have and see a common problem due to a common cause (Islam) in each country, you'll change your view.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by E5Marine
IMO, Islam is a cult, not a religion

God Bless America and Semper Fi

A lot of people would consider "God Bless America" and "Semper Fi" to be examples of cult-like thinking. Actually, thinking in such simple and dogmatic terms is not being open minded. I understand that "IMO" means in your opinion. But you cannot and you are not the final judge of those people who call themselves muslims. Just sayin'. When you criticize an entire population you have to understand that the same tactic will be used against you at some point and you may not like being branded something that you are not. Peace.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter

Originally posted by E5Marine
IMO, Islam is a cult, not a religion

God Bless America and Semper Fi

But you cannot and you are not the final judge of those people who call themselves muslims.

Ooooh, but if they come to my country and commit acts of terrorism, all Americans (their targets) are and will be their final judge and jury.. our 2nd Amendment guarantees that...

And I'm damn proud to say:
God Bless America and Semper Fi


posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by E5Marine

just to play devils advocate
prove that they have come to america and commited acts of terrorism
(the ones put on the plane by the state dept like the underwaer bomber or who busted the fbi by taping them fake the terrorist incident don't count...
say why is the us faking these things anyway...

oh I know so they could install kiddy porn x ray scanners....

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter

Originally posted by E5Marine
IMO, Islam is a cult, not a religion

God Bless America and Semper Fi

A lot of people would consider "God Bless America" and "Semper Fi" to be examples of cult-like thinking.

Really, are you really going to say that people consider "God Bless America" and "Semper Fi" to be examples of cult like thinking, as compared to "Islam" which, if one tries to leave the "cult" religion, they're threatened with death? Being in a cult one is forced to do and say things.. I'm never forced to do anything or say either "God Bless America" or "Semper Fi" . So how is the phrase "God Bless America" cult like? I say and repeat these phrases because I'm proud to be an American, and am proud to have served in the U.S. Marines for my country.

I'm sorry, Islam is a cult, Islam has no place in America.. again just IMHO.. I'm sure there are many many many European citizens who now think the same thing about Muslims and Islam being in their countries.

God Bless America and Semper Fi

edit on 28-11-2010 by E5Marine because: Delete text for clarity.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 09:56 AM
This guy has it backwards. The more Muslims we kill, the less terrorists there will be. Simple Math.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
This guy has it backwards. The more Muslims we kill, the less terrorists there will be. Simple Math.

How about a good game of Cowboys and Muslims? It's all in good fun, really.

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