posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by ugie1028
I agree with you on this one UGIE. There is no way to prove or disprove what it is or isn't. Do you know why that is the case though? Why
can't we prove it? It is because our countries intelligence agencies won't work with us in investigating these kinds of things? Is it possible that
we will NEVER be able to prove something that would blow your mind, actually happened without the assistance from the MOST ORGANIZED BODY in the
world.... I honestly don't know...But there is only one way to continue.
Clearly they won't work WITH us in proving or disproving these things, so we must conduct our own investigation and knowledge gathering "away
from the spotlight". The only way this is possible is through communication with as many people who "see" or witness (first-hand) these things that
lead to conspiracy theories. An independent base of knowledge that can be built upon by everyone everywhere. That is why the Internet is so great. We
can share information and knowledge with each other, all the way across the world, in a fraction of a second. That is AMAZING....but it must be used
There more then likely will never be a way to prove stuff like this happened the way they do without ALL the info. So why does our Govt choose to
not tell us? Choose to lie to us...choose to keep us all from the information we so desperately seek. Is it a label that allows them to prevent us
from learning? Yes, in fact, there is...SECRETS.
There is no better way to keep people un-knowledgeable about a specific subject base then by LIEING, Tarnishing images of people, and threatening
and bringing fear into the lives of those who have perhaps, first hand experience. What a perfect world we live in....We are kept in the dark for ONE
reason.......So that when something occurs first hand to us and we KNOW what we experienced..."THEY" can simply keep our attention elsewhere and lie
and disprove us so that no one listen.
I ask everyone this now....If a UFO came down in-front of you and landed and you communicated in some way with these beings and that told you
something that blew your mind....Do you think others would listen? No, of course not....Because we are "programmed" by our society to doubt things
that we can't "see" or "hear". Does that mean it doesn't exist? NO.
[edit on 12/14/09 by ElijahWan]