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MTV is preparing the young for what is to come

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posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:44 AM
Well... I doubt it...

Seeming how MTV networks, or Viacom, owns about have the channels on regular cable, I doubt they would try and warn us against anything.
They'e got their fingers in the govt's pockets as much as any other large corporations, and as media is perhaps the number one source of spreading possible NWO lies to the public, I'm sure MTV is our nations pride and joy for doing just that.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:54 AM
what if they came to my house to force an evecuation and i refused....armed myself with a golf club tied one arm to the radiator and wouldnt move...would they kill me?

the second any government attempts this people will revolt...nobody wud get away with it

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

I am confused too re the two MTV public service vids re the Holacaust. If you make an ad, you intend to convey a message. Smokey the bear's mantra "only you can prevent forest fires" comes to mind. So, trying to be objective and not infer the worst, I still cannot comprehend what benevolent, kind message the producers want to convey. Apart from this, I have another question that is bothering me: Jewish leadership orgs, e.g. Holacaust Museum, often say "never forget" and "never again". Yet, I have not to date heard anyone from these orgs ask why the USG is building camps.....has anyone else heard this question asked? Why are they not asking and demanding answers from the politicians?

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Ummm...honestly I have seen those evacuation commericals on Mtv, and quite honestly they did not come across as trying to desensitize us to police states; in fact, quite the opposite is true.

The whole slogan for the commercials was "The Holocaust happened to people like us..." and the commercials do not make militant evacuation look like a good thing. They make it look like something that you would want to fight against.

It seems lke they are trying to get young people to "think" about why we could possibly be rounded up like an American holocaust.

If anything those commercials are designed to breed conspiracy theorists.

Now the Xbox would be a NWO invention, who wants to actually "think" about something so negative when they can just pretend like it could never happen and live in their world of self-deciet and creature comforts?

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 04:27 PM
I've been thinking about this some more. For me it's the financial links between the WHO (the ones who want Forced Vaccinations, Evacuations etc) and Think MTV that gives the game away.

An advert like the one above will have had experts working on it who will know the effect of the advert better than any of us. Like one of the above replies said "Monkey see monkey do" is the most likely technique being used. There is no reason why the likes of VIACOM and Bill Gates would be warning us against another holocaust. Whereas if Ron Paul had funded it I'd have a different opinion

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 04:36 PM
MTV has been on the hook for politics ever since they phased out my favorite VJs (bring back Martha Quinn) and started to focus more on TV shows, productions and award shows.

MTV is crap and has been used as a tool since the beginning of the Clinton era.

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