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MTV is preparing the young for what is to come

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posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by For(Home)Country

Good post For(Home)Country,

I believe that Think MTV is not really under the control of MTV. There are four companies who fund Think MTV and I believe it's under their control. They have chosen MTV for their adverts as the younger generation can be a hard to reach group

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Thank you, sir.

However, I do believe that these ads are just that: advertisements. Like you said, it is hard to reach teenagers but these ads are catchy and captivate the viewer with first a sense of suspense, then emotion and thought. To make a teenager think is, well, generally unheard of to be stereotypical.

But when you successfully reach teenagers in marketing, it is well worth your (corrupt) effort. Teenagers in high school, living at home with part time jobs have some of the biggest disposable incomes in the world, and it's up for grabs. Tapping into what teenagers want brings enormous amounts of profits.

MTV has done just that; they have secured the formula to providing today's youth with exactly what they want. It's something that has been worked on and perfected for years and it's a terrible situation we are in and so many people do not realize it. I think that the the grip that a select large few corporations have on today's youth (tomorrows future leaders) is deadly and under-criticized. (It's worthy of it's own thread)

When a global network such as MTV has secured the teenager populace, and have enticed them into a consuming cycle of selfishness and western-style self satisfaction and lives of pleasure, they have to create balance and that is exactly what these ads are. Balance! It makes the corporation (the face of multiple corporations if you will) look good; like they care for the teenagers they are influencing, and like they want to let the youth know that their opinion is "heard" and that it "matters". It really doesn't, as long as they keep buying and consuming. Brave New World right here.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by For(Home)Country

Excellent post For(Home)Country, I'm far less concerned about this after reading your explanation.

I'm 50-50 on it now

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

Thank you, again. My intention is not to lower the scepticism of others since it may be properly placed. I merely present what I think may be the truth, but the truth is I have no idea! Not a hot clue as to what the real truth is, and your assumptions are just as good as mine.

I was just making a judgment based on my own logic, and that doesn't mean it's correct. But thanks for the compliment!

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by For(Home)Country

This is why forums are so for useful bouncing ideas around, I never would have came up with your explanation on my own.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Most of you do NOT Understand what those advertisements are about!

They are a great Thing!

I am surprised MTV has OathKeepers spots.

OathKeepers is a Great ANTI New World Order organization that call our local Sheriffs ( The highest law in the land even over the Fed Government according to the Constitution) to be on the look out for Illegal Federal martial law and act against them!

This is really important to understand Sheriffs do legally have this kind of power.

OathKeepers challenge the Sheriffs to keep their oath to the Constitution and not let themselves be swayed by corrupt federal government.

This will clear up all the confusion about these TV spots.

I must be the only person who caught on the video WHO the video was put out by.. did no on else notice OthKeepers and know who they are?

[edit on 12-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:14 PM
From the beginning Mtv was designed to undermine minds and work with the nwo. They call themselves the music channel, or the history channel, or the weather channel, and they all lie.

Gee..what common denominator do they have in common? Who owns them? who benefits?

Here's a hint: you can no longer type in that little 3 letter word on yahoo and expect your message to remain. Moreover, your message is sent to ***central at the speed of light. Courtesy of cohen's narus.

When I see brent michaels looking for love, I know that the sublim is 'aids™' test.

When I hear the weather lady squeak like an unpaid for pair of shoes, I know that her job would be over if she did not lie about climate crisis™. If she were to talk, her life would be in danger.

When I watch documentaries on the war, I watch for the absence of the Bolshevik's holocaust againt Christians.

If it is on tv, it is probably a lie, or omission, or conveyor belt to further the power of the xxx's.

Mtv has ceased to matter from day 1. It is something I would allow my children to watch as a history lesson for why the xxx's are 'persecuted'.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix


OathKeepers sounds like a blessing.

With this video, it says Think MTV and I checked who funded them, have we got any evidence as to OathKeepers being linked with this?


posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by jameshawkings

I do not know.. I get a newsletter from the International Advocate for Health Freedom - a group against the NWO and the swine flu vaccine.. I first learned of the OathKepers from one of these newsletters. they do have a lot of good info on their website but I don't watch regular TV so this is the first exposure I have had to these TV spots.

I will try to look into this more.. it does seem strange that MTV would be air these spots considering that we know the powers that be have a heavy hand in what the media puts out.

[edit on 12-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 09:41 PM
Now I had not seen this commerical before and its disturbing to say the least. Im glad theyre showing it too because I dont think the teenage population these days knows exactly whats going on. I know for a fact though I would not be going with ANYONE who knocked on my door and tried to force me to leave. And its scarey to think that it might actually happen.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
reply to post by For(Home)Country

Good post For(Home)Country,

I believe that Think MTV is not really under the control of MTV. There are four companies who fund Think MTV and I believe it's under their control. They have chosen MTV for their adverts as the younger generation can be a hard to reach group

MTV is owned by Viacom

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:34 AM
well, these commercials can be seen as a tool.

for those ready to wake up to the corruption in the world around them will see the commercial and start to question everything.

for those who are content being ignorant for this lifetime, well they will see that and be desensitized subconsciously. or, maybe it will plant a seed that will awaken the individual at a later date.

not all things are weapons against our minds. but it can seem like it because many are so weak that is how the power of these tools manifests.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by iamsupermanv2

Its like we said above, it works for them because it 'desensitises' them to the idea. Subliminal messaging works the same way, when you come across the actual thing, your subconscious recognise it but you dont know where from, but it feels normal.

Do you really think it hits MTV watchers that hard? Do you think they're thinking at that moment 'oh # they're right, I better protest against globalisation' or do you think they're thinking '# were out of coke and pizza pops!!!'

As for the actual Holocaust do you think these actual apathetic people care..? I hate to generalise but MTV is mind-numbing crap for idiots... the only thing I liked about it is the artistic animated commercials for it.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by WisdomInChains

Originally posted by jameshawkings
reply to post by For(Home)Country

Good post For(Home)Country,

I believe that Think MTV is not really under the control of MTV. There are four companies who fund Think MTV and I believe it's under their control. They have chosen MTV for their adverts as the younger generation can be a hard to reach group

MTV is owned by Viacom

Right - and you can clearly see the viacom copyright at the bottom of the website. I also don't quite see these commercials as being adverts more than I see them as trying to put images and ideas into a person's head and to create an emotional reaction.

The following is all speculation on my behalf and I've only just begun to look closely at the situation and give critical thought as to why exactly these commercials are being run and who would benefit from whatever the desired response would be.

The commercials are confusing in that they seem to be encouraging youth to think and research and act, to prepare for the worst and so on, and yet the source of these commercials is known to promote... well, you all know MTV. I did notice the link to oathkeepers, which I think is really great and I support, but I also noticed that the only link the video had to oathkeepers was a comment made by the person who posted the video -- oathkeepers wasn't mentioned in the actual commercials themselves, and I haven't noticed anything about oathkeepers on the think.mtv website, though I haven't looked everywhere. The only link the commercials gave for further information was

Upon checking the site out, I got the impression of an organization that was trying to help educate kids about the world around them, health, politics, what have you. So the first link I click on the menu was environment. I am then taken to a page where I see headlines like "Stop Global Warming. Join the virtual march on Washington." and "Campus Climate Challenge. Join the Challenge, reduce your school's global warming pollution to zero." Continued clicking around and visiting related websites lead me to much of the same messages. Make of that what you will.

I then began to think that these think.mtv commercials were no different than the rest of the messages mtv and mainstream media try to cram down the throats of anyone brainless enough to watch for more than a few seconds. TV that tells me I should believe something or behave in a way or care about things that are complete and utter BS while failing to give me the real or complete story? Sounds right to me, really. I personally think these commercials are a good way to put the idea of submitting into peoples' heads. Kids are naturally rebellious anyway, I think, and would be much more prone to resist, run, fight back, question, and so on, should a bunch of people storm into their homes. These commercials show complete power and control - men coming in with guns drawn, forcing people immediately to submit. I think these commercials are trying to tell kids that if they don't take action (by helping to stop AGW for example) then THIS could happen.

The images portrayed were dark, scary, and unexplained. They cause fear, and fear is a really great way of pushing people in one direction. There was absolutely no resistance shown by anyone in either commercial - everyone just stood and watched helplessly or did as they were told -- the subway commercial, for example, showed a large number of people who could have run or fought back, but instead watched and waited to be herded away. I think that if something like this really did happen, people would think of these commercials and act in the same manner that was shown in them. At least before they thought to run away or fight. Monkey see, monkey do, in a way.

Just my current thoughts on the matter.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 09:51 AM
Simply put, people think rationally and irrationally. And not at the same time.

If say, around Christmas, everyone is ordered to evacuate, fear will predominate and rational thought will be shoved aside. If an emergency is declared, I will guarantee that 75% of people will be in a state of panic. No rational thoughts to be had for possibly miles around. And the preprogrammed actions from the MTV commercials kicks in.

In a similar vein, people like to trumpet around the fact that most people "are shunning the h1n1 vaccine, in a stunning victory for the anti vax "movement".

Pure BS. It's only because the threat isn't real to people at this point in time that they are "shunning the vaccine". When the threat is real, there will be a literal stampede for it. No one will be thinking, "remember that MTV commercial where it said something about Nazis coming to get me, or something like that?"

[edit on 13-12-2009 by jcrash]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:16 AM
I joined the "Oathkeepers" on Facebook. They are a group formed to keep our civil liberties alive. They support the constitution in its pure form. I think those adds are to recruit new members as well as get people thinking about what they just saw.

Edit to link

[edit on 13-12-2009 by OceanBeing]

[edit on 13-12-2009 by OceanBeing]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
reply to post by iamsupermanv2


The fact that you're here in this forum is a sign that you're different to the majority; you're not one of the sheep. Think MTV will have wanted the advert to work on the majority, I'm sure they'll be happy with over 50% subconsciously learning that they do exactly as shown in the advert and comply. Whereas for you, perhaps you're in a category of less than 5% who would do all that is possible not to comply.

what? all people should have shot guns in their hands at all times, when in their own house?? how could you possibly prevent something like that from happening...the police burst down the front door, those people inside didn't have a chance to grab anything. jesus, we would all have to get TV monitored motion detection devices, coupled with sound alarms, for our front yards. also, steel encased front doors with heavily barred windows, so we could what???....WHAT??? start up an exchange of gunfire with a police tactical unit???

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by jameshawkings

I do agree that there is some manipulation going on its EASILY fixed....
Monitor what your kid watch's.
discuss what your kid is watching.

and the big one....wait for it...


I appreciate the heads up (unfortunately, some parents dont do their jobs).
My 11 year old daughter is absolutely INCENSED by the "knocked up teen" showes on ABC family. She was screaming the other night about how the idiot show's were messing up her xmas programs! Kinda funny to hear her screaming at the tv!
Takes after her daddy!

We have a friend that has a daughter a few years older than her. She got pregnant. Our daughter was disgusted.

"ABC FAMILY. a NEW kind of family! my ass!

The MTV link you put up. I hope some of the kids watch it and follow some links (with great caution). Did you realize some (and a few are stupid enough to get the darwin award) show how to make improvised munitions and weapons? One idiot i'm surprised didnt blow his fingers off!

"A rifle behind every blade of grass" friend!

[edit on 13-12-2009 by felonius]

[edit on 13-12-2009 by felonius]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Google Video Link

This video is from the website, enjoy!

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:10 AM
I could be nitpicking here, and if I am, I am sorry. The second video to me, doesn’t look like Forced evacuation. It looked like an out and out round up. I would think a better video would have been the American Government rounding up Japanese during WWII. Then again, if a forced evacuation did start happening I can see it now. “Dude, there are guys dressed in black going into the neighbor’s home” Other guy “Dog, Date My Mom is starting, I will turn it up to drown out the sound”

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