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What do you think the Holy Grail really is?

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posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 04:23 PM
Just curious, but what do you make of the following scriptures?

Mattew Chapter 26, verses 27,28,and 29 (paying especially close attention to verse 29)

Mark Chapter 14, verses 18, 19, 20, and then verses 23, 24, and 25

Luke Chapter 22, verses 16 through 20

Now, read them VERY CAREFULLY, okay? I'm not real sure here, but it seems to me at the Last Supper, Jesus never drank from anything. He did EAT, but the wine he saved for his apostles. What do you think?

[edit on 22-4-2005 by Toelint]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 06:09 PM
I think the Grail is a literal object, now whether or not it has "supernatural" powers i dont know, however during the crusades a thousand years ago it is said the knights templar recovered a revered object from the holy land.(this is one story) They brought it to france and when the pope issued an order to have them arrested they hid it somewhere. some say somewhere in france, others say on oak island where a stone in the center of the island had the symbol of this order of knights. The grail is also said to have contained some of the blood of jesus at the crucifiction. So he didn't have to drink from it. There is another story of joseph of Arimathia coming to glastonbury england and placed it in a pillar in a church, they X-rayed the pillar and there is something resembling the grail in the pillar. The church will not allow anyone to break the pillar to see. There are other objects said to be from the crucifiction such as the spear.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 06:19 PM
I bet it is a super dubper alien weapon made to kill us all!!!!

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Voidmaster

Originally posted by AD5673
IHe believes so because Jesus and Mary Magdalene were very close.[Edited on 23-5-2004 by AD5673]

Well, duh. Jesus and Mary were mother and son, of course they were close. The holy grail is just a figment of someones imagination. There was a grail the Jesus drank from during the last supper, but that doesn't automatically make it "supernatural".

Mary Magdalene was not Jesus' mother, so please check your bible before you 'well, duh'. It just adds to your error. As for the grail, I feel that it is something that has been kept secret for centuries, only becoming publicly available quite recently. It does indeed contain the blood of Jesus, and it has been closely guarded by generations of loyal knights. The 'fisher king' in Arthurian lore once protected it, and many have died before revealing its whereabouts. It is the vessel which holds the 'wine' symbolized in many by the grapevine. And just like Noah's ark, Moses' basket, Virgin Mary, and Mary Magdalene, it has held the future of the church within it. The book 'The Holy Blood/The Holy Grail' lays it all out clearly, and the biggest clue to its true identity is the similarity, in French, of the two things mentioned in the title, San Graal/Sang Real. The Arthurian tales are great examples of how this knowledge has been kept secret, and at the same time, carried down through the generations by those who are informed of the meanings of the symbols in the tales. Interestingly, the first edition of the Oxford English dictionary mentions the word sangreal in its definition of the word grail. All my other dictionaries and thesauri define grail as the cup that Joseph of Arimathea used to catch Jesus' blood. This is notable to me since the term grail does not appear to be used for expressing 'cup' in any other context, so it is a very specific, almost unique word for cup.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by AD5673
I was watching a show on the history channel called "Investigating History" it was about the Holy Grail. People belive that the Holy Grail was the cup Jesus drank out of on the last supper and that it contained blood from his crusifiction, and has some kind of powers. Another man, a British archeologist belives it's not a cup but a blood line between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. He believes that Jesus maried Mary Magdelene and had children, and that's what the Holy Grail is. He believes so because Jesus and Mary Magdalene were very close. What do you think the Holy Grail is? Is it a cup with mystecal powers or is it a blood line between Jesus, and Mary Magdalene?

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by AD5673]

I will choose C, non of the above. It is non-existant; a fictional story created during the midevil times, when it's existance first came into place. Yet 1000 years later we still believe in this witch hunt.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 02:04 AM
The word for BLOOD in Italian is "SANGue" BTW! Is it Really so hard to believe that
"SANG RAEL" = "Royal Blood" (Jesus supposedly being of the Davidic Line)? Is the claim to "European Royalty" based on Wealth - or something else?

(Actually Probably BOTH Lineage & Wealth)

[edit on 23-4-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

[edit on 23-4-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 03:10 AM
what if it is just the current lineage of David, and not Jesus. David was royal, and, technically, Jesus was only one of his descendants.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 05:56 AM
What if Jesus was the Anointed Messiah (or Christ) of Israel? Why would Judaism need a Savior if Israel didn't need any saving? What if Christianity was really a RADICAL EVOLUTION of Judaism & not just some old tired re-hash of Judaism? What if EVERYONE (Black, White, Male, Female, Rich, Poor) was EQUAL in Christ?

Is that Revolutionary enough for you? What if the New Covenant = the Symbolic Partaking of the
"Body & Blood of Christ" had an even Deeper Meaning? What if we were One with Christ (the LOGOS or Word of God) & hence One with God (i.e. Deus Est Homo). What if this was not only Symbolic but also an actual Genetic Reality? Does this explain why people are still Freaking Out over this stuff 2000 Years Later?

[edit on 23-4-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 02:44 PM
Royalty is based on geneology, and it is the source of the wealth, not vice versa. We are all equal.
Psalms 82, 6. "I say unto ye, we are all Gods, all of us are children of the most high."

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Cassie Clay
I believe Jesus & the angels are of an extraterrestrial origin, "from the heavens" literally, but not so very simple as the conception of aliens in popular culture. I believe that the answer lies somewhere between the religious and the scientific--and the answer might be more than we can comprehend. But yes, I believe that Jesus had both a mutant DNA and a direct connection with God, being a human manifestation of God. The line of David carries this mutant trait--but Jesus took it to the ultimate level because of his direct connection with God. This mutant DNA is capable of performing "miracles"--this is the "human"/material aspect. But what is key is the individual's spiritual aspect--this will determine if the powers will be used for good or evil, and how intense the power will be.

And I had a dream in which Jesus told me that the line of David contained "alien" DNA.

Probably its the Devil. He came into my dream in an alien form. He also told me that humans had his "alien"DNA strain because we have sinned and have become a part of his empire. Although the alien strain maybe a part of God's DNA. Pretty strange

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 11:14 AM
Annually, and this since 1150, the medieval city of Bruges (Flanders, Belgium) has been attracting thousands of visitors to one of the greatest religious pageants in Europe… This Holy Blood of Christ, brought by the Templars to the city, seems to have turned Bruges into a Holy City. It's what, since the 19th century, made tourism popular in Bruges.

But maybe this Holy City is not as holy as it seems, just because of this Precious Holy Blood that... well, could be pretty unholy.

This year, the Holy Blood Procession takes place May 21… So, here is the true story of the One & Only Holy Grail (of Bruges-la-Morte):

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 11:35 AM
To me, pertaining to my own research on this subject, the Templars once had the Grail in their possession, and during a siege, two Templar Knights took the Grail down a mountainside that would preclude anything but documents. So to me the Grail is a document, or documents, that gives detail on some important event or happening in history, was something the Holy Roman Church feared enough to almost destroy the Templars. I believe the secret societies have it now, and by it they know the truth of the matter. Im my own thinking, the information is that what we think of as God/Jesus are actually extraterrestrial beings. Will we ever know for sure? Perhaps, perhaps not. Still a very interesting subject.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by AD5673
I was watching a show on the history channel called "Investigating History" it was about the Holy Grail. People belive that the Holy Grail was the cup Jesus drank out of on the last supper and that it contained blood from his crusifiction, and has some kind of powers. Another man, a British archeologist belives it's not a cup but a blood line between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. He believes that Jesus maried Mary Magdelene and had children, and that's what the Holy Grail is. He believes so because Jesus and Mary Magdalene were very close. What do you think the Holy Grail is? Is it a cup with mystecal powers or is it a blood line between Jesus, and Mary Magdalene?

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by AD5673]

The first one, "the cup Jesus drank out on the Last Supper" is based on fact, although its whereabouts are unknown.

As for the "bloodline between Jesus and Mary", it's all DVC's fiction.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by AD5673

What do you think the Holy Grail really is?

Part of a fairytale about virtue and nobility. Nothing more.


[edit on 5/12/2009 by Harte]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by AD5673
I was watching a show on the history channel called "Investigating History" it was about the Holy Grail.

...and if it's the one I'm thinking of, it's so bad that it should be labeled fiction.

Fact: The Holy Grail is a medieval legend. No such tale existed until the 1100's or thereabouts, when Boron composes a tale about Joseph of Aramathea.

He may have used as his inspiration a tale of a monk who had a vision about a plate that Jesus used:

Minstrels enlarged on the story, and it became a part of the Arthurian Legends. The first ones are completely different than the ones we see today (in the earliest ones, Guenevere dies before Arthur... and so on and so forth.) The Grail has angelic guardians, and only the "purest in the land" may see it (and eat from it.) Lancelot, who was once the "best knight" falls from grace and never attains it in spite of many quests but is given a vision of it before his death. A character called "King Fisher" or "King Hermit" requests that it be found so he may be healed; Galahad the virgin finds it for him and he's healed (in a very complicated tale that switches back and forth between several viewpoints.)

Here (from before the modern age) is an old text "The High History of the Holy Grail.":

Note that it doesn't have any of the nonsense bandied about by that show (if it's the one I'm thinking of)... (I'm tempted to say "it has different nonsense" but I won't.)

Until Biagent, Lee, and Lincoln popularized the idea of a marriage in "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" (a truly bad piece of writing), the Grail was never connected with a bloodline of any sort.

In investigating history, start with the oldest verifiable documents.

The oldest ones say it's either a plate (if you go with the vision of the monk) or a cup (if you go with the Arthurian grail cycle.) The oldest ones say it is the property of heaven and is guarded by angels (all the old texts say this) and is seen only by the pure in heart who quest for it (and do noble deeds, rescue dragons, kill maidens, etc, etc.) When it appears, it is a cup and it is carried by invisible hands and the aura around it is so overwhelming that people fall into a near-faint with ecstasy.

Bloodline? No. That's a 20th century re-making of the tale.

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Ghaele

I read a paper some years ago detailing the link between the aurtherian legend and the sarmations, it was fascinating stuff.

There is an old sarmation/scythian legend about a magical chalice and one about a royal sword that was lost beneath the battle field.
And whom ever finds the sword shall have divine right to rule.
It was one of the most interesting papers I have read.

It also went into the link between the scythians and the later sarmations, and the amazones.
Recent discoveries in russia and the ukraine give creadence to greek tales of a tribe of female warriors.
Tombs of steppe horsmen have been uncovered that contain the reamains of female warriors.
What really wild is that a shield was discovered that has very distinctive one of a kind markings on it, and this shield is depicted in a scene of the greeks fighting the amazones on a vase that is now in a museum in berlin.
How amazing is that, to uncover a particular object that is represented in art of the time.

[edit on 13-5-2009 by punkinworks]

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Harte
reply to post by AD5673

What do you think the Holy Grail really is?

Part of a fairytale about virtue and nobility. Nothing more.


Also something about which fact-fiction writers can churn out quasi-historical books or videos and get an unsophisticated audience to actually believe it.

Pseudo-science and pseudo-history with magical or religious fantasy appeal is a growth industry.

Shards of the True Cross are probably for sale somewhere, as they have been since the Middle Ages. The Turin Shroud is still on display in Europe.

Word is the Holy Grail, like the Ark of the Covenant, and the crashed Roswell space ship, are conveniently hidden away in a top secret American government facility deep underground.

Somewhere there's a book or video on this.


posted on May, 14 2009 @ 12:07 AM
I think that there has never existed such a thing as a holy grail. It is a made-up story used to manipulate groups, nations, people, sheep.
Probably one of the best thought-out (and oldest) conspiracies in history.

posted on May, 14 2009 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by haika
I think that there has never existed such a thing as a holy grail. It is a made-up story used to manipulate groups, nations, people, sheep.
Probably one of the best thought-out (and oldest) conspiracies in history.

If there was a historical Jesus, and a Last Supper, someone might have kept the cup he used as a memento.

Myths grow and get embellished.

The story always expands. Magical supernatural elements almost invariably get introduced.

Just a dirty old earthenware cup doesn't invoke fantasy.

If it somehow survived and is sitting unmarked in some museum somewhere, no one would know.

Maybe that can become the basis for a newly claimed discovery and another bestseller.


posted on May, 14 2009 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by mmiichael

If there was a historical Jesus, and a Last Supper, someone might have kept the cup he used as a memento.

Wow! What do you know.....they already were imagining that eBay would exist some day. Talk about wisdom.


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