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theory on human origins

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posted on May, 23 2004 @ 10:21 AM
don't ask me i was only saying that what some people believe!

and becase the ailens might want use to develop with out boundaries!

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 11:23 AM
for pete sake why should a ultra smart alien civilisation travel (for lightyears) to just a lump of dust with a lot of losers on it to make them
"domestic toys" ?

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by NOGODSINTHEUNIVERSE]

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 04:22 PM
your theory does not make sense,if they had left bacteria from THEIR planet,what makes you think they will evolve into all the different species we have on earth including humans?

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 04:36 PM
where in the entire universe will you find exactly the same factors this planet earth had from the start the cosmic brew went yeasting and bubbling to become the soup of life ???
i think NOWHERE ELSE !
but what is life ??
anyway not as we poor humans are seeing it !
why should a galaxie been excluded of to be named a lifeform ??
or a blackhole can also been a form of life that feeds on stars and spacedebris !
and not to forget a pulsar ! this could be kinda radiation form of life !

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:25 AM
to gods : got a point.although we base it all on whether carbon based life can live there.what about some other form?

to dread : The Van Hellen (i think i spelt it right) belt is kinda like a cage.

to darkside: the thing bout the different species,well they may have planeted many different kinds of bacteria.also its possible some was already here.and as they would follow parallel lines of evolution the end results(if you can call it that) would bear similarities.also youre asking about evolution yet your sig says it is a lie.just an observation lol.

also can we keep this a lil more on topic please.anyone know anything to prove/disprove this theory.even if it is disproved it at least narrows the field very marginally.

note: dread,like the sig mate.

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Zecharia Stichin has a book in wish he claims that we are a geneticaly tampered result by a Alien species using their DNA with the DNA of a subspecie in earth the book name is The Cosmic Code. And he claims a link of the Anunnaki to mankind.
The book sound pretty convincing and posible

posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:41 AM
Alpha's got a point that if all the creatures are together they'll mutate together to adapt to their suroundings in almost the same way.

posted on May, 27 2004 @ 07:41 AM
i just realised something about the breeding thing.from all accounts "grey" aliens have no reproductive organs right?well what if they want to breed that attribute into their own race?some abductees/contactees do claim that the alien hybrid program is to ensure the survival of both of our races.they do say it is to stop us from suffering the same fate.this would also imply shared evolutionary roots as they seem to think/know the same will happen to us.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 08:10 AM
humans aren't the most adaptable species, we just happen to be very good at changing the envirionment around us to suit our needs.

Oh and with your theory- take it a step further and assume Noah's Ark was a space vessel.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:12 AM
I didn't read what was posted above (much), but....

WHat about if Our original planet succumbed to civil war....and blew themselves to bits. And ourselves also had a civil war, and blew ourselves to bits too, and we're just re-learning, and making new technologies that might have already have been mastered before.

It is my belief that we have been an advanced civilisation ont his planet before. The whole planet....and it was destroyed through war

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:43 AM
interesting.that would also explain why contactees were often told to tell people to stop using atomic/nuclear weapons.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by kode
this goes along a with a thought of mine. that the aliens have always been here. they never went anywhere after they came here and lived deep in side the planet because if there planet say had been subject to pollution or astriods, then they would have retreated into the ground like our authoritys would do, and animals to, somewhere if that situation happened here on earth. there were storys about advanced people that lived in the earth but you dont hear so much about it these days as the only info there is is hollow earth theories which gets a bit silly. it dosnt mean to say they could have foumd a deep cavern somewhere, like area51 where there was reportedly always a deep cavern, and lived and worked from there. that would also explain why aliens have been associated with area 51. ofcouse the cavern could have been anywhere, even deep in the ocean they would have lived easily through any earth extinctions.

LOL!! I think the hollow earth theory came from someone with a hollow head. That's a rediculous idea; that the earth is hollow.

However, I do like the idea that aliens were here from very near the beginning. It would answer how Cain found him a wife RIGHT after leaving Eden, when there weren't any other ppl supposed to be here, aside from Adam, Eve, and him.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by AlphaOfTheOmega
ugh.thats kinda gross.but anyway while reading that site i did notice that it said some mexican pyramids were known in legend as the place where the "gods touched the earth".landing sites,perhaps?a group of them coming here to check up on us and being see as gods by the locals.

ill see if i can find more on this ancient india thing.

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by AlphaOfTheOmega]

Heh. Reminds me of the movie Stargate. An entire pyramid is the alien craft. And umm, those enlarged skulls are made from boards being pressed onto the heads of the people, not a natural growth by any means. That's documented in history. Case closed.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by AlphaOfTheOmega
i just realised something about the breeding thing.from all accounts "grey" aliens have no reproductive organs right?well what if they want to breed that attribute into their own race?some abductees/contactees do claim that the alien hybrid program is to ensure the survival of both of our races.they do say it is to stop us from suffering the same fate.this would also imply shared evolutionary roots as they seem to think/know the same will happen to us.

Also see X-Files. Just an interesting parallel.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:36 AM
in reference to the civil war thing that could be why they have scrambled Nuke launch codes,because we were not following their advice.

ill post more in a mo ive got moronsannoying me (im in school)

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:43 AM
Well, your theory conflicts with a lot of evidence that says we did evolve here on Earth, with evidence that says there never was any advanced "war" and certainly wasn't any nuclear war. In fact, you haven't presented any evidence to back up your theory.

Saying that "well, I read some books about the last unicorn and unicorns were driven into the sea by this red bull and now the red bull is under the ocean and causing earthquakes because the end of time is near and only the unicorns can save us (a mish-mash of Christian theology and Peter Beagle's fantasy book "The Last Unicorn," BTW) does NOT make my theory true or worth considering.

We can think up all sorts of weird connections. But in order for them to be worth considering, we have to have points of reality and reference.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by elmariachi
humans aren't the most adaptable species, we just happen to be very good at changing the envirionment around us to suit our needs.

Oh and with your theory- take it a step further and assume Noah's Ark was a space vessel.

Earth can't get flodded by water, if it did. the atmosphere would change so much, we would basically be breathing water.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 05:11 PM
Instead of trying to theorize how we got here, how about believing the truth. We are not an accident, we are not descendents of aliens, and we are certainly not a random act of evolution. You are not a mistake, you come from the will, mind and imagination of God. Great things are planned for you, once you return to God's will for you. Not the will of a big ggre in the sky trying to ruin your life. But of a loving Father who knows what is right and what is wrong. This is God's universe(right now subject to sin, but that universe won't last forever) God has planned a new one and we can be a part of it.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 07:23 AM
well i never said my theory was right,i never even said i believed in it.i just said it was a theory and some of you might find it interesting.even a theory that is proved wrong can be enlightening : it eliminates one possibility.

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