posted on May, 23 2004 @ 06:41 AM
Originally posted by Dread
The human race is one of the most successful creatures on this planet. For we have been able to adapt to any enviroment on Earth.
In comparison to other creatures that lived on this planet, mankind is far from claiming the title of being the most succesfull creatures on the
Apart from crocodilians, snakes, sharks(and a #load of other marine creatures) and Elephants wich have lived at least 10 times longer then man has
done in all of its forms, theres also the dinosaurs, that lived even longer.
When it comes to adaptation to extreme weather and locations, mankind is actualy limping behind a wide variety of creatures that live in locations
ranging from sub zero climate to extreme heat locations like near ocean smokers, hotsprings and so on.
We are fragile, relatively weak for our average body mass and slow. We are also easely disceased and lost much power in our imunisation system to
fight natural and unnatural illnesses.
We might be smart and have mastered things like spacetravel and medicine, but I'm pritty sure that by the time we go extinct, there will be more
primitive life still blossoming and when we're gone blossoming even more.