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The People Speak: History Channel Goes FAR Left

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posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 06:20 PM
You may have noticed Matt Damon lately hawking The People Speak, an upcoming "educational" special on the History Channel... I'm going to do something unusual for me and advise you not to watch it. Not only that, I'm going to write to the History Channel and tell them I'm boycotting them...

Kids to Meet Marx in School – Care of Hollywood and The History Channel

The People Speak: Indoctrinating Your Kids to Marxism, etc.

Children are uniquely malleable beings, readily convinced of magically colorful tales – Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are the first that come to mind. This innocence is beautiful, but it is a quality that can easily fall victim to radically foreign ideas if taught consistently and pervasively at an early age. One need only look at the birth of fascism or socialism to see a recipe for how radical ideas become ubiquitous among a nation’s youth.

Enter Howard Zinn – an author, professor and American historian – who, with the help of Hollywood and the History Channel, intends to change the way our pre-K through high school children learn American history. His current curriculum suggestions, like introducing three-year-olds to the lynching of African-Americans, or quizzing seven-year-olds on which Presidents owned slaves, should be a red flag to parents.

Zinn has spent a lifetime teaching college students about the evils of capitalism, the promise of Marxism, and his version of American history – a history that has, in his view, been kept from students. His controversial 1980-book The People’s History of the United States paints traditional American history as a façade – one that has grotesquely immortalized flawed leaders and is based on principles that victimize the common man. In 2004, Zinn wrote a companion book entitled Voices Of A People’s History Of The United States, which includes speeches and writings from many of the people featured in The People’s History.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
You may have noticed Matt Damon lately hawking The People Speak, an upcoming "educational" special on the History Channel... I'm going to do something unusual for me and advise you not to watch it. Not only that, I'm going to write to the History Channel and tell them I'm boycotting them...

Couldn't agree more.
I assume that when you say you're going to write, you mean email. Could you post a link to their address for the lazy people on here? (me, in particular)

+26 more 
posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 06:55 PM
american children being taught facts and idea's and being allowed to view things from different perspectives!!! what the hell are they thinking? the facade of ignorance and reactionary rhetoric required for the functioning of the system is a fragile thing, these ideas of fraternity, equality and democracy are clearly dangerous.

[edit on 9/12/09 by pieman]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by pieman
american children being taught facts and idea's and being allowed to view things from different perspectives!!! what the hell are they thinking? the facade of ignorance and reactionary rhetoric required for the functioning of the system is a fragile thing, these ideas of fraternity, equality and democracy are clearly dangerous.

I've got nothing against teaching all sides of the equation. Problem is, you can bet that any pro-marxist drivel will be at least as inaccurate as our "victor's history" and will most likely whitewash every single failure of communism.

Communism is a two-tier system -- the common man and party members. It's what will happen in the US when these NWO miscreants finally wipe out our middle class.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:05 PM
You failed to post this from the same article:

"Produced by Zinn, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, and Chris Moore, the documentary appears to be cloaked, ironically (given Zinn’s admitted socialist agenda), in many of the traditional ideas that were behind our founding.

The verdict is still out on the doc, but it is not for the books that inspired the film as well as the educational initiative associated with it."

I call you attention to: " the documentary appears to be cloaked, ironically, in many of the traditional ideas that were behind our founding.

This was Ironic in spite of Zinns socialist views.. You see.. it is not promoting socialist views, but what the founding fathers thought.

So the guy has socialist views.. this is saying right here that those views are not presented in the documentary, the way I read it.

If it were socialist propaganda then I say No place for it in American schools.. but if like it says its presenting the founding fathers views.. thats o.k.

I agree that school kids should be taught that some presidents had slaves. Perhaps not at a very young age, but when they are old enough to start learning what racism is, that is the time.

You know.. there are some adult today that don't believe the presidents had slaves. I say, if it's a fact, and can be proven, teach it.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by praxis

you're basing your opinion on what evidence, exactly? the word of a reactionary OP that advices us all to make up our minds before watching the program?

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by pieman

You go ahead and watch it, and then decide; and if you feel up to writing us what you saw , in your view and mind; your opinion of it then please go ahead.

The OP only stated viewpoints of it and what they feel. Everyone is entitled to this freedom, so you really shouldn't jump the gun just yet in your assumptions with everything.

Everyone seems to be slamming everyone else's thoughts and statements to prove something (whether it be for a concrete fact or the ego of the writer). I feel like someday, this is going to be a conspiracy "newsvine" where everyone is so bloody negative about others' opinions/evidence. If you come to the table, please remember your manners.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:54 PM
Here is a link to scenes from the show.
I watched it, looks pretty left leaning, IMO.


Along the same lines, whichever side of climate change one may fall on, History Channels coverage of that topic has been as one-sided as possible, as well.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 08:02 PM
Thanks for the link. Every program that leans to educate can not do its full job it seems when given all points of view. (Just thinking about what you said, how it leans one way eventually) - If they gave you an option, then perhaps you would learn something they didn't want you to think about for now, or perhaps they just want you to see that one side.

I am just trying to imagine what it would be like to have the history channel have two shows with the same subject, but from two different views (back-to-back), it would be interesting... (if they have, sorry! heh, only recently have I started viewing once and a while.. i'm not a history buff)

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 08:13 PM
There are many things a young child doesn't NEED to see or hear.
As they mature, they'll learn those things as they learn to satisfy their own curiosity, and as they develop their own interests.
I hate that conventional "wisdom" dictates that we must throw things like this at children. Let them see the world as children while they can. They are entitled to see the world as good until they decide to grow up. They learn the difference, right from wrong, this way.
I'm certainly not saying that we should hide the "truth", but who's truth is it? Who thinks it necessary to teach a child that the world should be more fair, so fair that things have to be taken away from people who have more than their share? How do you think a child will view communism? Will they be able to see it like you do?
Who thinks it's necessary to expose any slave owner from the 1700's? Will there also be testimony on that particular slave owner's treatment of their slaves? Why would anyone place this thought between young friends who have no idea the troubles either of their forefathers faced.
Just my opinion, but I think The History Channel needs to hear it.
Where is the other side? Where are the stories of those who came here and built their own lives of their own sweat? What of those people who worked side by side with free men of all colors, to build homes, churches, and all the little towns that are picturesque and historic today? Don't tell me that's what they already learn, because that's not what's in the books.
But do they really need to know until they want to? What is the point of putting this into their brain?

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix

I agree that school kids should be taught that some presidents had slaves. Perhaps not at a very young age, but when they are old enough to start learning what racism is, that is the time.

You know.. there are some adult today that don't believe the presidents had slaves. I say, if it's a fact, and can be proven, teach it.

You should not use the idea of slavery to paint our Founders as "Bad People" though, or to somehow degrade the immense miracle which they quite literally performed in giving us this Nation.

Our founders were obviously moral individuals, and even though some of them had slaves, you have to place such into the proper perspective of the economic realities at the time (Slavery was THE default system driving business back then). Instead of simply saying "They owned slaves, and therefore they were not really as great as once taught", one should judge them by how they treated their slaves, and how they respected humanity in general.

Try explaining all of the aforementioned to a little kid though.

BTW, Slavery and Racism, although obviously intertwined, do not share the same relationship as Racism and Jim Crow/the KKK/Lynchings. The former denotes a way of life which many simply knew no way around, while the latter represents the individual choice of someone going out of their way to hate, torture, and kill people.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:45 PM
The History Channel is already big on pushing the Global Warming this? UGH

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

Howard Zinn is a genius.

A radical, yes. But a genius nonetheless.

I had the fortune of being in the IB program in high school (essentially a higher form of Advanced Placement), and we were given two textbooks to compare for American History. One was Howard Zinn's infamous People's History of the United States. The other was the book that the school was using for all of the other American History classes. We were then instructed to independently analyze both books to find out which was closer to the truth. In almost every regard, Zinn's book was more factually accurate.

You may not agree with his vision of American History. Maybe because it is decidedly "leftist". Maybe because it goes against what you, your parents, and your parents' parents were taught in school.

One thing is for sure though, his story is more correct than the one you are familiar with. The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow. However, the greatest country on earth was indeed founded upon a bedrock of deception, genocide and greed.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by pieman

Yeah facts...what about the facts that they are not telling about Marxism...that Marx was given support from the mysterious league of the just which has ties to the rockefellers and the bilderbergers, what about the facts that the 1917 takeover of Russia was financed to the tune of $20 million by the rockefellers? What about the fact that the Tsar abdicated several months before the revolution happened? What about the fact that it WAS NOT a grassroots uprising of the commoners that sparked the revoulution, it was a ruling that allowed 250,000 dissidents to return to Russia immediately before the revolution? What about the fact that the current PC movement has it's roots in Marxism as a way to bring down Western society because the basic premise of the west is to favor the individual over the group...sure, teach them facts...but teach them all the facts, not just selective ones.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Democracy is not a spectator sport. Using dramatic and musical performances of the letters, diaries and speeches of everyday Americans, THE PEOPLE SPEAK gives voice to those who spoke up for social change throughout U.S. history, forging a nation from the bottom up with their insistence on equality and justice. Narrated by Howard Zinn and based on his best-selling books, A People's History of the United States and Voices of a People's History of the United States, THE PEOPLE SPEAK illustrates the relevance of these passionate historical moments to our society today and reminds us never to take liberty for granted

i ask the OP...what is so leftist and bad about this...after watching the seems like a very, maybe not informative, but interesting show. giving us insight on what people were saying and thinking.

History Channel

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:24 AM
Personally, I don't think children should be taught any form of government at such a young age. Let them be children and enjoy being a child for a little bit if that's possible.

As for Howard Zinn...If he is on a mission to expose American History, then he needs to expose the history of the Native Americans too.
Let's learn how this "land of the free" was really won.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:30 AM
Hollywood’s shallow agenda is simply MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, and more MONEY.

Hollywood is, and always has been a POTENT SOCIETAL TOXIN.

They could care less about the ESSENCE of AMERICA’S SOUL.


If you’re going to watch their garbage, at least rip, burn, and freely distribute it.


What about the NEW WORLD ORDER CLIMATE TAX TREATY, the TRASHING of the U.S. CONSTITUTION, and those really responsible for 911 let's send Americans kids to Irag and Afghanistan so they can die to ensure we have more MONEY? Do you think Hollywood has in some way, shape, of form, influenced these selfish agendas?

FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL and you’ll find out who is really hiding out, behind the darkest of curtains.

[edit on 10-12-2009 by seasoul]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

I don't agree, perhaps you as a parent control what you children can see or hear, but eventually they will learn or become deprived of information in life, (we have plenty of adults in that category as it is).

I believe in individuality, let in certain topics, I believe in exposure to certain degree, but actually is up to us the parents to warn the children on the realities of what they see and heard, but that is always base on our own personal interpretations and believes.

Educating our children is how our children will grow to make more smart decisions as adults.

Limiting children choices so they have limited smart decisions as adults is not fair for anybody.

I don't see any complains with the linking of classrooms to other countries like China a communist country because we are to kiss their butts so they can buy our debt.

Is easier to watch certain things with children while explaining why you may agree or disagree with what they are been expose to, that is the best tool to make children aware of what goes on around them.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by drwizardphd

I couldn't agree more. Very few things have left me any more disillusioned than the realization, years later, that the AP history classes I took in high school are entirely the result of one sided speculation by historians, firmly entrenched in the establishment (I reserve the right to refer to their texts as outright lies until all sides of the historical record have been placed on the table).

Whether some of you agree or disagree with Zinn's political ideology or not is irrelevant. The fate of education should not be subject to the left/right whining that we see on television everyday. How 'bout we try presenting all sides of the story that can be substantiated with documentation and allow the students the opportunity to develop critical thinking skills required to decipher the truth. Oh that's right. I forgot that we don't want our citizens to have those critical thinking skills anymore. Then they'd realize how close to indentured servitude they are when they wake up at the crack of dawn to head down to the call center to talk on the phone all day.

edited spelling errors

[edit on 10-12-2009 by winston37]

[edit on 10-12-2009 by winston37]

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 10:48 AM
this is not indoctrinating children. I remember what they taught us in school around then: a bunch of unmemorable crap.

And when I brought up the point that the man who said all men should be equal owned slaves, my teachers would silence me so the kids' view of Jefferson would be high and great.

Yes, children should be taught that the system is faulty and the people who run it are corrupt idiots so they can possibly grow up to CHANGE it.

one thing I regret my parents and teachers not showing me that Adults were fully capable of making mistakes and do so everyday.

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