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Depopulation Propaganda on BBC 2

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posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

It is not stupid to have faith in your leaders.

What is VERY stupid is to sit and complain and whine about them, when after 10 generations we are still seeing nothing but corruption, all-the while not lifting a finger to do anything about it.

What is VERY stupid is to put people in power, and not think that it is the job of every single person to be a watchdog over those people in power.

Whats VERY stupid, is to think that any one small group of elites will act for the benefit of the WHOLE.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I know I am going to be called a racist for this, but I am just a realist looking at what is actually going on. The Asian and Caucasian populations of developed nations is diminishing, average family size in the majority of cases is less than 1:1 and more like 1:0.5 replacement births (2 or 1 children per family). The Chinese implemented controls on population at 1:0.5. However, every third world country or immigrated population group is expanding at about 1:1.5 replacement births or higher (3 or more children per family). A ratio of 1:0.5 means a decline in population, 1:1 is maintaining levels and anything over 1:1 is increasing population levels.

So, who or which population groups are creating the problem with increasing the population?

Cheers - Dave

[edit on 12/9.2009 by bobs_uruncle]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:22 PM
This is actually all about oil. Notice it is those in the countries that use the most oil who have been ordered an 'untested' vaccine.

Here's a quick explanation From Oil to Swine Flu

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:29 PM
I wouldn't call this propaganda, it's a reality. It's not about the population, Were the problem. The elite as we call them, the earth is taking a beating. No genocide will help us as history will repeat itself. We can't go on like this, the system is flawed. Power is corrupt, You can kick up a fuss but they wont listen, at the end of the day all we can do is play our part. I think the main issue here is resources and if their was to be a reason for depopulation I think that's it.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by toshly]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots
Then, what can we do about it?

Protestors are being chased down, beaten, some have even been killed in the streets for opposing the policies of the elite. In the Philippines, and that's just one country, many scores of reporters and Journalists have been assassinated.

People don't want to die, they don't want to leave their dependents behind.

If they rise- and say- 'NO' they will be beaten back, so much for the claim that some people say that 'If you think you are free, you will truly be free', or any derivatives of that saying. They won't allow you to be free. They cannot allow you to be free.

There are media coverups on issues, there is an active campaign to mislead people, so they will look the other way so they won't see what the other hand is doing.

Not only are people stupid, but they're being made more stupid by the very people they enthrusted their monies and loyalty to.

Yes, only an elite are doing this, but the bulk majority of the government and corporate leaders follow the orders of the elite, which puts them all in the same boat.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by star in a jar

I hope this doesnt come across as rude as I think it will, but it is just this type of living in fear that is used as an excuse to let these things continue.

Do you want your children to have to fight this because you were too scared to? Eventually, someone will have to.

if not us, then who?

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by toshly
Not only do I think that the depopulation agenda is about resources (that includes the preservation of wild land for animals), it is also about power and control.

It's easier to control a smaller group of people.... I mean, it's more difficult to control 6.5 billion people than it is to control 500 million.

Georgia Guidestones

From the Guidestone:

# Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
# Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
# Unite humanity with a living new language.
# Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
# Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
# Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
# Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
# Balance personal rights with social duties.
# Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
# Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.

Personally I think the 'Guidestone' is a complete pipe dream, like seeing a grandiose description of an apartment complex before it's done in an 'artist's impression' complete with happy children, birds, lots of plant life and puffy clouds, but when the whole thing's built, in real life, there's crack addicts, dead birds, a row of dying trees, and rain.

It's just garbage. I wonder what those who made the guidestones were smoking.

[edit on 9-12-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:47 PM
Not sure I agree with the OP. I thought this as a documentary was very interesting raising some excellent questions that many in the UK will not have thought about.

It also raised some very interesting questions about the micro level of consumption, for example the 9.2 Hectares per person the average US person needs to maintain thier level of consumption. The water issue. All very valid.

I hope this encourages people to look at the "Ethical" side of living. Unfortunatly living ethicaly means living in balance with nature, local farming, free energy possibilites and decentralisation of the nation and growth of the global. This however does not play well with the man, its easy to kill us of or tax us out than lose money.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by star in a jar

I hope this doesnt come across as rude as I think it will, but it is just this type of living in fear that is used as an excuse to let these things continue.

Do you want your children to have to fight this because you were too scared to? Eventually, someone will have to.

if not us, then who?

What's the plan ? because I couldn't agree more with Star In a Jar.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by toshly

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
reply to post by star in a jar

I hope this doesnt come across as rude as I think it will, but it is just this type of living in fear that is used as an excuse to let these things continue.

Do you want your children to have to fight this because you were too scared to? Eventually, someone will have to.

if not us, then who?

What's the plan ? because I couldn't agree more with Star In a Jar.

And thats the reason it will continue, and that drastic means will be necessary.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by captaintyinknots
I starred your post because I agree with you 100%

I don't want to have to die, but at the same time I'm worried about any children I might have. They might die, then.

If I've fallen victim to fear... then it worked.

My whole point is that goverments have not done the jobs they were supposed to. We grow grain, we bake bread, we sell the bread... That's doing our jobs, but them?

And yeah, people do need to wise up and think for themselves, but so many are blinded by the official messages of organized religion, thinking that whatever is said is holy truth when it's not.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Reminded of the Lewis Black treatise on 'water.'
Yep, it's all messed up. But that's okay. You can buy little bottles of tap water in the stores. The bottles don't decompose...well, they do...a bit...just enough to help you with your quest to get breast cancer....

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 06:20 PM
I made a post earlier on another thread, explaining how we could reduce our population without resorting to genocide, which is what the PTB thinks necessary.

I explained how society and government could reward those who have made with less, including the amount of children they had, so after a few generations the population count could be frozen or scaled back naturally.

I mean people who have 6 or 9 kids, that's way too much, but the system has made it possible for them to benefit by breeding too many kids. if that's not a conspiracy in itself then I don't know what.

Homosexuality needs to be respected as human nature but that's a tough sell in countries and societies where one must conform. Otherwise, these homosexuals, who could otherwise have had an life without procreating children, are forced to conform by finding a partner to have children with.

Where are the birth control supporters, alternative sexual practices advocates- I mean the V (you know what this is- I don't want to get penalized- fear and ingorance extends even into ATS) isn't the only 'hole' there is.

Well, here's the thread where I'm going on about this stuff, not related to depopulation, but more like immigration but here it is:

[edit on 9-12-2009 by star in a jar]

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Badgered1

Reminded of the Lewis Black treatise on 'water.'
Yep, it's all messed up. But that's okay. You can buy little bottles of tap water in the stores. The bottles don't decompose...well, they do...a bit...just enough to help you with your quest to get breast cancer....

Buying bottled water is a short term solution to the fact that many people are barely scraping by. Everyone needs rain barrells and reverse osmosis purifiers. Ecola blu would be ideal ,but they are expensive. Depopulation is definitly taking place in America. Many people who were once healthy and vibrant are no longer able to tie their shoes.

The demonically posessed among the elites are poisoning both the water and the food. Soy duplicates many of the horrible effects of flouride: weight gain,and confused thinking. I kid you not , soy is even in some brands of seasoned salt and olive oil cooking spray! It is so obvious it would be funny if the results were not so devastating.

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:32 PM
i dont think there are too many humans, if you do the maths a place like Texas can fit everyone comfortably.
Area of Texas is 268,581 square miles. Assuming 6 billion people, that's 22,340 per square mile; this means each person gets 1248 square feet, which is about the size of a respectable apartment.

Overpopulation is just propaganda from the elites...

posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 09:24 PM
OP,are you from the UK
Just that I know some one with the exact same name as you

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Sianara
i dont think there are too many humans, if you do the maths a place like Texas can fit everyone comfortably.
Area of Texas is 268,581 square miles. Assuming 6 billion people, that's 22,340 per square mile; this means each person gets 1248 square feet, which is about the size of a respectable apartment.

Overpopulation is just propaganda from the elites...

Too true. The people per square mile of the USA is a low 79.6 as of 2000. There is plenty of room here. Look up China's person per square mile average.
Drive through Georgia sometime. there is a whole lot of nothing here. Empty land.

But im sure that someone would argue that the numbers were adjusted by TPTB to keep us in the dark. Thats possible, sure. I mean, Congress can edit the official records of meetings. Thats fact.
Who knows what they may do.

Personally, it seems a little far-fetched. I dont understand the motive.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 01:04 PM

BBC News - "Offsetting CO2 with Family Planning"

Maybe stating something which has already been published somewhere around here but did anyone else catch the BBC news story on 24hr News about the capping population in the under developed countries through family planning and birth control?

Here is the link:

I think it is disgraceful how they can put such an idea to us under the topical agenda of CO2 offsetting. Basically what it is saying is that, "Hey Mr Western Modern Man, you can pollute as much as you like, but you need to offset your consumption and waste by paying a little to us every month so that we can help sustainability in the long run by cutting the numbers down in the under developed world...what do you say rich boy?" - Now I think some people will fall for this, like business owners who feel the need to act in a greener society.

A little story for you all...

This is madness and I don't think it will be long before we adopt the ideals of some other countries about family planning and a one birth per couple policy.

Imagine it, you go to the doctors and say "Doctor Doctor, we feel it is time to have another child because we are so loving and enjoy the life we bring into existence through the miracles of birth...",

the doctor says, "well ok, but you know the rules, you must apply for a licence from the courts...",

so off you trot to the courts and plead "Please sir can I have some more... children that is..."

only to hear the hammer slam down and a dominant voice say...

"Mr and Mrs Hu Manright, the fact that you believe yourself to be loving parents is irrelevant in these times of hardship for mother earth, do you really think she can sustain another?, No, precisely as I thought, you know as well as I do, this new child of labour will cost us at least four trees, 20 tons of coal, a hundred barrels of oil and a partridge in a pear tree, not to mention that baby will produce wasteful toxins in the land, sea and air, harming CO2 levels. My God Mr and Mrs Hu Manright, do you not think of consequences of your...of your... request to action?, no I am sorry to say, your licence is.... DENIED! Now get out of my sight, you disgusting humans you..."


I don’t see this idea going well at all... nope, don't like this! ;-p

As for the Horizons show, well like I said to my family, after 6 years of researching the factual documents being signed off by state leaders and heads of Government talking about depopulation as a method for sustainability, it is inevitable that we should begin to see this type of show appearing. Until this moment I was usually laughed at by friends and family.

It is a spiritual evolution of the mind vs. the man made manufactured evolution of technology and updated systems of control... which will it be?

I think a bit of both is a fine balance, but it has to be through co-creation from all of us, we all have to play a part in this Globalisation or it will be done for us and it will be corruptable.

Peace and keep it silent and intellectual in your protest people, no fighting, this is not a war, this is evolution of the collective mind state.

Waking Knowledge

Post #1 - more to come...

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by bobs_uruncle
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I know I am going to be called a racist for this, but I am just a realist looking at what is actually going on. The Asian and Caucasian populations of developed nations is diminishing, average family size in the majority of cases is less than 1:1 and more like 1:0.5 replacement births (2 or 1 children per family). The Chinese implemented controls on population at 1:0.5. However, every third world country or immigrated population group is expanding at about 1:1.5 replacement births or higher (3 or more children per family). A ratio of 1:0.5 means a decline in population, 1:1 is maintaining levels and anything over 1:1 is increasing population levels.

So, who or which population groups are creating the problem with increasing the population?

Cheers - Dave

[edit on 12/9.2009 by bobs_uruncle]

I wouldn't call you racist, what you have done is highlight the fact that those in the third world do not recieve the same quality of education as we in the west. especially women. It's a proven fact that the more educated women are in a society the les children they will have. it's a pretty simple solution. Education, sex education, not having the pope conem using condonms.

posted on Dec, 10 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by bobs_uruncle
reply to post by captaintyinknots

I know I am going to be called a racist for this, but I am just a realist looking at what is actually going on. The Asian and Caucasian populations of developed nations is diminishing, average family size in the majority of cases is less than 1:1 and more like 1:0.5 replacement births (2 or 1 children per family). The Chinese implemented controls on population at 1:0.5. However, every third world country or immigrated population group is expanding at about 1:1.5 replacement births or higher (3 or more children per family). A ratio of 1:0.5 means a decline in population, 1:1 is maintaining levels and anything over 1:1 is increasing population levels.

So, who or which population groups are creating the problem with increasing the population?

Cheers - Dave

[edit on 12/9.2009 by bobs_uruncle]

I wouldn't call you racist, what you have done is highlight the fact that those in the third world do not recieve the same quality of education as we in the west. especially women. It's a proven fact that the more educated women are in a society the les children they will have. it's a pretty simple solution. Education, sex education, not having the pope conem using condonms.

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