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Originally posted by oliveoil
You do realize that Jesus is speaking to his Disciples who were Jews and not you, right?
No whats pathetic is you actually think he is talking to you.I hate to tell You,You are not an apostle.
Originally posted by badmedia
Originally posted by oliveoil
You do realize that Jesus is speaking to his Disciples who were Jews and not you, right?
This is quite pathetic.
It's about like saying: "Do you realize that when Jesus said keep the commandments, he was speaking to his disciples and those who could hear him, and not to you? "
If these are the best responses you can muster up, you would be better off not speaking at all. You make yourself look ridiculous and petty.
[edit on 12/23/2009 by badmedia]
Originally posted by oliveoil
No whats pathetic is you actually think he is talking to you.I hate to tell You,You are not an apostle.
I don't know who's ego is bigger yours or Leo's.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light , not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of god. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make and manifest the glory of god that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-Marianne Williamson
.See thats the point. He uses the Bible or I should say the Gospels to stress his own ideological view.
We are speaking of the teachings of Jesus correct. Please show me any other text besides the Gospel of Thomas where Jesus himself is quoted.
The word Gospel means "Good News" what do you think the good news was all about. The teachings of Jesus alone?
The word word is referred to as Jesus who is God.I was referring to the written word.The Bible.
The way I would have it? You have no clue what the Bible says about people who have never heard the word of God past, present and future do you?
You say this and show me no proof.
Your relationship should be with God. Jesus is God.
that there are actually four ways in Judaism, after all...... Jesus is Jewish. Would it be fair for me to question why the Holy Spirit hasn't put it into your heart to learn..... such simple things about Jesus? No, it wouldn't.
Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Well first of all let us say that the term as we are using it in this conversation is for the "King Messiah" the final one who will come and bring heaven on earth.
There are missions that where promised to the jewish people that the Messiah would accomplish, such as the lost tribes being regathered, the whole world following the law of the one god, world peace, the reserruction of ALL the dead / merging of the worlds, the barren lands of earth flowing fertile.
I dont like Wiki but the other sources I would send you to are Chassidic sites which have their own problems so for a brief jewish look at the messianic principle
If you ask why do I think Jesus was not THE Messiah. I cannot tell you he wasnt, I think he probably could have been, the Jews however werent worthy themselves at the time and the world as a whole not ready and so that oppurtunity for "peaceful resolution" was missed (according to jewish tradition there is a "hard way" and a "easy way" for the end times to occur).
Indeed he may well yet turn out to be the Messiah, should he return to finish the job (which according to certain Jewish sects could be expected of the Messiah, that he returns from the dead after many years) however in my view the job of THE Messiah has not yet been accomplished.
That is Earth is not a reflection of the kingdom of heaven, there is war still, there is hunger, famine, death, all these things where promised to be removed IN THIS WORLD by the passage of the Messiah.
Now to add confusion Jesus was definately a messiah, there is another jewish tradition which holds that a messiah is born into each generation, acting as a spiritual leader for the people, or thats not quite right, with the potential to be the true spiritual leader, should the people and the person prove worthy at that time. However that is generally considered a deeper topic of conversation, and of course you wont get many Jews admitting such a thing in regards to Jesus, that is because Modern Jewdiasm is a reflection of the failed religion of that Pharisee's that caused Yeshuas death in the first place. There are however older forms of Jewdiasm still practised, and a revival of certain practises through the Chassidic movement.
Theres also the discussion regarding the Moshiach ben David and the Moshiach ben Yosef, two Messiahs, and then a third which could be considered the Anti-Messiah. Thats all going to detract massively from the topic at hand though.
I'm ranting a bit so Im going to stop, its a huge topic.
Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Bottom line, no world peace, no universal acceptance of the one god, for me means job not complete. However I strive to find a personal relationship with God, and pray that one day soon we all as a universal people find the way to make this earth the reflection of heaven it should be. For that we will need a leader (people are sheep its true sadly), when that leader comes with the true spirit of the lord in them, then whatever their name I hope I can recognise my lord in them and prove worthy to serve in the task ahead.
I distrust any man who would tell me that I must go through them to find God, because I know for truth that God is within me and all around me. Im not sure if Jesus said that though, or if its something the Church have said in his name.
The Jews of the time didnt like Jesus because he was revealing deep secrets to the Goyim, which is only fair but was not tolerated, amusingly even though those secrets are now written in plain text in the new testament they have often been misinterpretated, in my mind the most fatal being the idea that Jesus is anymore God than anyone else. We are all God, we all have the potential to reach further up the spiritual ladder. There are those who are gifted beyond the norm but we all play the part we were made to play.
Originally posted by gYvMessanger
By the way the Jews do generally accept that Jesus existed. There are two reactions normally within jewish religious circles when talking about Jesus.
The first is to ritually mutate the name in an attempt to write him out of history in a sense.
The second is to recognise that whoever he was, that he was a Rabbi who knew what he was talking about, but he was going about things in a way the establishment didnt like.
Modern Jewdiasm is really just as much a perversion as Modern Christianity, and Jewdiasm was already perverted back then sadly, but like all the religions the gems of truth still sparkle brightly to those with eyes that can see.
Originally posted by gYvMessanger
In Jewdiasm you have the holy spirit still, which is feminin, the Shechina. You have male aspects of god, and above them both you have the unified total unknowable godhead.
What are you talking about? He is talking to him. He's also talking to me and you and anyone else with two good ears.
Who do you think the few who find life are, oliveoil? Just the apostles from two thousand years ago?Lol
You are telling people they are false and you are also questioning what others are being taught by Gods Holy Spirit. Like Jesus said, you have no idea who has or has not been born of spirit and water.
You said a few pages back, that there are two ways to interpret scripture. I referenced in my post, that there are actually four ways in Judaism, after all...... Jesus is Jewish. Would it be fair for me to question why the Holy Spirit hasn't put it into your heart to learn..... such simple things about Jesus? No, it wouldn't.
Even though, I don't agree with badmedia concerning Paul and I don't believe in reincarnation like LeoVirgo, I see nothing Christian in the way you are talking to them.
Lost tribes would be the Islam, Christianity and Judaism correct? Because interesting is that Islam also awaits that. Christianity does as well, but there version of it is "Christianity becomes 1 world religion", rather than a unification through understanding, and an awakening. As Jesus would say - works done in sin.
How would you classify that? Would a 1 world religion be what you see? Because when I see where it talks about "Jesus" coming and ruling the earth, I see that to mean in understanding. Meaning, the truth will rule the world, rather than the lie as now, and all people will follow the way -keeping the commandments as in the understanding of Jesus, rather than eye for an eye.
I don't think 1 world religion is needed or is very good. Because I think what it really means is that the entire world will be thrown into idol-ism even more than now. But I think understanding of the holy is universal and available to all, and each religion is just each cultures(which was once way more separate) way of expressing it.
Yes, when people say "Jesus died for your sins". I see that more honestly as "Jesus died because of your sins". Both true in their own ways. But, the truth of the matter is that if men did not sin, then Jesus would have not died. Thus, they were obviously not ready.
But those who seek power gain and keep power this way. And so as long as the people are manipulated, then the evil will continue to grow on earth and maintain it's status quo. This is in large part maintained by keeping people spiritually ignorant.
I do not know if a being named "Jesus", or any of his other known names will ever show up. I do however have complete "faith" that eventually the truth and all those things Jesus represents will come. It has too. If it does not come, then mankind will destroy itself.
So it has to eventually happen. Don't know when, but it has to one day. So, when I see that "heavenly society", I see a society where Jesus is the norm, not the exception. If Jesus had been the norm, then he would have not been killed - they would have been ready.
What will get in your way are preconceived notions on what "God" is. In this manner, you will have to "become as a child". This means to become agnostic, and without "belief". A child is honest in their innocence. They don't pretend they know the color of the sky, they don't have existing beliefs on the color of the sky - and so they ask and seek the answer.
Because if you have "Beliefs" on what god is before then, then when "God" does not meet your beliefs - you will then reject him.
But you can not ask men. If you ask men, then you will get a man's answer. The answers will come from within. The answers will come in the form of understanding. All men can give you are things to accept(Psalm 82).
When Jesus says that, he is talking about the way, the truth and the life. Only by those things can one come by the father. Yes, Christians turn that into an idol and that is not at all what he meant. Jesus is not that shallow.
The only thing that could be of question there is: Does Jesus represent those things. And I would say without a doubt - yes. Like he says in John 10, if I do not do that of the father, then believe me not. And in the way I see the bible, he does. In the way Christianity presents it - no.
Yes, Psalms 82. Jesus says the exact same thing. It's amazing how Christians want to ignore than when Jesus is pressed about that, all he does is quote Psalms 82. It's also why his trial and such was unjust.
That said, I do think he was "more god" than others. But only because he was closer to god, and had more understanding than most etc. But it's really more a matter of 1 being awake, and the rest being asleep than in terms of "quantity". Jesus also says that everyone is capable of doing more than he did, another thing Christians will deny is possible.
You seem to have good understanding. I am trying to figure out why you do not know the father. It is somewhat odd to me. I can only think of the parable from Jesus of the sower. That saddens me. If you figured all that without directly knowing the father, then you seem more deserving than me - I didn't understand any of that until the father. Of course, I know that understanding only comes from the father, so you have heard him in many ways.
I wonder if it's just a matter of being born of spirit(realization of it). But you seem to have some understanding in that - is it from experience or from what you have been taught by rabbi's etc?