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Why Secrets Cannot Be Revealed

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posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 02:44 PM
Common Secret Society Misconceptions

In an environment like ATS, which was the first comprehensive collection of secret society speculation for many of us, there tends to be an attraction to condemnation of groups who supposedly hold mystery, esoteric or secret information.

This is not a new phenomenon. In fact, throughout the ages man has been both fascinated with and repulsed by the presumption that secret knowledge or power was being withheld.

Indeed this perceived concealment of secret knowledge has lead to death and persecution of groups and their members simply because it was thought they were refusing to reveal their secrets.

As a Freemason, and member of other fraternal societies, I wanted to try and offer an opinion as to why these perceived secrets aren't really secrets at all, and why the true mystery knowledge can never be revealed.

Personal Transformative Experience

In order to focus our attention on the most common groups that are mentioned here on ATS, I'd like to concentrate on the "secrets" supposedly concealed by Freemasonry and other esoteric groups concerned with the morality of man.

A common thread among many of these groups is the connection between man and God (or other supernatural force) and the spiritual growth of a person in order to gain closeness to divinity.

As anyone who is a true conspiracy theorist can tell you, no amount of science, fact, logic or opinion can change a closely held belief. Our ultimate reality depends on personal experience. That personal experience trumps all reason and logic that can be put forth by man and science.

Consider for example the widespread debunking of UFOs and aliens. We have seen again and again hardcore skeptics who have spent years using science and politics to debunk UFO stories suddenly change their beliefs when they have an actual UFO experience.

Likewise for those that have seen and experienced a UFO no amount of science, statistics or government policy will ever change the "truth" of personal experience.

Similarly is our experience of the divine, the truth or illumination. I think the Urantia Book does a great job of explaining why knowledge of "God" is not something that can be learned by reading, listening or reasoning:

Ultimate universe reality cannot be grasped by mathematics, logic, or philosophy, only by personal experience in progressive conformity to the divine will of a personal God. Neither science, philosophy, nor theology can validate the personality of God. Only the personal experience of the faith sons of the heavenly Father can effect the actual spiritual realization of the personality of God.

This is the same reason that esoteric knowledge can not be easily revealed to the uninitiated. The secrets that are sought and perceived hidden cannot be disclosed through normal means of communication. They can only be revealed through powerful and personal transformative experience.

All the texts, passwords and ceremonies of all the world's secret societies cannot transfer the "mystery" or "secret" personalized experience.

I would even suggest that the vast majority of secret society members never fully grasp the reality of the personal experience. They try vainly to rationalize the symbol and allegory, but their true meanings remain hidden. This is not out of malice or trickery, but it is because these are only allusory and must be contemplated individually in order to have meaning.


One analogy I can make is the explanation of the color Red. One could probably write an encyclopedic description of what Red is, what makes it Red and how to discern Red from the other colors.

However the only way to learn what Red is, is to experience it. Children learn rapidly through experience and this is the same principle in esoteric learning.

No matter how much you explain it a child will not understand the concept of Red until you show him or her the actual color. Red may not even look the same to different people, but the personal experience of that person creates a small transformation in their understanding and thereafter they can discern Red from the other colors - only because they experience it directly.

This is the crux of the issue, and it's also why a non-Mason for example can never explain or "reveal" the secrets of Freemasonry. All the research, quotes, opinions, history, etc. spread across the Internet cannot truly explain the "secrets" of "secret societies".

Finally it becomes apparent why no single member of a society can speak for the beliefs of the whole society. In true esoteric schools each student must choose his own path and own interpretation of what the personal experience of Truth and Light mean, and then apply them to his or her life.

Free will is truly the only aspect of mankind that can never be controlled. It cannot be dominated by government, religion or a "secret" fraternity. Free Will is a gift from the Supreme and it is through free will that we all learn, and choose, the Truth.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
As anyone who is a true conspiracy theorist can tell you, no amount of science, fact, logic or opinion can change a closely held belief. Our ultimate reality depends on personal experience. That personal experience trumps all reason and logic that can be put forth by man and science.

This is MY problem.

A personal experience doesn't "trump" logic and is derived from it.

Those with a better understanding of logic and science can normally explain their personal experiences much clearer (and truthfully) than those without such.

Why be a "true" conspiracy theorist when following such a ideology only discredits you in almost every field?

I am confused if you are trying to convince us to listen to everyone that has a "personal experience" or what?

Let me tell you something. From my own past experiences, people love lying. Makes them feel strong. Believable. Confident. Better. And being on a website such as ATS, I already know the amount of liars increases dramatically.

Not to mention the money/media coverage so many of these liars get.

Would just like to add...the motto of the site is deny ignorance...not deny opposition.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by FritosBBQTwist]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:18 PM
I guess my point is that our secrets cannot be revealed. Even if we wanted to we could never "give" or "tell" the secrets (supposed) to another person.

Ultimately what each person perceives as the truth is what he or she experiences and not what they hear or read.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by FritosBBQTwist

I guess also that if you don't believe in aliens and someone tells you about their alien experience with tons of data, science, experiment and logic, then you still won't believe in aliens.

Without a doubt I think we should listen to each others personal experiences. The key is 'listen' and not 'judge'.

In the same way even the most hardcore scientific atheist could never prove the non-existence of God to even the most open-minded scientific theist.

The good thing is that we all don't have to agree on whether God exists or what His name is. The good thing is that as long as we recognize that each person by nature is entitled to his or her own Truth.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Very interested to know if this also applies when certain truths would re-dress humanity having travelled a misconceived path so long.

Is the personal experience such that one may risk the whole never perceiving truth? Or is this more a case of Elitism, where the few feel more privileged in knowing something others do not?

For arguments sake; if facts where concealed from the OP himself, facts that may be of great benefit in transcending limitations. Tables turned such, would thou also like to be kept in the dark?

My worry is that in the hopes of waiting for everyone else to have a "personal experience" the world shall turn as it has since time immemorial - same mistakes, same exploitation of the ritually inclined and forevermore non the wiser.

This last point mentioned not through a sense of superiority but through acknowledgment that deriving said truths from basic principles may be beyond the majority.

In truth

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by emsed1
Common Secret Society Misconceptions


One analogy I can make is the explanation of the color Red. One could probably write an encyclopedic description of what Red is, what makes it Red and how to discern Red from the other colors.

However the only way to learn what Red is, is to experience it. Children learn rapidly through experience and this is the same principle in esoteric learning.

No matter how much you explain it a child will not understand the concept of Red until you show him or her the actual color. Red may not even look the same to different people, but the personal experience of that person creates a small transformation in their understanding and thereafter they can discern Red from the other colors - only because they experience it directly.

This is the crux of the issue, and it's also why a non-Mason for example can never explain or "reveal" the secrets of Freemasonry. All the research, quotes, opinions, history, etc. spread across the Internet cannot truly explain the "secrets" of "secret societies".

Interesting, but I don't buy it. In essence all you are saying is that you can't explain these secrets.. they have to be shown. It is very possible that there are Freemason Secrets that have been lost to the Masons over time or just that you yourself are not high enough to know yet.

What secrets do the Masons hold? I know some of them. The secrets of Anti Gravity and how all the huge stone monuments all around the world were built.

There is Proof in the Math. This math proves what secrets the Masons have and Does Not Lie.

A study of the clues at Coral Castle of how Ed Leedskulnin moved those huge stones by himself coupled with the exact same clues found at the Grand Lodge gives us the formula and working knowledge of the secrets of magnetism and electromagnetism to overcome gravity.

This is all confirmed by the math involved.

This proof is here:

And Here:

See both videos to understand the whole concept. you need to see all 6 parts of the first and the 2 parts of the second.

These things may have been lost but we are finding them now. We are uncovering the secrets of the Masons for the whole world to have and use. If a Mason says these are to be kept secret and not shared with the world then he has learned nothing of enlightenment and is a fraud who seek to withhold knowledge for their own selfish reasons.

It is believed that most Masons of today have lost this knowledge. They are not hiding it for malicious reasons.. they simply didn't know of it.

I believe in the architecture, paintings, writings of the Masons, they have given us all the answers.. and they WANT us to know them.. but.. they will not come right out and tell us. They want the people who are smart and wise to find these things so ignorant man will not abuse them.

What do the Masons know.. or knew? - only the Secrets of the Universe, of science, of free energy, of the means to a build world wide utopia for the betterment of mankind.

All of these things were known to the ancient world and the Freemasons took it on themselves to guard this knowledge. Corrupt man manipulated societies as to say these things never existed but the Masons still knew them.

Over time the Masons lost touch with the fact that these are the worlds secrets and they had no right to hide them. They belong to everyone.

All the clues are there in the ancient structures like the Pyramids of Giza. Coral Castle and Ed Leedskulnin has given us a blueprint to follow.. - He was a Mason - He learned the craft from his grandfather through the family head stone business. He left these clues so the world will know these secrets when the time was right.

That time is Now.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Coral castle was built through the magic of block and tackle and 28 years of hard work, not anti-gravity.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

than what was that weird magnetic block wheel he built. i think it more than decorations.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by emsed1

Spirituality has always been a secret because no one was ever able to explain it until the present teacher,Adi Da. He was able to explain the nature of reality in two words. See link below.

Thus every secret society would have its interpretation of the nature of spirituality and what practices a person should do.

The rest of what secret societies do is networking,monopolies,philanthropy to war making.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Coral castle was built through the magic of block and tackle and 28 years of hard work, not anti-gravity.

That's what the mainstream wants everyone to believe. I can tell you didn't see the two videos I posted links to.

Watch them, then come back and tell me Ed did those things with block and tackle.

Like I said.. the proof is in the math.. You must see the math to understand and know why it is I do not believe a block and tackle is all he used.

If all he used was a block and tackle there would be no need for the math at all.. but once you see these videos.. you will either have to change your mind about he block and tackle theory or explain why the math even exists at all.

And you will have to explain the correlation between the math at coral castle and the exact same math in the Grand Lodge.

Edit: The math at the Grand Lodge is a direct representation of the secrets of magnetism and how it relates to anti gravity. The Masons Knew.. the HAD to.

This is the critical flaw in the block and tackle theory.

Oh and FYI.. Ed completed the first Coral Castle in just ten years. After he moved the whole thing ten miles away he added a few pieces, but it did not take him 28 years to build.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Ah well, for those of us who cannot view youtube videos, perhaps you can explain it then.

And math comes very much into play on the construction of any sort of architecture.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Ah well, for those of us who cannot view youtube videos, perhaps you can explain it then.

And math comes very much into play on the construction of any sort of architecture.

There is so much math involved I cant even begin to explain it. But I will see if I can find the authors written explanations and post them or find a download link for the movies so you can download them.. Also you can try to go to for written explanation.. this is the authors website.

This page has written info on the math. It is too much to repost here;

Edit 2:
Hey, here ya go.. You can browse the whole video.. both of them as sets of images: Neato!

[edit on 7-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:37 PM
I kind of agree with you OP. I think there is a masonic secret and I think that secret is non-verbal and non-scriptural. Its like an energy-field the body/mind learns without consciously knowing it.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:37 PM
I like what is said here and tend to agree but also think there are sub-sets with in groups that may in fact be secret to the remainder of the group.

It is beyond telling and fantastic that symbols found in old church and ancient buildings are the same patterns that form when sand is spread across a flat surface and exposed to vibratory noises raising in pitch or frequency (I am no scientist who can explain it) to a level that seems impossible to recreate back then...unless perhaps during a controlled but tremendous earth tremor or even a spacecraft engine vibrating over your heads.
Anyone is interested I will locate the church name and the youtube video better describing this phenomena. The church itself Rennes-le-Chateau..connected to the Masons) is suspected to be a giant instrument, I imagine like a monstrous cosmic whistle catching wind at a frequency we cannot hear.
And there is sacred geometry symbols similar as well. The flower of life is the image repeated repeatedly and It has practically a whole religion behind IT...ties in with chakras and the Merkaba and vibratory space vehicles..(maybe our only means of escape when the going gets tough, we all must practice our Merkaba lol) which ties in with intra-extra-multi dimensional beings and travel through portals (wondered why Bible is filled with "Porters") I imagine a big spaceport around Jericho...tmi -my head hurts...Odd stuff indeed. Somebody knows something.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by rusethorcain]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 04:52 PM
i used to be very upset with the secret keeping of the masons. i thought that if you have to keep secrets you must be up to something. as they say secrets dont make freinds.

i read the book "stellar theology" by a mason though and in the forward of the book he discusses the diffrence between the esoteric secrets and the essential secrets. he says the essential secrets are what are forbidden to share, and those consist of secret handshakes and passwords. the esoteric secrets have been known to various groups throught all of time and are able to be shared. im ok about them being secretive about passwords and handshakes as that is a due of membership to a club. but as for the esoteric secrets that is what i want to know, and i think if more masons were more forthcoming about discussing these things there would be less suspicion.

truth seekers should be in a universal brotherhood with other truthseekers regardless of whether they are masons.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Interesting, I'll take a look as I have time, as mine is somewhat limited.

In return, I'll trade you a link to a fellow who has come up with his own way moving rocks:
Wally Wallington
Not as indepth as yours, but in a convergent vein.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by TheRepublic
but as for the esoteric secrets that is what i want to know, and i think if more masons were more forthcoming about discussing these things there would be less suspicion.
First off, not all Masons are interested in the esoteric stuff. In fact, a majority aren't. But for those that are, there are research societies, etc. You may be surprised to learn that most of these research lodges do, in fact, publish. Regularly. And, as has been said here many times before, that esoteric knowledge is in no way exclusive to Masons and can be found in any number of religions, philosophies, etc.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

I saw a thread on here the other day about Wally and his video was amazing. That sparked my renewed interest in Coral Castle, and thus lead me to the the information with all the math above.

Could Ed have moved his blocks the way Wally does? Yes, for some of it. For other things like the blocks on top of other blocks it wouldn't have worked. And that wouldn't explain the math and all the correlations. Plus Ed's chain lift was only rated for ten tons, some of his blocks weigh 30 tons.

Edit: I have discovered that Wally Has indeed put blocks on top of other blocks. Interesting. I need to find out how he did that.

I think there are many more mysteries out there Masons either do still know or at least used to know. No one has said how Ed actually cut his blocks. To me this would be a secret masons can share.. how about it folks? Any Freemasons want to tell the secret of cutting blocks like these?

[edit on 7-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I have seen these videos and they have absolutely nothing to do with freemasonry.

There is a difference between operative masonry and speculative masonry.

Freemasons are not involved with stonework and never have been.

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by pixanomaly

This is absolutely true. It goes directly to the concepts of light and dark.

One unfortunate result of free will is that one person cannot enforce his or her truths or experiences on another.

The only way to bring awareness to a community is to discover illumination and live by the principles of selflessness and love. This results in a person bearing "fruits of the spirit" or a spirit of selfless compassion for others.

This is the allegorical 'light' that is meant to help others out of the 'darkness' of mundane physical and temporal existence.

Each person has to come to this understanding individually.

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