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Strange facts about the it true?

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posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:13 PM
I've seen these supposed facts regarding the pyramids floating around for some time now. I've been wondering if they were actually true, especially the one that mentions how the ancient Egyptians kept no record of ever building them. Perhaps someone here with a background in ancient egypt can shed some light on things.

If you take the perimeter of the pyramid and divide it by two times the height, you get a number that is exactly equivalent to the number pi (3.14159...) up to the fifteenth digit. The chances of this phenomenon happening by sheer chance is remarkably small. Did the ancient Egyptians know what the number pi was? Not likely, seeing as it was a number not calculated accurately to the fourth digit until the 6th century, and the pyramids calculate it to the fifteenth.

What about the fact that even though the sides of the base of the pyramid are some 757 feet long, it still forms an almost perfect square? Every angle in the base is exactly 90 degrees. In fact, the sides have a difference in length of something like two centimeters, which is an incredibly small amount.

What about the fact that although the Egyptians kept very careful records about everything they ever did; every king they had, every war they fought, and every structure they built, there were no records of them ever having built the pyramids

What about the fact that the Egyptians had not even invented the wheel yet, but the blocks that they had to carry to build the pyramids weighed about 2 tons each? 4,000 lbs.? What did they do... use cement? In fact, they used so much stone, that if you took all of the stone they used and cut it into 1 foot square blocks, it would extend 2/3 of the way around the earth

If you take the line of longitude that the pyramid lies on and the latitude that the pyramid lies on, 31 degrees north by 31 degrees west (the fact that they are the same number is a coincidence???) they are the two lines that cover the most combined land area in the world. In essence, the pyramid is the center of all of the land mass of the whole earth

the height of the pyramid (481 feet) is almost exactly 1/1,000,000,000 of the distance from the earth to the sun (480.6 billion feet)

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:27 PM
As far as I understand those are all true. The great pyramid also line up with the points of a compass to near perfection. There is a lot of strangeness about the pyramids.

I highly recomend this book for a different look at the pyramids of Egypt.
I'm not sure I agree with all of Farrell's speculations. But many of them do not sound out of the realm of possibility... or in most cases probability. Even now archeologists, Egyptologists, historians, and scientists are not entirely certain why the pyramids are there or their initial purpose. IMO, they are not simply tombs of dead pharoes.
The Giza Death Star

Actually there is a history chanel show coming up this wednesday night about the pyramids and what the ancients were trying to tell us about our future, and our place in the universe. Should be pretty interesting. (not intended to be a shameless HC plug).

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:28 PM
No. It's not true. Well, not exactly.

The Egyptians never invented the wheel? Where did you get that from?

Having the wheel (see above), and knowing a wheel makes a pretty good measuring device. It's not too surprising that pi shows up a lot (I don't know about 15 places though). Take a wheel of diameter x. Roll that wheel, the distance rolled will be pi times x. No mystery. Geometry.

It really isn't hard to mark a straight line and measure a distance (see above).

You realize that 31º west begins at Greenwich, England right? The location of the Prime Meridian (0º) is kind of an arbitrary starting point. Greenwich, England, and the Prime Meridian did not exist at the time the pyramids were built. Can you explain that "center of all the land mass" thing a little better?

Did the Egyptians use "feet" to measure things? The Earth's orbit averages 93 million miles from the sun. That is 491.04 billion feet.

[edit on 11/30/2009 by Phage]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by phrankie79

I just checked. The Great Pyramid is not at 31ºN 31ºW.
It's at 29° 58′ 45.03″ N, 31° 8′ 3.69″ E.

Not even close.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:42 PM
I'm not sure which pyramid to deal with here, I'd guess it's the Giza Pyramids, since those are the most common.
Though Egypt has a large number of different pyramids, with different level of sophistication.

As for the wheel:

Most of the pyramids in Egypt were built during the Old Kingdom, and not just the famous pyramids at Giza.

As for the pyramids being at 31 degree long and latitude, heres Geohacks' longitude and lattitude for it.
And this link which indicates the long. and latt. as 29 degrees, 58 minutes, 51.06 seconds north latitude, and 31 degrees, 9 minutes, and 0.0 seconds east longitude.

I'm not an Egyptologist, but there are a few here who've done a good deal more research than I have.

[edit on 30-11-2009 by RuneSpider]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:45 PM
More fact checking...I assume we're talking about the Great Pyramid.

The sides of the base were originally 755.81 feet.
755.81 x 4 = 3,023.24 feet

The height of the pyramid was 480.94 feet.
480.94 x 2 = 961.88

3,023.24 / 961.88 = 3.14305
pi = 3.14159

I'll give you pi to 2 places.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:50 PM
The Egytian cubit was a loose measurement used over several different periods of time through history. It was usually close to 18 inches or so.

I would like to throw out a theory that has been tossed around a lot on ATS. Since the pyramid does indeed have many coincedinces and things that are very ard to explain it leads me to believe that the ancients who built it had help from somewhere. Maybe the stars? Possibley some visitors...

I believe we may never know the truth of the pyramids and their actual purpose. To be able to drag and place 4000 pound rocks in an estimated 22 years sounds far out to me. That pretty much translates to cutting and setting a 4000 pound block every nine minutes. And that is impossible with todays technologies. Engineers can't do it.

But the ancients did. Which also leads me to believe they had some sort of further advanced technologies. People have mentioned acoustic levitation, and forms of anti-gravity which shouldn't be dismissed as far fetched. Becasue by todays standards with the modern technology we currently posess we could not replicate the great pyramid.

Phage i think you would enjoy that book and. It has enough technical information about the pyramids to make your head spin. Cool stuff.

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 11:58 PM
Thanks for the replies guys and Phage i appreciate your insight as well.

I also believe that they did not have use of the wheel during the Old Kingdom, i think they used sledges. Sled like devices some think they used to drag the stones.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

Not really.

Look at coral castle as an example.
Now, despite the hype, all the fellow seemed to use was block and tackle.

In 28 years, he made mostly by himself, a remarkable landmark.

The Egyptians didn't use slave labor, that idea comes from the Bible, and has no actual historical basis. Instead, it was the Egyptians themselves who did the work.
As for being impossible today, it's not. We can, but there's no interest to do so, which is quite different.

As for many of the coincidences, many of them aren't there when the pyramids are examined, like it's been mentioned before.

Personally the works of the Romans (who eventually conquered the Egyptians after the Assyrans) are much more impressive.
Also, there are older versions of the pyramids, leading up the the reat Pyramds.
Good examples would tbe the step pyramids, the Red pyramid, the collapsed pyramid at Meidum, and the Bent Pyramid.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

If there was any reason to build a pyramid "with today's technology" I reckon it could be done a mite faster than 22 years. Most of the larger blocks weigh in the neighborhood of 7-10 tons. That's lightweight for what a modern crane can handle. But there are some really big boys (400+ tons). We have cranes that can handle more than 1,000 tons.

We sure as hell can cut limestone a lot faster with steel than with copper saws and stone chisels (possibly iron).

Here's one of a few different ideas about how the Egyptians could have done it.

[edit on 12/1/2009 by Phage]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

I believe that the ancients were smarter then we give them credit for.

Also im sure i have read somewhere that some pyramids in Egypt have the same alignment or correlation with the same stars as the Aztec pyramids, something like that.
( I can't look it up i'm at work)

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:12 AM
Interestingly enough there are way more pyramids in China than there are any where else. The Chinese government wont let any outside scientist look at them either. To them they are places of great knowlege and outsiders are not welcome. Commies.. Any way, along with the pyramids in China there are thousands through out South America, hundreds in Mexico, a few scattered through out France and some others in odd places through out eastern Europe.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Google Video Link

Start it at 6:00mm... or watch the whole show, but this is one of my favorite HC specials.

ED- ack heres the link CLICK HERE
[edit on 1-12-2009 by W3RLIED2]

[edit on 1-12-2009 by W3RLIED2]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by phrankie79

Yeah, my chariot illustration isn't appropriate. It comes from a much later period. The use of the wheel as a transportation device is a subject of quite a lot of debate but there is this intriguing piece of artwork from the Old Kingdom.

"It must not be assumed that the use of the wheel apart from chariots was quite unknown , even as far back as the Old Kingdom. In the tomb of Kaemhesit, of the Vth Dynasty, at Saqqara, there is a scene of men clambering up a scaling-ladder fitted with solid wheels, which is prevented from slipping out by a man using a baulk of wood as a hand-spike."

G oogle Books
I found this on another forum.

[edit on 12/1/2009 by Phage]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:43 AM
The Egyptians modeled their culture around the pyramids and the Sphinx because they believed they were from the gods. The Egyptians did not build anything.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by factbeforefiction]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:46 AM
Speaking of chariots, aliens and ancient egypt..Check out this hieroglyphic. It is from a tomb in Luxor, Egypt.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by phrankie79]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by phrankie79

In the picture the slave, or chariot driver, is the one with the alien head and the horse is smaller than the people in the chariot?

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:55 AM
No idea, i thought it was weird too, notice the shape of the chariot, looks like a disc.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by phrankie79

Perhaps the alien was a slave of THE aliens and was assigned to the human passenger. Much like a servant today would be assigned to the visiting guest or governor.

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by phrankie79

It was not only fashionable at the time but believed by some to be a symbol of royalty. In fact you'll find, especially with Akhenaten that it was not only the head that was elongated in graphic depictions and sculptures, but also the faces, fingers, toes and having extra wide hips. The case with Akhenaten, being the extreme egotistical pharaoh is a prime example that these features were seen as royal and nothing more.

Some images of Akhenaten to highlight what I'm saying:

So no it's not an alien riding the chariot.

[edit on 1/12/2009 by serbsta]

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