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Originally posted by djusdjus
renewal of provisions is not the same as renewal of all the patriot act. which had a sunset clause that dumped most of the provisions.
the ones that are kept are in keeping with good sense really if you look at it.
I mean, if you wanna act like a jerk to a cop, then you'll get exactly what your deserve.
If you're involved in terrorism and think the bill of rights protects those activities, think again.
more GOP swill as far as I can see. lol there sure is a lot of substanceless GOP swill these days. Hmmmmn, I wonder why? lol
Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE
I didn't attack you. Just pointed out how unpatriotic you are. Believing in God is no crime. Hater? I am very much a lover. This my friend is the point. I even want people I don't know to have health care, a good education and a fair wage. You can even take a little of what is mine (and it isn't much believe me) but you can take some of it to provide health care to a stranger.
Even you. You don't have a clue though, do you? Poor thing.
Usurper is not a legal term that I have heard before and if every word of all of this was true, it would not be treason either. It would be fraud.
Betraying and exposing an undercover CIA is treasonous. Lying to the country in order to commit American troops to war is treasonous. Lying about your birthplace to gain employment is fraud.
Main Entry: trea·son
Pronunciation: \ˈtrē-zən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English tresoun, from Anglo-French traisun, from Latin tradition-, traditio act of handing over, from tradere to hand over, betray — more at traitor
Date: 13th century
1 : the betrayal of a trust : treachery
2 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family
Originally posted by OldDragger
reply to post by DaMod
On a further note, this man, Commander Fitz is not a Traitor. He has a more than excellent and impressive service record. He dedicated his entire life for serving the country you love. He is a father and a son with a lineage of military service. The man is a freaking PATRIOT! Yet many here will continue to call him a charlatan or fanatic.
Good for him.
But that doesn't mean he's not a nut. That doesn't lend any credence to his
Many sincere people have been proven to be sincerly wrong!
Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by andrewh7
I think I got it before you did Andrew. I would've thought that a member of the legal body such as yourself would defend this issue with something more worthy than the race card that you valiantly flashed in your earlier posts.
Then you go on to ressurect Glenn Beck, who incidentally was never charged, nor a suit brought against him. RIGHT? HAd that been the case, it still wouldn't pertain to this thread and this issue.
Originally posted by DaMod
Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE
The Treason comes from blatantly lying to the American people about his nationality. This could be fixed by simply proving he did not lie. He has never done this. He has never even made an attempt.
On a further note, this man, Commander Fitz is not a Traitor. He has a more than excellent and impressive service record. He dedicated his entire life for serving the country you love. He is a father and a son with a lineage of military service. The man is a freaking PATRIOT! Yet many here will continue to call him a charlatan or fanatic.
What Charlatan or Fanatic would sacrifice his natural life, his family, his carrier, his entire world for a Hoax? This fact alone should make everyone here want to listen to what he has to say!
[edit on 30-11-2009 by DaMod]
The Internet “Rumor” which turned out to be the truth
On Nov.17.2008 @ 3:11 pm, at Attorney Leo Donofrio’s Blogtext blog, entitled “Natural Born Citizen”, it was first mentioned that:
Also, Somebody from Chicago just contacted her and stated that during the Senatorial campaign there was a debate between Barack Obama and Dr. Keyes. This debate was videotaped. During the debate Dr. Keyes has stated :”You are not even a Natural born citizen” to which Barack Obama replied: “That’s OK, I am not running for president, I am only running for Senate.”
This same commenter posted again at Chicagoans Against Obama blog at 7:40 PM the same day.
On Nov. 25, 2008, at 6:42 PM, it is mentioned again at Stormfront:
In search of — Debate during the Senatorial Campaign between Dr. Keyes and Obama in which was stated : “You are not even a Natural born citizen” to which Obama replied:” That’s o’k, I am not running for President, I am only running for Senate” – If anyone knows where this tape is located, please e-mail [email protected] THANKS.
A thread on this was opened at Free Republic on Dec. 2, 6:12 PM:
// I was looking for a video that I ran across recently from the 2004 Keyes/Obama Senate race debates where Keyes stated :”You are not even a Natural born citizen” to which Barack Obama replied: “That’s OK, I am not running for president, I am only running for Senate.”
Originally posted by Mak Manto
Old Dagger is right.
A grand jury is not able to indict the President for treason. That power lies only with Congress, who's the supreme authority of the land.
Look, for all of you Obama "he's not a natural-born citizen" people: get over it...
He's our President. I didn't like Bush as President, but I said the same thing about the stupid impeachment movements for him. You don't need to like Obama, but many of you have to stop this nonsense that the man isn't a natural-born citizen.
I think the point is that posting something like this only brings to light how uneducated people are about the system they are criticizing. The "Grand Jury" in question isn't part of a legal system at all, but a group of individuals that don't like that Obama is president. The post was put forth with what looks to be the intention of representing a news story. Going into the link pretty much debunks that idea however.
Anyone taking less than a cursory glance would be fooled into thinking it was a legitimate story from a reputable source.
It'd be like posting a link regarding Glenn Beck's involvement in a murder....