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If FL 77 never hit?

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posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 04:10 PM
I think we are going round in seem to be all over the show with your opinions..

What has the seat number of a producer of Frasier got to do with anything??
No family members turned up.....inexplicable, yet you say thats because the majority didnt live in LA..

My sister in law is taking a five hour flight to visit us this week...strangely, according to your logic, my wife and i shall be there to meet her, even though her physical address is thousands og miles away....

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 04:49 PM
It is irrevelent whether family members WOULD have gone to an airport in this case because if there are no family members, it's just a matter of covering it up by closing the airports, thus they couldn't have gotten there anyway.
On that very same site, 911research, posted by weedwhacker, there are immediate problems that come to light with the passenger manifests. The FBI had that list of 19 suspects, but apparently they either placed those people on the passenger manifest when in fact they were still alive elsewhere in the world, or they just didn't have good background info on them, after the fact.

What I think is that they start with a completely fictional flight number, release a lot of misleading information, fly an unmanned drone into the buildings, demolish the buildings to make sure they fall, etc. I believe that the planes going into the towers were probably just remote control modified cargo planes, and a missile of some sort hit the pentagon. I believe it was a missile because you have people saying they saw something fly past, but analysis of the blackbox data released doesn't line up with the flattened/knocked over light poles along the street.
The only conclusion with all the problems with that same blackbox data is that it was planted. Perhaps they used the actual missile flight data, merged with the flight path from the airport flight 77 was supposed to come from? That would explain the parameters they forgot to modify, like the flight deck door being closed the entire flight.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by benoni

What has the seat number of a producer of Frasier got to do with anything??

The main reason to point out the fact that two individuals of some reknown were onboard American 11, and that those two individuals DIED as a result of the hijackjing, was to firstly dispel the stupid beliefs out there that the flights never existed.

No family members turned up.....inexplicable, yet you say thats because the majority didnt live in LA..

How can it be made more simple to understand?

The timing of the thing is the key, here.

One could, also, take time to analyze EVERY passenger and put two and two I said, quite a large number were business travelers -- NO family to meet them there.

Others, perhaps on holiday...but who says THEY had family in LA??? You are assuming.

Others, who lived there...had their vehicles in the car park. Take taxis, or Super Shuttle home. Had limosuines arranged for them....


But, is the TIME of the events in NYC and Washington that tell the whole story, here. Combined with the time zone difference.

My sister in law is taking a five hour flight to visit us this week...strangely, according to your logic, my wife and i shall be there to meet her, even though her physical address is thousands og miles away....

Well, how nice for you.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by diginess

What I think is that they start with a completely fictional flight number

So, can you explain the numerous other times that those flight numbers were used prior to 9/11/01? And who would "they" be? The government? The airlines? The FAA? The Visitors?

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by diginess

Here, diginess:

Just for you, because the darn-fool conspiracy websites keep feeding baloney, here are some facts to chew on.

Flight Number Carriers Origin Airport Dest Airport All Flights
Total Number Average Departure Delay (minutes) Average Taxi-Out Time (minutes) Average Scheduled Departure to Take-off (minutes) Average Arrival Delay (minutes) Average Airborne Time (minutes) Average Taxi-In Time (minutes) Total Number Cancelled Percent Flights Cancelled Total Number Diverted Percent Flights Diverted
0077 AA IAD LAX 9 -3.12 11.75 8.62 -14.62 289.38 8.88 1 11.11 0 0.00

It is in better format if viewed from the original page, here.

Now, that only covers the American Airlines flights from 2 September, through 10 September, 2001, that were numbered '77' and that operated between IAD and LAX on those days leading up to 9/11.

You may certainly feel free to look up the other three ill-fated flight numbers as well, on the same site linked above.

SO, at least that's ONE darn-fool bit of misinformation that's settled.

Arrrrgggghhh! The link doesn't work when copy/pasted.

You'll have to go here.

THEN enter the Airline, date range, flight number...etc. Should be obvious and easy to use.

[edit on 7 December 2009 by weedwhacker]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 10:55 PM
your a funny guy...

you make assumptions left right and centre...

Yet point out the err of my ways, because I dared to assume...

I think i am beginning to see how this works now... ala Weedwhacker World...

Pot meet kettle....which one do you want to be???

And thanks for your courtesy regarding my sister in have a big heart.....albeit a sarcastic one....

[edit on 7-12-2009 by benoni]

posted on Dec, 8 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by benoni

And thanks for your courtesy regarding my sister in law...

You're welcome. BTW, if your S-I-L lives hours away, by you leave for the destination airport when her airplane takes off? No, you check on the status, to see if it's on time.

But, you see? The fact of one person's experience, I.E., traveling to the airport to pick up a relative from out of town proves my point!

It seems quite obvious that the news of all the airplanes having crashed, with NO HOPE of survivors was evident even before the people on the West Coast even got out of bed to make coffee that morning.

These conspiracy websites make this stuff up, and plant these doubts in people's minds before they get a chance to reason it through.

We do NOT know how many of those people on the three airplanes destined to LAX had family there, to visit.

We can see for those that may have lived there --- so their transport was likely arranged some way, could be picked up by loved ones, true.

Others, on business, would likely know NO ONE, unless business colleaugues...but, still, some sort of private or public transport, likely. AND, there are numerous hotels at the airport, with their own shuttles.

The image of a horde of frantic, grieving family members who should have been swarming all over LAX is just false.

I added up the number of passengers, from three flights, all different arrival times (two at one terminal, one at another terminal at the airport...AA is in Terminal 4, UA in Terminal 7)

AAL 11 -- 81 pax. UAL 175 -- 56 pax. AAL 77 -- 58 pax. FIVE hijackers per airplane, so let's reduce the total by 15.

That is 180 passengers. Less than a full load of ONE widebody jet.

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