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If FL 77 never hit?

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posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 12:45 AM
OK let's accept that the FL-Deck door was never opened, and flight 77 never was HJ'ed. So what became of the occupants of the aircraft that never hit, that never landed, that never was for all intents and purposes. To allow your mind to wonder is very scary. Were they the fuel that stoked the fire or were they some wheres else.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:02 AM
The occupants of the plane were taken to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, where they now live happily ever after with the oompa loompa's....


posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 01:56 AM
It's not valid at all but I thought I heard that one or more of the flights were seen landing at Nasa, or some other places... I've already seen where they are still using the same planes reported crashing according to the VIN numbers. No source, but I'm sure you can find talk about both with a little search.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by SeeingBlue]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:00 AM
Test subjects in laboratories somewhere, makes sense, couldnt see people volunteering for it....

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:09 AM
Their DNA turned up connected to the crash.

Now,, one big factor here is the ludicrously complex chain of safe-keeping for the remains of the dead of 9/11.

It would have been stunningly easy to have a truck turning up at the labs, claiming to have come from the mrgue that acrtually came form somewhere else.

In some cases, these people might not have existed and been faked up using someone else's DNA, but that seems unlikely except in one or two cases.

ONe has to conclude therefore that they were liquidated somewhere else and their bodies incinerated somewhere.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:15 AM

One monumental assumption that makes not a jot of sense his tenaciously held by 99% of all "Truthers", utterly discrediting their arguments. THere is not a shred of evidence to support this assumption yet it is rigidly held.

THe crass and contradictory assumption is this...

All the conspirators who did this were utter traitors yet they were all patriotic enough to use ONLY US equipment, planes. locations and personnel.

THis is particularly stupid as any "conspiracy" is more likely to work, the lower the nuimber of people that are involved.

Of this imbecilic assumption is abandoned, who did 9/11 and how quickly become apparent.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:38 AM
Just to take the OPs question "out there"
Star-gated to another dimension, Where the twin towers still stand and 911 never happened and there oblivious to anything being different due to '___' and or mind control ... IMO

And yes i do like Olivia..

[edit on 29-11-2009 by foxhoundone]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:43 AM
>OK let's accept that the FL-Deck door was never opened, and flight 77 never was HJ'ed. So what became of the occupants of the aircraft that never hit, that never landed, that never was for all intents and purposes. To allow your mind to wonder is very scary. Were they the fuel that stoked the fire or were they some wheres else.<

People go missing everday in the US without a clue. As a matter of fact it is rather alarming at the number of people who turn up missing and are never heard or seen from again. No clues, no evidence nothing.

Find the passenger list and document where the passengers are today...or aren't and you'll understand why so many people like myself simply do not buy into the rubbish of the "official explanation".

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 03:52 AM
Not to mention, why didn’t any of the dead passengers families show up to grieve from both of the flights that were heading to Los Angeles Intl and San Francisco Intl on 911 for their lost relatives. In fact, I do not believe there was any News coverage at all at both airports.

No relatives = no passengers.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by impressme

I am still waiting for a toofer to answer the question on why a family would waste time to go to the airport to pick up relatives from a flight that the family already knows has crashed? No one has yet answered that question.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:19 AM
I know where they all went, but no one believes me.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:24 AM
Swampy, give it up -- no one cares what you professional debunkers think.

I think there's a good chance that like AA Flight 11, Flight 77 never existed:

Interview with Gerard Holmgren, former Navy officer who discovered that no DNA records exist for any "hijackers:"

Q2. — What was the flight number of the plane which reportedly hit the North Tower?

American Airlines Flight 11 from Logan to LA.

Q3. — What did you discover about flight AA11 regarding which airplane was used, and what happened to it? Please give references to your source material.

According to official flight logs, no such flight existed on Sept 11, 2001.

The Bureau of Transportation logs every domestic flight ever scheduled from a US airport, conducted by a carrier accounting for more than 1% of domestic air traffic. All scheduled flights, whether actually completed or not must by law be reported to this database, unless the flight is cancelled more than 7 days prior to the departure date.

No such flight appears in the records.

Therefore there are three possibilities.

1. No such flight was ever scheduled
2. Such a flight was scheduled but was cancelled more than 7 days prior to the departure date.
3. If such a flight was scheduled and not cancelled more than 7 days prior, then the database has been illegally manipulated or tampered with in some way, which of course raises new questions.

In summary, the situation is that *according to official records* no such flight ever took place.

It should be noted that after this information was discovered and published as an article, the BTS almost immediately shut down its data base, and when it put it back up it had moved it to a different URL without leaving a forwarding address at the old URL (the one which was given in the published article), strongly indicating consciousness of guilt. Ten months later they doctored the database to try to include the flights, although the doctored data, while now claiming that the flight was scheduled, still has it as never departing.

Thus all the evidence points to options 1 or 2, although option 3 is still a theoretical possibility.

Q4. — Has any aircraft wreckage, or black box been found at the purported crash site?

Nothing which can be identified as from an aircraft.

Q5. — Are there any official records of passengers boarding the flight?

If so, they have never been released. However, many media outlets did publish lists which purported to be official lists, but which were proven on close examination to be fabrications.

So while one can never 100% rule out the theoretical possibility that the flight existed and the theoretical possibility that somewhere there are official passenger lists, the fact that the media published fake lists and passed them off as official, leads any reasonable person to the conclusion that no such official lists exist.

Q6. — Are any recorded passengers known to be missing, or have had death certificates issued?

To my knowledge there is no official documentation, but it's certainly possible that such documentation exists. Through local enquiries I have confirmed from personal contacts that at least one person listed by the media as being on that flight is definitely missing and that his family believes that he was on the flight.

While I have seen little to prove the missing/dead status of those allegedly on the flight, I have also seen nothing to disprove it. There is a hole in that area of my knowledge of the subject.

Q7. — Is there any video or other evidence that a commercial passenger airliner hit the north tower?

No. the video shows clearly that the object was not a large passenger jet, nor a conventional plane of any type.

Exactly what it is, is difficult to tell but it appears to be some kind of highly advanced secret technology.


Q13. — Regarding flight AA77, which purportedly hit the Pentagon, what is known of this aircraft?

The answer is the same as for AA11. Not scheduled according to the BTS records.

So far we appear to have established that no commercial aircraft hit either the North or the South Tower of the World Trade Centre, and that the aircraft which is purported to have hit the Pentagon was not even scheduled to fly.

Q14. — At the scene of the Pentagon incident was there any evidence at all which indicated that a commercial aircraft was involved?

No. In fact the damage to the building shows that its impossible for an aircraft of any significant size to have been involved.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Another personal insult? Tsk tsk.

Then you offer up Gerard if he is some sort of expert...thanks for the laugh, I needed it today.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

I am still waiting for a toofer to answer the question on why a family would waste time to go to the airport to pick up relatives from a flight that the family already knows has crashed? No one has yet answered that question.

I do believe in every majored commercial air crash News teams always show up at the airports from all over the world and we always see the grieving families being televised “except “ on 911 why is that?

So, you wouldn’t show up at the Airport that your wife was to be arriving at and you don’t have any real answers to what really happened, or perhaps you are at the airport waiting for your wife to arrive and you just hear that flight won’t be arriving then I guess you would just go home, and not wait for any answers?
Where is your logic in the above quote?

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Personal insults are your specialty, Mr. "Twoofer."

Why don't you just declare victory and run away, like you did here.

[edit on 29-11-2009 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by impressme

So, you wouldn’t show up at the Airport that your wife was to be arriving at and you don’t have any real answers to what really happened, or perhaps you are at the airport waiting for your wife to arrive and you just hear that flight won’t be arriving then I guess you would just go home, and not wait for any answers?

You ignore one glaring fact. The planes had all crashed several hours before they would have been expected to land, and all of the Flight numbers had been publicized as well. So, again, WHY go to the airport either several hours before the plane is supposed to land OR when you know the plane is down?

No, I wouldnt leave my home and my family to travel to the airport when I know that the plane my wife was on, had crashed. I wouldnt leave the one place where people could get ahold of me. Sitting at the airport is the worst way to get information.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

You seem to be the one that has a fascination about me...and try to portray me as something I am not. Accusing me of being a professional debunker is an insult, not to mention an out and out lie, I will continue to view it as such and report it to the moderators when it happens.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:04 PM
Why don't all of you leave the personalized attacks out of this thread and discussion for that matter. Act like a mature individual and if your emotions begin to overtake your keyboard, walk away and come back when you have calmed down. 911 was an attack on all of us and regardless of what story you want to believe, we ALL need to maintain an intelligent discussion about this topic in order to one day arrive at the truth.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Who you, a professional debunker? Nah, I'm sure you're just a concerned private citizen who happens to spend all your free time defending the government's ludicrous (and impossible) version of events.

It's not at all suspicious that you only post on the 9/11 forum, 24/7, every friggin' day. Not suspicious at all.

posted on Nov, 29 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Who you, a professional debunker? Nah, I'm sure you're just a concerned private citizen who happens to spend all your free time defending the government's ludicrous (and impossible) version of events.

It's not at all suspicious that you only post on the 9/11 forum, 24/7, every friggin' day. Not suspicious at all.

And yet another post that is ignorant of the facts.

Here are the facts:
1. The only job I receive pay for, is maintaining F-16s, I come here to stamp out ignorance (and for the laughs I get from you and impressme).
2. I post on more than just the 9/11 forums. However, I am still not sure why if someone sticks to one thread why that confirms someone is a 'professional' debunker.
3. I'm not here every evidenced you linking my profile to this thread. Nor am I here 24/7.

Try and keep up.

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