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Irish Church accused of abuse cover-up

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posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:11 PM
A few more years of abuse and these priests will qualify to be public school teachers in the United States.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Oh, it is even worse than that.

Most of the Native Residential Schools and the like went up and functioning very quickly and seamlessly. The system was put in place VERY fast.

Almost like, these guys knew EXACTLY what to do.

Because, they did.

They exported the Irish/English workhouse/ labour/ poorhouse/ school/ orphanage thing directly from Ireland to Canada and the USA.

They didn't need to practice for a couple of generations to figure out how to set it up. They knew how to get maximum compliance and maximum access already. They had the entire system already figured out. So they could do what they did in a couple of generations.

Where the same kiddie diddling #ers got a whole new culture to rape and beat.

When you put the numbers of orphans sent from this system from Europe to the New World, and you add them to the native kids who were then abused by the same system, you have literally tens or hundreds of millions of US and Canadian families that have been impacted by the atrocities committed by these organizations.

Originally posted by virricocha
reply to post by fatdad

With all due respect, for anyone who has been following this horror show over the last few years the facts are clear. The church has not merely been accused of covering up endemic child rape and sadistic violence but has been EXPOSED AS GUILTY but the weight of evidence and victim testimony.

This CRIMINAL organization should be loose their tax exempt status & be forcibly disbanded for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (SPECIFICALLY CHILDREN). Full stop.

We are talking about systematic complicity in covering up & protecting predators & CHILD RAPISTS!


PS - Not only in Ireland. Boston diocese anyone.

[edit on 2009/11/26 by Aeons]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Parallex

Yet another case of kiddy-fiddling Christians. Oh joy of joys.

When will someone finally openly admit that the Church is partly the cause of why these sick men do what they do.

Belief in a God too often leads to kiddy-fiddling.

I'm going to say it again - Christian Kiddy-Fiddlers.

The Para.

The fact that you even use the term "Kiddy-Fiddler" demonstrates an immaturity that renders your comments irrelevant.

Please... in the future, show some sensitivity to the victims.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:54 AM
Disturbing update...

Abuse request ignored by Vatican

Formal requests for information on clerical abuse were ignored by the Vatican and the Papal Nuncio to Ireland, a commission's report said.

How can they ignore such a request??? Disgusting...

The Vatican did not reply but told the Irish Foreign Affairs department the commission "had not gone through appropriate diplomatic channels".

A request for information from the Papal Nuncio also was ignored.

The Report of the Commission of Investigation into the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin covered a period from 1975 to 2004.

The commission said it was independent of the government and did not regard it as appropriate to use diplomatic channels.

What kind of pathetic excuse is this??

The Vatican needs to take some serious action to address this issue... No more excuse's...

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Parallex

Sorry Baby, REAL Christians would not do that. There are quite a few of people who claim to be Christian, always have been, that only claim it in order to put dirt on real Christians.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:26 AM
I think it's safe to say that I think Christianity, along with all other religion is a disease. One that allows people to justify whatever the hell they like.

If you say you're religious, one day you will find yourself using it to justify something horrible - no matter what anyone says, this is the way it has always been, and always will be. Religion is a psychological safety net for people commiting morally questionable acts, and therefore needs to be treated.

'True' Christians / Muslims / Jews [Insert Religious Group] are the worst - they are arrogant and think their safety net is better than other Christians. Henceforth they are the most deluded, and the most ill. I pity anyone who calls themself a TRUE believer. But you must know by now that you are also a scourge upon society - and you wont be that way for long.

Atheism has mobilised. Religions time has passed.

The Para.

P.S. I'm going to say it again - Christian Kiddy Fiddlers

(Insult me all you like, I will keep saying it until everyone stops denying it)

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:38 AM
And some republicans like to use the excuse of landlords in Northern ireland having an extra vote as an excuse for IRA murders- NI was not perfect back then, but it sure as hell did not have institutionalised religious criminality such as this on such a scale!

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:44 AM
i have no problem with you, i'm not trying to insult you in any way.

Originally posted by Parallex
Atheism has mobilised. Religions time has passed.

so what are you going to do, start burning churches while using your atheism as a moral safety net?

just like all the religious hypocrites, you are using a philosophical belief to justify your hate.

you should think about it, that hate will rot you from the inside out, regardless of how you justify it.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:46 AM
I posted this in a similar thread, and i still stand by it:

I agree... The "church" of rome is THE vilest and corrupt institution on the planet, the lates headlines from Ireland shows up their perversity even more!!

There is NOTHING christian about the vatican. Catholicism is just another extension of the babylonian mystery religion full of blood and idolatory. Their priests were celibate, had to confess their "sins" in a confessional, prayed for the dead, prayed to a "divine" mother (semiramus), wore the same robes and head dress and the list goes on.. It is soooo far away from true christianity as you can get which is why it is called the "Great whore, who is drunk with the blood of the saints."

G-d never required us to be celibate, and IT IS NOT G-DS WILL THAT KIDS BE ABUSED!! (I have heard of the excuse that "this was G-ds will for their life") If it was i would turn my back on Him, but its NOT, and there is a very special place in hell for those perverted bastards

[edit on 053030p://f48Friday by Selahobed]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:46 AM
i]reply to post by Parallex

I think it's safe to say that I think Christianity, along with all other religion is a disease. One that allows people to justify whatever the hell they like.

If you say you're religious, one day you will find yourself using it to justify something horrible - no matter what anyone says, this is the way it has always been, and always will be. Religion is a psychological safety net for people commiting morally questionable acts, and therefore needs to be treated.

'True' Christians / Muslims / Jews [Insert Religious Group] are the worst - they are arrogant and think their safety net is better than other Christians. Henceforth they are the most deluded, and the most ill. I pity anyone who calls themself a TRUE believer. But you must know by now that you are also a scourge upon society - and you wont be that way for long.

Atheism has mobilised. Religions time has passed.

The Para.

P.S. I'm going to say it again - Christian Kiddy Fiddlers
(Insult me all you like, I will keep saying it until everyone stops denying it)

Look... if you want to have a rant against Christians that’s up to you... all I have asked is that you do not use playground language when describing something as serious as Child Abuse!!!

I have known victims of abuse and terms like this are deeply offensive to some victims.

Or do you not really care about the victims and just see this as an ideal platform to launch an anti religious tirade??

Please... all I ask is to show some sensitivity with regards to your choice of words!!

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by pieman

Pieman if I could give out multiple stars you would have just gotten a thousand...

Well said my friend

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by blueorder
And some republicans like to use the excuse of landlords in Northern ireland having an extra vote as an excuse for IRA murders- NI was not perfect back then, but it sure as hell did not have institutionalised religious criminality such as this on such a scale!

so you are going to use the evilness of the church to justify the sectarian apartheid in NI? no change there then.

was it about religious behavior or was it a problem with the society, at the time, empowering evil behavior rather than painfully confronting it. blaming catholicism is to easy, but i think it was the society.

there's never been much of a question hanging over the rape and sodomy of young boys at boarding schools, protestant boarding schools, in ireland and england. it's a fairly widely accepted that it was pretty institutional, isn't it?

the same crime, for the same reasons, accepted and endorsed under the same circumstance, just a different institutional system.

the problem is with the society.

[edit on 27/11/09 by pieman]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by piemanso you are going to use the evilness of the church to justify the sectarian apartheid in NI? no change there then.

I'm saying an extra vote for a landlord does not excuse burning a protestant pensioner to death, and furthermore, I am saying, in comparison to NI, it was the Free State/ROI that was in the grip of a religious institution- the state/RC were in cahoots down there and republicans have the cheek to re write Northern Ireland history- fer crying out loud when the original RUC was formed there was a quota set aside for RCs in proportion to their number, which they duly filled, only for RCs having to leave the RUC en masse due to republican intimidation (plus ca change, the republicans are still at it, targetting an RC PSNI member in Fermanagh this week)

there's never been much of a question hanging over the rape and sodomy of young boys at boarding schools, protestant boarding schools, in ireland and england. it's a fairly widely accepted that it was pretty institutional, isn't it?

Not on the same scale no- anyone can be buggered or a paedophile victim, but the level/scale of Church hierarchy AND state collusion is incredible here

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by blueorder

NI was not perfect back then, but it sure as hell did not have institutionalised religious criminality such as this on such a scale!

Yes it did... this abuse has been proven to have been going on since the 1970's and was probably going on for much longer... So i fail to see your point

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Muckster

Yes it did... this abuse has been proven to have been going on since the 1970's and was probably going on for much longer... So i fail to see your point

"proven to have been going on since the 1970s"- so in NI "since the 70s" there has been a top level covering up of abuse by unionist rulers/protestant church (which one, there are friggin loads)- that is odd, since the 70s (until the recently power sharing assembly) we have been ruled by Westminster!

As for what went on before- there was no state/protestant church (which one!) cover of abuse like this

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by blueorder

What is not commonly known is the paramilitaries involvement with providing young children to be abused. The INLA did this and so did some elements from protestant paramilitaries, providing young children for the pleasure of some high profile people..... It was never about religion in ni, and still isnt.. They (paramilitaries) are just gangsters and thugs who hold their own communities to ransom through intimidation. Mannn, you cant even try to get on by setting your own business up without those morons wanting their cut-protection money.

There is no way i would let my kids have anything to do with the catholic church, it has been proven time and time again that you cannot guarantee their safety with those people

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by blueorder
I'm saying an extra vote for a landlord does not excuse burning a protestant pensioner to death

i wouldn't dream of arguing with that, but it's a different thread. the comparisons about "who was most evil" or "you can't talk about us because your side did x" are not helpful on a national scale and look insane on an international scale. every mention of catholicism isn't an excuse for a general rant on republicans.

Not on the same scale no- anyone can be buggered or a paedophile victim, but the level/scale of Church hierarchy AND state collusion is incredible here

rubbish. sadly it isn't incredible at all. the same thing happened in the UK, Canada, the US and Australia, that i am aware of. i fully believe it happened elsewhere. we'll see it coming out about the developing world in the future.

[edit on 27/11/09 by pieman]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by blueorder

Er... ok... I’m lost hehe... sorry, maybe i don’t have my Brain in gear yet

I thought that you was suggesting that somehow this abuse has only happened since the peace process of the late 90's. And that if there was no peace process then this abuse would not have happened.

That is why i made the point that this abuse has been going on for years.

Forgive me if i have got this all wrong...

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Muckster
reply to post by blueorder

Er... ok... I’m lost hehe... sorry, maybe i don’t have my Brain in gear yet

I thought that you was suggesting that somehow this abuse has only happened since the peace process of the late 90's. And that if there was no peace process then this abuse would not have happened.

That is why i made the point that this abuse has been going on for years.

Forgive me if i have got this all wrong...

No sweat

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by pieman
i wouldn't dream of arguing with that, but it's a different thread. the comparisons about "who was most evil" or "you can't talk about us because your side did x" are not helpful on a national scale and look insane on an international scale. every mention of catholicism isn't an excuse for a general rant on republicans.

possibly, just for me, as someone from NI, it puts things in perspective when I see some of the revisionist nonsense trotted out to justify things here

rubbish. sadly it isn't incredible at all. the same thing happened in the UK, Canada, the US and Australia, that i am aware of. i fully believe it happened elsewhere. we'll see it coming out about the developing world in the future.
[edit on 27/11/09 by pieman]

What I mean is the collusion with the state- thankfully that wouldn't apply in those examples as the RC CHurch was not embedded in the state as it was in the free state/ROI

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