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Irish Church accused of abuse cover-up

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posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

If i dare....

Na, you're alright.
There's no point... it was just me being petty and argumentative and off topic... forget it.

For those whom forget when one is whom one whom one whom...

There's a clue.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:17 PM
The Pope needs to go to Ireland and make a public apology to the victims of abuse; the Church and the people. Nothing less than this will do.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by pieman
reply to post by blupblup

a lot of people covered it up victims families, police, politicians,'s messed up. that generation have a lot to answer for.

[edit on 26/11/09 by pieman]

For sure my friend.
This is far more frequent than is reported and it just breaks my heart to think of all those who have had this happen to them.

Not long ago it was the Jersey children's home..... then just recently the nurseries in England with dozens if not hundreds abused.
Now MORE catholic priests fiddling away...

It's just f***** up man.

[edit on 26/11/09 by blupblup]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Circle
The Pope needs to go to Ireland and make a public apology to the victims of abuse; the Church and the people. Nothing less than this will do.

That's like sending an arsonist to help put out a fire.
Don't forget the Pope "Obstructed justice" in child sex abuse cases.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:23 PM
Why would any responsible parent leave their child in the accompaniment of a priest at this point? It baffles me.
The Catholic priesthood is like a secret society for child rapists, it's sick that they should be allowed to continue on pretending like this isn't the case.

[edit on 11/26/2009 by ZombieOctopus]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by blupblup

If you have a problem, with me, as a meber then post it, it seems tome you do not like what I post with references to comments, if so. I want to know why?

And with your cryptic reference.

Get over yourself dude. I wont lower myself to your level....

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Laurauk
reply to post by blupblup

And with your cryptic reference.

It couldn't be any LESS cryptic.

Get over yourself dude. I wont lower myself to your level....

You wont lower yourself... but you just FOE'D me???


You're hilarious.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by blupblup

Just proves, what a complete idiot you are, and stop trying to derail the thread. pls tyvm

Stay on topic without the personal attacks pls tyvm, if you want to attack me personally take it to u2u's!


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

Not ONE personal attack has come from me...

But one has come from you.
So heed your own advice.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by blupblup

I tried to give, advice as well as opinions, off my own to the situation, and as all you did was to attack them, that initself is a personal attack, on a member.

You started this not me. So back off.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:43 PM
Get a room you two

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by ZombieOctopus

Ménage à trois

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:00 PM
Disgusting Disgusting Disgusting

Everyone involved in this MUST be held accountable... including the police.

We have seen so many storys of abuse lately, all from people in a position of trust... i'm not sure what the answer is anymore

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Muckster

The question, should, be should the Pope, allow the death penalty or indefinate, imprisonment of his priests or bishops?

Of course he will fight it.

Maybe it is about, time the pope changed his advisors!

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:07 PM
The catholic church in Ireland had ultimate power over the people for so long!!

The local priest was always right!! He was consulted and served judgement on numerous topics such as un married pregnancies, maritial problems and sex before marriage. Condoms were not legalised in Ireland till 1984!!

Not only have they ruined many lives through sexual abuse but the amount they have ruined through their tunnel vision and power is unlimited.

I am embarassed for my nation and my distain and hatred for the Irish catholic church has been estabilished for years.

I dont paint all Irish priests with the same brush but after being educated by the christian brothers and then boarding school by the cistercians my conclusion is that they were the rejects of society...loners and weirdos who would not of survived in the real world and this profession put them in a place of power that they never would of achieved in their own right.

We cant change the past but we can certainly change the future.

I only know one person who was abused and he still suffers nightmares. I dont feel sorry for him ...I feel anger. Anger that so many people turned a blind eye to this for so long.

Hang them all....evil men of the cloth.

Tiocaidh ar la!!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by andy1033

Originally posted by andy1033
Just remember people not to blame all priests. i lived in ireland for a time in my childhood in the 80's, and our priest was a very nice man, and i was an alter boy, so i knew him quite well.

Remember people do not label everyone as a paedo, like some seem to do.

There is no question of blaming every individual, it is impossible to conceive of the possibility there are no religious practitioners that provide excellent service to the community.

It is the Church organization that stands condemned, and not by simply turning a blind eye, but by willfully and pro-actively pursuing a criminal conspiracy to both cover up the abuse and to ridicule and denigrate the victims, thus multiplying the harm done.

And we should not blame just the Roman Catholic Church, other Churches behaved in the same way. Missionaries, especially Protestants, destroyed entire peoples in Africa, the Pacific, and Australia, with their savage mental and physical abuse in the name of civilization and Christianity.

In Australia, the Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane was appointed Governor General, but was forced to resign in humiliation because of his treatment of abuse victims during his tenure as Archbishop. Again official policy of the Church was to protect itself (and importantly, its Insurance Company) at the expense of its pastoral duty to its congregation.

Also in Australia, just last week, the Prime Minister issued a formal apology from the Government to the "forgotten generation" of children, transported to Australia, many of them essentially kidnapped from unwilling families in England, shortly after World War II. These were not 'stateless orphan refugees". While there are good stories among these children, the overwhelming experience was one of being treated as slaves in the homes of their foster parents, of beatings, of sexual abuse, of being forced to sleeping in filth under stairwells, of being forced to eat rotten food. Many of these foster homes were 'good Christian' homes: Methodists, Anglicans, Salvation Army, Jehovah's Witness.

This is not an example of a failure by those Church organizations in this case, but of the general assumption that "churchly" people are somehow more trustworthy to deal with children than the general public.

The simple fact is that if you are going to hide a book, the best place is in a library. If you are a predator of children, the best place to practice your predilection is in a place where there are a lot of children in a position that is trusted by the public because of the position itself and not because of the individual.

It is no longer reasonable to rely on that kind of automatic trust for any Church. They have proven they are unworthy of it. That is not to say that every church, or every religious practitioner, or even a majority of them are untrustworthy. But enough of them have been proven criminally untrustworthy, in the core of their management hierarchy, that it really behooves parents to be extremely guarded before exposing their children to this danger.

(edited for grammar and spelling)

[edit on 26/11/2009 by rnaa]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

The question, should, be should the Pope, allow the death penalty or indefinate, imprisonment of his priests or bishops?

Of course he will fight it.

Maybe it is about, time the pope changed his advisors

The Pope should back up and encourage any and all investigations and legal action regarding this case... Once the case is dealt with and the people involved are brought to justice the pope needs to show us what the Church intends to do to try and prevent anything like this happening again...

Anything less is, in my opinion, pathetic and inexcusable!!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Irish Matador

I dont paint all Irish priests with the same brush but after being educated by the christian brothers and then boarding school by the cistercians my conclusion is that they were the rejects of society...loners and weirdos who would not of survived in the real world and this profession put them in a place of power that they never would of achieved in their own right.

It’s sad to say it... but you raise a very valid point there...

I can almost draw a parallel with the Army and its recruits... Most join the army because they are professions who want to be the best at what they do... but then you have a minority of school dropouts who are simply violent thugs that want to hurt people.

Same with the Church... You get some excellent priests who are extremely dedicated men of religion... and then you get the minority of weirdo’s who join just to gain access to young boys or to escape from the real world!

Anytime you have a job that puts people in a position of power... it is open to abuse from the wrong types who want to exploit their position.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Muckster]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:39 PM
Yet another case of kiddy-fiddling Christians. Oh joy of joys.

When will someone finally openly admit that the Church is partly the cause of why these sick men do what they do.

Belief in a God too often leads to kiddy-fiddling.

I'm going to say it again - Christian Kiddy-Fiddlers.

The Para.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Parallex

So maybe because prostitution is condoned in Israel, Jewish men are less sexually repressed? Its true in Israel the prostitutes are not supposed to be under the control of pimps or forced into the business, but I'm sure their looser stance on sex trade has caused problems as well. So what is the best religion for "healthy" physical relations? Tantric sex WOT only?

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