posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 02:37 PM
James I think you really saw something significant here. Especially when you connect the people behind it and their agenda for mankind. No this is not
I have to agree though with David Rockefeller. We are a cancer to this planet, literally. But what he fails to realize or probably is to cowardice for
to realize that this state is his making. Him and his kind. They have done all their best to keep humankind ignorant, subordinate, enslaved and in
Certainly mankind itself has a major role too. And that is their/our acquiescence. We are going to pay the price for that. For blindly accepting lies
and deceit and refusing to confront the truth and confront the deceivers of mankind. What a dark history we have. But hopefully there is still time. I
see a mass awakening emerging, slowly but steadily.