reply to post by jinx880101
"Your perception is your reality."
According to Adi Da, your sense of perception is not reality but only the avoidance of relationship. You are not perceiving reality but creating your
illusion of the separate self.
Adi Da:
"So "the world is seeking. Nothing more."
The next sentence defines seeking itself. "And all seeking is suffering and separation as conscious creations." This is the nature of the activity
of the search then, which is always motivated in dilemma. The search is always consciously, or responsibly creating suffering and separation as
experience. The history of human experience is essentially one of suffering and separation in all of its myriad forms and these are its own creations.
Suffering is not what is happening to the seeker and that's why he is seeking. Suffering is what the seeker is creating. Now by consciously here I
mean responsibly. If the seeker were to perceive or to examine his own suffering, examine the adventure of his life, he would discover that his
suffering, his separation, his isolation, is his own creation, moment to moment. He's doing it just as deliberately as any physical act.
So suffering and separation "are created by the perpetual activities of identification, differentiation and desire." Seeking manifests in the forms
of suffering and separation, isolation and dis-ease. But the qualities, the various kinds of suffering and separation that tend to manifest are
themselves expressions of these fundamental qualities in conscious life, which are the qualities of identification, differentiation and desire, which
I have talked about in a number of ways. Identification is this whole drama of separate self-sense, in its subtlest forms, not just as self-imagery.
That self-imagery has more to do with the quality of differentiation or mind or thought. But self-sense prior to imageries. Just the self-sense
itself, which is always what is dramatized when you become selfish, or working from the point of view of yourself as an entity. So these qualities of
suffering and separation are built on first of all, the separate self-sense in all its form but as an essential quality, as an essential activity in
consciousness. The fundamental contraction at one level of consciousness is this separate self-sense just as at the physical level it can take the
form of a sensation, a cramp of some sort in the psyche it takes the form of the separate self-sense. That is why Maharshi says the "I" thought is
the first thought.
The next activity of which suffering and separation are the manifestation is the activity of differentiation. Distinction, difference, other. Wherever
there is an other, there is fear. This whole process of differentiation or thought. Examine the process of thought. Thought is just momentum of
differentiation. Just as you are never, barely for an instant, without this separate self-sense of an omnipresent condition of consciousness, thought
is also hardly ever interrupted in the waking state and it is always in the form of differentiation, that's all thought is. Thought is
differentiation. It's the generation in consciousness of the sense of differences, either between two or more things. This over against this. Thought
is always in the form of a distinction. So the separate self-sense or what we commonly call ego and now differentiation or thought.
So ego, thought and the third mentioned here is desire, which is generated by these two. What is the activity of the entity, separate one, in the
midst of his endless activity of differentiation or thought. It is movement, motivated, desire, always motion. A particular motion. People don't move
non-particularly. You always move in a particular way. Movement is always directed. our