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Missouri billboard: “Prepare For War” Against corrupt Government

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posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Let's see how long it stays up. It's clearly advocating terrorism, at least by the governments standard. They're wrong but they make up the rules.

I agree.. and perhaps it is terrorism .. I imagine an armed revolution would be quite terrifying

But as it is, I applaud the efforts, if anything it will get who ever sees it to start thinking about our political process and follow through with 1&2. We should ALWAYS vote out incumbent lawmakers..

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Tgautier13
Our government spends more GDP on Defense then the rest of the world, they have the "prepare for war" game cornered. What they do not understand and what we must use to disarm them with is a complete dedication to non violence.

Really? I've never seen footage of Pelosi, or Reid, or anybody in our government shooting targets or running obstacle courses. Never seen any robber bankers flying F-22's. Cheney got a deferrment and Bush went AWOL. Our government relies on us, the people, to be prepared for war. The men and women who are prepared for war, aren't given any cut of the spoils that our government shares with their corporate exec masters. They are discarded by the government and treated like the rest of us the moment their duty expires.

This isn't about we the people vs. the military...the military is made up of we the people. It's about we the people vs. the small percentage of elitists who have created a huge scam in which they are able to redirect and divide people's attention along false party lines, while raking in HUGE amounts of money for themselves and their government lapdogs. I'm quite sure at least half of our military is composed of people who are not stupid, they see the scam too. They took an oath to defend the constitution against ALL enemies. Non-violence is the best approach, but history has shown that sometimes it just doesn't work. I'm certain though, that if people really took a stand, most if not all of the military would stand with them against this tiny percentage of people who hold the vast majority of the wealth we all work so hard for.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by ClintK
In the past year, I have been surprised to find out how much the right wing hates America and hates democracy.

We are not a democracy. The United States of America is a republic. Get it right. Also, wanting the government to adhere to the Constitution is not hating, but in fact loving America and for what she stands for.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by av8r007]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by kissy princess

good thinking !!! yes, tell me who can pay for all this billboards ?? you ?? me ?? if I had that money I would prefer paying other things than a billboard of course !! so it can only been paid by some firms that feel the heat in their neck, or rightwing groups or neo-cons .... if I was a real american up there I would go with 20 or 3O men and women to smash that stupid board into the ground ! that I would do because on the other side if I was a real american I would put my name on that billboard to let you know it was me who did put it there ! is there a name on that board from a someone responsible ?? in Europ police would already have smash it down because illegal and no responsible editor mentionned and no autorisation for putting it there in the first place !!!

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:06 AM
Everyone here needs to take a deep breath and sit back and see what is happening here.

This IS their plan, imagine there was a revolution and civilians were storming the city halls with guns? What a perfect opportunity for TPTB to bring in martial law, use the FEMA prisons and to disband every gun holder in America!

Use your head, your feet is for dancing.

EDIT: Always DEFEND, do NOT OFFEND! That way you can stay within the law.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by the_denv]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by the_denv

yes they want to divide the people, not unite all citizens against the crisis .. so rightwing groups always want chaos and war and fighting because then they can act in the dark, nobody sees them gain more power when chaos is everywhere ! all rightwing people ALWAYS want war, want to fight ... in the meantime they become stronger because they did manipulate and control the puppets !!!!!

so better unite in USA to fight together for health and good food and good life, against war, to act in a positiv way for a better society .. otherwise well I think your crisis up there ( and ours in Europ as well ) is not going to end ....
when economy goes bad, some politics tend to start war so like Cheeney they can win lots of money while you are loosing your house - ok ?

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

great billboard and great post. i can't wait until maddow calls this an invite to assassination.

the thing clearly implies armed revolution is only appropriate when elected officials fail to leave office after being voted out or complying with term limits. that's called an end to our form of government and it would, indeed, be a time to rise up.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by calmbutwary
Does anybody think that if a majority of taxpayers failed to file their tax returns next year, it would do any good? Would that send a message before the election? Just wondering.....

That would take balls, and the fact that these people didn't have anything to say in the 8 years prior to Obama proves it's something they're missing. Second line.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by TylerKing]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by silent thunder it! Every little bit helps and this is substantial. Thousands of people are seeing this daily. If it doesn't convince at least it stimulates critical thinking. That the mind numbed masses still have the ability to think is another question. In general I think people can think and you can get through. This sign cost some bucks and likely had more than a single sponsor.

We've just had an election where most incumbents were ousted in New Jersey and that after lambasting their challengers in the MSM. President Obama turned out to boost his lackey's campaigns including that of former Democratic Governor Corzine's, a fellow Chicagoan (Hmmmm!) but to no avail. It was an ugly sight and fight but many challengers prevailed. Our former Governor Corzine, flush with cash from his previous position with Goldman Sachs, yes "that same Goldman Sachs" that took billions of our tax dollars and then gave out billions in executive bonuses recently, spent over $22 million of his own money on this losing campaign. That amount does not include his general campaign fund providing millions more. With that kind of money spent on advertising the prize is certainly not the honor of serving the State of New Jersey it is clearly controlling the money and power still contained within the state. Notice that these multi-millionaires are quick to sell the working class down the tubes on tax funded social programs. When you have $22 million to spend on television ads you can also afford the accounting to hold on to your millions and access the tax loopholes unavailable to the workers in your state. And so I contend the elites never bite the social tax bullets themselves, I'm not alone. They are "too big to pay" as surely as AIG was "too big to fail". A flat tax would have helped this long ago.

Our new governor is no great shakes but we have in the least shuffled the deck on the controllers and there will increased scrutiny of our new Governor Chris Christie. These elected changes might be a bit late as our state is in dire economic straits with double-digit unemployment but where in the country is that not the case? Let's "hope", and I've learned to hate that word, better late than never.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:40 AM
Finally. A great idea. I'm in.
I am 57 yrs. old, and have never experienced a worse government like we have now. It is time to reorganize.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Where was this billboard during the past 8 years? Sorry but I'm not buying the right-wing rhetoric folks - if they are true to their beliefs they should have spoke up a long time ago.

Back in the 60's and 70's when this kind of hyperbole was thrown around by the left, they were accused of hating their country, being unpatriotic and were asked to "love it or leave it." Seems a little hypocritical to me.

Try living in another country for awhile...

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by pilotdavems

you never knew a worse government than this one ?? are you serious ?? are you kidding ?? so you do find that Bush was a fantastic Master of the World ?? he did solve all problems yeah ? he did have some " special Masters of the Darkness " like Cheeney or Rumsfeld and others on his side but .... !!! you did find them fantastic ? poor you, you must be a rich citizen that did profit from all tax gifts you got from Bushie no ?
Obama just begins his presidency, he got the # from Bush, you get it also in your face with the financial crisis results, it is the present from Bush to the futur generations : war and lie and steeling and murdering and etc etc ...
so, you cry after Bushie ? the world outside is vomitting him you know, the same with your friend Cheeney and all the rest of the right wing neo-cons and capitalist neo-liberal fools that only want to become richer and richer while the rest of their fellow citizens have not enough money to eat and buy a house etc etc .... poor selfish US mentality ..

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Sunlionspirit
reply to post by kissy princess

good thinking !!! yes, tell me who can pay for all this billboards ?? you ?? me ?? if I had that money I would prefer paying other things than a billboard of course !! so it can only been paid by some firms that feel the heat in their neck, or rightwing groups or neo-cons .... if I was a real american up there I would go with 20 or 3O men and women to smash that stupid board into the ground ! that I would do because on the other side if I was a real american I would put my name on that billboard to let you know it was me who did put it there ! is there a name on that board from a someone responsible ?? in Europ police would already have smash it down because illegal and no responsible editor mentionned and no autorisation for putting it there in the first place !!!

Actually tracing the person(s) that paid for the billboard would not be that hard. The company that put it up is on there, always is somewhere on it.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Pretty sad how this thread has turned into a left/right bash. Its just the way 'they' want it. Somehow I thought a site like this would be different, have more understanding. Oh well. Silly me.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by mrsoul2009
Where was this billboard during the past 8 years? Sorry but I'm not buying the right-wing rhetoric folks - if they are true to their beliefs they should have spoke up a long time ago.

It's funny, many of the posters who now beat the "where was _____ during the past 8 years?" horse, while falling all over themselves to defend everything the current administration touches, were the same ones who found evil in everything the last administration did, and posted thread after thread about the evils of Bush and Co. Many of the same folks who are now posting thread after thread with anti-Obama undertones, calling for revolution, were the same folks who were on ATS running constant defense for Bush. They're the same administration.

I urge anybody on here who genuinely believes the 2 party system isn't a scam, to really think about it. Break those chains of division. We're ALL Americans. People who lean left, don't be hypocrites and support freedom of every group under the sun, while looking down your noses at folks who live a simpler life and base their lives on family and religion. People who lean right, shift your energies inward, to raising your own families and living your own lives by the values you choose, if the book you live by is correct, it's not your job to judge others. All people should be entitled to live their lives the way they choose, as long as they don't harm others. As a society, if we can grasp that simple concept, the elitist crooks can no longer divide and conquer us.

I for one, have been on ATS stating my opinions over the past 6 or so years. You'll find me criticizing both administrations equally. I'm not the only one, there are some of us out there, average Americans who don't have political agendas, who want to live and let live (unless backed into a corner), and to see this country become what it was supposed to be, free, with liberty and justice for all.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by mrsoul2009
Where was this billboard during the past 8 years? Sorry but I'm not buying the right-wing rhetoric folks - if they are true to their beliefs they should have spoke up a long time ago.

It's funny, many of the posters who now beat the "where was _____ during the past 8 years?" horse, while falling all over themselves to defend everything the current administration touches, were the same ones who found evil in everything the last administration did, and posted thread after thread about the evils of Bush and Co. Many of the same folks who are now posting thread after thread with anti-Obama undertones, calling for revolution, were the same folks who were on ATS running constant defense for Bush. They're the same administration.

I urge anybody on here who genuinely believes the 2 party system isn't a scam, to really think about it. Break those chains of division. We're ALL Americans. People who lean left, don't be hypocrites and support freedom of every group under the sun, while looking down your noses at folks who live a simpler life and base their lives on family and religion. People who lean right, shift your energies inward, to raising your own families and living your own lives by the values you choose, if the book you live by is correct, it's not your job to judge others. All people should be entitled to live their lives the way they choose, as long as they don't harm others. As a society, if we can grasp that simple concept, the elitist crooks can no longer divide and conquer us.

I for one, have been on ATS stating my opinions over the past 6 or so years. You'll find me criticizing both administrations equally. I'm not the only one, there are some of us out there, average Americans who don't have political agendas, who want to live and let live (unless backed into a corner), and to see this country become what it was supposed to be, free, with liberty and justice for all.

Thank you. Its good to see some sense and understanding, this is the hope of many.
Blessed be

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by silent thunder

Too bad you can never really starve them as long as you work, you're paying taxes, as long as you own land/ pay way out of giving them money.
Write "exempt" on your W-2.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by mrsoul2009
Where was this billboard during the past 8 years? Sorry but I'm not buying the right-wing rhetoric folks - if they are true to their beliefs they should have spoke up a long time ago.

They're the same administration.

I urge anybody on here who genuinely believes the 2 party system isn't a scam, to really think about it. Break those chains of division. We're ALL Americans. People who lean left, don't be hypocrites and support freedom of every group under the sun, while looking down your noses at folks who live a simpler life and base their lives on family and religion. People who lean right, shift your energies inward, to raising your own families and living your own lives by the values you choose, if the book you live by is correct, it's not your job to judge others. All people should be entitled to live their lives the way they choose, as long as they don't harm others. As a society, if we can grasp that simple concept, the elitist crooks can no longer divide and conquer us.

Precisely! These right to left and back swings keep us all off balance. What ever dictated that we should have only two parties? The elitists. This has taken a hundred years to reach this level of corruption. The same amount of time for the citizens to reach this level of distrust and that distrust is mostly of each other rather than the select few controlling the game.

Why so much trust of these stooges? The brainwashing provided by the MSM for each and every one of them. Does Fox make money without NBC and vice-versa? Hell no! The system is now so blatantly elitist that the elite are producing our politicians rather than risking resistance from an honest candidate getting through. We don't vote in our neighbors as our representatives at the highest levels, we vote and choose between elitist trained actors. Bad actors but we've come to accept anything as entertainment and now as government.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 12:27 PM
The best way to overthrow a government is through propaganda of truth. The best way for the government to destabilize those people is to call them a terrorist through mainstream media. You see, even if Missouri, and a few other states have a revolution, you won't have enough people.

Since the government is working with MSM, it will be easy to cut off all news about the riot to other states. Containing the fire is what kind of strategy the government will use. If the fire does not spread it will be easier to put out.

A similar happened in England where people started rioting. The police cut off all transportation to that area so no one else could join in.

All the police strategies must be studied carefully, because they have studied and prepared for ours.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 01:14 PM
This is just grandstanding, nothing more.

See, if you're thinking about having a revolution, you generally don't put that up on a big billboard. If you do that, the government might get suspicious. Of course, they might miss it, like they missed the warning signs of 9/11 and Nidal Malik Hasan, but you never know when some sharp-eyed government type might see the sign and have his suspicious aroused.

If someone's planning a revolution - and I suppose someone is - they're going to try to keep it a big secret, because there are government agencies whose only purpose in life is to find out about revolutions and spoil all the fun.

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