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Missouri billboard: “Prepare For War” Against corrupt Government

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by mrsoul2009
Where was this billboard during the past 8 years? Sorry but I'm not buying the right-wing rhetoric folks - if they are true to their beliefs they should have spoke up a long time ago.

Back in the 60's and 70's when this kind of hyperbole was thrown around by the left, they were accused of hating their country, being unpatriotic and were asked to "love it or leave it." Seems a little hypocritical to me.

Try living in another country for awhile...

Toss up left/right rhetoric for what. Whether the idea is right or left doesn't matter worth spit and you know it so PLEASE stop mentioning it like a horse fly or something that just wont go away.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:16 AM
Bearing in mind that the National debt has been in the Trillions for more that 4 years now
In the 10 months that Obama has been President; what has he done to warrant this Treasonous “Prepare For War” Against corrupt Government accusation

I mean really apart from the Debt, that we have established as Bush's fault, name all the terrible things that Obama has done

I challenge you all : come on!!!! are you saying, " It was Ok to pay tax to Bush's government but not to Obama" I mean the Police, School Buses, Education, the Armed forces and Welfare all have to be funded somehow.

Or is there another agenda lurking in the Background?

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:51 AM

The current democratic government is corrupt. It doesn't matter what type of government it is. Call a spade a spade.
Jack your Credit Card rate to 30%, after taking bailout funds it's only fair Obama gets the car companies and the entire medical profession.
You forgot to point out that prices on the market continue to plummet, putting more and more people underwater. FHA loans also continue to decline in the frequency of new applicants. Sales are being driven by cash alone in ever increasing amounts.
It has NOTHING to do with his Federalism at all, or the entire corrupt political system.

Mmmm corrupt aye: you dont explain why?

The Credit card rate is not Obama's fault, It was Bush that Preached spend spend spend these are the Good times, and can you imagine if Obama hadnt bailed out GM, Ford, and AIG ??? Can you !!!!!!
And the Loans and Housing market has nothing to do with Obama: here again Bush encouraged Home ownership so much, people bought Properties they in truth could not afford..

" The entire corrupt political system " Mmm what system would you advocate bearing in mind the cost of our Navy Airforce and Army
What we hear from some people is a load of Hot air.

I understand one thing some people like you HATE DEMOCRATS full stop.... i am afraid to say like the Germans hated the Jews

Which is not in my opinion a very Christian attitude to hate that much...

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 01:23 AM
It has nothing to do with hating Democrats or Republicans. It's about what the constitution says. You are adding in the paranoid element by comparing it to nazis and jews.

Our government has been wayward for more than 100's at a boiling point for a lot of people. To see generation after another look the other way for so long is a sad sight indeed.Wanting ones Liberty restored goes past such frail party lines. It's about not being owned by our own electorate(or someone else's).

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by andeemac2009
Mmmm corrupt aye: you dont explain why?

Do I really need to do so? This here is in my town alone:

How many people in this government have issues with their taxes alone for the Treasury Secretary appointment?

How many of these politicians have special interest groups funding their election campaigns?

Didn't you read the giant lobbyist thread on this board a while back?

I don't need to explain it in detail. It's pretty damn evident that (D) and (R)'s alike do NOT represent the people. They represent those who have the largest check to donate to them.

Those 535 people on the hill do NOT represent you or your interests. They care only for what THEY get out of it.

The Credit card rate is not Obama's fault

Learn how our nation works. The current president, ie, Mr. Obama appoints the Treasury Secretary. That is the ONLY reason his name was brought up.

The point was, how well his poll numbers will be when the CEO of JPM Chase, a company whose bending over American's with 30% interest rates, AND taking TARP dollars, funded by those same people gets appointed into the Treasury Secretary job?

Obama doesn't control the Interest rate on CC's, but Congress sure can via legislation. Oh right, they elected recently NOT to in act portions of the Credit Card Act of 2009 early to prevent that recently.

Could it be so CC's COULD continue to jack the rates up before the act goes into effect? My question is why wasn't it in effect the moment it passed, as anyone with a brain knew the CC's would jack rates up to 30% before the law becomes enacted? Gee, I wonder why....

See past the (D) and (R)'s next to the politicians names and take a good long look at the government beast -- including the House of Reps and Senate.

It was Bush that Preached spend spend spend these are the Good times,

I thought it was the House of Reps and the Senate who repealed parts of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 as a major cause?

Whose final signature was on that again? Read up on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and it's relation to our current economy problems and get back to me.

and can you imagine if Obama hadnt bailed out GM, Ford, and AIG ??? Can you !!!!!!

What bailout for Ford? They didn't take one:

Do you even know what AIG does and CDS's are?

As far as GM, its Unconstitutional. It's specifically illegal. Period. End of Story. Under no circumstances should the President and NOT Congress authorize a loan to the Car Industry, nor should it be overseen BY the office of the President. That's Congress' Job, yet the President went ahead with it anyway.

Second, the whole takeover was a violation of the 4th amendment. Those that OWN the company, ie the bondholders DO have a claim on the property, not the government.

He has a Oath to uphold the Constitution, not ignore it when he sees fit.

That's not a Republic, nor a Democracy. What is that again?

I guess you're like the other poster, it's only bad when the OTHER guy does it, right? The means do NOT justify the end when in violation of the very principals of our Republic.

And the Loans and Housing market has nothing to do with Obama: here again Bush encouraged Home ownership so much, people bought Properties they in truth could not afford..

In which they bought homes thanks to RAMPANT fraud in our financial system, made possible by our Congress as a whole. Namely, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley paving the way. Whose name was on that bill again?

Where was the (D)'s against Bush and the encouragement? Oh that's right, Maxine Waters thought EVERYONE should own a home, regardless of their ability to pay, and Barney Frank seems to think the Government should pay for peoples homes too.

I'm sure the low interest rates and huge loans on half million dollar homes granted to the legislature had NOTHING to do with their vote on the GLB, right?

So which (D) advocated savings instead of spending? Was it just Bush saying spend it all? Clearly, it's a Bush issue, and thus only (R)'s.

Learn to blame the government, and not just one man. Congress could stop this tomorrow if they wanted to. Where is the bill to do so?

Mmm what system would you advocate

Uh.. how about a Constitutional Republic for starters?

bearing in mind the cost of our Navy Airforce and Army
What we hear from some people is a load of Hot air.

How does corrupt political systems justify a Navy and Army? How are you making this illogical leap from corrupt, to well hey, it pays for our Military?

They should be upholding their oaths to protect this nation from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC regardless of their funding source.

I understand one thing some people like you HATE DEMOCRATS full stop.... i am afraid to say like the Germans hated the Jews

I laughed. Nice attempted Godwin of the thread.

I must REALLY hate my wife, as she's a (D) but now leaning (I). Oh and her family, namely her bro and sis who are liberal (D)'s. And Oh, I hate her best friend too whom is super left on the (D) standing. Man the hate flows from me. LOL.

Which is not in my opinion a very Christian attitude to hate that much...

Except I don't hate (D)'s. I hate what our nation has become. It has unhinged from it's roots and now works against the people instead of for it. I hate the blind allegiance to either party, while liberties are taken away, corruption runs rampant, and the ignorant partisan politics on both sides lets it happen.

Politicians do not grant liberties, they take them away. I want a nation that's free from Federal Government tyranny, in which all power rests with the people governed by set of unbreakable laws/rights in our Republic.

You know, the principals we were founded upon?

If that makes me a "bad Christian" for believing in freedom for all men, governed by a set of unbreakable laws without exception, then I'll wear your label with a badge of honor.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 02:39 PM
Agreed! Things have definitely reached a tipping point and it seems most believe what they are told to believe regardless of truth. The simple matter of fact is that neither Republican or Democrat are upholding the constitution these days.

As to what has Obama done? He is destroying our country through socialism and the capitalists with are in large part republican gave him the platform to be able to pull it off. The government would have no reason and more importantly argument for expansion if greed hadn't infiltrated nearly 100% of the marketplace. Greed opened the door and Obama was simply happy to walk through. Why not expand the government? After all, our society has proven time and time again that we can't be responsible with our freedoms.

This has been carefully planned and executed through formal education, propaganda and corruption of values. It's all outlined in the protocols of the elders of zion

We have to wake up and step up...this problem won't fix itself and if you truly believe that we can't do anything about it you're wrong. The power of purpose should never be underestimated.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 02:44 PM
IMO, if steps 1 & 2 fail, it's because the majority of Americans don't feel the same way as those that agree with the billboard's message. Given that, if it fell to #3 option, then those that choose #3 are trying to rob the majority population out of their democratic process. #3 is a horrible, horrible choice. If you are in the minority and you don't like how things are being run in this country, then get the hell out. Go move to a country that has a system YOU like.

Just sayin'

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
If you are in the minority and you don't like how things are being run in this country, then get the hell out. Go move to a country that has a system YOU like.

Just sayin'

There it is guys.
I remember very clearly, the 'right-wing' drones telling everybody who was critical of the Bush administration, that they were welcome to leave. There was even a South Park episode making fun of all the rednecks shouting, "If you dont like it, you can geeeeeeet out". I also remember how much it pissed off the 'left-wing' drones, who proclaimed that as "good" Americans, it was their duty to rally against the corrupt government. Now, the 2 party scam pendulum of illusion, has made a full swing. As clearly illustrated above.

I'm glad to see though, that many are waking up to the illusion. Soon, Aggie Man, the people who see that NEITHER party works in the interest of the average American won't be a minority. When that happens, perhaps we can steer this country in the right direction, and re-establish a government that works in the best interest of the average person, not the super elite. I'm glad to see that your attempts to keep the prefessional wrestling-like show alive, are failing.

Just sayin'

[edit on 24-11-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
Soon, Aggie Man, the people who see that NEITHER party works in the interest of the average American won't be a minority. When that happens, perhaps we can steer this country in the right direction, and re-establish a government that works in the best interest of the average person, not the super elite. I'm glad to see that your attempts to keep the prefessional wrestling-like show alive, are failing.

Well, when that day comes, then there will be no need resort to #3.

So how is it that my comment above even closely relates to professional wrestling.

Just sayin'
EDIT: In addition, there are always other candidates on the presidential ballots. Problem is, not enough of the population has any interest in them. Maybe if they developed better platforms, then they may stand a chance...but they always come across as fringe loonies...partly because of the media's portrayal or lack of coverage, but you can't say the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...options are not out there. You may find some commonality with many on here in you political views and a need for an uprising...but hell, consider where you are posting at...ATS IS NOT representative of the general population.

[edit on 24-11-2009 by Aggie Man]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
Well, when that day comes, then there will be no need resort to #3.

It depends on what #3 is. I can't imagine the elite few who pull all of the strings in our government and media, are going to just let their power slip away without some kind of fight. I've never said i advocate violence though, there would be no need if the people stood united against the corruption. Without all of us, they have NOTHING. We the people, collectively, have the economic equivalent of a nuclear arsenal against them. We just have to realize it, collectively. I'm hoping that day comes soon, for all of our sakes. Even those who are still blinded by their divide and conquer strategies.

So how is it that my comment above even closely relates to professional wrestling.

Because, it was a comment grounded in partisan politics, IMO. Just like professional wrestlers, professional politicians, republicans and democrats, pretend to hate each other and put on a show in the ring, but behind closed doors they're all friends, everything is scripted and planned all along by a few WWE execs.

In addition, there are always other candidates on the presidential ballots. Problem is, not enough of the population has any interest in them. Maybe if they developed better platforms, then they may stand a chance...but they always come across as fringe loonies...partly because of the media's portrayal or lack of coverage, but you can't say the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc...options are not out there.

You're correct, 3rd party candidates exist. Up until recently, i would never believe 3rd party players would ever be able to compete against the stranglehold the big 2 have on the media, and therefore the attention of the masses. I'm becoming more hopeful though, that enough people are waking up to see the corruption that is rampant in the big 2 to make 3rd party candidates more viable. But, then there is the matter of the big 2 rigging elections, which we know they are not above. Like i said, i doubt the elitists in power are going to let go easily.

You may find some commonality with many on here in you political views and a need for an uprising...but hell, consider where you are posting at...ATS IS NOT representative of the general population.

Like i said, lately it seems more and more people are turning against the 2 party scam. I see it with my own eyes, talking to people who never used to give my thoughts and ideas any real consideration, are now admitting that they see it too. While there may be a few die hard 'right-wingers' that will try and use this awakening to push the pendulum back to the side they want it on, they are going to be disappointed when the pendulum stops.

This isn't about left vs. right, it's about a VERY small percentage of elitist crooks who have claimed almost ALL of the wealth we all work for, and who have placed us all in false chains of manufactured division (left vs right), so we are far too busy fighting amongst ourselves to pay attention to what they have done. The winds of change (real change) are blowing though, i feel them.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 04:27 PM
see #12
Phishna's 2010 Predictions (

#1 Deflation Takes Hold, the fear of hyperinflation dissipates as credit implodes, metal prices plummet, bank stocks plummet, over 10 large banks are taken over by the Feds, Goldman Sachs share price declines to less than $10 a share and a second bailout of the banks is refused, share prices are destroyed in 2010, interest rates go negative, people are paid to borrow

#2 US Government is Forced to Cut Spending, the Treasury defaults on T-Bonds, the new health care system is a total disaster and rogue doctor offices spring up everywhere, medical care goes underground, people trade marijuana for medicine, Nancy Pelosi gets a facelift and buys new shoes, Michelle Obama goes on a shopping vacation in China

#3 States Forced to Cut Spending, California leads the way and raises taxes and cuts welfare spending which causes riots, California and Arizona forcibly repatriate illegals in order to save money, public schools become food distribution centers, school buses are used as public transportation year round in rural counties

#4 Credit Card Defaults Skyrocket, Fannie and Freddie finish their bankruptcy - shares are NOT traded, Sallie Mae stock plummets to less than $1 a share, the bank stock index (BKX) declines to less than $10,

#5 Public Recognizes that we are in another Great Depression, the 2nd Great Depression forces economists and other intellectuals to call for ending the Federal Reserve, John Maynard Keynes is declared to be the devil

#6 Pot Growing Skyrockets, pot becomes a parallel currency to dollars in hard hit rural communities, pot saves the day, former rightwing antidrug Christians start smoking and growing pot, some preachers claim that the Bible says Jesus smoked pot, pot is smoked in the open in major cities, hippie chicks grace the covers of women's magazines, hippie pagan cults worship the cannabis goddess, rainbow gatherings in forests become year round, people garden on public lands

#7 Pension Funds Implode, over 10 state pension funds go into default, 401k's decline another 80%, car sales plummet, small economy and electric cars become popular, old people eat dog food, young people eat dogs

#8 Mortgage Defaults Double, recreational real estate declines 90%, struggling mortgage payers throw in the towel when nationwide real estate declines another 40% in 2010, in some areas real estate is off 98% and still no buyers, some homes in Detroit decline to $1

#9 Start of the End of the "financial times" the era of manipulated debt based currencies begins to end, magazines like The Economist are despised, everyone starts to see the scam that fiat currencies are a fraud of Jew banksters, the public demands a hard gold back currency, Fed is audited and nationalized, Ron Paul is the new hero and makes the covers of major financial magazines

#10 Obama the Fraud is despised, calls of impeachment or assassination are common on talk radio, the more radical the talk show host the more popular the ratings, right wing Christians openly protest Obama is the Antichrist

#11 US Military stages a counter coup against the Jew run government and forces the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and Pakistan, over 100 foreign military bases are abandoned, a top general says the military is siding with the American people

#12 Gun and ammo prices plummet as unprepared rednecks trade their arms for seeds and food, dreams of a shooting revolution dissippate into the immediate reality of producing food, dogs are hunted for food, garage sales along highways becomes the new rage because if you can drive you must have money to spend, Obama appoints Monsanto executives to oversea the USDA and FDA and organic gardeners are declared "radical terrorists", armed midwest farmers openly defy the law and start growing industrial hemp, home gardeners patrol their vegetables with shotguns

there's more go here

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

I wonder if this would have been allowed up at all if a republican were in office?.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Great Billboard! It is so sad that we have come to this but the Obama administration is quickly taking away any other options.

It is not only our right, but our obligation to keep any person from doing harm to our constitution.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:11 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if the government isn't the "person" putting up these billboards!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:57 AM
All talk and no do. Stop talking about civil war and just do it! The sooner the better.
In the mean time we are moving forward with progressive reform.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:14 PM
Few things in life are worth fighting and possibly dying for, so pick your fights carefully. There isn't enough collective will among the largely apathetic populous of our country to start any kind of revolution. That is why this government is not at all worried about what the people are feeling.

Every battle must be a personal one, I can only think of a very few things worth fighting and dying for.... In a few days I plan to find out how that will go.

I'll get back to you on that, or not, whichever is more appropriate.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 08:34 PM
you're all sad excuses for americans. this call has been issued and youre all just sitting around typing on your keyboards. overthrow the ptb or shut up. i'm fighting, are you? no youre sitting here talking. talk talk talk...

blah blah blah. puppets.

is there a problem? if you answer yes youre a liar. cause youre not doing anything about it. scared? awww thats cute.

look, the point is, all of you sitting around talking deserve this slavery. you deserve this control. you deserve to be used like youre worthless, after all, you are.

you are not americans. you are cattle. you are not anticonspirists, you are collaborators. i'm invisible. i am the war. i am a force. you are not.

if you read this, and go do something, then i take that back. if you read this, and just write back at me, then i was right. and your only purpose here is official f.b.i. duty

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