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Third Secret of Fatima: behind the curtains.

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posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
But I can not worship her or honor her any more than I do the other righteous prophets of old.

It's not about worshiping her. But I'm not going to make any attempt to counter the contents of your post, at least not at this time.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:55 AM
"twenty-one rocks of fire"

In 1994, one of the biggest signs connected to a Biblical apocalypse had occurred.

This sign partly confirmed to me that the "beginning" of key events were going to take place before the end of the 20th century. It was all about magnitude and timing.

The sign was a Once-in-a-millennium event according to astronomers and related to the following Biblical quotes:

Joel 3:3-4 "and I will work wonder's in the heavens and the earth, blood, fire, and columns and smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, at the coming of the day of the Lord, the great and terrible day."

Luke 21:25-28 "there will be signs in the sun, the moon and the stars. .....The powers of heaven will be shaken. After that, men will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud with great power and glory. When these things begin to happen, stand erect and hold your heads high, for your deliverance is near at hand."

(Magazine "Maclean's", July 18, 1994, title: COMET CHASER) => "In March, 1993, Levy, along with the husband-and-wife team of Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker, found a comet orbiting Jupiter that had fractured into 21 pieces. Scientists now expect the fragments to crash into Jupiter between July 16 and 22-- creating one of the most spectacular celestial events on record. ``All of astronomy is going to stop,'' said Levy. ``Every major telescope in the world will be looking at Jupiter. As they prepared for the event, astronomers scrambled for words to describe their excitement. This will be the first time mankind has witnessed a major cosmic collision involving a planet and a large object such as a comet. ''
(Magazine "Time", July 25, 1994 ,title: INFERNO ON JUPITER ) => "A comet's violent collision with the giant planet is proving spectacular...... Despite scientists' sober warnings that the Great Comet Crash of 1994 might be an uneventful dud, the first chunk plowed into Jupiter's atmosphere with the force of perhaps 10 million hydrogen bombs lofting a mushroom cloud of hot gas nearly 1,000 miles out into space and leaving a dark scar on the planet's familiar, brightly colored clouds. The assembled astronomers looked at the video screen for a second in silent disbelief -- then began cheering and toasting one another with swigs from champagne bottles. Said Hammel: ``This is the kind of stuff I've been dreaming about.'' ...... Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker are a husband-and-wife scientific duo who spend their evenings scanning the skies for heavenly intruders; David Levy, an amateur astronomer, often helps them. When the partners found Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1993, they knew it was unusual, and further observation revealed that it was not one comet but at least 21 fragments, remnants of a single object that had been torn apart a year earlier by Jupiter's gravity -- and that all would crash into the massive planet between July 16 and July 22 in the most violent event in the recorded history of the solar system. "

TIMING: The comet collisions occurred over the 7-day period of July 16 to July 22, 1994. Coinciding with the special Silver anniversary of arguably the most special event in mankind's history to occur in space. The Shoemaker-Levy comet fragments were bombarding Jupiter during the celebration of the Silver 25th anniversary of the First Man on the Moon(July 21st). The timing was almost perfect. And not just any Anniversary but during a more widely celebrated "25th" Anniversary. For me it tied "mankind" to the "sign in the heavens" to the "endtimes."
Not only that, their were "21" fragments that slammed into Jupiter....Neil Armstrong's first step on the Moon occurred on the "21" of July. Plus it occurred near enough to the end of the 20th century to be relevant according to my beliefs to the Fatima prophecies.

The end of the century arrives. The great Fatima and Biblical chastisement was nowhere in sight.


posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Between 2000 and 2007 I lose my beliefs. During that time I often ask myself if there is still a possibility that the Fatima and Biblical prophecies may still come true in my lifetime.

At least a dozen times I was thinking that the only logical way for the Comet collision that overlapped the 25th Anniversary period to maintain it's connection and relevance as a Sign of a Biblical Apocalypse WOULD BE FOR...: a second even bigger "sign" to occur during the Special Golden 50th Anniversary, so that the 1994 sign was simply phase "ONE" that *continues* on with a second phase 25 years latter. C-O-N-T-I-N-U-A-T-I-O-N.

So you can imagine my shock when Jupiter was hit again by another comet that produced a scar about the size of earth and was accompanied by a resulting mushroom cloud of smoke-debris over a period of a few days and MUCH MORE SIGNIFICANTLY: once again BEING CONNECTED with a significant Anniversary of the First Man on the Moon!! The 40th anniversary!! This comet hit Jupiter a few days before the July 21, 2009 anniversary with the mushroom-cloud-debris aftermath activity overlapping the 40th Anniversary. Its the first time such an event has been witnessed on Jupiter since the 1994 impacts. To me, it's spells like a direct "continuation" of the first apocalyptical sign in the heavens. Now I'm really wondering about the Golden 50th anniversary of the First Man on the Moon.
But I won't be waiting around for it, it's all about the continuation of "Kosovo" for me. If I don't see events progressing in the expected direction between mid-2010 and end of 2012 over Kosovo, then I don't waste time with expectations of the 50th Golden Anniversary.

article about the July 2009 impact on Jupiter =>

And for the record, for a full week after learning the Comet hit Jupiter this July, I was in a temporary state of euphoria.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by Phantomfire707]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:26 AM
I read your thread last night, came back earlier this evening gave it a star, and now I'm back and I have a question.

Over the years, I've only invested eight to ten hours researching this subject, so my knowledge is very limited and nowhere near what yours and that of many others will be.

What about the various quotes that John Paul made about the sea turning to foam? Do you know if he really said that? And if the quotes are true - why wasn't anything like that mentioned in the third secret?


[edit on 20-11-2009 by Myrtales Instinct]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Myrtales Instinct
What about the various quotes that John Paul made about the sea turning to foam? Do you know if he really said that? And if the quotes are true - why wasn't anything like that mentioned in the third secret?


[edit on 20-11-2009 by Myrtales Instinct]

I believe you are referring to the comments attributed to the Pope when he visited Fulda, Germany in 1980.
The 1980 comments =>
"Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves.
On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired. Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil.
...We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ … With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed. How many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from blood! This time, too, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary."

I am of the tendency to believe that the above comments were really spoken by the Pope. Perhaps I would be wrong to believe such a thing. Perhaps maybe he didn't say such things. The only piece of evidence I have that the above Pope comments are genuine, is that Cardinal Ratzinger did not dispute the comments when the co-author of the "Ratzinger Report" mentioned to Cardinal Ratzinger in a 1985 published interview(in book form), that "John Paul II's personal visit to Germany...seemed to confirm the undeniably disconcerting contents of the text." with Ratzinger's reply being that the delay in the publication of the 3rd secret is not because "the Pope wants to hide something terrible" and that if it were true that something terrible was in the message "that after all would only confirm the part of the message of Fatima already known."

I have read about plenty of evidence that the publicized Third Secret is not the full secret. I had informed a prior poster that I need to read 200 pages worth of material before I can get further into demonstrating some of that evidence. But the bottom line, based on the evidence I have read regarding the 3rd secret is that I do believe the Vatican released an authentic part of the 3rd secret, but that the Virgin Mary had also provided a verbal explanation to the children of the meaning of the "vision" and that Mary's verbal explanation and verbal prophecies are absent from the Vatican's June 2000 release.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by Phantomfire707]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:42 PM
Over the next 4 to 7 days I will be posting major evidence that the "Third Secret of Fatima" contains another text that the Vatican is keeping from the world.

This hidden "other text" contains the actual words of Mary explaining the "vision" that was released by the Vatican in June of 2000.


I will start by PROVING it...right now!!!!

The source is undeniable.....Pope John Paul II's very own words provided in HIS OWN BOOK "Crossing the Threshold of Hope."

Right at the start of the Opening Post of this thread, I had included an explosive comment by Pope JPII. That very same comment from the Pope contains yet ANOTHER even more explosive detail. Re-examine that quote from the Pope, on page 221 of CTTOH where he states:
""And thus we come to May 13, 1981, when I was wounded by gunshots fired in St. Peter's Square. At first I did not pay attention to the fact that the assassination attempt had occurred on the exact anniversary of the day Mary appeared to the three children at Fatima in Portugal and spoke to them the words that now, at the end of this century, seem to be close to their fulfillment."

Did you spot it? The Pope revealed right there, that "Mary....SPOKE to them THE WORDS..." of the Third Secret.

Now, if you go back and re-read the Vatican's June 2000 release of the Third Secret you will NOT FIND A SINGLE WORD SPOKEN by Mary contained throughout it. The Pope CLEARLY revealed in his 1995 book that the Third Secret contained verbal prophecies spoken by Mary, and yet the 2000 release of the Secret CLEARLY does NOT CONTAIN any words spoken by Mary.

This one single comment from the Pope plainly and astonishingly reveals that the Vatican has simply not released the part of the Third Secret with Mary explaining with words/verbal commentary/spoken prophecies that go with the VISION portion of the Secret.

There is more confirmation, as if it is even needed beyond the Pope John Paul II's comment:

In 1960 many expected the Vatican to release the Third Secret. After all, Lucia had previously stated that the Secret should be opened in 1960. When the Vatican decided not to reveal the Secret that year...anonymous "Vatican sources" communicated through a press release the following:
"It has just been stated, in very reliable circles of the Vatican, to the representatives of United Press International, that it is most likely that the letter(Third Secret) will never be opened, in which Sister Lucia wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret to the three little shepherds in the Cova da Iria..."
( see page 26 at the following ==> )

From that press release in 1960 we again learn that the Third Secret contains "WORDS which Our Lady confided"!!!
Again, the Vatican left out those SPOKEN/CONFIDED WORDS from Mary in the June 2000 release of the Secret.


posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 05:46 PM
On Feb 11, 1967 Cardinal Ottaviani made a public statement about the Third Secret. In the first sentence of his statement the Cardinal hints that Mary had communicated a verbal message "TO SAY" (as opposed to communicating a visual vision to describe.) Here is the statement from Cardinal Ottaviani:
"Lucia has written in Portuguese, on a sheet of paper, what the Holy Virgin asked her TO SAY to the Holy Father. The envelope containing the secret of Fatima was handed to the Bishop of Leiria, and though Lucia has told him he might read it, he wouldn't do that. He wanted to respect the secret perhaps as a sign of respect to the Holy Father...Always closed, it was given to Pope John XXIII. The Pope opened the envelope and read it's contents. Though the text is written in Portuguese, he told me that he understood it thoroughly. Then he himself put it into another envelope, sealed it and laid it in one of those archives which are like a deep and black, black well in the bottom of which no one sees anything at all...The secret is a matter for the Holy Father to whom it was addressed. It was he who was the addressee. And if the addressee of the secret has decided not to declare: 'Now is the moment to make it known to the world.' we must be content with his wisdom which wished it to remain a secret..." (pg 113, The Youngest Prophet, by Christopher Rengers, copyright 1986)

[edit on 5-12-2009 by Phantomfire707]

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 06:13 PM
Interesting subject, but I can't read all that. Succinctness is next to Godliness.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 03:43 AM
I was going to post more this week. but I changed my mind and decided I wrote enough on the subject matter.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Really interesting thread!

Pope Benedict will be at Fatima next May 13th, to celebrate the anniversary of the apparitions there.

Maybe with all that's been happening within the Church -what with the pedophile scandals and all-, a full disclosure of the Secret will be done.

Interesting to say the least.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:19 PM
[edit on 21-4-2010 by RadioKnecht]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:19 PM
[edit on 21-4-2010 by RadioKnecht]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Personaly I think the Third Secret of Fatima is the sex scandle.
Thats why it was kept a secret, and that is why
the orders for the cover ups came from the top.
The scandle has rocked the church to it's foundation and the cover up may be the nail in the coffin for the church and it's religion.
The Third Secret of Fatima is the failure of all of mankind and the corruption and fall of the church is the signal that it is the beginning of the end .

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 05:59 PM
Interesting discourse, but there are some P'sTN;

You/the believers in the secrets, are assuming that Russia symbolises a nation rather than an individual named or entitled Russia, just as Jacob was named Israel...Jacob was not the state of Israel...he WAS may proove that Russia is a similarly entitled single human being.

You/the authors are assuming the church is an absolute force for GOOD and that wars, political unrest et al is an absolute force for BAD. Making valued judgments based on your own conditioning and socialisationand I supose on death tolls, when in reality if you calculate the death toll from the actions and inactions of the vaticans church and measure it against secular wars they pale by comparison.

You/they are assuming the 'suffering of victims of the faith' is about persecution within or of the church itself, instead of the suffering of the vicims of the church, of the faith ie:- the paedophile victims, the suicide victims, the multitudes of those murdered ' in Gods name' through religous wars specifically for the increase of the vatican power base, and then there's the cultures ahniliated or decimated over the eons, the cost of sadistic missionaries to the spiritual safety of hundreds of thousands in many hundreds of cultures, the mentally ill left to suffer the effect of live faith in isolation and ridicule, the political and social corruption and damaging affect of the rampant contradiction, hypocritism and lies within the catholic church that have killed millions since its inception ie: the real victims of 'the faith'....the church is hardly a victim in those things, it is in fact a perpetrator.

Also..these 'secrets' are not so best they are intelligent predictive speculations of potential possibilities that any reasoned individual with a good grasp of history and a knowledge of mysticism could and should have predicted and entwined into mystery given the era we live in. They are easily pliable maybes and would be consequences clearly self fullfilling if enough people believe in them instead of God and twist them and scripture and current events to suit themselves.

Also, and given these messages were or are effected through channeling the Virgin Mary I doubt their authenticity as messages or insights from God. Its no doubt they have an importance to a religion that claims to uphold the bible is the word of God - instead of Christ as the word of God. That is the point however and why they cannot be trusted as Christs church was and simply is, a body of people, its not a power base and structure, buildings and political institution of man - that is the Vatican.

The Bible is explicitly clear in its handling of channeling and contacting the spirits and the dead. Scripture has a well-documented view of the practice of mediums, channeling, and fortune-telling. Leviticus 19:31 states: “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them…”. Leviticus 20:6 says: “I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people.” Deuteronomy 18:12 says that consulting mediums or channeling the dead is “detestable.” Praying or “channeling” any other being than God, is idolatry. Praying to any dead person, including the Apostles, Mary, and so forth, is not so very different that holding a séance and asking a dead relative to help you. In prostituting itself in this way, the Vatican becomes the great whore .

In the Ten Commandments, God says, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). This statement implies there are other spirits out there acting as gods. These are spirits that God created who later sinned and turned against Him. People seeking mediums to hear the spirits speak, and channelers allowing the spirits to speak through them are in essence elevating those spirits as though they were God; thereby, breaking the first commandment.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by RadioKnecht

Pope Benedict will be at Fatima next May 13th, to celebrate the anniversary of the apparitions there.

Maybe with all that's been happening within the Church -what with the pedophile scandals and all-, a full disclosure of the Secret will be done.


when the Pope goes to Fatima on May 13th this year, I would like to see the fulfillment of Mary's words "I shall return here yet a seventh time". It was one of the first things she said on May 13th, 1917 to the 3 children of Fatima.

In context Mary said: "I have come to ask you to come here for six months in succession, on the 13th day, at this same hour. Later on, I will tell you who I am and what I want. Afterwards, I shall RETURN HERE YET A SEVENTH TIME."

Imagine if Mary shockingly appears and communicates with Pope Benedict XVI at the Cova da Iria, with the media watching and filming those very moments. The media would be incredulous and accuse the Pope of faking it to distract attention away from the sexual abuse scandal(which I would assume would resurface in a big way a few days beforehand). Many would be disgusted with the Pope for seeming to have resorted to such a disturbing tactic. Then the Pope would become the bearer of dire and hard to stomach news. The message would be hated, and the messenger even more so.

Although many people believe that the 7th return of Mary had occurred the last day Lucia went to the Cova da Iria on June 16th 1921 with a silent vision....Lucia never mentioned publicly that this "7th arrival" had been fulfilled. In Lucia's memoirs she writes about that final trip to the Cova on June 16th but she makes absolutely no mention about seeing a vision of Mary when she went to the Cova da Iria that day. (see pg 116-117 : )

Some more online reading about the "7th return" prophecy:

I would also hope to see the major ICJ ruling regarding Kosovo-Serbia suddenly be released on May 13th/2010 as a sign that this Serbia-Kosovo conflict, which began at the end of the 20th century, will be the conflict that ignites the fulfillment of events foretold in Fatima. All the major players(Serbia's President, Serbia's opposition parties, Kosovo, Russia, USA) are patiently awaiting the ICJ ruling before deciding their next strategic moves in the struggle over Kosovo.

If I am to be greedy, I would also like to see the American stock market's 80% "false hope" rally that began at 666 in the S&P500 index, to come to an end on May 13th. A collapsed world economy also seems necessary to bring about the Fatima predicted events.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Phantomfire707In context Mary said: "I have come to ask you to come here for six months in succession, on the 13th day, at this same hour. Later on, I will tell you who I am and what I want. Afterwards, I shall RETURN HERE YET A SEVENTH TIME."


In this snippet whoever it is seems to be confessing/admitting she isnt who she says she is. If it it can be reasonably extrapolated from this 'spirits' own 'words' that this is not Mary the Mother of Jesus....then who is it and why is it allowing people to THINK it is Mary/virgin mother of Jesus?

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Rosha

You/the authors are assuming the church is an absolute force for GOOD and that wars,
political unrest et al is an absolute force for BAD. Making valued judgments based on your own conditioning and socialisationand I supose on death tolls, when in reality if you calculate the death toll from the actions and inactions of the vaticans church and measure it against secular wars they pale by comparison.

Your stereotyping. I do not believe the church is an absolute force for Good. I believe many Bishops and Cardinals have forsaken God and are no different then the Pharisees of Jesus' day.

Death tolls? sorry wrong thread. Comparing death tolls is of no relevance to the events and prophecies of Fatima.

Originally posted by Rosha
You/they are assuming the 'suffering of victims of the faith' is about persecution within or of the church itself, instead of the suffering of the vicims of the church, of the faith ie:- the paedophile victims, the suicide victims, the multitudes of those murdered ' in Gods name'

the prophecy is about Russia provoking wars and persecutions of the Church that results in the killing of the Bishops, priests and various laypeople.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by Rosha

In this snippet whoever it is seems to be confessing/admitting she isnt who she says she is. If it it can be reasonably extrapolated from this 'spirits' own 'words' that this is not Mary the Mother of Jesus....then who is it and why is it allowing people to THINK it is Mary/virgin mother of Jesus?

why ask me, you already think you know the answer. Demonic forces, right?

Your completely entitled to believe that. At least for the present.

But were the explosive breakout of these predicted events to occur, it would become unreasonable to attribute the Fatima Prophecies to Satan.

For the Third Secret of Fatima(which has not been fully revealed) and the other Fatima prophecies to explode upon the earth in a highly literal manner, it would suddenly become quite UNReasonable to attribute the most accurate and pivotal prophecy outside the Bible to being authored by Demons. The test of God's prophet is the accuracy of the prophecy, we will reapply that test in the upcoming years.
The prophecy involves an unprecedented sign of a night illuminated by an unknown light that will occur at the critical moment in history. The prophecy involves something else that has never happened before: the annihilation of various nations. Also The Pope hunted down and killed by soldiers. The transformation of Russia. Russia kickstarting a #storm of war and violent anti-Catholic policies. People cursing and throwing stones at a building housing the Pope. The Pope having much to suffer. Probably even that "the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth," The policy of religious and anti-Catholic persecution spreading throughout the world(like never before). And this all coming about with the start of a conflict at the end of the 20th century(Kosovo)...if you are to believe the Opening Post of this thread.

This is not a common and predictable moment in history being prophesied.

The true prophet is never popular. the Antichrist will be loved by the world. Watch out for the Pope to become the messenger of God and of the Fatima message. When that happens, watch out for the Pope's popularity among Catholics to plummet as further confirmation of the heavenly origins of the Fatima Apparitions.

Figuring that the number 13th is highly significant to the Fatima events, watch out for the 13th year of the 3rd millennium, in the same way that 1917 would have been chosen by Heaven because of the Russian revolution that brought the atheistic communists to power in the same 1917.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by Rosha

You/the believers in the secrets, are assuming that Russia symbolises a nation rather than an individual named or entitled Russia, just as Jacob was named Israel...Jacob was not the state of Israel...he WAS may proove that Russia is a similarly entitled single human being.


If you look at the prophesies of Genesis 48 and 49 there is an answer to that question. In the days of Shiloh the descendants of Jacob/Israel are to become nations. Except for Ephraim. Which was to become a multitude of nations. I would propose that Russia is one of the missing tribes. Or at least one of the multitude of Ephraim. That could explain this supernatural preoccupation with Russia.

Also a thought on this 3rd secret. I would think that it's a possibility that it could have been a message on the return of Jesus Christ or his messenger Elijah the Prophet. After all there are unfinished prophesies in the book of Malachi that require fulfillment.

Also the generation of Matthew 24 is approx. 62 yrs old this week. Times running out on this Apocalypse.

[edit on 22-4-2010 by ntech]

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 01:15 AM
why ask me, you already think you know the answer. Demonic forces, right?

I have no idea...only that this 'whatever it is' appeared AS the Virgin Mary..and after cujoiling people in with that apparition is now saying it isnt.
That is a lie, a misrepresentation of truth for manipulation..and God has no need to do that.

The prophecy involves an unprecedented sign of a night illuminated by an unknown light that will occur at the critical moment in history.

and what makes you think that is not alreayd underway, has not already begun?

The prophecy involves something else that has never happened before: the annihilation of various nations.

I think you need to go re read your history.

Also The Pope hunted down and killed by soldiers.

averted by the pre-emptive slaughter of the last of the templars.

The transformation of Russia. Russia kickstarting a #storm of war and violent anti-Catholic policies.

read Catherine the Greats history.

This is not a common and predictable moment in history being prophesied.

I'm could have related to any time after 1916.

The true prophet is never popular. the Antichrist will be loved by the world. Watch out for the Pope to become the messenger of God and of the Fatima message. When that happens, watch out for the Pope's popularity among Catholics to plummet as further confirmation of the heavenly origins of the Fatima Apparitions.

No..his popularity is plummeting becuase heis ading band abetting paedophiles. Lying to people..allowing himself to be called Christ and decieiving many.

Figuring that the number 13th is highly significant to the Fatima events, watch out for the 13th year of the 3rd millennium, in the same way that 1917 would have been chosen by Heaven because of the Russian revolution that brought the atheistic communists to power in the same 1917.


It is also a significant number to occultists, necromancers gnostics and satan worshipers/lucerfarian societies.

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