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You are not an Alien sent to save me.

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posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Dearest Mask,

I appreciate Your Expedient reply to My Posts. Yes I did Choose you as My First RESPECTED Foe for Very Good Reasons. Where you Prefer to Live your Life by the Motto "Deny Ignorance" I choose to follow a Less Disgustingly Ironic one. I Live by the Motto "Acknowledge Ignorance". Mayhaps, that will Help you Discover why I choose you as a Foe. On a more Personal Note; Do you Happen to Enjoy Music? If so have You Heard of the Progressive band RUSH? They are one of my Favorites. I would Highly Recommend 'The Spirit of Radio', it is by Far their Best.


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

I never said I had proof, I said "evidence". I'm not sure "proof" is even possible without a ship landing to provide it, and that isn't likely to happen soon.

Anyway, I've presented the evidence I have, and perhaps you should address that instead of trying to make decisions based on your opinion of something you haven't read. I feel there is a reasonable expectation on my part that YOU do some homework.

Etharzi od Oma.

Hi, I'm skeptical, please bear with me.

Unless I missed one of your posts in this thread, the evidence you're speaking of has to be on the website you referred to. Although I must admit I haven't gone through all of it's pages and/or download files, there is already a question I must ask, concerning the 'matrixes'.

First and least of all, it seems the word 'matrix' is used to refer to the tables containing an english translation of the Bible, instead of actual matrixes (the columns and rows bear no relation to any dimension shared with the vectors; instead, it's simply what the vectors are mapped upon). I guess you could just call them 'tables'.

More importantly, an English translation of the Bible is used. As you claim the information has entered the translation through collective consciousness, there is but one thing I could ask about that: are you implying that the translator was influenced by the collective consciousness while looking up words in the dictionary? In addition, may I infer that you feel a translation is every bit as worthy as the original in respect to concealed messages?

Last and foremost, on one page you state the following (hope you don't mind me quoting):

While I was quite happy to see this matrix at least begin to confirm that I am from the Galaxy Andromeda, I also found it kind of disturbing.


.. yet on another page you state:

While this is hardly conclusive, it is a rather rare matrix (one chance in 50 billion), I feel that it does firmly associate my human and alien identities, as well as provide other useful data.


.. which leaves me somewhat confused about your own opinion. I'm not sure if I'm reading it the right way, but in the last quote you seem to admit that having one in 50 billion 'matrixes' match up to some preconceived notions of evidence is not much of evidence at all. Since all (normal) books contain the complete range of letters in the alphabet (a to z), you could find any set of strings in any book with a certain matrix - it just has to be the one in a 50 billion shot. Is it the fact that you found the matrix despite it being so rare that convinces you of it's significance?

I'll be toying with the download(ed) files now, see if I can understand what it's about.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by JacobTeDreamerIV.
reply to post by Mr Mask

Dearest Mask,

I appreciate Your Expedient reply to My Posts. Yes I did Choose you as My First RESPECTED Foe for Very Good Reasons. Where you Prefer to Live your Life by the Motto "Deny Ignorance" I choose to follow a Less Disgustingly Ironic one. I Live by the Motto "Acknowledge Ignorance". Mayhaps, that will Help you Discover why I choose you as a Foe. On a more Personal Note; Do you Happen to Enjoy Music? If so have You Heard of the Progressive band RUSH? They are one of my Favorites. I would Highly Recommend 'The Spirit of Radio', it is by Far their Best.


Well Jo, my foe, I am honored to be your first foe nonetheless. I do hope you choose your other foes with some attention to "quality". I would hate to be lumped in with a bunch of scalawags and guttersnipes.

Anyways...YES...I breath and live music and find it to be one of the last hopes for humanity (hence why so many corporate entities have taking control of 99% of the human race's awareness of it). RUSH I respect for their technical understanding of music theory and attention to craft. They aren't just banging out power-cords and simple 4s. But I have never really been into them for personal listening. music taste could easily be seen as misguided and as silly as half these "fake alines " around here. yeah.

Ignorance is everywhere...surly within myself. Even the things "I know best" are still all things I am "highly ignorant on".

I think we all suffer that problem...its a "life thing".

What I can say I do not "like in people" is the unnecessary urge to swindle or deceive others for personal gain". You see, unlike "ignorance" dishonesty is something "no one needs" and a thing "that can be removed or greatly reduced" in anyone willing to begin that quest.

Um...for a foe...we sure are "both" taking this thread off topic and being far too civil. Oh well...Maybe we are peaceful foes with similar goals.

Maybe not.

Be safe out there.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

I Myself am more of a Vocalist and a Lyricist, but I can Keep a steady Beat so I could Probably Drum if I Worked on it. I'm just not Feeling Motivated. Now, that we are Somewhat more Acquainted I've made some adjustments to My List.

Best Fortune for You and Yours,


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:27 PM
I will say one thing Mr. Mask. I am an actual alien. According to the DHS, Citizenship and Immigration Service, I am classified as a resident ALIEN.

Just saying...Some of us really are.

Correction, changed Bureau to Service to reflect the the name of the actual agency.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by JacobTeDreamerIV.

Awww JO! YOU ARTIST, YOU! Well, thanks for making me a friend. I welcome friends over enemies any day, especially fellow lyricists. Ah, how quick our breed is to snarl before befriending.

Wonderful! Yknow, I suggest we stand as two opposing views, as friends on earth! Perhaps our union can be used to sway other folks so "intent" on hating those they disagree with? I am sure aliens (fake AND real) could find some honor in that!

Good to have a new friend.

I STILL say that 100% of all forum-users on this site "openly claiming to be an alien" while "presenting a website, product, new age philosophy, agenda,predictions and/or federations...are all...I REPEAT ALL "either"

a) Dishonest swindle-bugs looking to deceive/manipulate/rob the ignorant or "weak minded" people of today's "dumb-down" society. A market exists, henceforth a business begins.


b) Mentally unstable/dysfunctional and in need of medical attention.


c) Both a) and b), added with a possible danger to themselves and others.

You can imagine my concern after coming to this conclusion (right or wrong as it is).

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
I will say one thing Mr. Mask. I am an actual alien. According to the DHS, Citizenship and Immigration Bureau, I am classified as a resident ALIEN.

Just saying...Some of us really are.

AH! Now there is a man who makes me need retraction.

There absolutely ARE ALIENS everywhere! And it took projectvxn to prove me wrong. WELL! THERE YA GO..."You are not an Alien sent to save me" has officially been debunked.

I bow to your "sensible" killing blow sir!

Well done.

S for you.

MODS: please feel free to close the thread.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

But you were right about one thing...I'm not here to save you...That's for Jesus, or Allah, or the flying spaghetti monster.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Mr. Mask.

I am greatly saddened by your lack of knowledge of how to deal with such subjects. The damage you do is beyond your understanding. I am devastated in my heart by people like you.

I'm not sure anyone wants a policeman that conks people on the head, and forces them to empty their pockets for a crowd of thrill seeking voyeurs so you can act like you are saving us from someone maybe telling us something you do not believe.

At this point, it is not even a matter of believing this man. It is the disgust in how you think you are justified in such a spirit of attack.

You are not representative of intelligent discussion. In fact you seem to define the old world autocratic value system. Shoot first, ask questions later.

You know nothing about getting information or truth. To know the nature and truth of something you seem to rather kill it and dissect it, not then really having the skills to understand what you find anyway. Waste.

Your methods are caustic, cynical and are better placed on a street with thugs, shaking old people down for protection money.

It is characters like you that end up doing more damage to truth with the methods you incorporate in your pedantic inquisitions.

The way you questioned and insulted your subject would be contempt in any court. In this, a court of compassionate intelligence especially.

Also, it is obvious you would not know an alien if one gave you a probe.

Your mask is one of shame. You will defend yourself by insulting more I imagine. But please keep your damage at a minimum. You only further erode any credibility you only imagine is the basis of your righteousness.

By the way, it is likely there are actually such people, like the gentleman (AnthraAndromda) who you just kicked around. You may have had a chance to learn something and eventually get out of the ghetto of angry ignorance. Your challenges however are many it seems.

Do me a favor, and stay away from serious discussions. I just end up cleaning up your messes and never have time to enjoy true intelligent discussion.


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:15 PM
hello, new to here. interesting topic. hope to know more about you guys

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

No Worries Friend, I personally have never Claimed to be an Alien. In fact, One could Say the Polar Opposite of that.

Now on a Personal Note:
As far as Music goes I can also be a Cowboy From Hell, but I once got hit by a Rolling Stone. It made me Hear a Stairway but then I fell.

Be safe Friend

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

Wow...what a well written "passive" attempt at making me...what? Feel bad for being "blunt" with the people who are "taking advantage of people" or "being allowed to live in a dangerous fantasy land where they are humored into thinking themselves aliens?"

HA! Jolly good sport at trying to take some moral highroad to defend the "integrity" of "scam artists" and "people with mental disorders"

If you please notice...I am far more "kind hearted" when talking about those who suffer from "mental disorders".

Anyways...point being....WHAT!?

Hell yes I DEMAND A harsh penalty for dishonesty! OH BOY O BOY YES SIR I come rough and ready to expose with a lashing tongue on those "bent on deceiving" people...AND $#@%$ NO do I subscribe to this "passive way of dealing" with anything of the like.

I would like to add...

1-I don't kiss flowers or trees.
2-I don't care about a guilty man's honor.
3-I don't care-bear-stare anything that confronts me. all due respect, I love people like you who think "love and a gentle touch is all that should be applied"...but me mam...I am a guy who says to that-


No more should we just allow these warts make our "real issues with UFOs and the search for intelligence" be disfigured by crack-pot racketeers! No more should these people be allowed to take criminal advantage of people's wallets and checkbooks all the while selling the "way to an ET day"!

You want to see me as a disrupted force? Well I salute your senses there. Because I flip tables in churches that sell the wrong stuff, I am the yodeler in your library of ignorance, the wind to topple all card houses built on lies.

Pretty dramatic eh?

Look...go kissing the hand that slaps you. Me? I will bite the hand of anyone thinking their crafted fantasy" will earn a single dollar from me. My mouth will not be sweetly filled with words of wisdom when I meet these hoaxers.

AND SINCE I am so damn good at being that damn right, the day a a REAL alien comes forward, I will have a FAR better chance of detecting him then your "cosmic justice glasses" you seem to wear.

Damn right I do damage...damage to the crystalline spheres of false reality that these Carnival workers try to sell for suckers to live in.

I wonder what damage you are doing "not helping pop these little devil's bubbles"

Eh...who knows?

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I tend to feel very interested in details you might have on subjects beyond the parse of most.

Love to hear more. Plan to contact you and share notes.

I am not so cynical and un-trusting to need proof. That, for intelligent people becomes evident over time. proof is multi-dimensional and has no firm footing in the linear environment ATS affords. Most don't have the bandwidth to see that. Everyone learns.

Thanks for sticking your neck out. Or whatever that thing is that attaches your biocomputer to your main life support system.


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
reply to post by Mr Mask

Mr. Mask.

I am devastated in my heart by people like you.

Weak heart?

You are not representative of intelligent discussion. In fact you seem to define the old world autocratic value system. Shoot first, ask questions later.

I agree.

To know the nature and truth of something you seem to rather kill it and dissect it

I agree.

Your methods are caustic, cynical

I agree.

The way you questioned and insulted your subject would be contempt in any court. In this, a court of compassionate intelligence especially.

Thank god this is not a court, federation, alien autopsy or anything like that. If these people were brought to court, I am sure it would be on charges of fraud, not "discussions on the subject's species"

Also, it is obvious you would not know an alien if one gave you a probe.

Is it? Or is it direct evidence that you overly trust people after they probe "you"?

Your mask is one of shame.

Um no...its a holy artifact of my religion. BUT THERE YA GO BASHING MY RELIGION unaware of the great insult you have committed. Bravo in becoming the very thing you hate seeing in me. Love heathens! We all party the hardest and drink the deepest wine.

By the way, it is likely there are actually such people, like the gentleman (AnthraAndromda) who you just kicked around. You may have had a chance to learn something and eventually get out of the ghetto of angry ignorance.

Ghetto of angry violence? You a snob who hates ghettos? I personally love ghettos. Eh, to each their own I guess. have nothing to gain from that man who is either a "con-artist, or person with a serious mental disorder. I am not a doctor, so I have no reason to "learn more from him".

Do me a favor, and stay away from serious discussions. I just end up cleaning up your messes and never have time to enjoy true intelligent discussion. me a favor and put a pot of coffee on for me at the next meeting. I will be there will BIG HONKING bells on, ready to finally "teach" you just "what" an "intelligent" debate is.

With all that said...yeah, I think your wrong on everything you have said, accept for what I have agreed with.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
TO ALL ALIENS who posted last night-

You STILL have failed to bring anything to the table to even allow a small "bit" of possibility to your claims into my head. I mean...I made it very clear that "aliens on earth" should have more to show then a website...

So what happened? The most uppity of our "resident aliens" posted his website and said "there is what evidence I have".

BOO! The website provided did nothing but show me you have a small activity within making APPS for windows. After showing my IT-guy the page, he assured me it was all piss-poor basics. I admit to knowing nothing about programing, but I DO know my IT-guy is worth trusting. Could he be wrong? Maybe...but he never failed me before and has earned "credibility in my eyes". If he says its "basic fisher-price-my-first-programing" I have to accept his analysis...

Hmmmm..either you "IT-guy" is wholly incompetent or you have take serious liberties with his characterization. A more appropriate one would have been "I can't see the code that is building these pages, so it all unknown". You see...all of my sites are dynamic, and can't be properly analyzed by viewing the xhtml that is visible via a browser.

You also me me wonder if you have any appreciation for any form of evidence.

In all these months there has been one each appropriate response to my evidence...gee it only took about 4200 1 in 4200 people have enough happenin' to ask the right questions...not what I hoped for.

Anyway, you are right to question all of us "would-be-aliens", and to demand something by way of proof or evidence. You should, however, be a bit more sensitive to the resource requirements of getting the evidence "you" seem to want. And, for what its worth, I have no use for most of the others who claim to be alien. Too many make the claim as a joke, or a scam, too many more use the UFO/ET schtick to make their living.

Regardless of your opinion of me, I want to assure you, and everyone else, that I am perhaps the only exception in all day I will collect the resources to prove it to your satification.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Regardless of your opinion of me, I want to assure you, and everyone else, that I am perhaps the only exception in all day I will collect the resources to prove it to your satification.

Etharzi od Oma

Lol...look, that is very cute. If you want, I will try to get my IT-guy in here to explain in a language both you "programmer-type" folks can understand better.

Me? I don't know crap about making websites or coding anything. In fact, alarm clocks thwart me in my day to day life "very often".

Anyways...what my "IT-GUY" said was "you are not doing anything brillent tooling around with base programs". Then he started saying words like "archetype" and "base code" and I am not sure...but something along the lines of "I was doing better then this when I was 17".

Again...I don't know.

But anyways...I don't think he was speaking about your "web designing skills", I think he was talking about your credentials.

Who knows...but yeah...if to 'UNDERSTAND" if someone 'IS AN ALIEN" you need to know how to "make a website" or "code code", then I say "wow".





Yeah the exception alright. Your the only one of these fake aliens to make me laugh so hard I question the fortitude of my ribs!


Keep on, oh space man of little proof and much to make me laugh.

Anything else you got? Like perhaps you have an IPHONE APP you recently created that only works if you know how to code IPHONE APPS?

Sigh...yeah...I'm the dumb human...your the advanced creature from outerspace trying to help me "understand" your "complex" PC coding tricks that "helped grow the internet" got you picked up by NASA and then "turned into black ops".

Jesus...I can't even follow you in this blurry mess of straws and sticks you call "stone evidence"

I hope your house isn't built out of the same alien code that your website is made of. A wolf may one day huff and puff and expose you for what you really are.

Picture the light of truth and the victory of honesty.

What would happen then? Gee...boggles the mind.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Your response was anticipated. You are very accessible.

It is good to be proud of who you are. The impact of reality can be much more galvanizing then.

Religion? Can you explain what that is if you are able?

Seriously, if you have Jesus or equivalent in your heart, I would temper to that. You are dissonant to such teachings. You are not Jesus in the tax row in Jerusalem. He was the Christ. Do you know what that is?

Dissonance can destroy the instrument you play.

You will miss the true beauty of a wondrous world. And the very interesting souls you come in contact with. The stains of blood on your boot will haunt you some day.

Lighten your step, and lengthen your stride. Try it.


[edit on 11/18/2009 by ZeroGhost]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by scraze
Hi, I'm skeptical, please bear with me.

A skeptical approach is always good.

Unless I missed one of your posts in this thread, the evidence you're speaking of has to be on the website you referred to. Although I must admit I haven't gone through all of it's pages and/or download files, there is already a question I must ask, concerning the 'matrixes'.

First and least of all, it seems the word 'matrix' is used to refer to the tables containing an english translation of the Bible, instead of actual matrixes (the columns and rows bear no relation to any dimension shared with the vectors; instead, it's simply what the vectors are mapped upon). I guess you could just call them 'tables'.

True perhaps. They are not mathematical matrices, and I guess this construct would better be called a table. However, in the context of that line of research it is customary to refer to them as a "matrix"

More importantly, an English translation of the Bible is used. As you claim the information has entered the translation through collective consciousness, there is but one thing I could ask about that: are you implying that the translator was influenced by the collective consciousness while looking up words in the dictionary? In addition, may I infer that you feel a translation is every bit as worthy as the original in respect to concealed messages?

I think mor accurately, the translation has become a part of the collective consciousness. No, I am not implying that the translator was influenced by the collective consciousness existing at the time of the translation, but, I think it is fair to presume that there was indeed some degree on influence.

You you may infer that I felt the translation was every bit as good as the original Greek. I used the English because it was convemient. The file was provided along with the software package I purchased, and from the research I did on this it seemed that those more knowledgable than I thought the English was every bit as valid.

Last and foremost, on one page you state the following (hope you don't mind me quoting):

While I was quite happy to see this matrix at least begin to confirm that I am from the Galaxy Andromeda, I also found it kind of disturbing.


.. yet on another page you state:

While this is hardly conclusive, it is a rather rare matrix (one chance in 50 billion), I feel that it does firmly associate my human and alien identities, as well as provide other useful data.


.. which leaves me somewhat confused about your own opinion. I'm not sure if I'm reading it the right way, but in the last quote you seem to admit that having one in 50 billion 'matrixes' match up to some preconceived notions of evidence is not much of evidence at all. Since all (normal) books contain the complete range of letters in the alphabet (a to z), you could find any set of strings in any book with a certain matrix - it just has to be the one in a 50 billion shot. Is it the fact that you found the matrix despite it being so rare that convinces you of it's significance?

I'll be toying with the download(ed) files now, see if I can understand what it's about.

You need to understand that using this line of research is, to say the least, contraversial. So I felt that at the best it would be thin. I was rather pleasantly surprised to find the "matrix' in question, I wasn't expecting it at all. It seems that the size of the matrix, the number of 'key words' and the "tightness' of the cluster are all factors in determining the value of the overall matrix. Subsequest research has shown me that a matrix such as the first one is very unusual.

But, still, it is not conclusive. And on that aspect I have given a great deal of thought. It seems that most Humans want "conclusive proof", and, I'm not sure that is possible without my people landing ans telling everyone...I don't see that happening.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

First of all, you are here for reasons you only partly understand. For the rest you will need significant work to enjoy.

Secondly, I'm not what you think. I can be an ass like you any day. I was, and better than you are showing us. But I grew up, had experiences that kicked my ass into worlds you would fill your pants.

You act tough. It is an act. Fear is obvious to intelligent observers.

As for religions. I studied and practiced. Many. All paths up the same mountain. I did not insult your religion, I recommend your getting more. It is a good place to start.

By the way, I stated "ghetto of angry ignorance." That is a way of illustrating being stuck in a lower level, a poverty of education, held fast by anger and plagued by ignorance as a result.

I'm sorry. I am talking over current conscious strata. My apologies. Being "blunt" as you say, is too slow a rhythm and the words are like cartoons, limiting detail and qualitative substance for me.

I'll just say goodbye and good luck. Your journey will be interesting for you. I hope for the best in outcomes.

Be ready however. No one gets without an education. It is rarely what you think it will be.


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
reply to post by Mr Mask

Religion? Can you explain what that is if you are able?

Oh I am able and "overly so at that". But, I must say, such conversation is best shared in the true meaning of church...not some forum between conflicting views, or in a brick house made on false intents. Perhaps one day we "can" enjoy such a journey into "my" religious beliefs...but this is a far place from that place or time.

Seriously, if you have Jesus or equivalent in your heart, I would temper to that.

Flippen tables with the best of em, my friend.

Yeah...don't ask me about my religion while you mock it unknowingly. I didn't ask you of yours. Such a thing is uncivil and "unsavory" in any place but church.

I'm here to discredit and challenge swindlers and psychotics...not insult faiths in attempts to anger God(s) with religious debate.

And don't talk down your slender nose saying "I knew you would respond", hinting that you have some understanding of my motivations and lack of God.

I'm no bot, sugar...I am a fully sentient, 3 dimensional instrument of this universe, and damn funky-fine within it.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

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