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You are not an Alien sent to save me.

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posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:11 AM
Alex Collier is one of the crack pots. After listening to all he has to say, and he says a lot. After it all, he never mentions the Freemasons, or the Illuminati.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Thumbs up on the rant.
Heres something to chew on.
What if..

What if some advanced aliens saw that in humans distant future that humans would advance to the point that they would move outinto the galaxy and conquor it. Making a true Human galactic Empire. This scares the robes off them. So, they travel back in our History and change little things here and there. To keep the human race as slaves for as long as they can.

What if we never had the Dark Ages, from the roman empire to the 20th century. Just think of the advancements in human development, technology and yes conquest of the stars. My point is this.
What if.. these so-called aliens have been messing with humans evolution for thosands of years. Just to keep the warlike humans as slaves. So that we don't become what is scaring there robes off.

what if...


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:14 AM
Great post S&F I have seen a lot of these types of posts on these forums, also it is very similar to the "I am the one" threads
I ignore them and just have a peek to see the flaming they get for their opinions.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by donhuangenaro

so, you think that other dimensions must have planets
and I am stupid?

YOU said firstly, "you come from a dimension where planets are now obsolete" This was "you" telling me that "your" dimension had/has planets but they are no longer "needed" or "now without purpose".

Here take a look at the word you seem to be using without knowing the meaning of-

ob·so·lete adj
1. no longer in use because replaced by something new
2. superseded by something newer, though possibly still in use
3. used to describe a part or organ that is undeveloped or no longer functional


Now...with that said. No, I don't make any factual statements about "other dimensions. Same goes for "worm holes, distant stars, Atlantis, The Warp and any or all fictional/hypothedical places/realms you may name that NONE OF US have visited.

I would be a stupid fool to begin making assumptions on such things/places. answer your question...

Originally posted by donhuangenaro

so, you think that other dimensions must have planets
and I am stupid?

The answer is "with all my mind and heart...oh yes. Very stupid. Absolutely, sinfully, embarrassingly and entirely...stupid.

It is not rude to answer a question with honesty.

I can find no gentle way of pointing to your "obvious" inability to function intelligently on this subject.

I came to this conclusion in finding you unable to even understand "what you wrote".

Trust me...the human race has a lot more going for it then you do peddling this poorly presented rubbish.

I hope I made myself "clear". It is the least I can do for you, even though you seem to be having trouble doing so yourself. Perhaps something went wrong with the inter-dimensional transport beam?

Or perhaps you are just not that polished in your lies as some other hoaxers pulling the same scam as you are here?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:19 AM
Like the OP said

Why do the 'Aliens' contact non entities , no offense to the contactees themselves, but to be honest? they have NO WAY of swaying the rest of Humanity do they?
If they went to a Politician , I know they all lie, but if they went to one who was at least considered honest by the people , if they have been here long enough and done the right research they can find out who is genuine and who is a liar.

But no , they go to ordinary citizens, who have no impact on the world stage, sure they can create a website, do a blog, make a utube vid, but we can all do that and lie about the experience, but there are so many fakers out there , we no longer know who to believe and that is where the problem lies.
Boy crying wolf anyone?

There are too many fragmented 'organisations' around the world all vying for your attention, and then the Governments step in and say things like " it's only swamp gas from Ur-anus caught in a weather balloon".
No one is willing to go on public TV and say we are seriously researching any evidence and if you can't deal with it, then don't listen.

The truth shouldn't be hidden behind the facade of profiteering, I know the secret but it will cost you X to find out, Information learned was free to learn and should be freely given away.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus. What if, indeed. I am "ALL GAME" for hypothetical debate for fun and whim. Nothing wrong with saying to yourself "what if jelly beans ruled the world" or "what if insects were just God's webcams for viewing us mortals".

Hypothetical speculation can be tossing a ball between two friends on a hot summer day.

Its when people start presenting such things as fact...or worse, knowingly crafting fantasy in hopes to present it as fact, that a human becomes a cur, a blemish, a blight, a scab on the underside of humanity.

I am just fine with playing the "what if game", especially if the "what if-er" has a good cut to his jib and a heavy head.

But a liar is just that...a liar. A man/woman unworthy of trust or support. A morally bankrupt thing best left in the shame it breaths and sleeps within.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67
I do not think I have ever heard or read anyone say they are an alien but I totally agree with the sentiments of the thread and I really found myself nodding along in grinning agreement with your points.

SJ... Wrap your laughing gear around this one my man!

Many of you are actually Aliens

This is one of my favorite threads when I need a laugh. Actually, if you scratch under the surface of the sheer hilarity, it's rather worrying.

IRM :shk:

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
reply to post by Eye of Horus

Nothing wrong with saying to yourself "what if jelly beans ruled the world" or "what if insects were just God's webcams for viewing us mortals".

Mr. Mask!
I almost chocked at my coffee.
Thank you!!!

I agree with your rant 100%

-Oh and a star for you as well InfraRedMan

That Alien thread is

[edit on 18/11/09 by plutoxgirl]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Star and flag, Mr Mask.

Just a little observation, purely about ATS and related sites, regarding all of the threads from andromedans, indigos, zetans, lightwarriors, channelers etc.; isn’t it strange that they come to conspiracy sites to post pages and pages of old information, rehashed philosophy, skewed science and semi-religious assurances about 2012, the end of the world, disclosure etc?

Why is that?

They never offer evidence, and indeed usually have flimsy, airy-fairy reasons for not doing so.

Why is that?

This is the reason; conspiracy/alternate sites (usually) facilitate this fantasist behaviour by negating the need to produce even the basest substantiation to back up what are otherwise patently outlandish claims.

Isn’t it funny that we never hear of mainstream sites – say, physics or medical, philosophical or religious forums – that has as one of its members someone who also states that they are one of the above unique “minorities”, but that has gone on to challenge those respective disciplines with new and innovative, possibly revolutionary concepts that are easily demonstrable, and therefore incontestable. In other words, proof.

Wouldn’t that be a far more logical way to validate alien-ness, rather than preaching to the converted on alien-related sites about how the Solar Federation operates and the history of the Lion People?

Can anyone tell me why my example hasn’t happened?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:27 AM
I'm not advocating the claims made by a lot of fakes on here, but anyone who PROVES they are Alien, especially on a high-visibility website such as this, would be hunted down and killed or captured by TPTB - simple really.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Mr Mask
Or perhaps you are just not that polished in your lies as some other hoaxers pulling the same scam as you are here?

...well, when I 'see' people like you I really do feel
like I am an alien from some other dimension...

and, if you have been hoaxed, maybe it is because you
are not as smart as you would like to be?

no offence

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by NibiruWarrior

I'm not advocating the claims made by a lot of fakes on here, but anyone who PROVES they are Alien, especially on a high-visibility website such as this, would be hunted down and killed or captured by TPTB - simple really.

If this is really such a concern, then all the "Hey look at me! I'm an an alien from Planet Claire!" attention seeking posts on a public forum seem ill advised.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by draknoir2]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

Forgive me for butting in here, but being "hoaxed" indictes some form of belief in the initial scam.

Spotting blatant fantasy at the outset - and stating so - is not being hoaxed.

Those who are hoaxed are the ones who begin to ask questions of the "alien", not requests for verification, but who openly accept their claims from page one.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

The quality of the threads on ATS are really tanking. If this thread actually gets attention (holy turds, I just gave it attention) it lets me know that its about time for me consider coming here less and less. And undoubtedly, there's actually going to be a bunch of idiots that are going to try to take the devil's advocate on this silly little topic. JEEEEEEEEEEEEZ.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:10 AM
You are right on with this line of thinking. I am so tired of the Nu-Age hippie ET crap. PALE BLUE DOT. We are on our own and its up to us to save ourselves or... not.

Don't tell me your a spiritual being of light an Indigo Crystal Child starseed CRAP when you got no better idea's, teachings or abilities then say anyone with a soul and a 5th grade education.

I am disapointed in OUR species.
We are capeable of so much and do so little.

I think this sums it up......

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:14 AM
If we are willing to torture, enslave etc. our fellow Humans while at the same time soiling the enviroment in epic proportions, getting a compartive handful people to turn over a few dollars to "aliens" is certainly minor crime at best. Afterall lets apply your same logic to organized religion, now there is a Epic scam!!! and in fact provides the template for the "Aliens" to follow.

Heck if I was an Alien and came across a planet with a population as easily dupped as ours I might just settle down and start messing with their minds just for the fun of it.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:23 AM
Well, I am willing to put myself on the line because someone has to sooner or later.

I'm sure you have read a few times when dealing with UFO's and Aliens this is somethig you have to experience yourself and this is true.

I don't mean to be insulting when I use this particular word, "STUPID," it isn't meant to be taken in a bad way..... it is just a word that other species use when describing the Human race and a word that we understand the meaning to. The Human race is considered STUPID because they say this Human race knows only how to use a very small portion of there brain they don't know how to use it to its fullest potential.

As much as you may not want to believe or understand..... it is all about the Soul.

Let me try and explain this so many you can understand. Lets look at Earth as, PURATORY. What you do here with the time alloted to you on this Planet will determine where you your Soul will go once your time allotment has run out.

It's all about the Soul within your Human body and what you do here on Planet Earth.

I hate to really get into the subject because many people have trouble when talking about Religion but I will attempt again to put myself on the line and I am going to make this as short as possible.

God is a word....a word the Human uses to explain something they really don't fully understand. The Human uses God our Creator in Heaven which really translates into Aliens from the sky.

Long, long ago the Church started to use trickery to get people to go to the Churches they built. The Church created there Gods to gain control of the people and what they could of their belongings. Through time when the people had troubles coping with life they used the Faith in their God to get them through bad times. Having Faith in God your Creator's turned out to be a needed part of Human existance.

God(s) is/are really Aliens our Creator(s)

Angels/Demons are good and/or bad Aliens Beings.

Everything on this Planet is monitored 24/7 by these Beings Angels/Demons.

I'm cutting here to say this:

The Creator's are well aware what is happening here and what is going to happen here that was not supposed to happen.

Your Gods as you know them which are just really known as either the Elder's or our Creator's chose Souls from this vast Universe and asked if they would like to go to Earth and help the Human Race when it was time.

I am one of those Souls. I agreed to come here to help (it's my job when the time arrives and I will bring forth the New Beginning and have all the Cures for all Known Viruses/Diseases) there are many other Souls that agreed to come here also to help and they are waking now. The information is being/has been slowly programmed into the chosen and they will release this knowledge when it is time. ( I was told they can only program so much information at a time into a human brain because the Human brain can not handle to much at one time.)

Whatever happens...happens by or before this date March 17, 2046 All I know is an extinction event is in the process of happening Even with these Beings knowing this Human race is a Stupid race they say Humans do have intelligence and is worth saving.

They are working on lessoning this event by releasing energies now from within this Planet and they will continue everything they can. From what I know Dread is the word to describe the event to take place but it will not be total extinction.

Why do you think all that is happening now is happening, the Elitist know and they are raping the peoples blind then when the event occurs they will go underground..... to them going underground then coming out again is considered rebirth. It will be there dome and when this event passes the meek shall inherit the Earth....the New Beginning.

You can disbelieve that's fine just store what I write and in time you will see that you did get truths from one that knows and shared freely.

I'll leave at that and as they say....whatever is to be, will be.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Well, I am willing to put myself on the line because someone has to sooner or later.

Not so much 'on the line' but more so on the trap door with the noose firmy placed around your neck! Ooops!

Let me try and explain this so many you can understand. Lets look at Earth as, PURATORY.

As a self confessed highly 'advanced' alien soul, you surely meant PURGATORY did you not?
Anyhow I'll try and stretch my inferior human brain so that I may 'understand'... your spelling errors!

Your Gods as you know them which are just really known as either the Elder's or our Creator's chose Souls from this vast Universe and asked if they would like to go to Earth and help the Human Race when it was time.

I am one of those Souls.

Hmmm... no... you are a narcissist with a flare for the dramatic!

I agreed to come here to help (it's my job when the time arrives and I will bring forth the New Beginning and have all the Cures for all Known Viruses/Diseases) there are many other Souls that agreed to come here also to help and they are waking now.

Oh come on now... You did not! :shk:

Whatever happens...happens by or before this date March 17, 2046 All I know is an extinction event is in the process of happening Even with these Beings knowing this Human race is a Stupid race they say Humans do have intelligence and is worth saving.

Do you have any other arbitrary dates you'd like to attach some BS too? Sheesh... like 2012 wasn't enough!

You can disbelieve that's fine just store what I write and in time you will see that you did get truths from one that knows and shared freely.

Oh the irony of this post cropping up in this thread... pure comedic genius!

I'll leave at that and as they say....whatever is to be, will be.

Nanoo Nanoo, Namaste, Love and Light... and all that!


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by observe50

The Human uses God our Creator in Heaven which really translates into Aliens from the sky.

No, no they don't...

When the vast majority of humanity speaks of God, they are, of course, not refering to little green/gray guys from Zeta Reticualii, or whereever the hell they're supposedly from...

Aliens from the sky...that was good for a giggle this morning, thank you.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Or perhaps give us some insight into how we can feed our entire species without having to keep a large portion of us underfed.

That one is (relatively) easy- find a way to stop Monsanto, and eliminate greed from the planet, once and for all. Forget finger pointing and whining... people need to DO something.

As for aliens coming to this planet- Look around you- would YOU want to come live on this hellhole? You're right... any ET species worth his salt would scream "That's IT!!!!" and start working on changing this godforsaken rock into a real, working world. Most likely in a frenzy, too.

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