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Disturbing Video from Pittsburgh

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Tek-Neek55
S & F


Lock N Load Everyone!

The Time Is Now!

Why are people, like this individual ^ so itchy to start a civil war?

Because of lack of perspective and ignorance.

For a site that has a motto of "deny ignorance" there sure are a lot of members ready and apparently willing to jump on the bandwagon du jour thereby flaunting their ignorance.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:39 PM
This happens at all G8 or G20 meetings.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Shades1035
This happens at all G8 or G20 meetings.

Of course.. cops to get the unruly ones out. Which one of these people in the video were being unruly? The cops said leave and thats what they were trying to do. At one point (aprx. 2:30 point) in the vid, he can be heard telling the cop "im just trying to go home" and the cop can be heard "you arent going anywhere for a while"... Its provocation. Plain and simple..

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:27 PM
The protesters need to be MUCH more organized as well as armed. Some air support wouldn't hurt either. It would be a great tactic to get the police to surround a group of protesters, then surround the police with an even bigger group of protesters. You cannot let the police be the only ones who are armed and wearing armor.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
It is said in the comments on YouTube that some of these people were throwing rocks and sticks at the cops all day. If this is true the cops were provoked into action. We are only getting one side of this story and cannot see the whole truth.

I saw that too, but.....

If that truly was the case the cops wouldnt wait around until night fall to react. And there would be a lot more force. If someone was throwing stuff, there is nothing evident in the admittedly short video. Still, its not looking like a riot to me. It looks like police telling people to leave but not letting them. More or less, true entrapment.

Thats exactly what went down, they formed a moving pen of soldiers and police to trap the protesters. When they told them to leave, they wouldn't let them leave. In fact they could leave, but it would require them to touch or assault the police. See the catch 22, they had them either way. Either try to break out of the cordon and get arrested for assault, or stay and get arrested for not leaving. The police and the govt. manipulates the system to the point that they don't have to follow rules anymore. We are becoming a fascists state, and these morons who are acting as the foot soldiers have better wakeup. Because eventually they will be gotten rid of just as hitler got rid of his brown shirts during the night of a thousand knives. And as for the dumbed down populace that see no problem with this or see this as govt. is right and THOSE people are wrong, I have a question for you. Do you actually think that these laws and people doing this to undermine our freedoms are going to stop at THOSE people? They won't, this is to make sure the instruments of martial law are in effect when our economy implodes.

The powers that be in the US and overseas know that our economy isn't sustainable. We have made so many promises that we don't have the money to pay for them and if we do it will be in inflation (hyperinflation) dollars. No one is buying our bonds except for us (using shell companies and other institutions to buy) because they know we are giving them ever depreciating dollar assets for their countries wealth, and they don't like it. And on top of that all their dollar assets are losing value on a daily basis. When our economy implodes, and people are told that they won't get those unfunded liabilities that they have been paying into for decades, they will go insane with rage. And these uniformed thugs are being used so when that happens, they will have experience dealing with people in a mob setting and know how to put them in their "place" when need be.

Welcome to the new US of A.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:39 PM
This person's name is Luke Rudkowski. This guy keeps getting into trouble when he is trying to convince people that 9/11 was an inside job.

A while back ago people were speculating whether or not he was the one detained by the secret service. Here is the thread showing a video of someone that looks like him being detained by the secret service:

G20 MILITARY dudes? snatch guy from crowd into unmarked car - Illegal beyond belief

Ironically, that was the first thread that brought me to ATS months ago.

The fact that these guys keeps both getting into trouble, and then popping up on ATS makes me wonder if it would be best that I distance myself from such a place.

[edit on 11/17/2009 by nightmarehalo]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:52 PM
The G-20 protesters were planning on this sort of thing from the start, well before the event. It was their purpose to have the police attack them. While Congress cannot make any law about peaceable assembly the states sure as hell can.

Sorry, it is the truth.

These kids were purposely provoking the police for the response they got. They wanted the police to attack them so they could film it and cry "Poor me, look at the violence inherent in the system, help, help I'm being oppressed."

Just look up the anarchist webblogs, & message boards for posts prior to the protest, you will see that they had planned this from the start. They wanted the police to crack down on the protesters, that way they could whine about their rights latter.

Too bad for them states have more rights than the federal government.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Right on John Phoenix.
It's unfortunate that we are getting the "poor us" version when there is always another side to the story.
The problem is that the cops aren't able to comment since it's before the courts. All these two are after is some money to fight city hall. Whether it's warranted has yet to be proven.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by spliff4020

Originally posted by Shades1035
This happens at all G8 or G20 meetings.

Of course.. cops to get the unruly ones out. Which one of these people in the video were being unruly? The cops said leave and thats what they were trying to do. At one point (aprx. 2:30 point) in the vid, he can be heard telling the cop "im just trying to go home" and the cop can be heard "you arent going anywhere for a while"... Its provocation. Plain and simple..

Obviously they are not going to show us who was unruly! THat is the whole point my man! Geez I thought we covered this. They are editing the video to show the "poor me" guy but not the dude throwing rocks at the cops. IF you only watch this video alone, then you are not getting the whole story. If you are only watching this video alone then they have you fooled just like they planned. There is more to this then what this video holds. If we can get our hands on a police video I bet it will blow this whole thing wide open.

Your sympathy is unwarranted. You have been duped my man. You fell right into their plan. Congratulations. People have been pointing this out to you all day long and you are either too slow to realize it or you are just ignoring it in order to keep living what ever fairy tale you want to live in. I don't mean to be harsh but listen to the people telling you otherwise here.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by jibeho

Are you happy to be told what you are allowed to protest against?

A permit to protest is laughable, although most still conform to the process.

They tried to restrict protesting/demonstrations around the Houses of Parliament in London, the consequences became a quagmire of form filling, wasting a large amount of time for the police.

See here for details

I'm not sure where I was told about this or even if it's real but it's regarding an experiment where by five monkeys were placed in a cage where there is also a ladder, at the top of which is a treat of some kind, lets say bananas for arguments sake. Now obviously the temptation for the monkeys was too great so one started to climb the ladder to reach the bananas, as soon as this monkey started it's ascent the other monkeys were sprayed with cold water, much to their dislike. The tempted monkey was quickly chastised, quite violently, by the other four monkeys when he tried to ascend again.

The next stage of the experiment required the removal of one monkey which was replaced with another who was fresh to the environment, this monkey not being aware of the cold water treatment quickly started to ascend but the others knowing what would happen immediately stopped him, force-ably.

The second stage was repeated until all the original monkeys had been replaced and although none of these fresh monkeys had experienced the cold water treatment, they new it was an unwise move to attempt to reach the bananas.

Now I ask, do you see any parallels with society as it exists in it's present state?

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Koka]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Koka

Are you happy to be told what you are allowed to protest against?

A permit to protest is laughable, although most still conform to the process.

They tried to restrict protesting/demonstrations around the Houses of Parliament in London, the consequences became a quagmire of form filling, wasting a large amount of time for the police.

See the problem is coordination. A city has to balance your right to protest peaceably (Which is not what the G-20 protesters wanted to do they wanted to incite a riot.) with everyone else's right to move within the city without restriction.

Traffic has to be diverted around a protest. In a large city this can cause chaos and massive traffic jams.

If I am going to work and there is a impromptu protest in my path, doesn't that impede my movement? How is that right or fair to me or others that have no interest in your peaceful protest? Sure, you do have the right to assemble, but you don't have a right to block me from getting to where I am going.

This is the reason behind having valid permits, this helps the city organize routes around the protest so that city business can still function while the rights of the protesters are also accounted for. It's not to deny you your rights, it's to allow the maximum amount of balance between your right to assemble and my right to get to where I am going.

The G-20 protesters ignored this fact, and they did so willfully and for the expressed purpose of attempting to incite a riot. They wanted the police to crack down on them. The police obliged their request, and the anarchists immediately went to the news and cried "poor me, look how aweful those meanie cops were."

Don't hear about this sort of thing during the TEA party protests did you? Of course you didn't, WHY? because TEA party protesters peaceably assembled for the expressed purpose of protesting what they felt was unfair taxes. They did not throw rocks at windows or cop cars, they did not set dumpsters on fire they did not protest outside of the permitted protest route. They did so peacefully and within the law and the constitution. This is why they weren't maced, this is why no trucks with a sonic cannon were used. They protested the right way.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:05 PM
There are many things wrong with the video. Before I get into that. The City of Pittsburgh gave certain place for protesting. Not sure if they had a permit for the protest. I am sure that parks close at dusk. On a side note, one does not discus issues with a bullhorn.
To get to the problems with the video:
When the video opens the protesters on in Schenley Plaza (It is basically on the University of Pittsburgh’s Campus) it is on the corner of Forbes Ave and Schenley Dr. The protesters were surrounded and the police, as the guy said, used gas and sonic weapons. Then somehow the protesters move behind the cops onto a main road 9Forbes Ave) and none of them appear to be suffering from the tear gas or sonic weapons. Then there is a scene where he says police came from every corner. You see the police running, the police are running the wrong way. The building in the background is the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, so the cops are running away from the park. The scene where the cops is stepping into the bushes looks like is on S. Bellefield Ave and the camera guy face facing 5th Ave. (The church the protester talks about is behind the cops) Then it appears the protesters are getting arrested closer to 5th Ave. The protesters video and story do not jive.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:16 PM
"On top of all that, I'm sure Pittsburgh police have far more better things to be wasting manpower on a handful of kids with a microphone."

The cops are obviously too chickens#$% to go after real criminals, so they get their jollies by beating up on defenseless innocent people. If these power hungry cowardly oafs really did the job they were supposed to do, the violent crime rate would not be nearly as high as it is.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

The cops are obviously too chickens#$% to go after real criminals, so they get their jollies by beating up on defenseless innocent people. If these power hungry cowardly oafs really did the job they were supposed to do, the violent crime rate would not be nearly as high as it is.

Oh of course...

Cause these kids were obviously so innocent...


I suppose the young man above was just defending himself from the onslaught of that oppressive police car?


I suppose it's standard peaceful assembly fare to have a burning dumpster in your march at night? What was that for, to give off more light?


And I suppose that this Boston Market was somehow oppressing these peaceful protesters some way too right?

Innocent my ass!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

The cops are obviously too chickens#$% to go after real criminals, so they get their jollies by beating up on defenseless innocent people. If these power hungry cowardly oafs really did the job they were supposed to do, the violent crime rate would not be nearly as high as it is.

Oh of course...

Cause these kids were obviously so innocent...


I suppose the young man above was just defending himself from the onslaught of that oppressive police car?


I suppose it's standard peaceful assembly fare to have a burning dumpster in your march at night? What was that for, to give off more light?


And I suppose that this Boston Market was somehow oppressing these peaceful protesters some way too right?

Innocent my ass!

Then arrest the the ones that causing trouble. As shown in the videos, the cops were already there, disguised as protesters. Hmmm... the cops would never try to stir up a little crap on their own, would they? naaa... All cops are honest and would never, ever do that.

Now, not saying they did or they didnt, but while I cant prove, you can't disprove it either.

Either way, that video was obviously shot hours after things burning. and windows broken. The cops were telling them to leave. Plain and simple. They were trying to leave. The cops wouldnt let them. Odd....

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:46 PM
The windows were broken in the middle of the day. The local news was basically right there when most things either went down or within a couple of minutes after the events

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by spliff4020

Then arrest the the ones that causing trouble. As shown in the videos, the cops were already there, disguised as protesters. Hmmm... the cops would never try to stir up a little crap on their own, would they? naaa... All cops are honest and would never, ever do that.

Now, not saying they did or they didnt, but while I cant prove, you can't disprove it either.

So your saying that every single protester that was starting trouble was a cop in disguise? What the hell? Did we have a cop on cop fight or something and those poor innocent kids were just lured into the fray?

Complete BS! Look it up, Anarchists were planning disorder well before the event. They posted online what businesses they were going to target. The "innocent" protesters were just following the way wrong crowd. They should have known better.

If you can't prove that cops were the ones starting trouble, it didn't happen. Sorry I don't buy the "agent provocateur" excuse at all. If you replace cops with Anarchists in your description it would be much more realistic, cause that is what happened, not a bunch of cops riling up a crowd so they can open a can of whoop ass on them.

Perhaps the next time, the police should have snipers on the rooftops to pick off the ones being unruly before they agitate the crowd. Would that be better?

[edit on 11/17/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:59 PM
It makes sense to have cops in the protesters. In case some is planning to blow something up, having some cops around in the mix is a good thing. I highly doubt they were the ringleaders. One has to remember that there were more then city of Pittsburgh cops in the mix. It not like every cop that was there new every undercover cop was. I highly doubt at the morning roll call one of the cops said, “hey before we kick some hippie butt, remember Joe is in the middle of it, he didn’t shower for 10 days to fit in. So don’t tear gas or rubber bullet him, but maybe turn the hose on him”

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
It is said in the comments on YouTube that some of these people were throwing rocks and sticks at the cops all day. If this is true the cops were provoked into action. We are only getting one side of this story and cannot see the whole truth.

No, because if that was the case, they should have arrested the people throwing sticks and stones all day. Not waited till dark, then round everyone up. That is not preemptive, that is provocative.

Anyone could have happened along later in the day only to be treated as a criminal for nothing more than being there. To be forced into a corner, to be made to lie down, to be treated with tear gas, all the while complying with the orders of the jackboots.

If you bend over enough you forgo the right to complain if there's no lubricant.

I see a bad future for the US the way this keeps going on...

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:04 PM
@ Ha`la`tha some Pitt sudents did get thrown into the mix. What the protester said and what the video shows is not in order. I would say he was not the best witness.

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