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Originally posted by jonnyc55
I believe the OP suffers from schizophrenia, because these claims of being a desendent of some amazing bloodline and the fact that he makes out he is a god figure, who can answer all questions, is one of the symptoms of it.
•Inability to make decisions
•Changes in eating or sleeping habits, energy level, or weight
•Strange statements or behavior
•Withdrawal from friends, work, or school
•Neglect of personal hygiene
•Indifference to the opinions of others
•A tendency to argue
•A conviction that you are better than others, or that people are out to get you
•A conviction that you are better than others, or that people are out to get you
[edit on 22-11-2009 by jonnyc55]
Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Illuminator13
2) I am toying with the idea that I am sovereign within my own experience,
and that others that I perceive within that experience are not "really" others, but rather, are self-created representations of others that might or might not bear any resemblance to the self-perceptions of those others.
2a) How accurate is this perception?
How might it be clarified?
For example, is the "I" that I perceive really an interference pattern of the self-perceptions of various consciousnesses?
To what extent is experience shared?
Is there anyone to share experience with?
Please explain how the experience of consciousness
relates to the experience of other consciousnesses.
2b) What are the implications and consequences of deliberate self-change to my experience?
For example, "making use" of the representations of others?
It seems as though there could be no possible "badness"
in deliberate use of a self-created representation by a sovereign consciousness.
Using others is really using self.
It seems there need be no imposition upon the free will of those others,
as my use of elements of my self-created experience need not interfere with the self-created experience of others.
But it's possible various consciousnesses may be in rapport,
and may be experiencing a "collective" reality.
Or, those others might simply be unaware of their sovereignty,
or might not have sufficient awareness of the nature of their experience...
and consequently,
changes made by me to my experience might affect the experience of others.
Please explain how this process functions.
2c) Assuming I desired to create an experience,
and perhaps make it available to others
who may choose to accept it,
but not impose it upon them if they do not...
how would I do so?
2d) How would one communicate directly
with another consciousness
rather than their representation?
Thank you.
Originally posted by Illuminator13
Originally posted by YO!DAWG!
How do we free ourselves from space time?
"Win" the "Game".
Originally posted by Illuminator13
Originally posted by xizd1
I don't know for sure but check out the Flower of Life also.
Dont believe all of the stuff out there about Sacred Geometry, there are some distortations.
Originally posted by Illuminator13
Originally posted by Moreonethananyone
Would you mind telling us what mistakes Hidden Hand made and was he truthfull in his replys and pls check your u2u
Finally, somebody who read my answers and asked a good question.
Ok, "Hidden Hand" was who he said he was, there should be no mistake about it. Now, I have read his discourse with this site and it was very honest and a pretty good piece of work. But, to my suprise, I noticed that he told you people way more than he was supposed to and I was not the only one to notice. Infact here is a quote from him:
"Let's put it this way, I have already been, shall we say "chastised" for going well beyond my remit here. It was not intended that I be as open as I have been. In fact, if you follow the topic through again from the beginning, you may notice how my 'tone' toward you (collectively) has softened somewhat during our discourse together.
I have, as far as possible, adhered fully to the Laws of Free Will and Confusion, although there have been instances where I have said more than I should have. You yourselves will not suffer for this, however, when it comes to my next cycle in 4th Density Negative, and working off my Karmic Record, I will have to accept the consequences for my actions. But hey, I figure I've got a Negative enough life to come as it is, so what's a little extra going to matter."
The one who were overseeing the discourse between him and this site read what he wrote and automatically knew that he had broken the Law of Free Will. How did he break it? Well, he went into too much detail when answering the questions. Not only that, but he answered questions that nobody even asked and that is not a wise thing to do. There are consequences for breaking The Laws, and they are pretty harsh if you ask me. Now, people on this site accuse me of being "vague" and "cryptic" but they do not know what I know. There are things that I CANNOT tell you without harming myself and that is something I am looking to avoid. The reason why I continue to "tread lightly" is because you really can’t be too sure that you've broken a Law, until after it happens--then it hits you like a ton of bricks, although you can proceed with caution and will most likely avoid breaking anything. The people in this world break these Laws all the time but they do it unconsciously, yet the still pay for their mistake. Now if I were to consciously, knowingly, break these Laws then I would be in for a lot of trouble. What are these Laws? You'll have to figure them out for yourself.
Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by fu-lion
May we see your degrees in this field? Where do you get your information? The net? If it is, I would only believe half of what you read, and take the rest with a grain of salt. It`s funny, he tells us to look inside for our answers. Well, I have been doing just that over the last 34 years, and I can say this...........I believe him. He wasn`t here to sell garbage to anyone. And those who did not agree with him, he stated that you didn`t have to agree, to not buy everything at face value. That is why he said to look within for your answers. The answers are not in books, or on the web or even from the guy down the street or your close friends. They are inside of us. Nothing hard in that to grasp. It may be if you are already set in your ways, or brain washed, which ever it may be.
Me, I don`t have degrees in this. If you find your answers within, you don`t need them, and you don`t need to buy anyone elses answers, because they are not meant for you.
[edit on 27-11-2009 by FiatLux]
Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by fu-lion
If you do have a Devil, it`s the one you have created in your own mind. And as far as my own intuition, I have put mine to the test, time and again, and it has never failed me. And as he stated, you are free to believe him or not. Some minds are to spiritually stagnant to believe anything other then what they have been programmed to believe.
Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by fu-lion
"So if you believe that people hearing voices in their heads, demonic or friendly, are just "making it all up", then you just don't KNOW anything, no matter how long you have studied this."
Funny, I don`t remember saying anything like people are "making it all up". Let`s see, what really happens when the pineal gland stays locked open and won`t close? Ah..the ones this happens to hear voices, and can`t control what is coming through. So what does main stream thinking call these voices? Oh yea......."the devil". All because main stream thinking doesn`t understand what is really taking place here.
The next time you want to judge someone you really don`t know, I would stop and think first before "spitting or swallowing".
"Remember THEM (the darkbrotherhood/illuminated ones) this is all some Game, like they put it.. ..they also keep telling us, that the Creator of All gave them the go-ahead to "test us", but they they keep telling in their posts all the time that "these are just TESTS, don't believe anybody but yourself, not even us. We are testing you."
I see you forget that we are all "One". On the other side, there is no "good and evil". And that this reality IS set up for us to learn our lessons in. The "good and evil" are nothing but tools put before us to use in any way we want. Oh my......could that be where free will comes into play? In other words, how would we learn anything if we didn`t have good and evil thrown at us as part of the lesson.
"...they are just testing to see how much of this bull# you guys swallow ...willingly!!! ...and even make you say thank you after they have brain washwed you ...and all this "Wisdom" that you swallow ...might be just a "test" for you, right?!"
Thinking such as this is fine....if you don`t understand what is really going on in this plane and why it is happening in this way.
"I'm sure you have read these illuminati liners "we put it all in front of their very eyes and they just don't get it" ...or "the world want's to be decieved" don't see these threads as a psy-op (psychological war-fare (propaganda)) operations?"
Wow, and you tell ME that I "don`t know anything"? When you do your homework a little more, please, come back and look me up and we will talk about this even more.
"Well, but now it's put "in front of your very eyes", so it's up to you... swallow or spit."
The only thing you put in front of my eyes is your own take on reality. Did I buy it? No, why should I? Just because it may be your reality, doesn`t mean it HAS to be everyone elses.
So tell me, which did YOU do....swallow or spit?
Originally posted by Kokatsi
It is odd - how I keep missing these very threads though they are the reason why I joined ATS.
For a long while I thought another Insider belonged to this group - a Kabbalist on GLP in 2008. He gave techniques and described himself as a lower rank who joined a reincarnational rebellion and was acting on the orders of Insider 2005. Now I am not sure, in the light of this Illuminator13 document.
What do you guys think?
Will anyone let me know when the next one is around? I was on ATS almost every day and I missed this one so far... some questions got answered though.