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Opportunity Knocks Again

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posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by jonnyc55
I believe the OP suffers from schizophrenia, because these claims of being a desendent of some amazing bloodline and the fact that he makes out he is a god figure, who can answer all questions, is one of the symptoms of it.

•Inability to make decisions
•Changes in eating or sleeping habits, energy level, or weight
•Strange statements or behavior
•Withdrawal from friends, work, or school
•Neglect of personal hygiene
•Indifference to the opinions of others
•A tendency to argue
•A conviction that you are better than others, or that people are out to get you

•A conviction that you are better than others, or that people are out to get you

[edit on 22-11-2009 by jonnyc55]

First off, before you feel the urge to jump on someone, get your facts correct, ok? I get sck of this crap.
He didn`t state that he was a "desendent" of any bloodline. This is what he said.

"I am one with access to the knowledge of The Bloodlines who you believe are "Evil" and whose actions you disapprove of"

Big difference there from what I can see. Having access to the knowledge of the bloodlines and being one of the bloodlines are not the same thing.

Also, show us where he stated that he was better then anyone else, or that someone was out to get him.

It wouldn`t be bad, if you had a good reason to jump on him, but he never gave you a reason to take offence, only if the information he gave didn`t jive with what you believe in. And still, that is not a good reason.

Another thing, you know he`s gone from here and can`t defend himself, so you start calling him names? Wow, that`s mighty big of ya. Remind us next time you take it upon yourself to defend humanity, that we vote for somebody else to do the job, ok?

[edit on 22-11-2009 by FiatLux]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 07:40 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Illuminator13

2) I am toying with the idea that I am sovereign within my own experience,


and that others that I perceive within that experience are not "really" others, but rather, are self-created representations of others that might or might not bear any resemblance to the self-perceptions of those others.

We are infinite.
You select which of We,
you interact with.

Your brain,
an antenna,
catching a station,
with audio, video, physical sensations, etc.

You can further tune your experience,
by changing your vibration,
or magic spells.

I have a thread on it here:

2a) How accurate is this perception?

good enough.

How might it be clarified?

with time, patience,
and distillation,
sift with meditation.

For example, is the "I" that I perceive really an interference pattern of the self-perceptions of various consciousnesses?

? je ne parlles vous ton etudient

To what extent is experience shared?

We experience you.
You experience we.
We share the vibration/frequency/channel.

Is there anyone to share experience with?

The We.
Rocks, Trees, waters, earths, plants, animals, people.

All have a You experience.
And tune for themselves.
We got here, just as You have.

Please explain how the experience of consciousness
relates to the experience of other consciousnesses.

Conscious be aware.

aware derived from logical-NOT.
Change is required to maintain awareness.

You can't have the same We experience twice.
Every time it's different,
If you do something "again",
you're now doing it knowing you've done it before,
hence it's different.

Though every moment lasts forever,
and is constantly being experienced,
perhaps by someone similar to You,
or We, or None.

2b) What are the implications and consequences of deliberate self-change to my experience?

We will let you experience,
how it is to be,
what you have done to we.

For example, "making use" of the representations of others?

you will later be used by we (in a similar manner).

due to soul-balancing or karma.

or even staying on the same channel.
"the tables turn" the wave oscillates.

It seems as though there could be no possible "badness"
in deliberate use of a self-created representation by a sovereign consciousness.


Using others is really using self.
It seems there need be no imposition upon the free will of those others,

no more than that of yourself.

as my use of elements of my self-created experience need not interfere with the self-created experience of others.

At all points where you experience more than none,
you "interfere" or interact with We, and our experience.

But it's possible various consciousnesses may be in rapport,

soul mates,
dynamic patterns,
you've interacted with a long time.

and may be experiencing a "collective" reality.

Real when we agree with you.

Or, those others might simply be unaware of their sovereignty,
or might not have sufficient awareness of the nature of their experience...

whatever you would like to define or vibrate at,
is up to you.

and consequently,

no. cause just a NOT-OR relation, can be nothing or something else.

changes made by me to my experience might affect the experience of others.
Please explain how this process functions.

You experience We.
We experience You.

2c) Assuming I desired to create an experience,

magic spells or wishes

and perhaps make it available to others

We will be there with You,
to experience it.
As long as You include We,
in your spells or wishes.

who may choose to accept it,

An infinite portion of the We.

but not impose it upon them if they do not...

Cast spell,
let We decide,
who shall go with You,
for most learning experience.

how would I do so?

it has been spoken.

2d) How would one communicate directly
with another consciousness
rather than their representation?

All We's are authentic,
those from dream experience,
and from body experience.

Thank you.

have a wonderfully eventful day brim full of synchronicity.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by lowki]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Illuminator13

Originally posted by YO!DAWG!
How do we free ourselves from space time?

"Win" the "Game".

Losing the game.
Is a more appropriate answer.

If you "win" then you'll want to stay around for celebrations.

You can "lose" this space-time,
by really committing to going somewhere else,
can move their from the after-life,
go to another multi verse,
like a mental one or geometric or something.

Though what he probably meant by "winning"
is moving to fourth-density,
where it's mildly different (space-time perception),
yet in the same physical universe.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by lowki]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 01:18 PM

Hope you are having a nice day. I have a few questions that you might be able to answer if you have the time and the inclination.

1. How/from where did you gain your knowledge?

2. When Illuminator13 uses twelve words and one number, is it a ritual, and if so why kind of ritual. Luciferian? Wiccan? Masonic?

3. Illuminator13 skipped my question about humans being fallen angels. Do you believe this was because the question was irrelevant, or because he is not permitted to answer?

4. Illuminator13 said to think of the 11:11 prompts as a timer. This answer could indicate several different things. If you are familiar with the phenomenon, what do you think it represents?

5. I have a theory that the story of Adam and Eve and the story of Lucifer and his angels being cast out of heaven in fact represent the same event, and that all souls were originally made in the likeness of their creator (light) but some were cast out of heaven (Eden) and forced to wear clothes (bodies). I think that this planet is the mechanism by which we "fallen angels" redeem ourselves and make our way back to the creator. In following with this, I think that "insiders" and "bloodlines" know this and are functioning to facilitate our progression through this system. What say ye?

Thank you very much.



posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Illuminator13

Originally posted by xizd1
I don't know for sure but check out the Flower of Life also.

Dont believe all of the stuff out there about Sacred Geometry, there are some distortations.

Wow! Yes, defintly distortions in Flower of Life.
IMO nothing but my opinion.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 02:37 AM
I started compiling the "usual" document
for easier reading and will put it on Scribd when it is finished.



posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by jennybean

Ah! See that is a very Intelligent and Respectful Person. I personally always have a Nice Day. It just seems to be everyone else that has a Problem with it.

1.) I acquired my Knowledge from Everything that most People consider 2 be Nothing. Yeah, I know that doesn't really seem to make sense but it doesn't Truly have to. One person can get the same deep Intellectual thinking from Faust as I can get from a movie. In fact, if someone was a movie buff like me, then they would be able to eat all of the Cake's L4yers.

Though that is just 1 Part of what makes up what I think I understand. If WE take Einstein into consideration, then we see a Man who was so Vastly Intelligent that he perhaps felt a Step Removed from Humanity. Yet, from what I've read he had some of the Largest Impacts on Civilization. Please, don't assume that I'm claiming to be as smart as Him. I don't think I could survive the Flames that would create in this thread. What I am more or less trying to convey is that Knowledge and Intelligence isn't what makes up a Human. Am I not currently interacting with into the Human Collective Intelligence at this very Moment?

2) I really don't know this one. I'm pretty sure that Effer is just Crazy.
Though maybe you're Rite.

3) I personally feel that 1 can learn more from what a person won't willing tell you as opposed to the Fluffy BS that comprises most conversations. Kinda reminds me of a Conversation between a Straw-Haired Vixen and An Excellent Dancer in a certain Fiction.

4) I can't really answer this because I'm still trying to work out some of the Particulars that my Ancestors were trying to help me to Understand.

5) Hmm..... That does sound very Interesting. Sounds a little bit like a Song that I Sang during a Local Show. Of course, it was in a Public fast-food joint so my Audience wasn't full of Receptive people. People tell me that there are Videos of it some where, but I've never seem them so I can't be too sure.

Now those were all well thought out Questions, but my Answers will more than likely just bring about even more Questions, AD INFINETUM. I'm sure that ANY parent knows the 1 letter in the English Language that they wish their Child had never Learned. So, I would prefer to make assumptions (Despite what it might make yoU and ME into) based on what I've read on your profile. If I'm not utterly mistaken, You Kiss your Answers Goodbye every morning. You Wish Them a Happy Day. You make sure that They have the Trendiest things that you can manage. I'm sure that They Appreciate what you give them as well. Though I wonder if sometimes they Confuse these Objects of Affection with the Feeling Produced by the items. Of course, that is just 1 Humble Man's Opinion.

As always, Good Fortune to yoU & yOURS,


posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Here it is:

Hope you like it.



posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by Illuminator13

Originally posted by Moreonethananyone
Would you mind telling us what mistakes Hidden Hand made and was he truthfull in his replys and pls check your u2u

Finally, somebody who read my answers and asked a good question.

Ok, "Hidden Hand" was who he said he was, there should be no mistake about it. Now, I have read his discourse with this site and it was very honest and a pretty good piece of work. But, to my suprise, I noticed that he told you people way more than he was supposed to and I was not the only one to notice. Infact here is a quote from him:

"Let's put it this way, I have already been, shall we say "chastised" for going well beyond my remit here. It was not intended that I be as open as I have been. In fact, if you follow the topic through again from the beginning, you may notice how my 'tone' toward you (collectively) has softened somewhat during our discourse together.

I have, as far as possible, adhered fully to the Laws of Free Will and Confusion, although there have been instances where I have said more than I should have. You yourselves will not suffer for this, however, when it comes to my next cycle in 4th Density Negative, and working off my Karmic Record, I will have to accept the consequences for my actions. But hey, I figure I've got a Negative enough life to come as it is, so what's a little extra going to matter."

The one who were overseeing the discourse between him and this site read what he wrote and automatically knew that he had broken the Law of Free Will. How did he break it? Well, he went into too much detail when answering the questions. Not only that, but he answered questions that nobody even asked and that is not a wise thing to do. There are consequences for breaking The Laws, and they are pretty harsh if you ask me. Now, people on this site accuse me of being "vague" and "cryptic" but they do not know what I know. There are things that I CANNOT tell you without harming myself and that is something I am looking to avoid. The reason why I continue to "tread lightly" is because you really can’t be too sure that you've broken a Law, until after it happens--then it hits you like a ton of bricks, although you can proceed with caution and will most likely avoid breaking anything. The people in this world break these Laws all the time but they do it unconsciously, yet the still pay for their mistake. Now if I were to consciously, knowingly, break these Laws then I would be in for a lot of trouble. What are these Laws? You'll have to figure them out for yourself.

This guy is only a psy-op who's REAL purpose is to STREGHTEN the belief system this "Hidden Hand" layed out a little earlier. It's the "false left-right paradigm" where TWO wrongs try to convince us they are actually RIGHT ..and they are both wrong ..this is just a psy-op ala "protocols of Zion"

"Laws of karma and free will" ..these are just part of the religious psy-op. There is NO God given laws, but these laws were created by us humans, NOT the Creator of All.


Bloodlines from Atlantis?! ...there is no missing continet!! Check out with Google Earth if you can find any "pieces of the puzzle" missing when you start connecting the continental costal lines ...there is NO MISSING CONTINETS!!!! all matches ..there is no atlantis in atlantic oceanc, no atlantis in pacific ocean and there is no atlantis in the indian ocean's all just a fairy tale, a myth.


"4th density negative harvest and positive harvest" ..these are also just Brotherhood psycho-babble's just psy-op myths and jargon ..propaganda. people die every day!! ..there is no harvest. It's just this "illuminati" idiocy which they seems to believe themselves ---And this is the best kind of psy-op ..when the "players" themself belive "this is real" get the best results, cause everyone taking part in this "game" think it's real ...and it's all just a fantasy myths.


These "bloodlineers" don't talk to any gods, but only to their discarnate ancestors's a family-thing ..but like in our 3D world ..the families that have the "loudest voices" (the most money and the most guns and soldiers) get to do most of the talking ...and so it is in the "spiritual realms of humanity also" ..and this "4th density" is just another dimension of our planet Earth ..when we die we move on to the "etheric dimensions of this planet Earth" our "heaven" actually is (might be) this planet ...and the only "god of this planet" or "the ancient of days" you're prolly ever gonna find is just a discarnate human spirit now PLAYING a god.
- i have any proof that there is no TRUE creator gods speaking to us humans?! YES.

WANDERING STARS ...why, if the true creator of this sun system was giving Laws and teachings to us humans to follow ..and taught all the things about astronomy and the Creation process ...why did they teach us 3D humans that the other planets are STARS?! ...Venus is a PLANET not a STAR, is it not?! ..but still Venus and others were called; ASTERES PLANETAI =stars + wanderers ..when in reality they are just PLANETAI not ASTERS,right?

...and the same thing is seen in the mesoamerican astronomy ...Venus was called a Chek Ek= Great STAR ...there was no ancient aliens teaching the Mayas or the Aztec, and if there were, those green sods surelly did not know the difference between a PLANET AND A STAR(sun). there goes the ancient aliens theory and communicating sub-creator-god theories to the trash bin. ..if there were other "intelligent" beings talking to man "from spiritual kingdoms" other than from "human heaven", they sure wasn't very smart and didn't know # about true science ..and they somehow, very oddly, know only just about as much as the still ALIVE human spirits, us 3D humans do ...the ancient (and present day) gods and ascended masters are just discarnate human spirits ...and i'm sure they play the roles of these "astral aliens" also. I believe the "ufo" technology actually is human invented ..human scientific discovery made by Nikola Tesla and his peers.

Here's a thread on the Tesla flying saucer ...i should post more info on the thread, cause i found some... might take awhile ...but check it out, and read the linked material first, then argue..please.

So, cause our ancestors just DID NOT know that the planets were NOT stars as they falsly assumed..this points to the fact that the astronomical information that the our ancients gathered is : FROM EARTH-perspective ..if it would have come from OUT SIDE SOURCES (ETs or gods/creators) i'm sure they would have told us that the Venus and the other "glowing orbs" are planets like the Earth and NOT stars like the SUN., if you're a supporter of the "ancent aliens theory" then answer me this ..why were the other planets of our sun system known as WANDERING STARS?


2012 just a illuminati/brotherhood scam, a psy-op ...nothing special will not happen which would not be the workings of human hands ..there is no aliens visiting this planet, and there is no God's punishment comming this way ...but humans might cook something up thou, but that hardly counts as"supernatural" ...and like the buddhists say "There is NOTHING supernatural accouring in the Universe, cause everything is working under the natural laws which were created by the same guy/source who/which created the whole Cosmos"

- a closure

For this guy to be a real "good brother" he doesn't "illuminate" ...he doesn't tell you anything but fantasy-psy-op horse # ...don't take this personally, i'm only reffering to the information and how you "play chess with it", if you get my drift. (to the Hidden Hand and this "illuminator" ..i live in the "abyss", i know who (or what) your "masters" are ...and they know that i know ...and when i read the information you post here ...i can tell that you do not KNOW that much ...but you only follow a script that was put in front of you,right?'re just repeating the things your "elder brothers" taught to you, right? ...they are just using you, can't you see that?)

True illuminating informing don't play with no "Laws", like this guy does ...why a "Christ" would be afraid of some silly laws?! ..there is no karmic debt to payed ..karma is a human invented consept's just shame and guilt if you did something wrong. When you live as a good person, karma does not matter, but it doesn't mean you still wouldn't be ashamed of you past deeds ...but no karmic debt will FORCE you to re-incarnate!!
..and in a matter of fact ..i haven't seen any concrete evidence that re-incartnation actually exists, and any one who claims they have seen evidence of this ..send me a pm, cause i really wanna see this evidence is ONLY A THEORY, NOT a fact.

I read somewhere in the esoteric writing that the "devil is the best of relativists" ..and this guy, as does the Hidden Hand-guy, seem to me like quite a relativists and sophists ..and this makes me think that these guys are form the same group ...they play too much with these silly esoteric laws that are nothing but human inventions to distract people ... Many of the esoteric teaching are just like the "eternal knots", they are paradoxes based on false reality which the brotherhood(s) created. ...and the "brotherhoods" use this symbol alot "eternal knot/endless knot"'s the "endless chess game" ..or so do they think ..but they will be put to stop. reality the "White Brothood" and "the Dark Brotherhood" are one and the same they are just a "Dark brotherhood" ..the one's who think they are in the White Brotherhood are just "usefull idiots".

Why aren't the "White Brotherhood" fighting for 9-11 truth and to stopp the EU and these things out in the open?! ...instead "they are financially fighting the dark illuminati" like this Maban (supposedly another "good brother") guy told us ..buying out the Rothcshilds?!!!! ..good plan!! get to make more nd more money and the jobless kids get to fighting for the 9-11 truth and agaist the NWO in the streets .. you play with stocks! ...imo, you "brothers" are crooked.

This info is soaked in these ...i call these threads a psy-op.

PS. If some one would like to ask me something about these "occult/esoteric" matters, i can try to answer some questions for you in this thread ...and i'm not too worried about any "Spiritual Laws".
But i'm not here very often, i'm fairly scientific/ feet on the ground with my replies and i'm guite a dry person and abit unsocial, so i may not have the mind to argue with petty/silly things ..i deliver links for you for further research so you can see what i'm talking about.. I'm not into myths aned old folk lore, so not all may like my replies, but i usually will try to give, proper emptive aswers, not "you ask the wrong questions, ask me good ones, the right ones" kinda replies. if you wanna ask something, keep it sort and simple. ...and address the Q's for ME, Fu-lion, and i'll try to get back once a week to reply any Q's if there are some.


posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by fu-lion

May we see your degrees in this field? Where do you get your information? The net? If it is, I would only believe half of what you read, and take the rest with a grain of salt. It`s funny, he tells us to look inside for our answers. Well, I have been doing just that over the last 34 years, and I can say this...........I believe him. He wasn`t here to sell garbage to anyone. And those who did not agree with him, he stated that you didn`t have to agree, to not buy everything at face value. That is why he said to look within for your answers. The answers are not in books, or on the web or even from the guy down the street or your close friends. They are inside of us. Nothing hard in that to grasp. It may be if you are already set in your ways, or brain washed, which ever it may be.

Me, I don`t have degrees in this. If you find your answers within, you don`t need them, and you don`t need to buy anyone elses answers, because they are not meant for you.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by FiatLux]

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by fu-lion

May we see your degrees in this field? Where do you get your information? The net? If it is, I would only believe half of what you read, and take the rest with a grain of salt. It`s funny, he tells us to look inside for our answers. Well, I have been doing just that over the last 34 years, and I can say this...........I believe him. He wasn`t here to sell garbage to anyone. And those who did not agree with him, he stated that you didn`t have to agree, to not buy everything at face value. That is why he said to look within for your answers. The answers are not in books, or on the web or even from the guy down the street or your close friends. They are inside of us. Nothing hard in that to grasp. It may be if you are already set in your ways, or brain washed, which ever it may be.

Me, I don`t have degrees in this. If you find your answers within, you don`t need them, and you don`t need to buy anyone elses answers, because they are not meant for you.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by FiatLux]


I have no degrees to show you. Many of these subjects are subjective-things (mind things) anyway so how could i provide some master's dergree for you, right?

I have done some reading and i have also experienced some of the "ESP" or metaphysical things i have more than just writen information, but the things i might tell you you prolly will find in some book also.
In this field what isn't subjective, or mind-stuff, is then physical stuff ..and alot of those things can be verified with science and other types of measuring..

And the true reality is both physical living + spiritual (mind-idea world) living ...i believe when we die we will still experience "physicallity" althou in here the other side is referred as "spiritual living" ...but even Blavatsky and others spoke of "spiritual substance" ...well, spiritual or not, sustance is still matter..

"All answers come from inside" ...but there is also a thing called "false intuition" and "mind chatter" which is caused by discarnate spirits (western medicine keeps telling us it's the sub-consciouss mind, but to me it's the one and the same thing) ...the buddhist talk quite abit about the "mind stream" or "mind chatter" ...and cause such a thing exists, it means that this thing can also effect your "inner knowledge" so, if and when you're not aware of this "mind chatter" you really can't be sure if the thoughts are my own ..or if they are just "thoughts of the universal mind".

So my only degree is that i have first hand experience with discarnate spirits, otherwise i'm just a regular joe ..a normal guy, not a "god" or anything.

Why i think these Hidden Hands are just psy-ops is because they mostly talkabout things that have no scientific base, things which are un-prooveable while in this 3D world
...Some say "the devil is the lord of the subjective world" subjective world is Idea World, it's unmanifested's only thoughts and mind, nothing more ...then there is also the "physical world" make something REAL, the IDEAS will have to take FORM in the physical world(s) ..otherwise they will stay just as IDEAS; theories, oppinnions; assumtions ...and a psy-ops are using these methods ...poiliticians are usually just IDEA-lists ...they talk more than deliver ...the Devil (and his followers like the illuminati-brotherhood) is an IDEA-list, he creates a false reality with false information, false doctrine

"the devil comes dressed as the angel of light" ...this is it ..the New Age-psy-op. This false info is the devil in disguise.

..and subjective things, mind thing are many times calculatedparadoxes with these guys ...and they know it ...and this is why they don't wanna open their mouths on many subjects too often and wanna control the converstaions ..."frogs might start leaping out"

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by fu-lion

If you do have a Devil, it`s the one you have created in your own mind. And as far as my own intuition, I have put mine to the test, time and again, and it has never failed me. And as he stated, you are free to believe him or not. Some minds are to spiritually stagnant to believe anything other then what they have been programmed to believe.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by fu-lion

If you do have a Devil, it`s the one you have created in your own mind. And as far as my own intuition, I have put mine to the test, time and again, and it has never failed me. And as he stated, you are free to believe him or not. Some minds are to spiritually stagnant to believe anything other then what they have been programmed to believe.

"If you do have a Devil, it`s the one you have created in your own mind."

This is a NO and YES thing.

I'm quite sure that you and i have not created the consept of devil/satan, but it was someone else... So the devil is someone else's imagination, not mine.

Second, how i see the devil is as a 'collective tulpa', a tulpa which is used by "the powers that be", a tulpa that is used by many, not just by one person.
If you guys actually KNOW about the reality of spirits in our 3D world or about the multidimensionality of life, then you might know that these devil/demon-tulpas are actually being used, even today abducting/abusing astral alien is a tulpa being used the same way as the devil-tulpa ...and if you don't know what a tulpa is, then wikipedia can help you with that.

So is the devil real? ..i dunno if there ever was any "original devil" (to me, a demon/devil is just a remnant human-spirit, not a separate "race"), but the consept is being used in a way "the devil is real" ...sort of.

So if you believe that people hearing voices in their heads, demonic or friendly, are just "making it all up", then you just don't KNOW anything, no matter how long you have studied this.

Remember THEM (the darkbrotherhood/illuminated ones) this is all some Game, like they put it.. ..they also keep telling us, that the Creator of All gave them the go-ahead to "test us", but they they keep telling in their posts all the time that "these are just TESTS, don't believe anybody but yourself, not even us. We are testing you."

...they are just testing to see how much of this bull# you guys swallow ...willingly!!! ...and even make you say thank you after they have brain washwed you ...and all this "Wisdom" that you swallow ...might be just a "test" for you, right?!

I'm sure you have read these illuminati liners "we put it all in front of their very eyes and they just don't get it" ...or "the world want's to be decieved" don't see these threads as a psy-op (psychological war-fare (propaganda)) operations?

Well, but now it's put "in front of your very eyes", so it's up to you... swallow or spit.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by fu-lion

"So if you believe that people hearing voices in their heads, demonic or friendly, are just "making it all up", then you just don't KNOW anything, no matter how long you have studied this."

Funny, I don`t remember saying anything like people are "making it all up". Let`s see, what really happens when the pineal gland stays locked open and won`t close? Ah..the ones this happens to hear voices, and can`t control what is coming through. So what does main stream thinking call these voices? Oh yea......."the devil". All because main stream thinking doesn`t understand what is really taking place here.

The next time you want to judge someone you really don`t know, I would stop and think first before "spitting or swallowing".

"Remember THEM (the darkbrotherhood/illuminated ones) this is all some Game, like they put it.. ..they also keep telling us, that the Creator of All gave them the go-ahead to "test us", but they they keep telling in their posts all the time that "these are just TESTS, don't believe anybody but yourself, not even us. We are testing you."

I see you forget that we are all "One". On the other side, there is no "good and evil". And that this reality IS set up for us to learn our lessons in. The "good and evil" are nothing but tools put before us to use in any way we want. Oh my......could that be where free will comes into play? In other words, how would we learn anything if we didn`t have good and evil thrown at us as part of the lesson.

"...they are just testing to see how much of this bull# you guys swallow ...willingly!!! ...and even make you say thank you after they have brain washwed you ...and all this "Wisdom" that you swallow ...might be just a "test" for you, right?!"

Thinking such as this is fine....if you don`t understand what is really going on in this plane and why it is happening in this way.

"I'm sure you have read these illuminati liners "we put it all in front of their very eyes and they just don't get it" ...or "the world want's to be decieved" don't see these threads as a psy-op (psychological war-fare (propaganda)) operations?"

Wow, and you tell ME that I "don`t know anything"? When you do your homework a little more, please, come back and look me up and we will talk about this even more.

"Well, but now it's put "in front of your very eyes", so it's up to you... swallow or spit."

The only thing you put in front of my eyes is your own take on reality. Did I buy it? No, why should I? Just because it may be your reality, doesn`t mean it HAS to be everyone elses.

So tell me, which did YOU do....swallow or spit?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by fu-lion

"So if you believe that people hearing voices in their heads, demonic or friendly, are just "making it all up", then you just don't KNOW anything, no matter how long you have studied this."

Funny, I don`t remember saying anything like people are "making it all up". Let`s see, what really happens when the pineal gland stays locked open and won`t close? Ah..the ones this happens to hear voices, and can`t control what is coming through. So what does main stream thinking call these voices? Oh yea......."the devil". All because main stream thinking doesn`t understand what is really taking place here.

The next time you want to judge someone you really don`t know, I would stop and think first before "spitting or swallowing".

"Remember THEM (the darkbrotherhood/illuminated ones) this is all some Game, like they put it.. ..they also keep telling us, that the Creator of All gave them the go-ahead to "test us", but they they keep telling in their posts all the time that "these are just TESTS, don't believe anybody but yourself, not even us. We are testing you."

I see you forget that we are all "One". On the other side, there is no "good and evil". And that this reality IS set up for us to learn our lessons in. The "good and evil" are nothing but tools put before us to use in any way we want. Oh my......could that be where free will comes into play? In other words, how would we learn anything if we didn`t have good and evil thrown at us as part of the lesson.

"...they are just testing to see how much of this bull# you guys swallow ...willingly!!! ...and even make you say thank you after they have brain washwed you ...and all this "Wisdom" that you swallow ...might be just a "test" for you, right?!"

Thinking such as this is fine....if you don`t understand what is really going on in this plane and why it is happening in this way.

"I'm sure you have read these illuminati liners "we put it all in front of their very eyes and they just don't get it" ...or "the world want's to be decieved" don't see these threads as a psy-op (psychological war-fare (propaganda)) operations?"

Wow, and you tell ME that I "don`t know anything"? When you do your homework a little more, please, come back and look me up and we will talk about this even more.

"Well, but now it's put "in front of your very eyes", so it's up to you... swallow or spit."

The only thing you put in front of my eyes is your own take on reality. Did I buy it? No, why should I? Just because it may be your reality, doesn`t mean it HAS to be everyone elses.

So tell me, which did YOU do....swallow or spit?

"Funny, I don`t remember saying anything like people are "making it all up"."

This is my bad, sorry buddy. with YOU i meant; you people, not you, FiatLux, personally..

When it comes to "pineal gland-thing" ...i think the the pineal gland is over hyped organ ..or is used for the lack of better "information", cause the metaphysical-information usually isn't very accurate, and usually not very scientific ..the "spiritualists" make alot of the stuff up ..or their astral-spirits do, or talk in metaphores & allegory so they won't get caught with a lie cause they never go into DETAIL ...when you're vague, you can adjust things later with more ease.

The ESP stimulation/manipilation, i believe, uses much wider field of "organs" to manipulate us, than just the famous "pineal gland". ..The Claustrum might be a useful spot to attack ...hyppo campus might be one.. synapses, reseptors.. They mimic our bodily functions what makes a certain thing work in our bodies ---> attack this spot to produce the desired effect.

For the "devil" i all ready gave a "theory"/a consept me the devil, like all the other "spiritual entities" are TULPAs ...these are created 'thought forms' ...characters like movie roles.

"I see you forget that we are all "One". On the other side, there is no "good and evil". And that this reality IS set up for us to learn our lessons in. The "good and evil" are nothing but tools put before us to use in any way we want. Oh my......could that be where free will comes into play? In other words, how would we learn anything if we didn`t have good and evil thrown at us as part of the lesson."

Good & Evil ...this theory-consept, a base for philosophy that the All was created with two poles in mind; white - black, good - evil ...but it's just a theory by some philosophy-sect, it's not the absolute TRUTH could it be, it was constructed by humans, not the Source.

Are every event in Life based on Good and Evil? ...if you go hiking in the mountains, and on some narrow path your foot slips and you fall to your death ...what was Evil in this scenario?! was an accident, there was nothing Evil in the play, right ...these kinds of things happen in life. Life has the abilty to teach with sorrow and lose etc, no Evil spirits what so ever are needed to teach these things with their ESP- ways.

How can you ever get away of Evil if it's apparently NEEDED in life? Does this mean that we shouldn't even try to stop Evil cause the world might stop turning? ..should we just free every evil person cause A) they are NEEDED to do Evil for God. B) ..and Learn to live with their evil, with out stoping it, cause if we'd stop them we'd violate their right for FREE WILL?

Where many spiritual ways teach that the Source/Creator first created two sub-creator gods; the Good god and the Evil god ..and then they created the universe ..or something along these lines..
But to me, more natural way to explain the Evil in human beings is our evolution out of Animal Kingdom ..we evolved from ape-linages ..and the Evil people behave just like -ape-animals; they wanna be the "king of the hill", have the best females, the best food and so forth. ..just like animals, gorillas, lions you name it, still go on living to day ..and so do us humans!! ..we are still on opur way out of the animal kingdom ...we are just staring to see what "evil" is.

So how us humans created the consept of EVIL was; we started evolving out of our animal-behaviour and started seeing violence and slavery and these things as "bad", cause these things created sorrow, pain and anxiety etc. for us ..and cause these emotions feel bad and cause we understood what causes them so we wanna shape the world into a form where this "Evil is no more". my approach is abit different to the on going Cration process/Life than for many other "spiritualist" ...I'm pretty much a material-spiritualist, cause i see the reality as a combination of both; material and the mind (Soul/spiritual), not just as; either one or the other, but not both. ...for me it's both ..this 3D physical is just as holy/spiritual as the "mind/spiritual worlds"

But then us humans have created the thing called philosophy/doctrine of Evil ...there really are people PRACTICING EVIL, see?! ..Yes, it is true that we are all "ONE", that noone is truly Evil, but there are people who take practicing Evil as a spiritual practice ..just like a Jain monk takes a vow to protect life and he sweeps the street as he goes so he wouldn't kill any bugs or ants..
The ones really Practicing Evil as a spiritual exercise, are just the opposite; they "sweep bugs and ants to in front of them so they CAN STEP ON THEM", see what i mean? in away, there really is Evil practiced on this planet ..and they are in it with full body and soul ..these true Evil magicians are no bs-new agers with their heads filled with aliens and reptilian myths ..they focus on practicing evil, not scaring teenagers just for "kicks" like these Hidden Hands do. ...but this is just me.
I give more respect to the truly Evil-magicinas (cause they are foucused and aware of what they are doing, not nessicarilly mad/crazy), but to these "Propaganda-Due" (P2)-illuminati-masons i don't have much respect cause they are just money men who dwell in myths and silly folk lore alá "dragons & damsels in distress" ..To me, they come out as very childish in these threads ..their info, these Hidden Hands' is just fantasy jargon alá Harry Potter and Lemurian egg hatching-humans. These people run away when they are confronted with true info ..they can't comment cause that would blow their cover.

"Thinking such as this is fine....if you don`t understand what is really going on in this plane and why it is happening in this way." ... so how about you telling me "what's really going on here", please? What causes the ESP-phenomena and where it comes from? do we get rid of it? ..please, tell me.

"The only thing you put in front of my eyes is your own take on reality." ....this is correct; i have only a theory ..i don't claim to offer the Truth ..THEY (illuminati, spiritualists, scholars..) claim that, and all they have is a THEORY.
I KNOW i can only theorize's the others who seem to THINK THEY KNOW THE TRUTH ...when they only choose believe in a THEORY's a similar thing as "When you KNOW you're a slave, you become free..."


PS. I have swallowed, spat and vomited ...and then some.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 09:16 PM
It is odd - how I keep missing these very threads though they are the reason why I joined ATS.
For a long while I thought another Insider belonged to this group - a Kabbalist on GLP in 2008. He gave techniques and described himself as a lower rank who joined a reincarnational rebellion and was acting on the orders of Insider 2005. Now I am not sure, in the light of this Illuminator13 document.

What do you guys think?

Matter of fact, that text affected me so much that I thought for a while HH was a mixed bag. I did not appreciate the language of the Ra Material with all the harvests etc. Plus I began to be suspicious of the 2012 hype. (I am an astrologer (Vedic) who calculated world ages for a hobby.) I recognised HH' brilliant handling of the role of evil though. My respect for HH's contributions have been growing slowly... Just on this past day I discovered this thread. Until dawn I hoped e was still on but then it grew more and more obvious that he only stayed a few days in Nov. I started a thread on comparing those three on GLP but it turned into something else... Please write me if you have anything in terms of comparisons. I think there are small differences but there is an enormous precision and a high reflexive quality in all three texts (I'2005, HH and Ill). Points are dramatic and concise.

Will anyone let me know when the next one is around? I was on ATS almost every day and I missed this one so far... some questions got answered though. Thank you, Illuminator13

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 09:17 PM
Special thanks to Decker for compiling the text and sending me a link.


posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Kokatsi
It is odd - how I keep missing these very threads though they are the reason why I joined ATS.

Same here. But there's a reason for it. Maybe you have more knowledge already than he could provide.

For a long while I thought another Insider belonged to this group - a Kabbalist on GLP in 2008. He gave techniques and described himself as a lower rank who joined a reincarnational rebellion and was acting on the orders of Insider 2005. Now I am not sure, in the light of this Illuminator13 document.

What do you guys think?

I have seen another attempt I think at godlikeproductions some time ago but it all fell apart after a few sentences. Didn't ring at all.

The Insider, Hidden Hand and Illuminator13 posts are connected. I was interested in Illuminator13 only because I wanted to compare his statements with information from a different source which I was given some months ago. I know that the material I was provided is correct (anybody can proof it). This information is basically all the answers needed. Now if you have answers you can easily spot if someone tells the truth or not.

All 3 lead into the right direction. Their information is in one concept incorrect but that is only because if they wouldn't lie about it the whole truth would be needed to explain anything. There is still not enough hints in the posts so you can find the whole truth. So I guess we will see at least another "Insider" some day. If not - it doesn't matter. What is needed is already provided piece by piece from other sources.

Will anyone let me know when the next one is around? I was on ATS almost every day and I missed this one so far... some questions got answered though.

Which questions do you need to have answered? (U2U)



[edit on 15/12/2009 by Deckard666]

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Ok I will play along for awhile.... here are my questions...

Do the Grey, Pleadian, Reptilian and Nordic Extra Terrestrials exist?

If so what are there plans for us???


posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by Kokatsi


About threads like this on ATS or elsewhere...

If you have read the Illuminati defector stories by people who were victims of the Dark Brotherhood (illuminati) or an ex-member will see that the hierarchy is VERY compartmentalized; they live under 'need -to-know-basis-only' code ..the lower levels have no clue what the top is planing ...and it is ALL highly mixed with propaganda, the info that reaches the lower levels ...highly dressed in myth ..false plans ...doctrine of false belief systems and so on... and the lower levels are many times drugged, abused and tortured so their thinking might not be the most sharpest to discriminate false info..

It's the same that Albert Pike, the famous freemason said "the lower levels/initiates are taught WRONG knowledge on the freemason symbols and allegory" if they defect, they can't blow the cover cause they aren't talking about the right things, but false things which were FED TO THEM by their Order. ...Why would Illuminati be any different?

How will you be treated by human courts and justice system if you go to them and say "Shape shifting reptilian Alien-freemasons are takin over this planet"? ...they will call you a fool and tell you to go home and forget about it ..and turn off the TV. ..Or they will call you a fool and lock you a way in a mental hospital cause you're obviously nuts. now you're disarmed and down winged cause no one listens to you ....and they won!! ..jsut because you're more interested in 'reptilian aliens' than Nano-Thermite in the 9-11 WTC dust. They got you to go after them with the wrong type of weapons; their New Age-bull #!!!

Wake up and smell the Nano-explosives!!!!! ...not the disney-fantasy false reality.

...So if you believe this New Age -jargon in anyway ...They are winning. Be you for them or against them ...or just share some believes with them that are 'mythical' in their nature (which most likelly originates from THEIR ancient doctrines), they keep on winning is the BELIEF SYSTEM they try to plant in you's not just the words and mythical theories, you understand.

Here's an example:

Before you read one of these Illuminati-threads on some forum, perhaps you didn't believe in ET's visiting this planet had never seen an UFO or had seen any proof that they would be visiting this planet ...or just proof that they even exist..
So, you find one of these threads which state that some groups of humans, or all of humanity, was once brought here on this planet by our breeders, aliens (of some sort). And along comes this higly complex eastern-esotersm with foreign words and difficult consepts ...and cause we a naturally baffled by questions like "we came from somewhere? ...who actually created us and this universe?" this New Age /Illuminati-jargon and pseudo-science might actually start to sound plausable ..and it actally is, somewhat plausable ...cause we just DON'T KNOW OUR TRUE ORIGIN these mind games be come easy, cause now you're OPEN to new ideas ...and belief systems.

So now you might start to believe in the Atlantis-myth and Ancient aliens ...but you still don't believe the Iluminati are shape shifters ..."That's too out there ...I'm not gonna believe that ...Do you think i'm an idiot ...I'm not that naive" .....But what you most likelly missed to notice is; now they got you believing in Atlantis and UFO's ...of which you still have NO PROOF ...only this higly FANTASTIC story by the "enlightent ones"
..see, some of the 'brain washing' worked started to believe in some parts of the myth ...they won. Now the just have to keep feeding you more New Age-myths and you are under their control.

This mind-game is multilayered's not allways the obvious in the message ..but also things like the 'whole belief system-linage' they are trying to plant ...and forums like this are ideal places for this kinda 'brain washing' ...who knows, maybe ATS is one of THEIR forums.


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