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the anti cancer diet and probable cure for cancer and other illnesses: the EVIDENCE for you

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posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by shagreen heart
the replies this thread are a good example of knee jerk cognitive dissonance, inDR.nation, and woodwardjnr's classic post, resigning to death and not changing a damn thing about your diet which IS (almost certainly) what caused this. if you eat the same hormone riddled, cheap, disgusting animal product, and drink the same disgusting city water and expose yourself to the same toxic elements you have done absolutely nothing to help yourself especially not by desperetley clinging to every drip of BS from your oncologist's prick as if they are out to help you in any way. yeah, do nothing to change your diet cause yer gonna die anyway, that's solid logic. i admire that will to live and want to make a difference in your life and others while you wither away.

QUI BONO. the new nutrition crackdown and laws and codex are the EXACT things you SHOULD be eating because disease and death make the most profit. B17--ILLEGAL? they are even pushing for vitamin-C. when will you wake up screaming and breaking these chains of insanity?

your doctor didn't become a doctor to help anyone, especially not an oncologist if he wanted to help anyone (college freshman: "i'm gonna cure cancer!" phd: "how the **** will i pay off my student loans?... OHHH"). he'd have become a nutritionist. anyone who thinks diet has nothing to do with cancer, enjoy dealing with it. i'm sure your family will thank you for all the problems it causes them, but you'll thank them for that garbage fast food they bring you in the hospital which is probably even worse for you than hospital food.

-huge exhale-

Everyone deals with cancer in their own way. I find it slightly offensive that you say I resigned to death. Especially as i'm sat here defying the odds of my prognosis. I may not of been fighting with my diet, but i'v manged to keep a strong state of mind throughout the 8 years of radiotharapy chemotherapy and steroid treatment, that ballooned me to an unrecogniseable reflection in the mirror. I ate to get me through the tough periods of chemotherapy, where sometimes the thought of food was enough to make me vomit.

I've dealt with all the emotions that come along with this. My parents fear of losing their son, my brother terrified of losing his younger brother. Its no ride in the park. so until the doc informs your parents you only have months to live, don't go making assumtions about my life.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Please, Please go back and read the last post on page 1. In my opinion(which I am sure means nothing to you), there is no need to give up eating anything that you like, but if I were in your shoes I would be heading to the supermarket right now and buying some freaking apples.

It may not do anything for all the damage done to your body by the chemicals and radiation that you have subjected yourself to, but I would bet my life that if you correct the Vitamin B-17 deficiency that you obviously have, that your cancer will disappear as it has for thousands of others worldwide who have done it. It will cost you just a very few dollars to find out and it just may make a difference of a lot of years on your life if you are willing to eat a few raw apple seeds either alone or mixed with your cooked food.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by AwakeAndAware
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Please, Please go back and read the last post on page 1. In my opinion(which I am sure means nothing to you), there is no need to give up eating anything that you like, but if I were in your shoes I would be heading to the supermarket right now and buying some freaking apples.

It may not do anything for all the damage done to your body by the chemicals and radiation that you have subjected yourself to, but I would bet my life that if you correct the Vitamin B-17 deficiency that you obviously have, that your cancer will disappear as it has for thousands of others worldwide who have done it. It will cost you just a very few dollars to find out and it just may make a difference of a lot of years on your life if you are willing to eat a few raw apple seeds either alone or mixed with your cooked food.

walk a mile in my shoes.....

p.s I eat my 5 a day always have, never stopped me getting cancer in the first place.
oh yeah how did you clear up your malignant brain tumour so quickly?

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

The seeds man, eat the freaking seeds. I would hazard to say that you have never swallowed one. My first post in this thread explained exactly what cancer is and how it works, what causes it, and the solution in all it's scientific and technical glory. I will never get cancer because I will never be B-17 deficient. I eat the SEEDS from an apple a day. It's your life, it makes no difference to me whether you try it or not.

If you want to read thousands of testimonials from people in your situation who have corrected the problem and gotten rid of the cancer you can visit

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by AwakeAndAware
reply to post by woodwardjnr

The seeds man, eat the freaking seeds. I would hazard to say that you have never swallowed one. My first post in this thread explained exactly what cancer is and how it works, what causes it, and the solution in all it's scientific and technical glory. I will never get cancer because I will never be B-17 deficient. I eat the SEEDS from an apple a day. It's your life, it makes no difference to me whether you try it or not.

If you want to read thousands of testimonials from people in your situation who have corrected the problem and gotten rid of the cancer you can visit

ok I'll eat the Frickin seeds, now my life is in your hands

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by rapunzel222

5. Eat your soy

Uh, no thank you I'll pass on the ovarian and thyroid cancer thank you very much.

You forgot chia seeds.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by calstorm]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 06:47 AM
Holy Crap Bat Man 5 Different nonsense cures for cancer in 2 pages!

For starters yeah... inflammation will lead to cancer if your cutting appropriate blood flow it's inevitable, but it's absolutely ridiculous and absurd to tell people that elimination of Meat and Dairy will prevent Cancer...

Everything causes inflammation, so what if there is something in meat that leads to some inflammation? Sitting on your butt causes inflammation in far worse way, sleeping wrong, your job, sitting in a chair too long... all these things cause far more inflammation.... gosh STRESS the near impossible to eliminate factor will cause inflammation and therefore Cancer...

There's only one way to rid your self of it, EXERCISE and Stretching and Sauna and .... being at least lightly Athletic...

You can't tell people to go Vegan because Meat Causes Cancer...

For starters we are all INDIVIDUALS, you have to treat the individual and their body, this is Amateurish biased nonsense...

Your diet would Kill me as an INDIVIDUAL DEAD right in my tracks, i'm not tolerant of Carbohydrates they cause me 10x the inflammation Meat or dairy ever possibly could, I ache if eat them.... so without meat and dairy, what would I be left with as a filler?

If I was an idiot and read this and followed it I would totally screw my life up lol

Soy... Thanks for all the Estrogen i'll gladly trade 20 years of a Nice Penis in exchange for something that looks more like a big Clitoris to lower my potential risk of cancer.... your Kidding me right? Soy is crap for men...

And where are my Amino Acids? Brain function, Mood Serotonin, Dopamine?


I have written on Ats about detoxification and other subjects and have boasted the claim of self curing a handful of serious diseases.

There is NO MAGIC BULLET or SPECIFIC DIET that will work on everyone or even most people...

I have NEVER when asked in U2U or by e-mail or in forum said to someone I had a specific cure that works 100% for everything...

There is

1: Exercise and Detoxification/SWEAT

2: A Light diet, non overindulgence and a diet that includes nutrients specifically YOU as an individual might need or that may help boost various functions like immunity or circulation and keep you with a low body fat %and I have to say MEAT and a less Carbs is mandatory the Body simply can't produce Fat on the Krebs cycle unless you add Carbs... and Fat is a far bigger culprit in Cancer than any minutia inflammation it may cause.


You can't do much without an MD to run blood tests...

I'm sorry, I don't like allot about Western medicine and definitely not Big Pharma... But without knowing your blood levels and monitoring yourself your GUESSING

I don't necessarily take the dope a doctor wants to fill me with, but when I want to really work on myself or cure something, I go to a doctor so I know exactly what is going on in my body.

What your doing OP is telling people THIS DIET will Cure them.... that philosophy Kills people

Can I eliminate Cancer... YES I absolutely Can... Everyone's body does it every day, but it takes looking and Analyzing of the REASON YOU....YOUR INDIVIDUAL IMMUNE system is failing or what You the individual are doing that is creating the situation...

And for christs sake your 300% better off going to the doctor and monitoring the damn tumor if you get one and knowing every single possible blood level in every aspect you can to know what's working and what is not...


Tomatoes as an example... reduce your risk of heart disease... but there are people who are allergic to Tomatoes... so stick them on Salads long enough they are causing internal inflammation, might never show outward signs but give themselves a heart attack....

So how can You OP come in here and say.... THIS DIET specifically will cure Cancer?

Has it even occoured to you that there actually are a percentage of us who are slanted more to the carnivorous direction genetically than vegan? That for SOME people a Vegan diet might be really BAD?

How would you KNOW unless you go for blood work regularly and get really involved... I mean to be fair I mostly for financial reasons chart by How I feel... But If I am taking o Cancer... I can't do that without knowing exactly how every single thing I eat is affecting me... in a proper scientific specific manner...

EVERY SINGLE PERSON in here who claims they have a SPECIFIC method from the Alkaline Acid crap to the Vegan Crap to the B17 Crap... Is full of It

Not attacking any individual for whom it Might or might not have worked for... but that's your Body, not everyone elses... AGAIN THERE IS NO SILVER BULLET!

Take as example the last Month of my life...

It started with Swine Flu and before done I was diagnosed with BACTERIAL MENINGITIS

First time i'm sick in a long long time... and I tackled it myself for quite sometime, I went well beyond a time frame with meningitis where i could very well have died, in fact.... got it so far along I was feeling allot better...but not 100%

So I went to the MD and and thanks to Manuka Honey and Garlic and Food restriction and Colloidal Silver... Among a few other things... I was the Healthiest guy they have ever seen with Bacterial Meningitis...

I was functional working doing my thing...

maaaaaybe... I could have Eliminated the Bacteria entirely in time, maybe...

But damn Penicillin is a nice addition to the regimen...

Would I ever get on here and say... Manuka Honey is the cure for Bacterial meningitis? HELL NO... it was working, well in fact. But for passing the blood brain barrier ... Antibiotics work better

So just don't.... go in public and claim your Vegan diet is going to Cure Cancer... It's irresponsible and not even remotely real in this case for a large number of people... If you Think, your going to cure Cancer with One specific Vitamin or one specific diet in MOST people.... your dead wrong,

There are thousands of things that cause cancer, your Vegan diet isn't going to do squat if the REAL CAUSE is something like... Black Mold in your House, or, Poor Circulation due to an injury or an Allergic inflammatory internal reaction to foods that normally should be good for you....

PLEASE TELL ME HOW A VEGAN DIET or ALKALINE Diet or B17 is going to cure a Cancer Caused by a specific Toxin in your environment?????

DEEP ANALYSIS of your BIO CHEMISTRY, ENVIRONMENT and LIFESTYLE is the holistic cure for Cancer AND you still will need an MD to do it right in most cases

So Just.... please stop with this sort of thing where people ACT like there is a Magic Solution for Cancer... There are many things that help many people... But if you believe one Vitamin or situation works for everybody your nutter!!!!

A few things I would recommend that help most everything.... as I said above...

Heat and sweat to reduce swelling and detoxify, Exercise for circulation and a very moderate diet in which so long as you MODERATE what you intake you can eat basically anything and indulge in basically anything so long as you don't make a habit of it...

Being healthy and detoxifying helps allot...

But if you break a Bone you need to set it... it wont go back into place by itself... your going to want that Xray to set it the best way you can...

Likewise, Cancer can be caused by many, many things... Being vegan might be good for many people, but if you breathed in too much roach spray as a kid your going to need to detox to beat cancer no matter what you eat.... if you don't figure out the CAUSE you can't cure it...

DIET is by far not the only cause of cancer, claiming to people it is is a downright crock and for the love of God, not every body is the same, You have no ides what';s right for you aside from trial and error without blood work...

And... DEVO knows what he is talking about... one of the few guys on here I can discuss this stuff with intelligently, running him off the topic with Dietary DOGMA is stupid.


Hey sorry to be harsh sounding, you care about diet and are learning things ...GOOD START

Posting articles that specifically back up a belief system is not a qualification to claim you can tell people how to cure Cancer...

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by rapunzel222

I have had breast cancer.

my last scan was clear.

i am on this diet.

YOU are an arsehole for talking to me like this.

and this 'drivel' you refer to is mainstream medical research.

you can choose to follow everything your doctors say if you want.

if i was you i would be trying to be on the best diet possible to give myself the best chance i could.

its up to you though.

and its your choice whether you want to believe this stuff or not.

i have a right to post it.
Many people follow the path im on,a nd they have a right to know about it.

Personally i do not think oncologists have time to look up all these studies, and they get most of their info from drug companies.

many studies linking cancer GROWTH to diet are out there.

changing your diet costs you nothing.

the diet i propose is healthy and you get all the nutrients you need.

you lose nothing by trying it and it could help you.

it is as follows:

vegetables (raw or steamed) of many varieties; fruit (many varieties) -less quantity than vegies; nuts (brazil nuts and bitter almonds are good); seeds (e.g. pepita, sunflower, flaxseeds); beans; chickpeas; lentils; corn; wholegrains. eggs occasionally; and some fish or free range non hormone filled chicken occasionally if you arent vegetarian.

this diet wont hurt you at all. you will get all the protein etc that you is safe to follow and very healthy. my chinese doctor put me onto it and i have never felt healthier.

i drink: green tea; vegie juice; herbal tea; water; sometimes fruit juice; and soy milk.

you can hate me all you like but you wont stop me posting this stuff unless i am convinced its wrong. and im not. in fact im convinced there is much research supporting it.

it is also known that certain chinese mushrooms have cancer fighting properties; so does seaweed (wakame); and so do apricot seeds and apple seeds.

in fact, FYI: im just off to post this stuff on a breast cancer forum.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by rapunzel222]

Well given your hate, I still wish you luck with your brain cancer..... I corrected the spelling for you.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

PLEASE TELL ME HOW A VEGAN DIET or ALKALINE Diet or B17 is going to cure a Cancer Caused by a specific Toxin in your environment?????

I will gladly explain how B-17 works because you are confusing "Triggers" with the root cause.

There are a multitude of things that will cause cancer cells to form and start multiplying, I'll give you that. However, regardless of what "Triggers" the process to start, the root "Cause" is there is not sufficient B-17 in the body to kill those cells once they appear.

Cancer cells are identical to pre-embryonic cells known as Trophoblast. They are one and the same. Because cancer and trophblastic cells are one in the same, the body does not recognize them as an external threat.
Trophoblastic cells come with a protective protein barrier that carries a negative charge, as do white blood cells so they repel each other.

The Pancreas produces Trypsin which allows the body to breakdown the protective, protein barrier around the Trophoblast cell and allows white blood cells to eliminate it and if there are more Trophoblast cells than there is Trypsin to counter, Vitamin B-17 has the same effect.

Yes there are literally hundreds of Triggers for Cancer. All of these Triggers determine when, and where the cancer will manifest. Trophoblastic cells are created when a type of Diploid Cell nicknamed “Total Life Cells(TLC's)”, come in contact with estrogen. Approximately 20% of the Total Life Cells, are present across the body. The other 80% reside in the Ovaries and testes. When the body is attacked by any means be it carcinogens, or environmental factors, it attempts to heal itself. The bodies sends estrogen to the site, and if the Total Life Cells are present, they will morph into Trophoblastic cells, AKA, CANCER.

But, if your body has it's full defenses available(Trypsin from the pancreas and B-17 from diet), as soon as a trophoblastic cell is created (anywhere, other than in the Uterus), it is destroyed. If the Trypsin in the Pancreas fails to do its job, then the second line of defense the "Cure for cancer", kicks in, Vitamin B17.

B-17 is comprised of two sugar molecules, a cyanide molecule, and a Benzaldahyde molecule. How it is broken down depends on what enzymes it comes into contact with.

When B17 comes in contact with Beta-glucosidase(Unlocking Enzyme) found in cancer cells, the Cyanide and Benzalgahyde are released in their toxic form, breaking away from their two sugar molecules.

When B17 comes in contact with Rhodanese(Protecting Enzyme) found in healthy cells, it converts Cyanide to Thiocyanate which is harmless.

Thus Vitamin B17 is deadly to cancer, and inert to all healthy cells in the body.

There was almost no "cancer" prior to the late 1800's when people mostly grew there own food and food was not "Processed" for mass distribution because people got enough B-17 in their diet to destroy cancer cells as they formed, and they were much less likely to form because we didn't have nearly the "Triggers" in our environment.

The "so a child could understand it" version of the explanation is this:

Most people probably get and eliminate cancer in their body every day. The problem comes when more cancer cells form than the pancreas produces Trypsin to eliminate, and because the modern diet doesn't include enough B-17 to eliminate the excess, people get cancer and it continues to multiply. Eat whatever you like, just include enough Vitamin B-17 so that there is enough present in your body to kill whatever cancer cells form that are more than your body has Trypsin to eliminate.

There is a multi-billion dollar per year industry build on the fact that people don't know this so you will never see a "cure" for cancer from pharma. It is simply not in their best interest to produce a "cure" because they have a responsiblity to their stock holders to make more money each year by selling treatments.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 08:27 AM
In case anyone is interested, Vitamin B-17 is available at your local grocery store. It is found in RAW seeds and nuts among other things. Raw apple seeds have a high content. Cooking or roasting destroys the Vitamin B-17 by converting it into other compounds.

Vitamin B-17 is one of the main sources of food in cultures such as the Eskimos, the Hunzas, the Abkasians and many more. Did you know that within these tribes there has never been a reported case of cancer? According to Dr. Krebs, we need a minimum of 100 mg of vitamin B-17 (the equivalent of about seven apricots seeds) too nearly guarantee a cancer free life.

You can find a list of B-17 sources here:

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by AwakeAndAware told them. I have been doing alot of reading on this and your break down of the information is very good, thanks! I am a lay person and all the techno speak often gets me more confused than when I started.
The one thing I have noticed on ATS, people are not open to discuss topics in depth....they seem only wanting to argue and get a rush, so to speak, of dis-ing eachother. All this OP is doing is relaying information that has help her and others. Yes, diet is important....Yes, B-17 is important... Yes, Doctors are important.....And Yes, be an adult is important, let's all work together as such and quit acting like high school brats!


posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:22 AM
I think the red meat stuff is bull to be honest.

My good friend has developed bowel and liver cancer and he's been a vegetarian for nearly 17 years.

Also stop promoting soy, it's really bad for you and the environment.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Stop promoting soy......


[edit on 15-11-2009 by DevolutionEvolvd]

Damn this puts a bummer on my Chinese food.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by ufoptics

You're welcome. If big pharma had been around a few hundred years earlier, everyone in the world would be taking some kind of drug to treat or prevent scurvy. As it turns out, it was just a vitamin C deficiency and cancer is simply a manifestation of Vitamin B-17 deficiency. It just kills me to see people who are dying because big pharma has a financial obligation to their stockholders to do everything in their power to make more money next year than they made in the current one and the only way that they can do that is to sell more treatments. They are required by law to do so. If they have their way, everyone on earth will be taking some kind of pill every day for the rest of their life to treat something. Imagine the Billions of dollars per year currently spent on cancer treatments suddenly disappearing to be used for other things.

People(and their insurance companies) spend thousands and thousands of dollars a year to subject themselves to toxic chemicals and radiation which have no chance of "curing" their cancer. In the very best case scenario (which happens rarely) it will eliminate the cancer temporarily, but because the underlying cause (B-17 deficiency) still exists... it will always come back even in the rare instance when it is eliminated in the first place.

The old addage that "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" simply left out the part about eating the seeds. Eating the raw seeds from an apple or two per day or getting the appropriate amount of B-17 from some other source seems a small price to pay to never get cancer or to eliminate it if it already exists. Whether anyone believes it or not (and I don't think anyone can dispute the science behind it), it is a very low cost thing to try and will save lives.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by AwakeAndAware]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 10:15 AM
According to the wiki page there seems to be much dispute over b17...but it is probably generated by money control. Sometimes i think the human race doesn't want a cure just money...

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:06 AM
I thought radiating your body and taking dangerous pharmaceuticals cures cancer...

How could something as simple as diet change help

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Seriously cancer is an epidemic, medical doctors pushing conventional cancer treatments are killing cancer patients needlessly by the thousands.

For the last ten years I have counseled many cancer patients through their treatments and watched as they died a painful, horrific death. All had some version of the conventional cancer treatments and all died from infections caused by the chemotherapy/radiation.

The immune system is shot when the treatment of choice is coventional cancer treatments. Ten years is when cancer patients are consider free of cancer.

I became disillusioned with the medical system in place and tired of counseling cancer patients through their treatments only to die in the end. So I went out on my own and work counseling cancer patients that they have choices in cancer treatments that are effective at stopping/reversing cancers and other chronic health issues.

Their diet is key in treatment. Raw food diet is encouraged, but not for everyone, try an organic,natural as possible diet is encouraged.
Eating beef even organic, might still contain toxins from the grass the cows eat. Toxins travel great distances and end up in the grass. Not a big deal to many people, but over time toxins build up and settle in the body.

I wrote a book/guide about the politics involved in the cancer industry and another on real cancer treatments that heal and are not toxic to the body.


posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Thanks for the Kudos, Mopus!

And right back at ya, buddy. Starred!

To the OP: See, you will be torn apart posting nonsense. If you know I'm wrong, then you must know you're right and that, inherently, suggests that you are unwilling to accept anything other than information that supports your ideologies. In which case I will gladly call you out, everytime.


posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus

Your diet would Kill me as an INDIVIDUAL DEAD right in my tracks, i'm not tolerant of Carbohydrates they cause me 10x the inflammation Meat or dairy ever possibly could, I ache if eat them.... so without meat and dairy, what would I be left with as a filler?

And where are my Amino Acids? Brain function, Mood Serotonin, Dopamine?

Here's an idea maybe try eating fruits instead of wheat?

Wheat and grains are very toxic to the human body, they cause problems for just about everyone.

Fruits do not cause problems and i guarantee they don't cause you any inflammation, if you say otherwise you are a liar plain and simple.

Amino acids huh? Did you know every single fruit contains every single essential amino acid? probably not because you are so brain washed by the meat and dairy industry.

Cooked dead flesh does not lead to health, the only way to gain vibrant health is to eat live fresh plant material. No one can argue with this.

For starters we are all INDIVIDUALS, you have to treat the individual and their body

This is a bunch of bull, we are all the same species. Diets are species specific, individuals in species don't eat different foods

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Rawhemp]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by AwakeAndAware

Yeah there is truth in what you say.

But it's still a load of nonsense to tell people that B-17 will prevent or Cure Cancer... Because maybe 10% of cancers are caused by lack of any dietary item... Measurement and statements on what people lack are bogus, because particularly in respect to B17 it's not the sort of thing your going to need every day a periodic dose will do the job that is needed... Claims of deficiencies in the USA are mainly Bogus because on a given day when tested it's unlikely you ae going to have per say had a handful of Almonds, but in reality, a good dose a few times in a year would do the trick through most of your life...

The other 90% of Cancers happen not because you lack anything...

But rather because it can't GET to the Cancer site

I'm sorry but if you take a bang to your lower back and develop some dead muscle tissue and blood can't reach a particular patch of tissue OR if you smoke and you have dead Lung tissue as main examples... All the B17 in the universe won't cure your Cancer because the Blood can't reach the location.


There are Some people who might benefit from B17

Most wont that's why studies for nutritional attack on Cancer work in some studies and not all...

What if you have a Mild diverticulitis and inflammation in your small intestines, and then you Eat Almonds and other stuff do you know what Cyanide production would do to a person who might have Hepatitis and whose liver can't process it or simply like the diverticulitis develops serious inflammation and can't absorb it?

You wont just NOT cure the persons Cancer by using B17 it will spread to their innards as well, they will then be lacking MORE nutrients and suffer from weaker circulation and the Cancer will spread everywhere...

You can say inject directly the tumor which would then be....another form of Chemo and nothing more (and yeah B17) could use some more direct study in that manner...)

But it's not a cure all

Most disease spreads because it manages to get into a location where the bodys defenses can't reach it, as we age out risks get worse from lifestyle and decay... If the body can't reach it Nutrition alone will be futile...

What your doing

What the OP is doing

Is EXACTLY what Western THOUGHT does and makes treatment of disease very limited...

Your looking for an Answer not at a whole person, you want a single Cure without addressing each patient as an individual...

You might be going Holistic but your still practicing Mc Donalds medicine... "take 2 of these and call me in the morning"

Lacking a serious analysis of lifestyle, environment, behavior and pathogens and general health, your giving misleading information.... without deeply knowing the patient and addressing the Cause and reason for spread in the first place your going to FAIL, and NO, lack of B17 isn't nearly as common as people would think judging by one random morning blood test that claims a deficiency...

It's like my recent meningitis...

Never found a bacteria before that stood to manuka honey... that is until I got one in my Brain and Spine where it couldn't reach it...

There is NO ONE cure for everybody for LIFESTYLE generated diseases, there is only the option of KNOW THYSELF to treat it...

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