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Wow guys, you have to watch this, second wake up call.

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posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

I haven't done it yet, I am still researching all the ins and outs. Like I said this gets very deep. Anyone who studies this will feel like they may have bitten off more than they can chew. To learn all of this and be able to do it right is like getting a law degree.. there is that much info out there and the Gov doesn't make it easy that's for sure.. They want to stay in control of you.

The 2nd video (Redeeming the Straw Man) has lots of good info but folks I warn you these guys are Christians and they use some references to God and such.. it does not matter for the purpose of this discussion so if you watch it, please just ignore this language if it offends you.

The birth certificate thing is a great question. I don't know but I will research it.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 10:40 AM
Its good to see more people starting to become aware of the real world, or at least parts of it.

This is a good video, I watched it some time ago - and learned a few new things.

The problem is, when you really become aware - you can't talk to anyone

People will talk about things in the matrix as if they were real - they have heated debates that amount to nonsense and so on.

The one thing that people in the US can't seem to separate themselves from is the idea that their beloved country is just being used as a massive war machine to grind the rest of the world into submission. They are so attached to their country - they cannot step back and see what it really is.

If you begin to talk about the real world with 'normal' people, or even allude to the idea that there is a real world - then the conversation is over - and you are obviously a loony.

Get used to the idea - insanity is simply seeing a different reality - so once you learn too much, there is no going back to being a sane person again.

Your mind will revolt - a lie once proven, can never again be accepted as truth.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by vimanarider
And using entries on D&B as proof that countries and government entities are corporations is absurd.

Did you read what you just wrote? No fear, I quoted it below.

Originally posted by vimanarider
D&B is simply an agency for reporting business credit reference not all entries on their site are corporations.

BUSINESS is synonymous with CORPORATION.

Seriously???...BUSINESS is also synonymous with BEESWAX, but I would not call the UK an insect secretion. You are trying to pigeon-hole here.

According to D&B themselves, country related information is provided so that INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS, and other BUSINESSES can forsee potential risks and rewards of investing, conducting business, manufacturing, etc. in or with other COUNTRIES. None of this categorizes a National entity as a corporation in the sense you and Mr. Harris are implying. Here is a quote from their site...

"D&B business information, whether it is used for macro analyses on industries or countries or a micro analysis on a specific business can help you make better decisions during uncertain economic times."

So even the site that he uses as a reference, places a difference between the two.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

So true. Knowing this I can't talk to most people about it because I am labeled. This is just the way we are conditioned. We need TV commercials, radio spots, a deluge of mass media with all the correct info people need to see the truth and have the means to do something about it. But then what.. We can't vote anymore.. no point.. we would need a new government someplace else to start over. This may be the Only solution to the problems Americans face in America and for you guys in other countries.

Since there is no way to fix our problems from within AND get out from under the governments corporate control we would have no other choice but to get out. Problem we would all need to be organized all of us everywhere.. and all get out collectively together. A new melting pot made up of all our countries. Funding is a Big problem. We need a few Bill Gates on our side.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:04 AM
All I have to say about this is..

So what?

So these people are trying to get us... big deal. They are evil men doing evil things, and you found out. They aren't the only evil people in the world.

You're evil too!

Every time you pay your taxes or use their currency our work for 'The Man', you are just as evil because you are actively allowing them to be in power. Does paying taxes and using money make the average person on the street evil? Nope, the average person on the street is ignorant of the information that you have and take their actions in blindness.

You, oh knower of the truth, you support the Evil Men with full knowledge of what you are doing. For shame!

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by vimanarider

Oh yeah smart guy.. then how do you explain your local court house being listed? Your police stations? all of them. They are all there and they all of have corporate trading numbers. I know. I looked up the ones in my state (USA).

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by obsolete

Originally posted by vimanarider
His quoting of the Magna Carta and lawful rebellion is priceless, the law was repealed in 1216.

You may want to watch that segment again, I think you missed something.

Originally posted by vimanarider
And using entries on D&B as proof that countries and government entities are corporations is absurd.

Did you read what you just wrote? No fear, I quoted it below.

Originally posted by vimanarider
D&B is simply an agency for reporting business credit reference not all entries on their site are corporations.

BUSINESS is synonymous with CORPORATION.

[edit on 11/15/2009 by obsolete]

[edit on 11/15/2009 by obsolete]

no it isn't synonymous...i owned a business, but was not incorporated...big, big difference. the biggest difference is who is held monetarily responsible, and here's one reason....if you, yourself own a business, and with good fortune, becomes successful to the point that you have to hire others to make critical decisions regarding the flow of business money, you would be wise to incorporate. this prevents someone blaming you directly for loses. since it was someone employed by you, that might have caused the loss, you do not want to be held personnally responsible. thus, the loss would be against the entire corporate entity. this is done by creating a corporation, with you becoming an employee.
individual people can be corrupted, or make mistakes, no matter how qualified they are. you do not want to lose all of your personal assets to a person like that, so you set up a corporation to take on all the losses, and exempt yourself from having to pay the losses.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
reply to post by vimanarider

Oh yeah smart guy.. then how do you explain your local court house being listed? Your police stations? all of them. They are all there and they all of have corporate trading numbers. I know. I looked up the ones in my state (USA).

i think you might be equating "control" with "accounting procedures"...and they are not equal. when countries "trade" with each other, the parties involved, need to have a standard method of accounting, with standard rules and regulations involving money. countries in the past have gone to war over such disputes. so, they base it on a corporate model. this has nothing to do as far as a country being governed. a dictatorship (united arab emirates) doing business with america (a democratic republic) are governed quite differently, but they do business in a standardized accounting regimen. in other words...this keeps all parties on the same page involving money

[edit on 15-11-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:27 AM
That was incredible! It even has a perfect parallel to spirituality, i.e., one must sacrifice the self identity (the legal person) to achieve true freedom (enlightenment).

Truth is universal, isn't it?

Life is nothing more than an illusion; a system of beliefs that we take to be true, when in actuality it's all a farce. We are not this person, nor even a man or woman, it is all just infinite conscious awareness.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Riposte]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:35 AM
This is awake up call?

Honestly, the best video I've seen so far. I'm incorporating my name.

It's business, it isn't a wake up call. If it is a wake up call to some, then you really really need to get your heads out of your a$$e$ and start paying attention to what's actually going on around you and not what conspiracy could you make up that could be going around you.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

My dear friend (yes, I'm calling you a friend...)
I would like to give you all of my gratitude for this post, the video was truly astounding. It finally finished a puzzle I was trying to solve since a young adult. I've been putting out these issues in talks with people (especially the birth certificate dupe) but it always ended up with them staring at me like I was some kind of freak... This movie now gives me the knowledge and power to investigate the situation here in Belgium, where it is the common policy to divide people (dutch vs french), to overwhelm them with bureaucratic nonsense and to rob us from every penny (for every 100 euro's I earn, I'm giving back AT LEAST 60 euro's without questions asked...)

I'll check Harris' website out, maybe one day I'll be taking the opportunity to give these kind of seminars in dutch, I really hope so. I've been desperately searching for doing something meaningful in life, and this is about it!

Thanks again, my friend!

PS: I wish I could give a thousand stars and a multiple of flags!

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:49 AM
I am still watching the video, will comment on one thing the speaker brought up with regards to the social services, I agree they used the Baby P Case so they can raise more money for the co-operation. It is just horrendious, if true they used a child who was killed to give thier shareholder more profit. That in itself I find shocking.

Talk about a wake up call, I am going to have a look at the Scottish Common Law, and compare this with the statues implemented by previous uk governments and now the scottish government. But where to start, unless you have a legal background where do you start! It is complete mind boggling.

But I suppose it is a process of learning. The truth rather than having is sold to you by The Co-orporate powers thatbe.

Does anyone have any other follow up links, I would like to see if any of those in the audience asked questions etc?

I would be very grateful, if the op maybe can post more links or anyone else tyvm.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by vimanarider

Your soooo wrong my friend, start your research now and educate yourself. What you will find will amaze you. These are very true facts, not only in the UK, but as well as here in the good ole USA. One fact he was wrong on was destroying the birth certificate. You want to take back the right of lien of said birth certificate.
If you do your homework, you will find each BC is registered and lien-ed by the USA, Inc. And as shameful as it is, some of these lien-ed BC's are in the possession of other countries in Lu of debt owed to them by the USA.
I hope you do research this and may be afterwards do your own thread on your findings.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 11:56 AM
This movie is so true.

This movie is not actually a wake up call but rather a reminder.

Like: Before you take up any credit or a loan. You should think about what you have to offer in exchange.

What i saw with the financial crisis was not us loosing power. But the government loosing its power over us. If we loos everything so do they. If we dont have a job or anything. They have nothing to claim us for. And that makes them powerless.

Maybe it was the corporations who called the financial crisis for crisis! They were loosing power.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 12:04 PM
OMG @ the ending, it actually brought tears to my eyes, is still trying not to become too over emotional.

At least he is given us, who want to listen a platform to research this more ourselves. Rather than be droins and follow the PTB.

Star and flagged, O/P thank you very much for this!

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 12:11 PM
What he's saying applies as much to the USA as it does in the UK. Under Common Law, the Criminal law of the land for the USA, it is a crime to mislead people in/into an agreement (a contract). The application of Statutes/Regulations/policies/acts/etc is done by fraud or misleading people into agreements. The courts commit fraud by not telling us they consider us "wards" of the company, city, state, court, etc... This is the basis of the massive crimes being committed by Cities, counties, states, feds. This is the basis of their rationals for abuse. Police are moving more and more towards treating people as simply commodities to be managed without any regard, respect, etc.. In other words they (police, judges) imagine they have "jurisdiction" over you. If you don't tell them you don't recognize their authority and require ie you won't contract with them, then they rationalize that you have accepted (by implication) them as an authority over you.

This is the perverted minds of the legal society and it's associates they commit fraud, extortion, kidnapping under a foolish rational because they are getting away with it. They make up words. But at the core they obey a rules framework and if you can stand up to their framework you can manage them.

The legal society is the heart of almost all conspiracy and corruption. Who does the government go to for advice? To the legal society. Who does the legal society owe an allegiance to? The Crown Court. Who is the Crown Court? The Templar Crown Court of the Vatican.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 12:44 PM
I have often pondered this sort of thing. I have heard these ideas referenced many times over the past couple of decades and found they resonated as true.

Here is my take and my reasoning as to why there is a logical basis behind this.

1) I am a physical human being composed of materials that have been around a lot longer than any body politic (although not in this current form)

2) I have the ability to behave upon my own volition. I can CHOOSE to act in whatever way suits me. The only cavaet is that there will always be consequences to my actions.

3) Any authority is only as valid as the entity granting such authority says it is. I can choose not to follow any laws or statutes, claiming that the authority has no claim over me. They cannot FORCE me to follow their laws. They can try to coerce me to follow them, but it will ALWAYS be my choice. So the only one who can grant an entity authority over me is me.

I think this fellow in the video says it very well. The only way to beat this game is to learn the rules. You cannot just leave the playing field. In order to do that, one would have to have their own private and self-sustaining island. But to learn what the rules are empowers one to play the game actively instead of just being a game piece.

Money, in the end, is not the primary currency. It cannot be because it does not have any intrinsic value. A piece of paper or metal currency set on a table will not have accomplished anything of its own volition within any period of time. Humans are the currency. They can produce change and thus have an intrinsic value based on their knowledge, experience, and capabilities.

So learn the rules of the game and play it well. Stop being a game piece. I think that is the real message being sent here.

[edit on 11-15-2009 by rogerstigers]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 12:51 PM
S & F Although I have already stumbled across this site and freeman John Harris some time ago, I agree listening to John's presentation is an eye opener but not sure its a revalation or even a surprise.

Check out another similar site but still with some interesting media.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by kayne1982

Thank you Kayne, for the link, One might check that out later.
, As for the revelation part well maybe it could be to some of the population off the UK since this is where the conference took place. There is alot out there whome believe what the Govenrment is doing for their own good. Maybe it is about time they are educated. This Video posed by the O/P I think is one way of doing so. I for one would go along to one of his seminar/conferences.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:22 PM
Please be aware that UK Column, TPUC, BBC5tv, The British Constitution Group, all have hidden links with the BNP, UKIP and other far right organisations.

Whilst their information is accurate, and their goals admirable, membership of their organisations have been saturated with peoples of questionable moral standards. Fundamentalist Christians have also emplaced themselves within these organisations, and continue to corrupt them. Muslims, and other religions as a result, are not welcome.

As usual with these things, research the people making the claims (and their associates) before you start acting on their advice. I have met the key players in these organisations, as well as partaken of the conferences and meetings. I wish them every success in bringing down the UK government, but their agenda is suspect to me.

The Para.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Parallex]

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