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Airplane aerosol bacteria will be activated by Swine Flu vaccine.

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 09:39 PM
Everybody is already breathing the precursor from what is being sprayed by the airplanes. The vaccine is going to activate the contagion that is a domino effect to create a mass plague.

" aerosoled precursor has been put into the air and almost everyone has breathed it into their lungs. The biochemist states that the vaccines to be administered in the Fall will be ACTIVATED when the constituents come in contact with the aerosoled precursor in the body and will cause a rapid spread of the H1N1 Influenza A virus. This biochemist is very upset about the matter, to say the least, and is a very reliable source that needs our utmost protection."

scroll down. Henry Deacon said something about that is is what they are doing, I think.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 09:46 PM
Well if that is true, I am not opposed to a world order based on mutual respect, love and peace. It is obvious we all have the same enemy if any of this is indeed true. To me, in matters not what race, religion, lifestyle, philosophy one has--only that those people hold life, and freedom close to their hearts.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 09:58 PM
Can we find more about this somewhere ? I am really interested in this.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:01 PM
Well in all the years of aviation history under our belt the FAA is now suddenly worried about paying too much money for fuel because of the added weight of bathroom facilities and the weight of the urine in people bladders is weighing planes down.

Bathroom conspiracy?

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Pocky
Everybody is already breathing the precursor from what is being sprayed by the airplanes. The vaccine is going to activate the contagion that is a domino effect to create a mass plague.

I bet you $500,000 dollars that this wont happen

Thats how confident I am that this is poo

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by Pocky
Everybody is already breathing the precursor from what is being sprayed by the airplanes. The vaccine is going to activate the contagion that is a domino effect to create a mass plague.

I bet you $500,000 dollars that this wont happen

Thats how confident I am that this is poo

I value your opinion, but I'd really like it if you explained your thoughts further. You are obviously informed about chemtrails and the like. Thankyou in advance

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by Pocky
Everybody is already breathing the precursor from what is being sprayed by the airplanes. The vaccine is going to activate the contagion that is a domino effect to create a mass plague.

I bet you $500,000 dollars that this wont happen

Thats how confident I am that this is poo

Hey Oz...the problem is that if it IS true, none of us will be alive to collect from ur ass.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:04 PM
Other than Henry Deacon making yet another prediction that won't come true is there any real proof of this?

Any witnesses, documentation, anything?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:05 AM

[edit on 11/13/2009 by LifENcircleS]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:17 AM
Hello All,

I challenge any person, of adult age, who does not believe in chemtrails to go to their car, if they have one, turn the car on and suck deep and long on the tailpipe.

Suck deep and long for about 2 hours and if your not dead by the time the 2 hours are up please come and explain to me why chemtrails don't exist.

If you do die, please reflect in the afterlife on the fact that if your car can produce deadly carcinogenic chemicals, and expose them out of the combustible engine into the air around the car through it's tail pipe, then surly the huge streaks coming from planes can do the same. Therefor chemtrails being an obvious logical realistic fact, an obvious logical realistic fact that not so coincidentally ended your life.

But please just remember that it was I who lead you to this ground breaking information, information that was so hard for you to understand. In your gratuity of this please don't haunt me.



[edit on 13-11-2009 by Izarith]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Pocky

That's interesting and all, but what if you and your family, (like mine), won't take te flu vaccine at all? Will we still be affected by this chem trail stuff? I hate to say this but the media has everyone in my town under control. They are threatening to close my son's school because they are afraid of kids getting the swine flu. Plus, my son has told me, not sure if this is true, a friend of his has swine flu. My son hangs out with him on daily basis but we are not sick at all. I work with the elderly and no one from work is sick with this swine flu. It is not mandatory for us to even take the shot yet. Any thoughts on that??

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:04 AM
I have some valuable links buried in some of my previous threads.

Here is a bit of the FAA's Pandemic Preparedness.


I am off to find an air gun that was intended to steer birds away from oncoming planes.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Now to address the FAA. Remember a flight went down in the hudson, and the reason. Birds. Check this thing out.

To prepare for the possibility of a pandemic, the Tech Center convened a Crisis Response Working Group (CRWG) this past January. The CRWG is coordinating the development of a pandemic influenza action plan in the event we are directly impacted by an influenza outbreak, or indirectly affected by an outbreak near us. Since it is not certain that the current avian flu strain will cause a pandemic, the CRWG is focusing its efforts on developing an action plan for any event that limits staff availability at the Center. If a pandemic influenza outbreak does occur, this plan will be activated.

The CRWG is in the process of establishing sub-groups to develop specific plans on a wide range of topics. Examples include: promoting health and safety in the work force, maintaining essential services, developing contingency plans, utilizing telecommuting, tracking personnel (home sick or home caring for sick family members) and temporarily backfilling personnel. In this regard, a myriad of planning actions are still being worked on. Once the plan is finalized and coordinated with key organizational managers, information about the plan will be provided to the Technical Center work force.

Editor’s Note: Anyone who worked here “way back when” will probably recognize that this is a photo of the infamous NAFEC “bird gun” or “chicken gun,” not the avian flu. The official name for the bird gun was the Air Gun Impact Test Facility (Building 202), which was used to support projects requiring data concerning damage to aircraft components caused by collisions with objects like birds or hailstones. It also was used to test jet engine injestion and rupture strength of fuel cell bladder materials. The bird gun is an important part of Tech Center folklore. My thanks go to Harry Webster and Jack Berry for sending me a copy of a New York Times story titled, “Splat! Again a Chicken Sacrifices Everything For Air Safety’s Sake,” which ran on June 21, 1971. The story covers both the NAFEC chicken gun and one that was operated at a Canadian government lab to find ways of protecting aircraft against mid-air collisions with birds. Hopefully our readers will find this photo less distasteful (and perhaps more interesting) than the photos of poultry being culled that generally are run in the media along with stories about avian flu.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Star to you, my informed friend.

I can't believe there is still people believing in chemtrails, there are WAY better options to poison a populace.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:18 AM
If this were true, then you'd have people dropping like flies.

So far, there have been millions who have gotten the vaccine in the US including many members of the military. Why aren't they all dead?

Also, if the NWO is creating a disease to reduce the population, why would they want to kill the people that are so easy to control? The people that comply and take the vaccine, in my opinion, would be the ones that they want to keep.

It's the rouge element that they would want to control.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:19 AM
All I can say is if this is true, then the intentional infection will be met with intentional ASTERIODS 6 I THINK.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by Wildbob77

The Nazis expirimented a lot in WWII with things that are not immediately recognized by the immune system as harmful, but retained a shelf life in the body so that when body was exposed to additional substances could become fatal.

I don't think that chemtrails are far fetched at all. But I don't think that chemtrails are the ultimate conspiracy. There has been something going on with the FAA, it has had a pretty drastic makeover since 9/11.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

The OP said "Everybody is already breathing the precursor from what is being sprayed by the airplanes. The vaccine is going to activate the contagion that is a domino effect to create a mass plague."

If everyone is already breathing the precursor, then those who get the shot would have it activated. That's not happening.

If TPTB are waiting until the maximum number of people have taken the vaccine then they begin spraying, that would be a different scenario.

But I have many many questions. If TPTB want to reduce the population of the world, why start with the developed nations, aka the ones that will get the vaccine? Wouldn't it be easier to start with remote parts of India and/or China. You'd get more bang per ounce of spray plus, there wouldn't be scientists and/or doctors available to help.

Why kill those who comply?

Why not just spray the disease directly? Why a two part plan?

Personally, it just seems a little silly to involve chemtrails.

Why not just vaccinate those you want to save and then release the disease?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Wildbob77

Because it is being done for poitical power. IN order to achieve their mission they have to assure that their governing body remains intact. It is called continuity of government.

Second they can not enforce mass quarantines if their first responders, law enforcement and medical people get sick.

Basically, this is what happened.

In 1979 there was a large smallpox outbreak wich was also considered a worldwide pandemic. But the WHO declared that it was eradicated and it was for the most part. Except that the WHO maintained the whole worlds supply of the virus and vaccines which now is owned by the Federal Government and even convinced other governing bodies who had stockpiles of the vaccine to hand them over since they had 'eradicated' it worldwide.

Today only military can legally get the smallpox vaccine. It is off limits to all other people, that is unless you recieve the government permission to recieve asmallpox vaccine.

A smallpox vaccine boosts your immunity for about 3-5 years, so the swine flu would probably be considered pretty mild compared to small pox. You would know if you were recieving a small pox vaccine because the vaccine has two little prongs rather than a needle.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:43 PM
1. They want to get rid of the population and especially the minorities who they think are dirty races.

2. There is already a push to get more black people to take the vaccines, because they aren't seeing many of them going to the vaccine clinic to take their swine flu shot.

3. Look, the thing that blindsighted the government is the almost 50 percent weariness of the public to take the vaccine right now.

4. They want their money's worth and that is to inject everybody and kill off a good percentage that will die by adverse effects out of the hundred millions that will be injected.

5. It's interesting that Desiree Jennings and the Teen boy who got adverse nerve reactions to the vaccine are both athletic people.
Must there be a link between how athletic and resilient you are and getting injured by the vaccine? If so, why is it?

6. Nobody can sue them, because Obama granted them immunity.

7. Interesting that just when Obama mentioned National Healthcare, all of a sudden there was an upcoming pandemic.

8. People mentioned a pandemic before it was even noticeable, how did they know way before hand that it was gonna spread?

9. Their tactic is to call you a Conspiracy nut if you have doubts about taking it.

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