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Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush

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posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam
Obama DID go to Fort Hood. I saw the speech on local TV (I'm in the area) and he was in front of my old III Corps headquarters. No, I did not vote for Obama; but, untruths are dispicable.

Obama stayed in Texas after the speech to go visit the soldiers in the hospital too.

Bush went the next day. Obama went after a weekend of golf, after he was shamed into it.

I saw the speech on local TV

Didn't see Bush mugging for the camera, did you? Private is just that. Private.

I also saw the list of the senators and representatives at the speech and remember lots were Wisconscin and Minnesota (plus many other states) but NONE were our own Texas senators or representatives!

Perhaps you should drop them a note and tell them how you feel?

A quote from Bush 43rd about the CONSTITUTION "It's just a goddam piece of paper". This is how he will be remembered!

Source or it didn't happen.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Thank you so much for your comments. I agree we are wthin the minority, that has become painfully obvious as this thread has worn on. It became derailed into a right vs left argument, which is the last thing I wanted to have happen, but alas, I had to work a 12 hour night shift and then sleep, so there you have it.

I still have to hold out the hope that people can see this isn't a left vs right issue. I was trying to display that the only ones that make sides are the politicians, and people fall for it, hook, line, and sinker. It is ripping the country apart, and the very people who profess to despise that are falling prey to it, and due to the blind hatred cannot see through the facade and realize they are duped.

I do kind of feel sorry for them, but if you cannot simply communicate, then you have nothing left. I am grateful knowing that some people get it, I just wish it was more. I sort of felt hopeless when I opened this thread when I got home from work, but thanks to people like you, it all seems a bit better.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Kerry_Knight

Star for you to be able to say what you did! This is what I am talking about, being able to come to the table and put your pride to the side and realize we all really do have a lot in common. Thank you so much for your input, you brought a smile to my face.)

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

Thank you so much for your post! It was a pleasant read after all the hate displayed in this thread.

I felt much like you did with the choices we had for candidates. There was really nothing there. The election itself was a joke, because repubs crossed party lines in a sadly misdirected attempt at a payback, and the left - well, they are the left.

It left no place for anyone that had different ideals to go. The Libertarian choice was - well - not a choice.

Trust me, I know about the ear clawing thing! I have bloody red nubs where my ears used to be!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by Kerry_Knight

Lol. I loved the list.

Sad to say, how true is that?! Gave me a good laugh, I needed some stress relief.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

Yeah I would love to see any American official go to Afghanistan without body guards.

Especially Obama!

Especially because he has been declared a murtad!

Do you realize how absurd your making that staement was?!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:37 PM

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Anjin
This thread reminds me of a few earlier threads this past summer when all the race baiting was going on here at ATS.
Many people at that time posted comments like "Bush was never as badly treated as you conservatives are treating Obama" etc.. yet bring up a new Bush thread and the sharks smell blood in the water just like the old days.

I understand your points, but I was truly not baiting. I know you didn't accuse me of that, but I felt I needed to make that statement.

I was hoping to bring some genuine discussion to the table, and for a very few, it did, and I enjoyed it. I knew I was sticking my neck out there, I even said as much in the OP, then when I got home and opened the thread, I was filled with regret.

I do have to commend the few people that made legitimate arguments based on the actual topic of this thread but most seemingly took the chance to air out their unbridled hate that usually comes from the 'peace loving' left.

And I as well. A lot can get lost in blind hate, especially ones' way! But it is nice to see some people can speak genuinely and not be worried about what others think, so that leaves me with some renewed encouragement.

Thank you for taking the time to speak out, it means a lot and your post was very nice.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by crichton13

You Americans.

You simply CANNOT decide on WHO to HATE next can you?

White. Black. Right Wing. Left Wing. Etc. Etc. Etc.


America is such a BROKEN Country it is SCAREY.

It is SCAREY to think that there are sections of your Country (the united states of america - notice I spell in lower caps there) that are prepared to actually perform acts of civil disobience AGAINST it's LEGALLY ELECTED CENTRAL GOVERNMENT rather than let a Black Man Govern it?

STOP. This has zero to do with race. Absolutely zilch, and to say otherwise, or to imply otherwise is a direct insult to me and many others in this thread.

Divided. Racists, Prejudiced up to the HILT.

Divided? Yes, yes indeed. Racist? Has NOTHING to do with this.

What would you redneck racists like then?

I really resent you, coming from another country, calling anyone that posted in this thread a racist OR a redneck. I will be making a complaint on this post, it is a direct attack and not at all warranted.

Yes, even if we disagree, you are the one bringing race into this.

post your wildest and outlandish racist/prejudiced theories.

No one invited this type of attitude to my thread, and I certainly do invite you to leave it. Why would you post such absolute lies and misdirection when it has nothing toi do with the post? You come here inflaming race issues, you can take it elsewhere please.

If I DON'T get replies then I will start the Thread myself.

Have at it, please. I would rather not visit youur type of thinking. You are wrong for all out attacks on people, and it is against TOS.

I didn't even bother to read the rest of your vitriol, but trust me, it isn't welcomed.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
I cant tell if this is a highly orchestrate joke or troll on the ATS members?

Decimating the US is the only legacy Bush can claim.

Destroying our civil rights in the name of protecting them.

Like going to jail if you don't get health insurance?

Taking money from responsible people to pay for the irresponsible people.

You mean like wealth redistribution? Health Care? Welfare repeal in the stimulus bill that detroys Clinton's welfare reform?

Bailing out failing companies so they can continue to pursue the same practices that necessitated the bailout in the first place.

You mean like AIG? Not once but twice? Automakers? Banks? Banks? Banks? All of this happened on Obama's watch, not Bush. Wallstreet? Nah, not Obama.

Invading sovereing countries illegally at the behest of certain corporations for profit.

And not leaving till his pockets are lined? Yep. Thought we were coming home? Thought Afghanistan was the most important war of all? His words, not mine.

Did I miss anything?

I had to quote your reply, because from your blind hate towards Bush, yes, you seem to have missed something.

Obama is doing the same.

I know that's a shock, but under his watch it happening twice as fast, and exactly as you outlined it.

Amazing isn't it, how the two can be so exactly the same?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:01 PM
I like how Obama gets blamed for things that have never happened or are hilariously stupid. DEATH PANELS OMGZZZZZZ! And now it's this jail time for not accepting health care!!! Oh noes! God people are stupid.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal
reply to post by December_Rain

Yeah I would love to see any American official go to Afghanistan without body guards.

Especially Obama!

Especially because he has been declared a murtad!

Do you realize how absurd your making that staement was?!

The fact is Obama never went to boast about how he brought freedom to Iraq, Bush did and for which he was rewarded he shoe on his face telling him exactly what he actually deserves. And from the time Bush was in office, America was loathed allover the has sarted improving only now after Obama has taken office. For which the international community gave a positive signal too by awarding him the Noble Prize. It was a direct shame for Bush who stayed for 2 terms but was never awarded that telling exactly what the world thought about Bush.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by December_Rain]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:06 PM
If I might make a suggestion:

Why don't all the Bush Bashers just create a "community" Avatar, have a progressive meeting of the minds and push the reply button.

You are all broken records. The same thing post after post after post. You're using up a lot of bandwidth with your regurgitation of your "FACTS" HA!

If just one of you would man up and grow a sack you might come to realize, President & Mrs. Bush are more patriotic, caring, and certainly more genuine than any of you whack jobs.

You all seem to conveniently forget that due to President Bush's steadfast determination not one of you fluffy flower children were victims of another terrorist attack under Mr. Bush's watch. You can ABSOLUTELY thank the Patriot Act for that.

President Bush was seen by nefarious leaders and players around the globe as the guy you shouldn't "F" with. Each of these sentences opens an opportunity for me to make direct comparisons to your newly elected president. I want each of you to witness what is called the "High Road" meaning I won't take pot shots as I have far too much respect for Liberty Gal, President & Mrs. Bush and absolutely no use for you phonies.

I could give you my credentials as a veteran and an agent within law enforcement but that would allow you to paint me as a right wing, NRA nut job. Here let me get you a big, big brush because every one of your posts have clearly defined what you all are. UNAMERICAN

Got a problem with that?

Thanks again Liberty for putting this out there. You're a champ.


[edit on 13-11-2009 by Becker44]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Becker44

First of all your post is offtopic about the part telling those who dont like Bush should go somewhere else, secondly the majorty of world hates it's not us but Bush who would have to leave the Planet.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by December_Rain]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

I am very hesitant to reply to posts like this but................

First of all your post is offtopic about the part telling those who dont like Bush should go somewhere else

Where of where Purple Rain did I ask your little group to leave the planet or go somewhere else? Knock off the trigger responses and read my post.


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Becker44

If just one of you would man up and grow a sack you might come to realize, President & Mrs. Bush are more patriotic, caring, and certainly more genuine than any of you whack jobs.

You all seem to conveniently forget that due to President Bush's steadfast determination not one of you fluffy flower children were victims of another terrorist attack under Mr. Bush's watch. You can ABSOLUTELY thank the Patriot Act for that.

President Bush was seen by nefarious leaders and players around the globe as the guy you shouldn't "F" with. Each of these sentences opens an opportunity for me to make direct comparisons to your newly elected president. I want each of you to witness what is called the "High Road" meaning I won't take pot shots as I have far too much respect for Liberty Gal, President & Mrs. Bush and absolutely no use for you phonies.

I could give you my credentials as a veteran and an agent within law enforcement but that would allow you to paint me as a right wing, NRA nut job. Here let me get you a big, big brush because every one of your posts have clearly defined what you all are. UNAMERICAN

Got a problem with that?

Thanks again Liberty for putting this out there. You're a champ.


[edit on 13-11-2009 by Becker44]

Your reply

The sound bite intelligence of a nation shows in this thread.
George Bush created despair within a what I thought to be a just nation on many levels. From GITMO to his general neglect of the internal needs of the nation.. An oppressive administration that warranted torture.
The world breathed a sigh of relief when he left office.

About Terrorism-
He created a net increase in terrorism. Many of the young men who we killed in Iraq were minding their own business in Syrian and Jordanian colleges until we sent a bunch of hopped up teenagers into their region brandishing automatic weapons.

When George Bush came into office, terrorists controlled virtually nothing in Iraq, posed substantially less threat of conquering Pakistan than they do now, and in Afghanistan were primarily concerned with fighting amongst themselves.

No were just kidding, because no one of even marginal intelligence could take your list seriously except for someone who is delusional, retarded, illiterate, uneducated, not from this planet, only has one brain cell, has been in a major and mentally debilitating accident, or is just a brainwashed conservative still wanting to be part of the gang. Your partisanship is your weakness because you cannot see things objectively. If the last 8 years was your idea of success for this country, then I would hate to see how you would party when poo really hits the fan.

By the way...reforging the Geneva conventions on WAR (remember that little word...because its the opposite of peace) so that we could TORTURE enemy combatants does not qualify one to receive the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE. The Geneva Conventions were forged for a specific reason...I hope you realize that.

Your hero Bush, who is no more intelligent than a fruit fly, seems to still have you fooled which makes you far less intelligent than he.

Edit to add I do not have any interest in talking with you on U2U Becker so whatever you have to say, say it here. Whatever threats and name calling you have to do , do it here. I hope that's plain and simple for you to understand unlike any U2U.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by December_Rain]

[edit on 13-11-2009 by December_Rain]

[edit on 13-11-2009 by December_Rain]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal

Originally posted by Trexter Ziam
A quote from Bush 43rd about the CONSTITUTION "It's just a goddam piece of paper". This is how he will be remembered!

Source or it didn't happen.

I see you registered just 10 days ago ... perhaps that's why you are unaware of common knowledge.

I have the source where I got it from saved in many formats. That source has an additional THREE sources who corraborated the quote.

I'll not do your homework for you - it won't help you learn to do your own research.

Just Google the quote and trackback to 2005. Simple.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

I'm sorry, I'm having a little trouble following your reply. Why all the boxes?

I was just asking you to clarify your statement accusing me of telling your little group to leave the planet.

You really need to focus here.


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by Becker44

The boxes are reply to your hero Bush statement. It has words in it, try to read instead of sending U2U.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:43 PM
George W Bush is a hero and a REAL American!
He spread freedom to the world and liberated the Iraqi people, now they don't have to be
worried about getting shot. He created more growth than any other president and protected the constitution and YOUR freedoms!

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