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Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Thanks for the reply, have a star!

The wars...well, the truth is public knowledge, so we won't argue over it. You will see it your way (omitting some facts to make it fit), and i will do the same.

Um, okay.
Spin it like your winnin' for shore!
Aren't opinions wonderfull?

Isn't it truly fascinating how two people can see the same thing,
yet describe it a totally different way?

But Bush DOES and DID do is support Americans. Don't talk Katrina...that was the governor and mayors job, not Bush's. It was just convenient to pin that on an unpopular president. For the love of God, he didn't control the weather.

For the love of God(or lack thereof)

I didn't say anything about Katrina, did I?
My words: Um, ya, thanks for the neverending wars,
the tax cuts for the rich and the big buddy bailout
that decimated all the wealth we ever had!

They did their part alright....
of ruining the country and making a perfect example
of how clueless, arrogant and indifferent we really are!
Mission accomplished? I'd say so

But when people were needing comfort, leadership...he did it. He stepped up. What the OP says is true

That's why we are called sheep.

If dips like Carter and Nixon can keep their respect and if people actually care what they say, then Bush can't be that bad.

You will see it your way (omitting some facts to make it fit), and i will do the same.
Respect to you sir. And God be willing, peace.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by dodadoom

Sorry about Katrina.
Threw that in due to something else that was discussed earlier.

I understand that some are what you would call "sheep". My mom is a good example. Consider that not all people are able to, or should, consider the reality of things. That the picture painted by propaganda is a reality that needs to be maintained for them? It is not our right to "disillusion" people who do not wish to be disillusioned. The illusion serves a purpose.

I have talked to my mom about this before. she acknowledges that my crazy ramblings have merit. Most often it is when i would ask a biblical question that challenged her viewpoint (when i was much younger, early 20's). She one time told me, while discussing Gensis and creation, "Son, i would rather just take the biblical account as true and not lay awake at night wondering. I like the security of knowing, even if the truth is not what i know".

I feel compassion for this viewpoint. Not everyone is capable of seeing being the curtain. I love my mother, andi love many others who are this way (my wife, for example, who gets a headache when she thinks about my discussions here). GW brings these people comfort. This is a positive effect on people who i care deeply about. I know people in Killeen. I used to live in Temple and Belton (on the lake).

Does that make sense? Seems a little wordy...but i am not sure i am expressing this correctly.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

No probs!

I know this storm is ugly.
(I could throw in a swear word here if it would help...

but I better not.)

It doesnt matter which side you are on, we are all losing.
As long as people are content and don't question things it will stay that way.
I know what you mean. My mom always says things will work out,
which of course they always do of course!
Moms are smart.
I just wonder about that one time they won't! Not sure why.
I guess I'm kinda pessimistic that way.
Just sucks when we have these elected peeps doing exactly the opposite things that are required to maintain this insustainable way of life we have built for ourselves.
Indeed, almost like they are looking to crash the dollar, take the profits and leave, and implement a nwo.
After all they have been talking about it for decades now.
Shouldn't be anything new really.
If the big buddy bailouts aren't enough of a clue for even the peeps
like our moms, then we really are toast.
Besides they better not piss my mom off, they wouldn't like that one bit!

Not wordy Tex. Very nice post! Thank you for that!
Good luck to us all and our moms, friends and families.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:34 AM
Why dont you send Bush to other countries not just any middle east, even UK,Switzerland, Australia etc. any country in the whole world and people will give him their piece of their mind and trust me he will never come back in 1 piece, forget about sending him to middle east. The last time he went there he got slipper/shoe slapped on his face which was the best thing that happened to him.

I would love to see Bush goto Iraq, Afghanistan to tell them how he helped them and brought freedom without being sorrounded by bodyguards.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:49 AM
This thread reminds me of a few earlier threads this past summer when all the race baiting was going on here at ATS.
Many people at that time posted comments like "Bush was never as badly treated as you conservatives are treating Obama" etc.. yet bring up a new Bush thread and the sharks smell blood in the water just like the old days.

I do have to commend the few people that made legitimate arguments based on the actual topic of this thread but most seemingly took the chance to air out their unbridled hate that usually comes from the 'peace loving' left.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Anjin]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:56 AM
I cant tell if this is a highly orchestrate joke or troll on the ATS members?

Decimating the US is the only legacy Bush can claim.

Destroying our civil rights in the name of protecting them.

Taking money from responsible people to pay for the irresponsible people.

Bailing out failing companies so they can continue to pursue the same practices that necessitated the bailout in the first place.

Invading sovereing countries illegally at the behest of certain corporations for profit.

Did I miss anything?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:01 PM
thanks a lot there bush for setting us up for
the finisher

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
I cant tell if this is a highly orchestrate joke or troll on the ATS members?

I think it's serious. Scary isn't it?

I still can't believe some ATS members have the nerve to defend this guy, his action as President was horrendous. And the result see...literally.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Uniceft17

I still can't believe some ATS members have the nerve to defend this guy, his action as President was horrendous. And the result see...literally.

I think you've missed the point of this thread entirely. The thread is NOT about Bush's presidency at all. It's about him quietly going to Fort Hood to meet with victims families.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Warning: Some explicit content

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
I cant tell if this is a highly orchestrate joke or troll on the ATS members?

Decimating the US is the only legacy Bush can claim.

Destroying our civil rights in the name of protecting them.

Taking money from responsible people to pay for the irresponsible people.

Bailing out failing companies so they can continue to pursue the same practices that necessitated the bailout in the first place.

Invading sovereing countries illegally at the behest of certain corporations for profit.

Did I miss anything?

everything you mention that was done by Bush, was also done with the explicit approval of congress. the same congress WE elected. this means that the American people (i.e. you and I) gave tacit approval.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by bigfatfurrytexan]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by richierich

The Bush family is neck deep in criminal enterprises and traitorous actions against the USA.

This administration is just as deep, if not deeper, it just hasn't come out yet, but it is starting.

The e-mail message from agency spokeswoman Ranit Schmelzer seemed urgent, as she wrote: “WH documents were sent in error. Can you please destroy them? And can you confirm you receive this e-mail?” Acting IG Kenneth Bach responded 13 minutes later writing, “Confirmed, documents were shredded.”

It is an ugly thing isn't it? That when you are pointing fingers, you have four more pointing back at you. If you choose a side, you should be sure your side doesn't live in a glass house. I assure you, there is more to come.

The Bush family will never answer the questions that matter, because they know they are traitors. All of them have prepared South american hideaways for when the people find out about their roles in 9-11 and the ruin of our rights and constitution.crokked to the extreme...sick in mind and soul...traitors to the nation...greddy eliteists who laugh and ply while Americans die and suffer....bush himself laughed and joked about there not being any WMD' all the kids die for a lie!! Haha!!

So Sarin gas is not a WMD now? Tell that to the thousands that were gassed, and what about the bombs loaded with it that were found? The 500 tons of uranium, of which 1.8 tons had been partially enriched? What about the dual use chemicals? Nah, no WMD's here. Move along.

One thing Saddam did know, and that was what a threat Iran was, He admitted he lied and blew the WMD out of proportion in an attenpt to scare Iran away from attacking. Thing is, he was convincing enough, that no one could tell he was lying.

He preferred to risk American anger, he said, than to let Iran know how weak Iraq had become.

"In his opinion, the UN inspectors would have directly identified to the Iranians where to inflict maximum damage to Iraq," one document says.

But, I digress. The article was meant to show that Bush hating liberals had a change of heart, and goes on to explain why. It wasn't me that wrote it, and the statements by many are such hate filled attacks on me for simply posting it as a talking point.

There is a lot to glean from the article if people could turn the hate off and look past it for a moment, but it takes a certain maturity to do that.

Shame, but I had a bit higher hopes of ATS than I suppose I should have. My bad.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by nh_ee
True American Heroes ?

"Liberty Gal" ?
The name speaks for itself.

The name speaks for itself? Excuse me? You have a problem with liberty and freedom? Are you serious? Am I supposed to be insulted? Why are you attacking the poster? I have made no attacks on anyone personally, yet I have to deal with an assault when I post an article, and with clear reasoning and thought, I bring up talking points? Step away from the hate crack pipe, pal. You are so blinded by your hate, you are making yourself look bad. Real bad. I assure you, I am not offended at my nickname. I rather like it.

With all due respect, First of all let me give my thanks to GW Bush and the entire Bush family....for our liberty !

See, this is how Bush haters are. With all due respect my arse. Just because you preface throwing a stone at someone with "all due respect" doesn't make the attack an less vile.

Thanks Prescott Bush for selling american made octane boosters to Nazi Germany necessary for high altitude flight allowing them to shoot down our planes with their fighter aircraft during WWII.
Yes, Thanks for that. I'm sure you made plenty of money on that deal at the expense of american servicemen's lives.
That tuition at Yale is pretty pricey !

Stares at the current Afghanistan situation, and the Procrastinator in Chief that is dragging his feet. Some change bud. Yep. How far back in history are you going to go to insult him for visiting Fort Hood? You do realize how this makes you look?

Thanks George H Bush for Assassinating JFK, our only President who tried to block the FED from enslaving us Americans in worthless inflationary Dollars instead of a Dollar backed by a stable commodity such as gold or silver.
Yes Thanks for that.

And thanks Marxist in Chief, for the 1.2 trillion dollar deficit which HE owns.

See? Two can play this game. But you see, this is not what the article was about. You can get caught up in this minutiae, but you only display you are missing the points of the OP.

Yes, thanks George W Bush for the Patriot Act !

I really appreciate having lost my fundamental constitutional rights.
freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom from illegal search and seizure....

Yet, you are willing to stand idly by why you lose dozens more every day, and are *proud*?

Yes, thanks George W Bush for the longest war in US history, The War on Terror.

According to The Won, there is no terror, right? Tell that to the families at Fort Hood. Wait, I thought our troops were coming home?

That war that we taxpayers are still saddled with 8 whole years later with no end in sight.

But there was an end in sight during the elections, huh?

All while you and Dick Cheney become filthy rich in government gravy train contracts as the rest of us citizens are threatened with unemployment if we're not already unemployed and losing our homes !

Thanks a whole LOT !

Wait! Wasn't unemployment supposed to cap at no more than 10% by December? Hasn't the recovery already begun? How's that hope and change workin for ya? There is no rich and wealth from those multi billion dollar bail outs on Obama's watch is there? All the Dem pork was enough to choke the life out of this country, yet you still blame Bush? Heh.

What? You got played? You betcha!


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by maybereal11

That is an untruth. Obama went to Fort Hood after the outrage from his little golfing trip to Camp David that weekend, because monthly weeklong vacations are just too infrequent.

He went and made it a photo op, and seized yet another opportunity to plaster his mug all over the cameras in yet another speech.

Why is it that what's good for the goose is not good for the gander? No one needed to shame Bush into going, he went on his own.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Frith

Originally posted by Libertygal

the one thing they did not do was to apologize for America.

Why would they apologize to the rest of the world when they were actively deceiving and attacking it forcefully? That would be like a murderer apologizing to a victim while stabbing them.

And yes Obama has continued the War on Terror, but somebody had to clean up the mess created by the previous administration.

Heh. The yes but game.

Yes, Obama has continued the war on terror? He refuses to even call it that. But he continues it, why? Because now it is *his* profit. He just slipped on the badge of honor and took another puppets place, but THATS OK!


All the promises to bring the troops home. Epic fail. It's been a year and still more of the same.

Yes, but!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Frith

And your reply didn't infer partisanship, did it?

Thanks once again, for making the point.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

If dips like Carter and Nixon can keep their respect and if people actually care what they say, then Bush can't be that bad.

Excellent statement, and I like and appreciate that. Thank you for taking the time to make a well reasoned post.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by hangedman13

You brought up some excellent points, and I appreciate that.

The part about the oil companies and banks, especially, because people are so blinded by their hate that they don't see what's happening right in front of them.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by hangedman13
reply to post by Frith

Sorry I took a page out of your book and went back to read the rest of the blogs you did. SO BLIND AM I
Funny thing was the blog was written by a liberal
A little hypocritical?

Seems it is ok to be hypocritical when you are trying to make a point or defend your stances, huh?

Thing that gets me is, this is exactly what they accused the right of doing all along. Funny how the shoe fits the other foot, isn't it?

The point you make about it being a liberal blog was one of the points I tried to make in the OP.

That along with the winds of change overtaking this administyration, that all but the most staunch of defenders are able to see.

The whole ide is that real freedom loving people, people that believe in this country, should seize upon this opportunity to affect a real change. One that is defined and spelled out so they won't get duped again.

I fear it is too late, as this country is so divided. I had hopes it was recoverable, but from the displays I am seeing in this thread, I don't suppose it is.

The whole thing just went right over the heads of many.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:12 PM
Im sure most of youknow that Obama has already withdrawn US army from Iraqi major cities and only few are left on outskirt of Iraq to provide assistance. And I dont understand how you expect him to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan in a day leaving it all shambled. Bush destroyed Afghanistan and Obama is restructuring it..not that he has a choice, the US Army General himself said few weeks back that more troops are needed in Afghanistan otherwise the situaton there will be more worse. Infact there was a huge furore when the US Army General said that in media.

The last thing Obama could do is atleast bring Afghanistan to a state it was before Bush invaded it before leaving it like it is now, a broken country for which responsible is no other than US President and War Criminial Bush.

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