sooner or later is the key, imho. they have economic crisis and a possibility of riots incoming. and that can make them want to speed up their plans.
also, i have a weird feeling there are 2 types of sprayings going on...
1. smaller planes, flying slow and low, even (or maybe usually) during a day - like those i've heard yesterday. when i think about it, they couldn't
be possibly too big... they were loud as hell, but...
2. much bigger transport planes, flying slow but above the clouds - i've heard one today... and i never ever heard something like that before in my
life. it was around 4:45am, i went to buy some ciggies. it was so low, loud sound that you could almost feel the vibrations. it couldn't fly too high
as well, but still much higher than yesterday smaller planes. so... they can be doing two things separately.
worldwide reports about chemtrails, usually from US, state that those bigger planes are flying above the clouds, leaving chemtrails staying in air for
a long time, covering whole sky in a milky mist - basically shutting down direct sunlight. and that's what reports of night flights of unknown planes
in poland are saying as well - chemtrails covering whole sky, big, loud planes flying slow. remember what i've said about vitamin D?
those chemtrails are probably what the name suggests - chemical crap. people are reporting, in poland as well, weird things falling from the sky. i
don't know how to translate it into english... thin, small, gel-alike, short 'hairs'? you know what i mean i guess. they even tried to send those
to the national laboratory (samples taken from the car) - guess what... they've refused to do the tests, and refused to return the samples as
smaller ones on the contrary... are flying really low, and the trace they're leaving, while still changes into a mist covering whole sky, seems to
transform into that mist pretty fast, probably because of wind speed at lower altitude. as i've posted yesterday, those that i saw, disappeared in
minutes, while those hovering above the clouds are reported to be visible for hours.
notice 'new kind of chemtrails', and 'new kind of airplanes' - smaller planes flying low in poland are reported to have weird colors as well.
bottom line... i think lower flying smaller planes are spreading H1N1 to speed up the pandemic, while higher flying bigger planes are spraying 'good
old' chemtrails... which some people in poland actually define as being organical (those small gel-alike 'hairs' - they can cause bad feeling as
well) - and i remember some old reports from US saying same thing, that those are organical. but... they don't really have to be alive, right? if
'hightrails' are destined to block the sunlight in the first place, and maybe cause some crappy side effects (hey, they're poisoning us with
everything else, why not in this way - 'don't waste good side effect'), they can be made of any organical waste. on the contrary, 'lowtrails' may
be just pure H1N1... perhaps with some stuff required so that the virus will survive.
what rings a bell for me is that we had no death cases in poland, and now we have some, all died from pneumonia, right after those sprayings started,
and government is talking about pandemic.
and to cause even more thinking... - there's some stuff that may be weird for you
perhaps, but please read it all... they're actually describing contents of chemtrails, and what they're saying about the effects... as well as
vaccines and what's possible with them with regards to human DNA... you have some friends, you have a family dealing with such stuff. maybe you can
verify it? it would be... interesting.