Originally posted by squiz
Originally posted by squiz
I wasn't talking about any conspiracy. Did they or did they not release live bird flu, unlabeled, together with seasonal flu vaccine
What you say is very interesting regarding Jane But I was wondering if you can give a simple yes or no answer?
Actually never mind, you won't answer that because you cannot say "no" can you? Do you want the statement from Baxter?
My point is once again emphasized I think. So easily manipulated.
My apologies for dumping that lot in there, don't let it distract you from answering my questions. Just trying to learn.
[edit on 21-11-2009 by squiz]
The answer is NO. It was not a VACCINE that had the bird flu and swine flu mixed. It was a VIRUS sample.
Even the Bloomberg article get's that part right.
When they animal test vaccines they give the animal the vaccine then they expose it to the virus to see if it has immunity.
In this case that virus they were going to expose the ferrets to had either been contaminated with another virus or had been swapped out entirely. I
guess we'll go with "contamination" since that's what is in the EU briefing.
Why can't anyone understand the difference???
The conspiracy which Jane started (she was the reporter in Austria who covered the Austrian investigation) began because she did not understand the
She thought the VACCINE was contaminated and that it was going to be used to manufacture more vaccine for use in humans.
None of that is true and that makes a World of difference.
Do you understand now why it matters?
And NO it was not "RELEASED". They were expecting a virus, they got a virus, it was just not the exact one they were expecting. It was still
contained within a lab, under lab safety protocols and in this case the virus samples in question were not a danger to humans.
All this talk about the two viruses mixing and creating a pandemic is just ignorance. Those viruses mix together in live hosts, in the WILD every
single day. I'll agree they shouldn't be mixing them together and sending the wrong samples to labs for testing but there is a line where people
turn this into something its not.
THATs my issue. That people are claiming this means Baxter was TRYING to start a global pandemic on purpose. That's just ridiculous and completely
unsupported by the facts of the case.
That's what I take issue with. For some reason, maybe my fault - you're just not understanding what I'm saying. I'm sorry about that but it does
not mean I'm lying and I don't appreciate the accusation.
If I cannot make you understand what I'm trying to say then there is no point in continuing to try.
[edit on 21-11-2009 by ecoparity]