This is a very stupid post by the OP and also most of the replys here on this thread are of the emotional type..based on individual feelings.
It was very easy to see that when this legislation came out, in spite of the public sentiment on this issue, that taxpayer funded abortion would be
privily and stealthly reinserted into law. This is necessary for political reasons. Translate that as votes.
Someone out here is willing to sell the bulk of Americans down the drain for political exediency on one issue after another thus illustrating to
thinking Americans that we have a non represenative government. A government which represesnts someone or something but not the bulk of Americans
peoples. We are seeing this on one issue after another now and the pace is quickening. A government which represents someone or something but not the
American Peoples.
They represent mostly political expediency on the taxpayers purse strings in case after case. What Politics is looking for is votes...the path to more
power..and I mean both political parties.
I am going to repeat some of what I have posted many times on ATS/BTS.
The major determiner of how monies are spent here in America is the female..not the male. The male will earn and take tremendous RISK in the earning
of the monies but it is the female who determines how most of it is spent..particularly on big ticket items. Politicians and political strategists
know this fact. They do not necessarily tell the public that this is true.
Anyone selling homes, cars, appliances, clothes, food,,,etc ..all across the spectrum knows that it is the female who must be sold ...not the male.
The male is sold by appealing to the female's sensibilities. And the female is sold by appealing to the children's make the
female/mother insecure about her femaleness/motherhood.
This puts tremendous economic/political clout in the hands of the females by social constructs.
What this means is that economic clout is witht the female..not the male. Therefore political clout is with the female ..not the male. Therefore the
male must privily be put in second or third place in the pecking order while defaultiing political/economic clout to the females for votes.
Particularly in states with high electorial votes where most of the females of voting age are to be found.
There must needs be an issue which will automatically galvanize females to a predictable, guaranteed, controllable vote at election time. The one
issue with which women automatically gather and identify is sex/sexuality. Therefore Abortion was chosesn as the litmust test to guarantee the female
vote and particularly on the four year election cycle.
It got so bad in times past that Abortion was used/misused to censor and control every office in the land unless you were associated with the one
litmus test issue identified with one particular party. The democrats. You could not run for dog catcher unless you stated your views on abortion.
Your qualifications meant nothing next to your views on abortion. In this manner abortion was used/misused to censor most elections and the American
thought process.
Once you understand this template is easy to see how abortion must be firmly entrenched so as to guarantee female/feminine economic/political
dominance across the American spectrum while hiding the true nature of this set up. Abortion itself must become part of the political process and on
the public purse as are so many other vote guaranteeing programs. A political party which preys on the public emotions/fears/insecurities must
gurantee the female vote by this issue.
the minute that a baby becomes a real threat to the mother's life and well being, I am sorry, you have no right to try to force her to
sacrifice her life and well being for anyone!! she may chose to, if she wishes, but you do not have the right. and like I said, if it's not a risk,
then it's elective, and well, my insurance doesn't pay for alot of elective stuff!
This is incredibly shallow and one sided. I can make the argument in this manner from your quote.
I can do this in relation to the baby as well as the female. That they both be aborted.
"The minute that baby/mother becomes a real threat to the fathers life and well being, I am sorry but you have no right to try to force a man to
sacrafice his life and well being for anyone. He may choose to if he wishes but no one has the right to do so. And like I said..if it is not a RISK
than it is elective. And my insurance requires much higher premiums for the most RISKY associations/electives or they drop you."
Men/males take RISKS all the time for women and children. It is done so often it is hardly noticed today in lieu of textbook male bashing to secure
the moral and ethical high ground of female consumption rates on this male risk taking. This is a definite threat to male well being as we know males
die off at a much higher rate than females or children.
Political whoredom is based on the willingness of the male to support and RISK for a system where he is constantly put second and third place while
they feed this dummy sports, beer, and cheerleaders to keep him ignorant of this template and it has been remarkably successful.
Sports is conditioning for RISK taking...and now days also turned into amusements.
a- without
without thinking-amusement.
It is very easy to justify ones self off of the buffet line if someone else is required to pay and RISK for it. This is the tack our government is
tending towards for continued power and control over the peoples and on the public purse. Both political parties..republicans as well as democrats. I
know this because even the republicans do not explain this to the people about the political process financed by deficit spending. Thus both political
parties are phonies in this. They are just a mirror reflections of the one party operating behind the scenes with the public caught between the
By the very nature of the political processes going on out here, including abortion, we are seeing and will continue to see a political process which
represents someone or something but not the American Peoples.
This is exactly the political process going in in England and the Continent where the governments represent anyone but the people they have sworn to
This is a definition of Royalty or Feudalism. Abortion is just a stepping stone to this absolute power.
To the readers out here ..I suggest you do not insert your emotions or feelings about abortion as the litmus test. I say this simply because the
political power out here cares not one whit about how many unborn are killed or the well being of the women next to the value of the votes they will
be getting on this issue. They obviously care not one whit about the RISK taking of the males. In the end they also care not one whit about the
children of the females next to the votes they need and will get by such issues as abortion.
This is nothing more than the buying, selling, and trading of the very souls of the American Peoples for votes. The correct name for this type of
default setting on the public purse is whoredom.
If you think this post is just a bunch of hot air...buckle up. In like whoredom the political process is now selling the very souls of the American
Peoples and on the public purse for Illegal Aliens and Islam. For votes and power.
Exactly what has happened in England and the Continent.
We are slated by the whorish political process to become second place citizens while financing first place benefits for these groups who are protected
by "victim status." If you are not being "amused" you can see this happening daily. This too is exactly what has happened in England and on the
As I said...'Buckle UP" while you are being "Amused."
edit on 23-10-2010 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)