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Originally posted by sharps
I'm very surprised that 9/11 being an inside job is even up for debate anymore. Any averagely intelligent person who does the research cannot fail to come to the same conclusion. The evidence is overwhelming, and I for one no longer see the need to justifiy that position. At this stage of the game, anyone on this forum who is in denial, can remain in denial as far as I'm concerned.
Denying that 9/11 was an inside job is merely a result of either A) stupidity, B) laziness, or C) psychological manipulation.
Insert evidence here:
Come on lads and lassies, lets not even waste our breath on these numpties, its just a distraction. Concentrate your efforts where they count.
Originally posted by jprophet420
So you're saying loose changes revisions are motivated by financial gain? Did the entities involved in the government investigations receive monetary compensation for their work?
Originally posted by bowlbyville
I have a question; perhaps it's been asked already (don't have enough time to go through 8 threads right now); if the 9/11 planning took place for 2 1/2 years before execution, is Bill Clinton culpable as well? What role did Bill play?
As of March 31, 2008, U.S. armed forces were stationed at more than 820 installations in at least 39 countries.[18] Some of the largest contingents are the 142,000 military personnel in Iraq, the 56,200 in Germany, the 33,122 in Japan, 28,500 in Republic of Korea, 31,100 in Afghanistan and approximately 9,700 each in Italy and the United Kingdom. These numbers change frequently due to the regular recall and deployment of units.
Altogether, 84,488 military personnel are located in Europe, 154 in the former Soviet Union, 70,719 in East Asia and the Pacific, 7,850 in North Africa, the Near East, and South Asia, 2,727 are in sub-Saharan Africa with 2,043 in the Western Hemisphere excepting the United States itself.
[edit] Within the United States
Including U.S. territories and ships afloat within territorial waters
A total of 1,083,027 personnel are on active duty within the United States and its territories (including those afloat):[19] The vast majority, 883,430 of them, are stationed at various bases within the Contiguous United States. There are an additional 36,827 in Hawaii and 19,828 in Alaska. 90,218 are at sea while there are 2,970 in Guam and 137 in Puerto Rico.
Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Let's conduct a "who is BSing who contest" right now. I will post a link to a free downloadable copy of the 9/11 commission report, in it's entirety, while YOU post a link to a free downloadable copy of any of David Ray Griffin's books in its entirety. Agreed?
I say this is a bad analogy becuase the conspiracy theorists claim to be merely wanting to learn the truth behind the 9/11 attack, but THEIR approach is almost uniformly, "everything you know is false, and we'll tell you 'the truth' if you give us your money".
I lost any trust in goverment once and for all.
To do the right thing.
To protect us, not stand down our air force, and
ignore all warning signs.
I lost my faith in our future.
I lost the right to protest unless provided a proper
roped off adjacent area.
I lost my right to be free in my own home without fear.
*I lost the right to have privacy.
I lost the right to not be monitored 24 hours a day.*
On February 13, 2003, a federal grand jury in Idaho
indicted Sami Omar Al-Hussayen for visa fraud and making
false statements to U.S. officials. On March 14, the Idaho
U.S. Attorney’s Office submitted an application to a magis-
trate judge of the District of Idaho, seeking al-Kidd’s arrest as
a material witness in the Al-Hussayen trial. Appended to the
application was an affidavit by Scott Mace, a Special Agent
of the FBI in Boise (the Mace Affidavit). The Mace Affidavit
described two contacts al-Kidd had with Al-Hussayen: al-
Kidd had received “in excess of $20,000” from Al-Hussayen
(though the Mace Affidavit does not indicate what this pay-
ment was for), and al-Kidd had “met with Al-Hussayen’s
associates” after returning from a trip to Yemen. It also con-
tained evidence of al-Kidd’s contacts with officials of the
Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA, an organization
with which Al-Hussayen was affiliated),3 including one offi-
cial “who was recently arrested in New York.” It ended with
the statement, “[d]ue to Al-Kidd’s demonstrated involvement...
Originally posted by brackforce
There is no question in my mind as to whether or not the official story is true. Its not..... Who planted the charges?
Originally posted by jprophet420
I will go back to the links you posted now and look and see if I can find one legit case of someone having the patriot act enacted on them where it didn't turn out to be terrorism. I am absolutely positive it didn't happen to anyone in this thread.