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Disclosure commercial

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:28 PM
You already have disclosure commercials.
They have run The 4th Kind movie to the point you dont even have to go see the movie.
You got a talking Geico Lizard playing that song (Somebodys watching me) almost everywhere you turn.

Now I havent seen the energizer bunny abduction commercial in awhile I admit.

Planet 51 (Movie coming out) Area 51?


Gotta open the eyeballs

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

If you read through the thread then you would know that this was already answered as hollywood movies only make things more trivial.

Documentaries help but implementation of short and succinct advertisement attract attention and also allow people to think 'what if?'

Don't shove information down their throat but make them believe it in a positive light.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by mc_squared

All excellent suggestions. I would definitely love to see a grass roots disclosure movement here on ATS. Poster campaigns and billboards would be a great way to get people involved at the individual level.
So many of us want to do something but just need a way to get involved. It's a bit frustrating seeing some of these ufologist go and give their lectures, essentially preaching to the choir, and while you hang on their every word hoping to find some new news, you just find out that nothings changed. It's the same speach you've heard 100x before. How exactly will that bring about disclosure?

That being said...where to start!?
It would be great if these items were available on the ATS store, whatever they may be, posters, shirts, etc, as I'm sure the generous members of ATS would donate their time and abilities, as Redoubt
and The_Zomar have done with thier videos, and create some catchy slogans and graphics for us to share. All proceeds would obviously be put towards the ultimate goal of airing a commercial(s). Donations could also be received via ATS store, or something 3rd party of course.

I'm sure there are others who are much more knowledgable in grass roots movements than I so hopefully they chime in.
In the meantime, I encourage all to keep the creativity flowing and suggestions rolling.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by xEphon

Great idea! We can wait for the government and MSM to make up a story (complete with new laws and loss of freedoms), or we, the people, can do it for them! Woot!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by xEphon

You said: [It could be as simple as a quick compliation of the most compelling UFO footage followed by an ending phrase like "Is the government telling us everything?"]

The question is who decides what the most compelling UFO footage is? Chances are that no matter what footage is selected Roswell will be included so the whole thing then becomes a joke. And how would you tie in the selected footage with your phrase after all you're dealing with either hearsay or some good footage that has no explanation or that the government never had any dealings with. Do you see the impossibility of the whole scenario?

Disclosure commercials are not necessary for UFOlogy is not one body to gather any strength behind it. As it is, the Disclosure movement seems to be sitting like a wet sponge on a counter. Full but no one to squeeze it.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by xEphon

What do you think commercials are going to do? Some guy spent a million airing ad's on 911 in NYC and nobody cared. This is America man.. We're pretty lame these days.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by The Shrike
reply to post by xEphon

You said: [It could be as simple as a quick compliation of the most compelling UFO footage followed by an ending phrase like "Is the government telling us everything?"]

The question is who decides what the most compelling UFO footage is? Chances are that no matter what footage is selected Roswell will be included so the whole thing then becomes a joke. And how would you tie in the selected footage with your phrase after all you're dealing with either hearsay or some good footage that has no explanation or that the government never had any dealings with. Do you see the impossibility of the whole scenario?

Disclosure commercials are not necessary for UFOlogy is not one body to gather any strength behind it. As it is, the Disclosure movement seems to be sitting like a wet sponge on a counter. Full but no one to squeeze it.

Well I'm pretty democratic so the most compelling footage could be voted on? Also, "my phrase" was just an example to show what may be done. This is an open idea for everyone.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:56 PM
It's one of those V-8 moments of UFO disclosure. I'd give you two stars if I could.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by 22-250
reply to post by xEphon

What do you think commercials are going to do? Some guy spent a million airing ad's on 911 in NYC and nobody cared. This is America man.. We're pretty lame these days.

I can't fault you there...we do seem a bit lame these days.
Anyway, I try to think positive when I can, so instead of thinking what a commercial wont do, lets think of some things it can do.
It could make an old mother finally tell her son of an experience she had when she was his age after he said "That was interesting...I wonder if those pictures were real?"
Or maybe it could inspire a kid to buy a telescope and start exploring the skys.
Maybe some politician sees it and make an off hand remark to someone in the know and gets nothing but silence in response.

It's impossible to know how things affect people and how seemingly mundane interactions shape our lives, but if we don't do anything we just become those lame American's that you spoke about earlier.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:09 PM
Hey guys. Not to be a stick in the mud, but I believe most do not spend money on UFO commercials because they realize it is largely a hoax. Now don't get me wrong, I do believe there is life beyond our planet, but I do not believe in space ship or aliens visiting us in the wee hours of the night.

After decades of research and avid sky watching, there has yet to be one clear and decisive photo or video demonstrating an "alien" spacecraft...or a spacecraft that exceeds the technology we currently enjoy.

Have you ever wondered why UFO sightings, discussions and disclosure campaigns seem to come in cycles? there timing just seems a bit odd. A perfect example is the distraction it now offers to the financial disaster (and looting of the US Treasury) here in the US.

I mentioned briefly before that actual 3-D projections in the sky has been feasible for many years, and is used for a variety of reasons.

I would recommend you research it further, as I have. I am also a scientist (largely in toxicology) but I have an adequate background to realize that space travel is extremely dangerous largely due to radiation (gamma rays) and collisions with ANY particle larger than 50um (microns). If you believe we are being visited by little green men, then they are likely traveling at speeds close to the speed of light, and they must have a rather long lifespan. Imagine hitting a small particle (the size of a sand grain) at the speed of light. Ever wonder why they use sand (sandblasting) to remove paint from bridges>?? Imagine hitting that grain of sand at speeds of 186,000 miles PER SECOND. I rest my case.

Actually, the speed of light is 186,282 miles, 698 yards, 2 feet, and 5+21⁄127 inches per second.

Well, I think you get my point. UFOs to me are just like religion. And do the same damage.

When they come, then we can all have a big celebration. But I think you'll be waiting a real long time.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by allclear]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:11 PM
Great thread S+F! I just want to throw in that the commercial needs to be kept short. If something like this were to be aired during the superbowl, it would cost sooooo much money by the *second*. Remember that 1 second "commercial" last year? (doritos I think..) That was thousands of dollars just to have a spot during the SB. Even if it's not during an event like that, 30-45 seconds should be more than enough time.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by Wookiep]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by xEphon
It's impossible to know how things affect people and how seemingly mundane interactions shape our lives, but if we don't do anything we just become those lame American's that you spoke about earlier.

This is very true!

How many NORMAL families would be sitting there watching TV and see a commercial about UFO's and just pass it off like they saw another Geico commercial?

It would certainly raise countless domestic discussions.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:16 PM
I wonder if its possible that we actually could raise the money to put something on air? Where would we air it if we could?

[edit on 6-11-2009 by The_Zomar]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
I wonder if its possible that we actually could raise the money to put something on air? Where would we air it if we could?

[edit on 6-11-2009 by The_Zomar]

Oh, definitely possible. The question is, how long will it take? There needs to be a good backbone in place that would act as the focal point of the project. Perhaps ?

From there, clips can be voted on, videos vetted, but more importantly, it would be a foundation to start with. A place where materials could be distributed, donation taken, and where the project would start to make its way off the ground.

Again, this is an open discussion / invitation to anyone as I have no experience in things of this sort.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by xEphon

They don't have as much money as you think. It's like a million bucks for a 30 second spot during the superbowl. Greer's books are distributed independently, unless you are a best seller you aren't going to get rich as an author. only somewhat famous. The only people that think he's got billions of dollars are his critics.

Basset actually lost money on this year's UFO event in DC, so much so that he almost had to shut down his entire operation.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:22 AM
If Jimmy Carter could not find out anything because he didn't have a high enough security clearance, can we expect that Obama does? If not how could he disclose about something he is not alowed to view unless the Government and or Military is blackmailed.

The commercial idea is great! But my personal opinion is the way to reach the American people at least you need to hit a nerve and I do not think the word Alien is going to do it. More like what can this technology do for us, how can this technology help our planet and our future.

Has anyone ever started a disclosure fund? How bout we call it A Dollar for Disclosure. If everyone we knew donated a dollar... just 1 dollar and held it in a pot for something that could really make a would one even go about legally doing this? Ya know so nobody runs off with the cash heh. Hmmm any ideas? **Waves my dollar**

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:09 AM
Remember the History Channels commercial for the "Missing Link"?

They said "this will change everything"...
People didnt know what to think of what did they do?
They tuned in and watched it.
Eventhough it was a BIG disappointment, it still got people to watch
this life changing event.

I think that if you were to do a commercial..not only should you post a link to a website, but also that it should follow up with a program on T.V for people who are too lazy to get off their ass and get on the internet to find out what all thehypewas for. Why make them get up? know what I mean?
Put it in their face. Only this time, you would have to make the program WORTH watching so people can talk about it for months on end until a concensus could be reached. Just my opinion.

Great thread, and a Good Idea.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:18 AM
So, why aren't these groups pushing commericals? If they could get enough cash, why not advertise it during the Super Bowl? It could be as simple as a quick compliation of the most compelling UFO footage followed by an ending phrase like "Is the government telling us everything?" tagged with a website on disclosure underneath.
It would get people talking about the subject. It would make the question part of serious conversation and not just a question that appears within the UFO community.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by xEphon]

There will be no significant UFO material on the news, just like there wont be any on a national commercial. Only questionable and easy to discredit UFO material will get on prime time.

The reason no significant UFO artifact will ever be shown to the 'masses' is because these crafts arent Alien. We are making them with advance technologies like tesla's free energy and a lot of other high tech things.

Why are they so secret? What would the masses do if they ever found out there was free energy? The hundreds of dollars a month almost every family pays for gasoline and energies thats not needed... the disgust, and the evolution of their situational awareness. Just think how betrayed they would all feel.

Then the big thing, who were the people that knew about free energy, and were keeping it from the masses treating them like slaves. They will do anything to keep this a secret.

These people are the most powerful people in the world, and these UFO's are their pets.

or so its a theory.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:04 AM
More than happy to lend my voice over capabilities to anyone wanting to create one or perhaps a campaign for this! Let me know and I will share ideas and some samples. Brilliant idea (and as a pro marketer and vo artist/writer/ producer) I could certainly get behind this project!

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by peterflos
More than happy to lend my voice over capabilities to anyone wanting to create one or perhaps a campaign for this! Let me know and I will share ideas and some samples. Brilliant idea (and as a pro marketer and vo artist/writer/ producer) I could certainly get behind this project!

Well then lets hope someone does!
As was mentioned earlier, it may be better to start things off on a much smaller level, build up a grass roots base, then strive for the ultimate goal of a commercial.
It may take a while but at least it's something everyone can get involved with, and not just some top heavy talking head project.

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