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Disclosure commercial

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Based on that reasoning there is no point in doing anything, ever. The subject matter will remain laughable and people will just ignore it. Sure, a commercial may go over some peoples heads, but on the other hand, there will also be people intrigued. And if they're intrigued then the commercial served its purpose.
Is there garbage information out there? There always will be.

I wouldn't consider anything just a drop in the bucket. It's all small steps.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by xEphon]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:59 PM
the government will only disclose if they think it would mean some kind of $$$ or if the aliens ask it to

so guys ... wake up, I think it wont happen ... but you never know ... hope? maybe ...

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:23 PM
It's a little before 8pm. You are watching TV and then this commercial comes on about disclosure.

First thoughts might include wondering whether the subject of UFOs has suddenly become more than a joke. I mean... this is on primetime TV!

Anyway... I really blow at videos but I figure that if mine is bad enough, maybe someone out there with the talent and hardware will make a good one...

This can be done better and people might take notice if they saw a disclosure ad between Grey's Anatomy and the following commercial. This is life and reality to so many. If genuine UFO interest were to somehow, someway puncture this bubble...

All things being equal, that's my logic.


posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:49 PM
Redoubt, If it is okay, I would like to post your Video and xEphon's idea on my website here at

I encourage everybody to do the same, be it facebook, myspace or any other way that we can get this concept more exposure.

I think that it is a brilliant idea. Lets get this subject out in the open. If we start working together in the open then who knows what we can achieve.

Oh by the way redoubt, your video may be basic, but it gets the point across perfectly without glamorizing it. Not only have you posted the first video, you have also set a high benchmark. Good work

[edit on 6-11-2009 by Martindoolittle]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Martindoolittle
Redoubt, If it is okay, I would like to post your Video and xEphon's idea on my website here at

I encourage everybody to do the same, be it facebook, myspace or any other way that we can get this concept more exposure.

I think that it is a brilliant idea. Lets get this subject out in the open. If we start working together in the open then who knows what we can achieve.

Oh by the way redoubt, your video may be basic, but it gets the point across perfectly without glamorizing it. Not only have you posted the first video, you have also set a high benchmark. Good work

[edit on 6-11-2009 by Martindoolittle]

Thanks... I think it is hokey like a dog on a tricycle but... what the heck lol!

You have my permission to use it any way you choose.... and thanks for the positive reply!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Well said, i think alot of the ufology is just a joke. The only person i can think of is stanton friedman, who tries to make it serious and can debate with most skeptics. Although like william cooper, i think he may be government.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:36 PM
It's much less laughable than it was. It used to be quite a bit worse. The advent of easily-obtainable video has produced enough footage (even if much of it is mistaken identity), that I think a lot more of mainstream America believes such things are possible. That, and media such as movie and television shows, where alien visitation and cooperation seems a lot less like fantasy than it previously did.

Sure, there are sites where the concentration of people who believe anything that glows and is in the sky is alien is higher, and some of those folks really push the fringe of "loopy," but there are also quite a few people who do believe, but are of stable mind.

In the past, it used to be ANY report of UFO activity was prefaced by much smirking by the anchors. This is no longer the case.

However, I don't think a disclosure commerical during the SB is the best time slot to do it...

The best time in fact, would probably be during a Presidential race. Maybe in the middle of a much televised debate.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:43 PM
Reply to post by xEphon

Fantastic idea mate!

I imagine the headspace you were in after all that research was somehow condusive to this moment of genious? Seriously though, why haven't I ever heard this idea before?!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:50 PM
The issue is perception.

The politikals do it all the time. They, in fact. ignore truth regularly in favor of the perception regardless of actual value. We are sold these politicians who come out, kiss our children and make empty promises and we, by god, flock to them.

The whole thing depends on intent. If the UFO community truly wants to unite the global public in a consensus that UFO matters are not BS and deserve more official attention, it can be done.

Stick to the facts... use good, existing and undebunkable historical events. Those UFOs in Washington in '52 were more than temperature inversions because there are confirmed radar reports and visual contacts from the pilots who were sent up to catch them.

This is a battle for the hearts and minds and can be won just as easily as it has been lost for the last... what? 70 years?

[edit on 6-11-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:54 PM
posting a video clip on yutube or google isnt going to any impact.

You want attention, have a professional ad agency script a real 30 second commercial. And then have it air during a premiere show like Dancing with the Stars on a major network like ABC.

Then I would recommend airing the commercial on sunday on FOX during a football game.

Finally, air the commercial on FOX News during the O'reilly Factor show.

This would reach a massive audience and most importantly, it would reach a massive mainstream group that knows nothing of this subject matter

The problem would be getting these major networks to sell you the air time. I honestly cant see ABC approving a 30 second clip of people standing in front of a camera accusing the goverment of covering up alien contact and supressing technologies recovered from crashed ufos that could end all human suffering.

And in the end would this lead to disclosure ? Hard to say honestly but my guess is no. the will of a majority of people is ignored all the time. Look at the bank bailout, the masses stood up and said we dont want this. the elite did it anyway. The masses are saying they dont want obamacare either and guess what, its gonna pass no matter how many tea party protesters shout against it.

I would still love to see this happen though. Id be willing to donate some cash or even my expertise (BA in Advertising)

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:02 PM
oh and most importantly, this commercial would need a highly respected person to give the topic some credibility.

Someone like Charlie Sheen wouldnt work. Nor would an 80 yr old astronaut.

you would need someone huge, like former President Jimmy Carter to come on and say "I saw a UFO. I tried to get disclosure but cia chief and former president Bush sr told me to go to hell"

toss in a few hollywood types and a sports personality like Troy Aikman and now you would have an impact.

this would create a momentum and water cooler buzz that it might lead to disclosure.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Let's give people a little more credit. We all know that there are charlatans out there, but this is a completely non-profit idea and there is no reward for making outlandish claims in this. It is just an effort to inform and inspire people to start demanding answers.

There are a lot of people who believe that aliens have visited the Earth and even that the Roswell incident involved a crashed E.T craft that was covered up. The trouble is that we all go around too scared to open our mouths on the subject, just because we are terrified that people will think we are mad.

At the moment there is a huge trend for ghost watching. I know dozens of people that will stay up late at night, watching TVs shows filmed on nightvision camcorders of people jumping at shadows and things that go bump in the night. Most realize that they are probably watching sensationalists and fake mediums, but they keep watching just because one day they might just get answers to questions that they have had since childhood. Like I already said, UFO research is full of charlatans and mad egotistical lunatics, but there is also a lot of footage, photographic evidence and testimony out there that is rock solid. lets start getting that stuff out there and show people how to demand answers and who they should be demanding them from.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by redoubt

Redoubt. That was excellent. That is the sort of thing that would open peoples eyes if it were broadcast. Real evidence. Real questions. People need to know that this subject isn't just for the crazies on the interweb. The truth belongs to everybody.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by xEphon
reply to post by redoubt

Redoubt. That was excellent. That is the sort of thing that would open peoples eyes if it were broadcast. Real evidence. Real questions. People need to know that this subject isn't just for the crazies on the interweb. The truth belongs to everybody.

Flattery will get you anywhere, lol!

Thanks... but figured if I could make a bad one, someone might feel challenged to make a good one.

This idea of yours is great... the problem though, is the same as it has been forever. Getting others motivated and involved.

We shall see what we shall see, no?

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by redoubt

For your first video it wasn't bad at all! Sometimes, the simplest things are the most effective.

Anyway, getting people on board is indeed the issue. My hope is that some group will see the idea and roll with it, as it will not only promote the message of disclosure but will cause a lot of exposure for that group.
Honesly, I'm really suprised that a group like The Disclosure Project has not explored this idea already.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:40 PM
i would say this was a good idea BUT you really think the PTB would EVER let a commercial like that be aired? HAHAHA NEVER!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by xEphon

Great idea you got there! The only problem is money... but all they need to do is not only compile the best footage of UFO's, but maybe clips of interviews with ex military personal, cops, cattle mutilations, surgery scars from abductions, and maybe even show some of the rare physical evidence. It would be hard to make into a 30 second commercial but I bet it could be done. Then they should set up a website where you can view all these things for free. However I doubt the Government would want that on TV but who knows... it could happen.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by asmall89]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:52 PM
What a great idea!!!!!!!!

Although it is coming one way or another, it could certainly help to advance it to all those that just don't get it.

Here in Atlanta, there is a contest to make a movie in 48 hours. It is an independent thing but some pretty cool stuff comes from it.

These people need to be contacted and let loose on this project...

They probably have the same thing in every city that people on ATS are in..

Check it out and let's get the ball rolling even more.........


posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:02 PM
So, first off that was a very decent start, and definitely emphasized the mood and direction such a commercial should go ReDoubt... Good job.

One thing that this kind of reminds me of, is just how strange it is that more people with the capabilities to accomplish messages like this, don't.

You know, why is Charlie Sheen "rare" in his viewpoints and direct presentation? I find it strange that we aren't ALWAYS seeing commercials that wealthy people make to push some topic or whatever.
I mean, it really goes to show how used up, bought out, and fake our athletes, performers, celebrities, politicians even wealthy business owners are. Seriously, nobody stands for anything? It's just weird man... You'd think we could call up a handful of random celebs or something and eventually we could find one who's excited about ANY truth movement.

I dunno, kinda irrelevant I guess.... I just don't see why it's so hard to find investors in this kind of message... and why it isn't more common across the board with all kinds of topics from medical marijuana, politics, "truth", religeon, anything controversial like sex and choice laws.... weird man...

Good work though guys... You're really moving this forward in a good way...


[edit on 6-11-2009 by JRedBeard]
EDIT: Typos... think I still missed one though...

[edit on 6-11-2009 by JRedBeard]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:06 PM
Again, you want your commercial to have any traction once it airs in prime spots? Well then, you better understand how CAPITALISM works first. The commercials go nowhere and do nothing unless they get enough public attention to cause the mainstream media to spend money to investigate and air stories about it. There is a pyramid of money related decisions that would go into that, and if there isn't enough real public interest in it then they would drop it like a hot potato.

Hell, put a commercial on now and the only news coverage you will get will be the typical newscaster laughing during a very quick mention of goes dead after that.

Now, why would the general public laugh at a subject you guys take so seriously? Gee, I have no idea...oh wait, yes I do...just read the title alone to have the threads on this very forum, if that doesn't make you roll your eyes realize that this is probably the best board out there right now, and it goes far downhill from here in many other places online.

Again, clean this subject up, take the stage away from the ignorant fools who have been representing you THEN launch your PR campaign.

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