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Iran tested advanced nuclear warhead design – secret report

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by Amagnon

That Iran is a violent brutal regime = propaganda.

Iran "has" a brutal regime. Do you know any of the younger generation Iranian's? They would agree with me. I think you'd rather sit at home on your computer and make up little stories than go out and visit the real world.

It's also interesting how the cargo that Israel impounded had the stamping of the Iranian army. Care to explain why?

It also produced labeling from the containers indicating the ship originated in Isfahan, Iran, and a customs form stamped by the Iranian armed forces.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by john124]

As far as not having traveled - well, I have not visited my home country for many years.

I have no idea what your point is regarding your quote.

Most of the arms in Israel probably have a US stamp on them - so do almost all the weapons used by all the other terrorists in the world.

I am not sure what cargo being seized you are referring to. I assume it is weapons destined for freedom fighters against the Israeli forces. What do I have to explain? That people hate Israel and want to fight?

How many terrorists have been, and are being armed by the US?

I think you are inferring it is somehow wrong for Iran to sell weapons to people? Is that your 'point'less? The US sells guns to everyone, and it has done for years. That is hardly a stable moral platform for a 'pro US military hegemony' stance to pontificate from.

In my view all nations should have nukes, then the NWO would think twice about sending soldiers and hardware off on invasions around the globe.

What is amusing in all this, is that orders to deploy US troops almost certainly come from Europe - not Washington. So, the US is just being used - but people like yourself feel you need to justify what they are doing.

My arguments really have nothing to do with the US - it is just a tool of the NWO, but they need to run their propaganda campaigns so the 'common people' - read 'sheep', support it.

You're argument that Iran is brutal and therefore deserves to be attacked is full of BS. Saudi is brutal, so is Israel - but the MSM will not reflect that fact.

It is bias - and therefore propaganda. Regimes are not considered brutal, so long as they are friendly to the NWO globalist agenda - when they are not going to bend over for the globalist masters - then they suddenly become 'brutal, unstable, crazy and rogue'.

[edit on 12-11-2009 by Amagnon]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by john124
Israel and the U.S., however, strongly oppose the agreement, saying the missiles would improve Iran's air defense capability.

A defensive missile system - to shoot down attacking aircraft.

Can't have anyone able to defend themselves from attack - that would make it harder to invade and occupy the country.

Really - think about it. Who would be concerned about a purely defensive system? Only someone planning an attack.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

How kind of Iran to supply Hezbollah 1000's of rockets, grenades etc that were used to start a previous was in 2006 as well!!!

How kind that Iran has Gazan and Lebanese people's best interests at heart by arming militias so that Israel has to take action again where innocents will die. How very kind of Iran to deny their shipment with their own stamping on it! Yes, how very kind of Iran, VERY VERY VERY KIND OF THEM!!!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:13 AM
There's so much utter bollocks in this thread that I not only dont know where to begin but I'm too depressed to try. I'll come back when I've had some sleep.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by Amagnon

How kind of Iran to supply Hezbollah 1000's of rockets, grenades etc that were used to start a previous was in 2006 as well!!!

How kind that Iran has Gazan and Lebanese people's best interests at heart by arming militias so that Israel has to take action again where innocents will die. How very kind of Iran to deny their shipment with their own stamping on it! Yes, how very kind of Iran, VERY VERY VERY KIND OF THEM!!!

Rant rant rant - everyone can see completely through you, and the western propaganda aimed at Iran.

The rhetoric and propaganda isn't going to stick this time - the NWO are not going to be able to justify any occupation of Iran. If they try and go ahead and do it - they will create a backlash inside the US, they will also create an international backlash that they are ill prepared to defend against.

The Chinese elite don't want to be NWO serfs - they have a vested interest in Iran, and aren't going to let go quietly. Doesn't matter how many more earthquakes, biological, trade attacks or financial threats the NWO makes.

The Chinese and Russian oligarchs aren't going to come to the party. If Israel or the US forces move against Iran - I am certain there will be consequences for the NWO - I am thinking assassination of a few key figures should do the trick. Whack a few Rothschilds and Rockerfellers and they will calm down a bit I'd think.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by john124

John I agree with you a 100%.

This is clearly a regime that terrorizes its own population. It controls people with force and fear. The civilized world must stand up and show strength and unity, and not allow Iran to advance its nuclear weapons programme.

You would have to be wilfully blind not to understand that as soon as Iran has nuclear capabilities it will use them to bully its neighbours, the UN and the West. They recently demonstrated missiles that have a range of ~2000 kilometres which encompasses much of Europe.

I don't want my children or future generations to grow up under that kind of threat. The Cold War was bad enough - at least the Russians were reasonable.

And what the hell is the British government doing or saying? Nothing.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by mattpryor]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by GovtFlu

So far nobody has explained what the mullahs would gain by rendering muslim holy land radioactive and killing the people they want to liberate. It's a silly made up threat.

Iran's "not-so-secret" nuclear WEAPONS factory in situated at Qom.

Qom is considered holy by Shi`a Islam, as it is the site of the shrine of Fatema Mæ'sume, sister of Imam `Ali ibn Musa Rida (Persian Imam Reza, 789–816 A.D.). The city is the largest center for Shi'a scholarship in the world, and is a significant destination of pilgrimage.

The fact that they're happy to place a highly volatile, highly dangerous military target in one of the holiest Shi'ite places suggests to me that they don't give a sh*t about endangering holy sites and are quite happy to hold them hostage.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by mattpryor]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by john124

now you are talking bollocks

israel invaded Lebanon in 2006 and got its ass handed to it by Hezbollah - and will again since Hezbollah now has russian ATGM`s and ASM`s - similar to the one that nearly sank 2 Saar class stealth frigates.

further you seem gleeful that the worlds worst environmetnal disaster , caused by the IDF by bombing the power station. the 1200 civilians slaughtered by the IDF is also of little conseqeunce to you as well no doubt.

and dont pretend they `hide amounst the civilians` - HAMAS and hezbollah allways wear battle dress - there is a huge amount of video - from both sides to prove this - a child crossing a street is not a combatant yet gets gunned down.

in WW2 the germans did that in the warsaw ghetto - in 2009 the IDF do the same in the Gaza Ghetto.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

`not so secret`

Gosh you make up even more crap dont you

the SAME Qom which was recently fully inspected by the UN - and funnily enough THEY report exactly what was described - a none operational enrichment facility.

so carry on making things up with no proof - it just makes you look a bigger idiot.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Harlequin

Stop deflecting the question.

Let's say it is a "peaceful power station". Why would you place a nuclear power station by one of your religion's holiest sites?


More to the point, why are you so vociferous in your defence of a theocratic regime that is openly and actively hostile to the UK?

John has not posted anything controversial, bigoted or agenda driven. Instead of discussing the issues with him, you jump down his throat.


PS You're a very rude individual.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by mattpryor]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by john124

now you are talking bollocks

israel invaded Lebanon in 2006 and got its ass handed to it by Hezbollah - and will again since Hezbollah now has russian ATGM`s and ASM`s - similar to the one that nearly sank 2 Saar class stealth frigates.

further you seem gleeful that the worlds worst environmetnal disaster , caused by the IDF by bombing the power station. the 1200 civilians slaughtered by the IDF is also of little conseqeunce to you as well no doubt.

and dont pretend they `hide amounst the civilians` - HAMAS and hezbollah allways wear battle dress - there is a huge amount of video - from both sides to prove this - a child crossing a street is not a combatant yet gets gunned down.

in WW2 the germans did that in the warsaw ghetto - in 2009 the IDF do the same in the Gaza Ghetto.

And how did the war started? 1000's of Iranian rockets landed on Israeli houses in North Israel,not only that they targetted hospitals as well..

Besides its is commonly known by institutions such as Human Rights Watch that Hezbollah used civilian structures to hide their cowardly asses..About children, maybe you havent seen the video's of all the little kids being indoctrinated for war
In Iran they went a step further and send whole school classes into the mine fields in the 80's, but hey its all good go on and defend these people...

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:38 AM
Iran has always been in a state of war since 1978, there is a lack of stability and I don't think weapons will make much difference, just means things will get more serious.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

ask the UK why they placed powerstations next to cities then - Hartlepool 1000 MW station is 2 miles from the city , Torness is within a 30 min drive from Edinburgh , it could also be mentioed about Oldbury , Hinkley A and B and Berkeley - all of which surround Bristol.

so by placing such emphisis on Qom - maybe then look closer to home.

as for `rude` i simply reply in the tone of your post , so ask yourself why your own comments are so disparagingly coy in the tone of delivery.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Foppezao

nice video - oh wait thats HAMAS not hezbollah - wrong group.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by Harlequin

UK is a small and densely populated island. It's pretty hard to find anywhere that's not near a population centre.

Iran on the other hand is quite huge and is mostly desert. No reason to build a secret underground nuclear facility right next to one of their holiest sites unless it is to discourage attacks.

It's a bit like Hamas using mosques for weapons storage but on a much bigger scale, isn't it?

Still feel comfortable about Iran having nukes? Meh you probably couldn't care less, it's not like you'll be in range of them.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

its nothing like hamas using mosques - the UK has large tracts of land available with little or no one - most of north scotland has bugger all there , so why do they still situate nuclear power station near population centres then?

moving away from north scotland - norfolk has large tracts of empty space -but chosen to to use it.

as for iran having nukes - israel having nukes scares me far more - as the samson option is targetting germany and likely other european cities as well ( as well as all countries in the ME - india and pakistan anyone?)

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by Foppezao

nice video - oh wait thats HAMAS not hezbollah - wrong group.

Oh stupid i havent seen that, i forgot Hamas were more the carebear type of group

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by mattpryor

as for iran having nukes - israel having nukes scares me far more - as the samson option is targetting germany and likely other european cities as well ( as well as all countries in the ME - india and pakistan anyone?)

Based on this statement I'm actually seriously considering the possibility that you and I live in parallel universes.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Foppezao

or more rather - HAMAS is funded by Saudi Arabia

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by mattpryor

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by mattpryor

as for iran having nukes - israel having nukes scares me far more - as the samson option is targetting germany and likely other european cities as well ( as well as all countries in the ME - india and pakistan anyone?)

Based on this statement I'm actually seriously considering the possibility that you and I live in parallel universes.

one that doesn`t have the samson option i hope - you do know that the IDF actually loaded nukes in the 3 day war dont you? thats there first use - in a conventional war - they were loaded for glow in the dark.

if you really want to understand , please read the book `The Samson Option` by Seymour Hersh , not only does it describe , in detail the nuclear options as of 1991 - but other such wonders that mossad gets up to.

a good read , along the lines`Biohazzrd` by Ken Alibek - read if you want to be really scarred in this world (nukes have nothing on what the russians have)

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