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Iran tested advanced nuclear warhead design – secret report

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Harlequin
reply to post by john124

as i have allready stated - 2 point hollow pit implosion devices are NOTHING like new.

the USA had them in 1945 - with FAT MAN.

Not being new is irrelevant.

Anyway it's from the 50's and a smaller design than the 1945 nukes. At least get that fact correct.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 06:14 AM
link 1115435152?lpos=World_News_First_World_News_Article_Teaser_Region_2&lid=ARTICLE_15435152_Israel_Military_Threat_Against_Iran_Nuclear_Programme_Not_A_B luff%2C_Says_Minister_Danny_Ayalon

Israeli analysts say the country is finalising its plans to attack Iran if necessary.

Dr Ronen Bergman, author of The Secret War With Iran, said if current trends continue, an Israeli strike will be inevitable.

"If history continues on its current path - yes, at the end of the day, Israel will attack," he said.

"The Iranians have expressed no willingness to stop the project. They see it as a necessity as an insurance policy for the regime to have the bomb."

The challenges of carrying out such a strike 1,000 miles from home against well-defended, deeply-buried nuclear facilities are considerable.

But so are the risks - Israel could expect a counter attack from Iranian allies, Hizbollah and Hamas, and terrorist attacks worldwide.

It would incur the wrath of America and the condemnation of European allies.

It would also risk handing Iran the moral high ground and giving the Islamic Republic an excuse for pursuing the bomb in earnest.

But observers in the Middle East believe all those considerations are secondary to the Israeli government's top priority.

It also risks giving a desperate & dying regime a rope to cling onto as they are falling over the edge of an abyss.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by john124]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by TSawyer
reply to post by merkava

You war-mongers can go it alone, just be content with the idea of Americans NOT helping you... and I hope you DO get destroyed for attacking a sovereign country. Just like you were beaten in 2006 for trying to invade Lebanon.

Huh? i ain't no-war monger and neither am i on israels side.

I am just stating the very likely chances of iran getting attacked by the end of this year.

I personally hope iran teaches israel a good lesson too

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 07:10 AM
Iran has the money to buy a Nuke from any one of the terrorist countries such as North Korea and Syria etc. Russia has opened said they've had hundreds go missing so even if Iran doesn't master the technology to make their own, they have options and are crazy enough to use them against the US or Israel.

So do we wait for Jerusalem or Washington to glow in the dark from Mr Pyjama of Iran or do we hit them now to say enough is enough, we won't stand for any of your nonsense?

Do you smack a child so they know not to push you too far?

Iran are suspected of sending arms to the idiots in Gaza to hit Israel so are Israel already technically at War with Iran?

Nobody wants or likes War but its the same as the school bully attacking you every day as you walk through the school gates, one day you flip out on them and say enough is enough. I know because I have been there!

There are lots of news articles flying around at the moment as propaganda for the dumb people out there so expect some sort of false flag soon, it's the only option we have I think to sort out Iran!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 08:11 AM
(quote)The UN's nuclear watchdog has asked Iran to explain evidence suggesting that Iranian scientists have experimented with an advanced nuclear warhead design, the Guardian has learned.

evidence? what evidence? where did they get this evidence from? Hell i remember there was evidence with Iraq too. Oh yes and that all ended up to be fake also. Pffft Iraq has weapons of masss destruction. Of course they did, The US GAVE it to them!

I wonder where they got this "new Evidence" from for iran. Hah. Probably made up, forged BS just like the Iraq "evidence".

Next thing you know Bin Laden will be hiding in Iran!!! AHahah. Even though he's dead.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Hello - is John124 off on his bomb Iran rhetoric once again???

Why yes he is - what a surprise. Polly want a cracker? I think I heard your entire argument from the MSM and pentagon spin merchants already.

Go away and don t come back until you have original thoughts.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 08:41 AM
You have to look at the hidden picture as Iran is on a suicide mission, they want to bring the appearance of their Islamic 12th Iman prophet back, they need an excuse to create chaos. Biblically prophecy suggests Iran Russia and surrounding nations will attack Israel and Iran without knowing it since they do ot read the Bible is doing that very thing. So you have two opposites, Israel gained nuclear rights because Albert Eienstien a Jew and a supporter of Israel as a nation was God given to him, maybe it was fate to protect the nation since it appeared in 1948, Israel had to defend it self as a people from Europe and the Middle East, their threat against them was from the start.

Posted: August 17, 2009
9:18 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei yesterday called on Muslim nations around the world to unite militarily in response to the imminent coming of Islam's messianic savior – the Mahdi.

Khamenei, through his spokesman Ali Saeedi, specifically beckoned the nations of Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan and Afghanistan to join together with Iran in preparation for the Mahdi's soon coming.

We have to train honest forces that can stop the obstacles that may hinder the coming of the Mahdi like the United States and Israel," Saeedi stated. Saeedi also emphasized that the Iranian revolutionary guard possessed a special religious authority to prepare the way for the Mahdi.


Can you trust Iran, you know what they say and believe in and yet they have the right? Which right is that, for WW3.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by john124

It also risks giving a desperate & dying regime a rope to cling onto as they are falling over the edge of an abyss.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by john124]

yes i totally agree - its sad to see the zionist regime once again staring at teh abyss - why do these genocidal zionists want to drag to there doom the true followers of judaism.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Is it just me, or does John124 seem to be hoping and wishing here?

Do you really think Iran wants to nuke Israel?
Yes, yes. Great idea. "Let's nuke Israel, thereby distroying the third holiest place in Islam and probably killing lots and lots and lots of Palestinians!"

Not at all counter-intuitive.

Ya know , your post started me thinking about someting. Is it possible theat Israel is using the Palestinians as a human shield? I know the wall was built around them to keep them out of Israel, but it could be serving a dual purpose. You have to wonder that if given the chance to leave, how many Palestinians would.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

every single time the UN has been to iran

The latter part of that sentence should finish with.... "Iran has mislead the IAEA, and prevented proper access to all sites, and have being given time to hide all incriminating materials at alternate sites, whilst keeping these alternate sites hidden from the IAEA"

[edit on 6-11-2009 by john124]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

yes i totally agree - its sad to see the zionist regime once again staring at teh abyss - why do these genocidal zionists want to drag to there doom the true followers of judaism.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I was referring to the Iranian regime, and yes they are collapsing into abyss because of the mess they themselves created. Have you seen the videos of Iranian's ripping down large posters of Khamenei and stamping on them???

Israel will never fall into an abyss, but they've always being close to the edge.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

How original for you to write such a childish comment! I see you haven't yet reached a suitable age to be able to converse properly with adults.

I post threads on Iran when there's new sources and information available. My other recent thread was on the 4th November protests.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by john124]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:59 PM
Exclusive: Watchdog fears Tehran has key component to put bombs in missiles

The UN's nuclear watchdog has asked Iran to explain evidence suggesting that Iranian scientists have experimented with an advanced nuclear warhead design, the Guardian has learned.

The very existence of the technology, known as a "two-point implosion" device, is officially secret in both the US and Britain..

HOW surprising ! Out of many different basic designs, the Iranians have chosen to test the least efficient, but also the best for producing low-yield bombs that could easily fit in a small missile.
Or, as an example, in a suitcase that a peace-loving nazi-islamic terrorist could try to smuggle into the USA..
Or, that a very peaceful Palestinian woman - one of those tens of thousands who celebrated the slaughtering of three thousand innocent people in NY on 9/11 shouting, chanting and shooting in the air, do you remember ? - could fit under her clothes and try to walk in an Israeli kindergarten, school, hospital, stadium, railway station, supermarket, whatever legitimate target she in her madness could think of, just to bring peace to the Holy land !
What a coincidence that the peace-loving ayatollah wish to develop - for whatever peaceful reason - exactly the easiest to hide, and therefore the most dangerous of all possible weapon !

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by john124
reply to post by GovtFlu

So far nobody has explained what the mullahs would gain by rendering muslim holy land radioactive and killing the people they want to liberate. It's a silly made up threat.

What do they gain by bashing poor innocent Iranian girls over the head with batons??? Please, you cannot use logic and reason with extremists, but what the regime would love now is a distraction from these internal issues that will never be resolved because this regime has no chance of survival when it treats its own people in this way.

Who says Hezbollah or Hamas have to use nuclear weapons against Israel. What about chemical or biological weapons that Iran also has at its disposal?

I've seen Seattle PD, Chicago PD and LAPD bashing poor american girls over the head with batons... should there be un sanctions against the heartless mullahs who rule these rogue cities?

Besides that the usa tortures people now... nobody in our govt can say she-it to iran about human rights.

Irans chemical / biological weapons wont stop at the border and would certainly harm just as many, if not more palestinians...

Once again, what motivation do irans leaders have to unleash "WMDs" against muslim holy land, and muslim people?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by GovtFlu

When Iraq used the chemical weapons against Iran , killing thousands.

iran didn`t retaliate with chemical weapons.

the USA knew very well that hussein was using WMD`s - and wanted diplomatic relations with them.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by GovtFlu

I've seen Seattle PD, Chicago PD and LAPD bashing poor american girls over the head with batons... should there be un sanctions against the heartless mullahs who rule these rogue cities?

As I said already, those are rogue cops. The Basij are ordered to beat down the protestors. During the G20 protests in London, the BBC repeated and repeated video shots of the man getting hit from behind, yet this type of event is an everyday occurrence in Iran and is not shown or even mentioned on state TV.

Besides that the usa tortures people now... nobody in our govt can say she-it to iran about human rights.

I condemn all forms of torture, as it breaks international law.

Irans chemical / biological weapons wont stop at the border and would certainly harm just as many, if not more palestinians...

Once again, what motivation do irans leaders have to unleash "WMDs" against muslim holy land, and muslim people?

Surely you don't think the Iranian regime have the welfare of palestinian people in their best interests?!

[edit on 7-11-2009 by john124]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:42 AM
One point the OP seems to be missing in all his talk of Irans secret sites and moving stuff around, is that the IAEA monitors the production / enrichment of Uranium. So far, all enriched material is accounted for with none having been diverted for other uses. They "monitor" it, they don't just turn up every few months and ask to see the paperwork, it's a monitored process.
When a similar issue of a leaked "secret" IAEA report came out in the MSM a couple of months or so ago, El Baradei was very quick to refute this completely and strenuously denied it's existence. I don't remember seeing any printed retrcations though from the media sources.

So far, all the so called evidence has been coming from dissident groups - with US,UK and Israeli backing - anonymous intelligence or diplomatic sources etc. There has not been one single named source provide any shred of evidence of an Iranian nuclear weapons programme and until they can provide this evidence, then those making the accusations are just spouting BS.
Of course, the compliant corporate media will parrot the BS from a single source without first verifying the integrity of the source or the information - so much for journalism!

The other idea that the Iranian "Mullahs" want to trigger a nuclear conflict to usher in the coming of some religious icon is laughable. Hell, we already have enough crazy Christian fundies wetting their panties over the rapture and getting to go to the big house.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:43 AM
Iran nearly has nukes? Good. Now maybe the upcoming Iranian war will be diverted and Americans can save their popcorn for the next superbowl instead.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:06 AM
reply to post by Britguy

of course

the OP seems to conveniently ignore the small and minor detail that NONE of the 5% enriched uranium has been moved , or enriched any further ; nor does the OP seem to actually read the most recent IAEA report about the new enrichment plant - announced within the NPT (which another country in ther ME has not signed).

Iran announce the new plant - which isn`t in operation , has a full inspection - which the IAEA are happy with , yet the right wing neo-con dogs , sorry , media , lather at the mouth over.


you must also note , that the OP also ignores the ther minor detail - that for the last 20 years iran has had plutonium - enough to make at least 2 devices.

and yet that is still sealed , as it has been since argentina retasked the operational nuclear reactor from using 95% uranium to 20% uranium in 1987

and other help has been surpressed thanks to threats made bu israel and the usa; the agenda of those 2 countries is painfully obvious from the moment iran threw out the despot called the shah and his SAVAK murderous police.

[edit on 7/11/09 by Harlequin]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by Lazyninja
Iran nearly has nukes? Good. Now maybe the upcoming Iranian war will be diverted and Americans can save their popcorn for the next superbowl instead.

That only means war is probably closer.

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