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At Least 7 Dead, 12 Wounded in Shooting at Ft. Hood in Texas

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Oh yeah, we messed with muslims and they suddenly became violent over night and wanted to kill us.

Islam does not accept everyone's religion. It is against their religion to do so. So let's start there.

JJ, it almost looks as if your entire life is spent fighting against a concept, an ideology, that against the people who practice it. You can't win those sorts of battles. Concepts are intangible, can't be killed.

That's my only gripe about the "War on Terror". Can't go to war against a concept, you have to go to war against it's practitioners. It should be "War on Terrorists", not "War on Terror".

"War on Terror" is too vague, too nebulous. It's too big a target, without enough substance to catch a bullet.

Sort of like you view on Islam. In choosing your enemies, you're choosing too many, not being selective enough. You think you can wipe 'em ALL out? Fine. Have at it. I'll just sit here and watch, and not involve myself further.

I MUCH prefer picking targets in bites small enough to chew, to avoid getting choked by the gob.

That would mean that I prefer to confine the cross hairs to folks who actually ARE a danger, and not get sidetracked and distracted, the way you tend to do.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

We need to realize that it is the duty of every muslim (fard ayn) to attack the West (non-believers) in any way that they can because of our presence in Islam. Very simple. This has happened over and over and we still don't understand this enemy that is right before our eyes.

I see by your continued misuse of fard al-ayn that you ignored my advice to educate yourself on Islam, and prefer to continue preaching your own brand of it.

Fine. To each his own. Not my job to force you to think, rather than parrot. I've done my part. Enjoy that "denial of ignorance" thing you've got going on. A one track mind, in common with a crisis, is an awful thing to waste.

I DO find it amusing that the brand of Islam you preach is even more radical than what the terrorists adhere to.

Your religious fervor and ability to deny factual evidence staring you in the face would make al-Zawahiri proud!

[edit on 2009/11/6 by nenothtu]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:05 PM
People may want to DL this before it disappears.

Nidal Hasan on the Obama Presidential Transition Task Force. Page 29, halfway down, left side.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:08 PM
On another note one of the New anchors was lamenting that this SOB was not named Smith.

Of course it is tragic that it wasn't a Smith, a Jones, an O'Reilly or a Kowalski.

Tragic for all the rainbow unicorn huggers.

Because him not being a Smith proves that a lot of their beliefs were, to put things mildy, very naive. It also shows that the "terror of political correctness" which they greatly helped to create may at times have a cost in human lives.

If the said laws allow for the death penalty I fail to see anyone more deserving of it than this SOB. Islamic wackos will see him as a martyr regardless of what is done to him and will believe in their "own truth" even if he is drowned in pig#. Osama is an old, broken man living in a cave who most likely can't take a piss without clenching his teeth and they still idolize him.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by SLAYER69

Ok let me try to explain it to you ok?
Why are only americans being targeted?
Why are only american embassies targeted?

If not, then please find something else other than the refuted "infidel" or "they hate our freedom" arguments to differentiate U.S. and UK from countries not involved in foreign occupation or war to help explain why they aren't being attacked?

You asked a question and I gave you some information. I kept it to just the US becuase 9/11 as you pointed out was on US soil. But since you would like to continue this discussion I'll be more than happy to educate you further.

It's a good thing the western world is more transparent than say Russia or China when it comes to such activities. This should get the ball rolling.

Russia’s Islamic revolt is spreading

THE diehard gang of Muslim extremists responsible for last week’s attack on the southern Russian city of Nalchik consisted mainly of local militants intent on creating a strict Islamic state independent of Moscow, according to security sources in the region.


Russia's two biggest terrorist attacks both came from Muslim groups. In the Nord-Ost incident at a theater in Moscow in October 2002

In the September 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis 1,200 schoolchildren and adults were taken hostage after "School Number One" secondary school in Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania was overrun by the "Caucasus Caliphate Jihad" led by Shamil Basayev

China admits fear of Muslim terror as police kill 18 in mountain battle

China revealed the depth of its fear of Islamic-linked violence yesterday when police disclosed that they had killed 18 terrorists and captured another 17 after a fierce battle at a secret training camp in a remote northwestern region.


At least seven men were executed in the mid-1990s for alleged links to the Islamic Reformist Party, according to a May 1995 public notice in Xinjiang obtained by Amnesty International and detailed in an April 1999 report (AI 1 Apr 1999). The notice, posted in a court in the Xinjiang city of Urumqi, announced that five young Uighurs had been executed in a single day for being members of the Islamic Reformist Party and planting bombs in the city in 1992.

The notice also referred to another alleged Islamic Reformist Party member, Mahammat Yunus, along with the note, “already shot dead” (AI 1 Apr 1999). A seventh alleged Islamic Reformist Party member, a Uighur named Obulkasim Yusuf, was also listed as having been “shot dead” (AI 1 Apr 1999).

[edit on 6-11-2009 by SLAYER69]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Originally posted by m khan
Please don't go ranting off about terrorist Moslems, because 911 was in inside job. The Moslems didn't do it. Your precious leaders did it. If you can't handle that, then we are doomed as a nation.
This is not off topic, this is right on topic.

Keep apologizing. You don't even know how to spell it. Yes this was an Islamic act of terrorism. Like the others that have happened on US soil since 911.

Ah yes. The pot calls the kettle black. As I've had to tell YOU repeatedly, it's fard AL-ayn, not fard ayn. Even then, you still haven't educated yourself in the proper use of the term.

Understanding Islam isn't a hard thing to do. You can start with realizing that muslims do not think like us. Get out of the Western way of thinking for a change and open your eyes to this danger.

I for one am pretty damned glad all muslims don't think like you. I wouldn't be here now if they did.

BTW, "moslem" IS an acceptable form of transliteration of the term you spell as "muslim". Has been for years. Maybe you just haven't had enough experience to know that...

Frankly, I'm starting to find it impossible to take your one-track rants seriously any more. You are hell-bent on exploiting the deaths of these people to further your own ideologically twisted agenda.

That's nothing more than climbing a pile of fresh corpses to plant your flag, and highly disrespectful of those who died yesterday. In the future, you might want to let the bodies of the dead that you climb on top of to rant cool off first. They wiggle less after rigor mortis sets in, and make a firmer place to plant your feet.

[edit on 2009/11/6 by nenothtu]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by imitator
here is what I want to know, is Abdul-Rashid Abdullah conscious?

[edit on 6-11-2009 by imitator]

I don't understand the reference to this guy. Explain?

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
reply to post by SLAYER69

Ohh ya... probably the over 800 bases in over 130 countries
probably because america is occupying almost every country on earth
probably the massive "Embassies" with 90% military personel that have so much influence over the country

Ahhh... well let's be truthful though...

Many of those countries in which we have military bases

1. Needed them
2. Were countries we rebuilt after defeating them... thank you very much.

To use your logic, we have bases in many many countries... why is it then you feel that only the Islamic terrorists choose to attack us? Why doesn't Spain attack us... how about Germany? We have lots of bases there...

Wait.. Italy... they should attack us too... we have lots of bases there.

Having bases in other countries and embassies as well does not create a reason to attack the other country. This is obvious because there are a TON of other non islamic countries in which we have bases and those people never attack us.

The fact remains that Islam is a religion. Probably one of the most passionate religions today... Religion works on the super-ego which deals with the ego via guilt , repulsion and sense of duty.

Islam is the SEED which in the mind of the person with no well formed ego, can grow to create a terrorist.

Islamist theology is one of having a battle. Although it sure can be meant to mean the battle that wages within oneself... it's often used to justify the battle against nations or other groups that exist not within the person but external to the muslim adherent.

Are Muslims terrorists? NO!
Does Islam justify terrorists? NO!

Does Islam induce an over-inflated super-ego? HELL YES!
Does that compel people to carry out violence against others? YES!

You see it's like alcohol. I love to drink... it's great. I have a good time 2 drinks though... and I'm done. Many others though are not as strong and take it to the nth degree becoming drunk, or belligerent and doing stupid things.

Religion is like Drugs and Islam is like Alcohol....

Should we enact prohibition? NO!
Should we look down on those who drink? NO!
Should we refrain from drinking? Depends on your genes and your psychology... some can enjoy it responsibly while others cannot.

Should we be aware that it can lead to really stupid and socially unacceptable behavior? HELL YES!

All these things are the same with Islam.

EDIT: I should add that this is an issue with religion in general but decidedly tempered by the theology of said religion. Pacifist religions lead to people being ran over as much as Conquering theologies lead to people justifying atrocities against others.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by HunkaHunka]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:32 PM
I was III Corps, Fort Hood and currently live close to the area so I've been getting my news first hand and haven't read this thread, sorry if all the details below are already posted.

Just in case these items are not posted, I'll post the bare details.

1 shooter, a Major, pre-meditated (he gave away everything from his apartment the fews days before the shooting), the Major was shot 4 times by a female civilian police officer who was shot as well and is stable, the Major is on a ventilator, he shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he began his rampage, had a bumper sticker that said "Allah is Love", he is stable but they haven't been able to question him yet, UNCONFIRMED - the Major posted on the net about suicide bombings 6 months ago

My opinion - it all adds up to pre-meditated terrorism, not a pschotic episode.

Allahu Akbar means "God is great".

13 dead

30 wounded, of which 4 are in good condition and several are still in very serious condition but all are "stable".

One shooting victim ran yelling to an officer about the shooter and the officer noticed the guy had been shot in the back and probably didn't even know it yet

A woman used her blouse as a tourniquet and probably had not realized she had been shot as well. I don't know if this is the same woman police officer or another woman.

Edit: New news update - They are correcting report, saying 38 (not 30) who were wounded.

Major's weapon was a (NF### - ?) called a "cop killer" which is normally used by Mexican Drug Cartels.

2 are no longer hospitalized.

[edit on 6/11/2009 by Trexter Ziam]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Fard ayn is the answer. This is a very simple concept of Islam that many Westerners don't understand.

That much is true. Include yourself in that number. I'm not going to educate you if you continue to refuse to educate yourself, but don't ever think I'll hesitate to call you on it when you are promoting ignorance to others.

It IS kind of cute, how you call us, who you don't know, "westerners", as if to try to suggest you somehow have a superior knowledge of the subject than the rest of us.

It's obvious you don't.

He didn't snap. He committed a conscious act according to his firm belief. That's very common and accepted in Islam.

Could be, but that's not a KNOWN yet, it's your assumption. I'm fairly sure that you have none of what investigators call "actual knowledge of the facts"
Furthermore, a "firm belief" along the lines which you keep preaching IS evidence of having "snapped".

If we don't educate the American public about Islam then more incidents like this will happen.

I agree, and truly wish you were better educated and qualified to carry that task out, rather than attempting it as you are, with obvious deficiencies.

As I have said before, you would be much more effective at it if you had a clue.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:48 PM
You keep saying she doesn't have a clue. But there is no meat on the bones you throw out.

Consistent message is more important than content.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Chevalerous

I applaud your post. One of the more insightful ones I've read so far. When you aadd all those factors you mentioned together with the apparent fact as is being reported that he had to listen to his comrades constantly tell him how "evil" his chosen religion was, which he is bound to take to heart as identification of his OWN perceived "evil", in effect a rejection of himself by his chosen associates, it could well have pushed him over the radical edge.

It's a hard thing when your own "friends", comrades, and chosen associates suddenly view YOU as a threat, as "evil", simply because of the actions of people you don't even know.

I think he was always muslim, not a recent convert, but there is evidence coming out of his gradual descent into radicalism. I'm of the opinion that his rejection by his friends could have been a factor in his descent.

Some unstable folks don't handle rejection very well, especially rejection by friends and associates in the only area that you've chosen to build your life around. It can lead to a mindset of "They think I'm evil? I'll SHOW 'em what evil is!"

And off we go.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:14 PM
Just another day in crazy America. I feel bad for the family and my prayers go out to you. But you know what really sucks big time? I bet everyone on this site is listed as a potenial terrorist at the FBI. I bet they are watching us like a hawk and running checks etc. While the real bad guys do their deeds. If you think this event is scary you haven't seen anything yet. I read in the news that the president is going to allow people with AIDS to enter this country next year. That is just freakin beautiful. Hell we might as well not even bother checking people in. For that matter why not just give them a loaded gun after they check through. These people will come here and pass through the gates and disappear forever. Trust me it won't be the last we hear from them.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
You keep saying she doesn't have a clue. But there is no meat on the bones you throw out.

Consistent message is more important than content.

Then I leave you to consume the consistent message she's putting out. I don't deny that she's being consistent, and probably sincere.

I've known other people who were sincere, but sincerely wrong. Fortunately, a number of them have chosen to educate themselves in the facts of the matter, whichever matter that may be (islam is just the example in THIS thread), rather than revelling in error, however consistent it may be.

I'm not sure what sort of meat you want me to pack on the "bones", but a discussion of taqiyya, fard al-ayn, takfir, all these other misused islamic terms, would be more appropriate to another thread. I'd be more than happy to debate the matters there, but THIS thread is about the attack on Ft Hood, and those nebulous terms have no place in it, other than to make someone APPEAR to know what they're talking about, without actually having to know. Very few "westerners" as she calls us, will have knowledge of the terms and so will assume she knows what she's talking about, simply because she can throw some foreign-sounding words around.

Apparently it's not important that they actually have any bearing on the matter at hand.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:24 PM
What gets me os that he killed a bunch of junior enlisted who maybe blind to the big picture but innocent from the crimes currently being commited in our(USA's) so called wars. This guy was a coward and I can only hope there is a god/allah/jah/... to judge his pathetic soul.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
When you aadd all those factors you mentioned together with the apparent fact as is being reported that he had to listen to his comrades constantly tell him how "evil" his chosen religion was, which he is bound to take to heart as identification of his OWN perceived "evil", in effect a rejection of himself by his chosen associates, it could well have pushed him over the radical edge.

It's a hard thing when your own "friends", comrades, and chosen associates suddenly view YOU as a threat, as "evil", simply because of the actions of people you don't even know.

I think he was always muslim, not a recent convert, but there is evidence coming out of his gradual descent into radicalism. I'm of the opinion that his rejection by his friends could have been a factor in his descent.

Some unstable folks don't handle rejection very well, especially rejection by friends and associates in the only area that you've chosen to build your life around. It can lead to a mindset of "They think I'm evil? I'll SHOW 'em what evil is!"

And off we go.

Like get a life. 1.50 billion Muslims in the world. They mostly seem to be able to deal with situations among other without going on killing sprees. Add in 2-3 Billion other people who live in minority situations where they are often chastised. Almost all people learn to deal with rejection on some level.

This guy was paid thousands of dollars a week for the softest prestige position in the military - counseling soldiers. He trained in psychology and psychiatry. Were he to find his position unbearable, he would know how to get out of duties or even his military contract for emotional or religious reasons. He didn't seek personal counseling - he was giving it.

All his actions and words lead to an inevitable conclusion that in pre-meditation for his religious convictions he chose to kill as many innocent American military personnel as he could.

People have been intimidated by fear of criticizing anyone Muslim. We mustn't up set them, they're so emotional. meanwhile they are given a license appropriate hatred and scorn of whoever they feel inclined to - Jews, Chrisitans, Westerners. Every excuse and apology is given.

This is a very destructive person. If he received some criticism it was not completely without justification. There are bad people.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:37 PM
I am not capable of fully expressing how proud I am of Officer Kimberly Munley.

5'4" Mother, Sister, Wife, and LEO.

Without hesitation she intentionally ran headlong into the storm, knowing the price may be her life.

I've read that she took multiple shots to the hand, arm, and both legs. That was the price she paid to stop the murders.

Yet even as she was on the ground bleeding she continued to fire.

I greatly admire her strenght and motivation to prevent further loss of life.

I am humbled by her courage.

I wish there was something I could do for her and her family.
I wish they could know how proud of her actions I am.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by social services suck
Only a few weeks ago an al-Quada sympathizer from Jordan tried to blow up one of the buildings in downtown Dallas. I wonder if this Ft. Hood attack is in any way connected to that?

I'll bet it is connected. I'll bet it is all CIA.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by x2Strongx

If you want to know about Prozac, look up fluoride. Fluoride is Prozac. There is a lot of information in the Web about fluoride. Even pictures of people who can't stand up.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by JJay55

Ok, let's stop this other myth right away. There is no such thing as a radical muslim. This guy was the normal muslim just like all the others.
There was nothing strange about him. He did exactly what he intended to do and what the plan of Islam is to do.

They are not like us. They are not plural (believing that all religions are good and equal and nice nice). They are obligated to kill non-muslims. It's their duty. Why is this so hard to understand?

You know, I come in here minding my own business, just trying to muddle through this thread, and I hit spots where every other post is more preaching of your brand of islam.

I think I'm about done here. You can beat nearly anyone into ignorance if you just keep whacking away with the bludgeon of ignorance.

By your logic, and all your evidence, I'm a "radical christian" by virtue of the fact that I'm a baptist. Buddhists are all "radical buddhists", and so on with every single creed.

Makes me wonder who truly is the radical here, given the fact that you blindly stick to your guns with no attempt whatsoever to educate yourself. The entire world is not so black and white as you would have it, but don't let yourself get confused by facts or education.

As far as your last paragraph goes, it's so hard to understand because it's so utterly false. It's the automatic reaction of a paranoid and fearful person to things they simply CAN'T comprehend. People fear that which is so strange to them that they fear educating themselves in the matter. Fear breeds more fear.

The willfully ignorant can't be educated because they are WILLFULLY ignorant. They CHOOSE to remain in that state. They fear the unknown so much that they can't get close enough to it to know it any better. Fear breeds more fear.

Continue to live in fear and ignorance. I choose not to fear. I choose to make my targets worthy of a bullet, not just a "spray and pray" approach. That wastes my ammo, and my time, and in the end accomplishes nothing, as when I'm out of ammo, the targets I missed in my panicked approach to getting them ALL are still standing at the ready to get ME, unscathed.

Yeah, I'm done here. Carry on with your bad self. In the end, you'll only muddy the waters, and create a fine smoke screen for the enemy to use against you.

Have a nice day.

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