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At Least 7 Dead, 12 Wounded in Shooting at Ft. Hood in Texas

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Yea there is a lot of jumping on the terrorism bandwagon here. The suspect is still in the hospital. He may just be insane. (which is my theory)

It could be radical Islam. But I don't think that there is some huge grand conspiracy to infiltrate our armed forces to plant Radical spies and saboteurs.

Many positions in the military call for something called an application for national security positions. This small booklet lets the military interview your friends and family in order to get a clear picture about a person joining up with the military.

Please look up incidents of islamic terrorism since 911. There have been many. They will continue no matter what your diagnosis is because muslims have a duty. This is a fact.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by JJay55

The Iraqi and afghanistani wars were a lie!
so the media tells you about islamic extremism
if the american people really the truth it would fuel anti-war sentiment and represent a very large majority.
So instead of really making you understand what insurgency is, they call it religious terroism.

The fact that you believe it means you got fooled
Your posts are making tptb very happy and even drooling.

No offense dude, but enough with the xenophobia.

Where was the islamic terroism before 9/11?
How come it only exploded only after 911?
Explain me that?
If it's part of their religion, shouldn't it have always been like this?
But it wasn't, you know Iran used to be an ally of the U.S., did you even know that?

Ever read the old testament?
Ever heard of Canaan?
Look it up, you might find parallels between that and israeli zionism.
Where are the multitude of posts on that topic?

How come you never condemned Eric Prince and his christian crusading of babylon(iraq)?

How come you never condemned Dick Cheney for sending hawkish bible quotes to troops right before being deployed?

I don't see many talking about religious extremism, but rather only islam.

It's time to stop being continuously fooled by the msm and tptb.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by Frogs

Wow... The more that comes out, the more it looks like this guy was a religious extremist, planning to make his "sacrifice" that day... Thanks.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Please don't name call and make false accusation about me.
I am not a dude, thank you.

For those of you who still question the shooters motivation be assured that he was carrying out fard ayn. There are interesting books by Emerson and others about how deeply our military and government is infiltrated and how vulnerable we are. Be alert, protect each other.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by m khan

I have been on prozac for some time now and I am a retired veteran. This is the first I have ever heard of Prozac being addictive as I have been on and off for many many years. I don't think it lowers my IQ nor do I feel like it is a sedative of some sort.

This drug neither enhances or hinders my capabilities as a soldier or as a citizen. Some of these medicines actually help people with chemical imbalances and chronic pain without the narcotic side affects. My liver is fine and have not had really any side affects.

This really has nothing to do with this thread really... But, I wanted to state the above to say that Prozac certainly isn't ALL what you say it is...

Once you have been to war... or anything that is seriously traumatic... or even just depression... or chronic pain... you will see that some medication is a life saver.

For me to post anything on here about anything else would just get flamed anyway... Definitely going to stay away from posting on this thread due to the bashing, but will be watching for updated news...

My 2-Cents

[edit on 11/6/2009 by x2Strongx]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
reply to post by Frogs

Wow... The more that comes out, the more it looks like this guy was a religious extremist, planning to make his "sacrifice" that day... Thanks.

He's not extreme. But I accept your apology because I've already told you about his duty and sacrifice.

The US MSM will not venture out of political correctness the same way they will not announce that the Iraqi man in Texas who ran over his daughter for being "too Westernized" was an honor killing.
Granted, the US MSM reports to Americans in American point of view and most Americans can't understand Islamic point of view, but that needs to change if we are to be safe in the US.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by JJay55

Agreed, what happened yesterday is only the tip of the iceberg. The next time it happens it won't just be one guy with 2 pistols. Look for large groups to mutiny and carry out Mumbai style attacks. That is my nightmare scenario.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by JJay55

I did not name call
I am trying to stay as much on topic as possible
of course in a 40+ page thread it isn't easy
but name calling would not help I know that so I wouldn't do that, even in a 1page thread.

I am not name calling you or even categorizing you

I am just trying to shine some light here that's all

now if you would please show evidence of as much islamic extremism before 911 as there is today i'd apreciate it

as you said, it's part of their religion
Islam didn't start after 911 so you should be able to provide links of pre-911 terroism too.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

No problem BH.

Like you when I read that it seems pretty clear that his actions that morning indicate he had planned this and thought he wouldn't be coming back.

One thing that hasn't came out that I'm guessing they are tracking is what he did with his money.

I heard on the news they estimated his income at 6 figures. Yet, his rent was $350 a month. Either he has a large stash in the bank or most of money was going elsewhere. But, at this point its anyone's guess until more details emerge.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Note the date. The last line is a killer.

Al Qaeda intensifying efforts to get operatives within U.S. borders
by Steven Emerson
October 14, 2007

Administration officials there warning Osama bin Laden's organization could be using safe havens in Pakistan now from which to launch future attacks. There is also growing concern, in intelligence circles, about homegrown terrorists who already are here in the US.
that surveys show, including the Pew Poll, that up to a third – up to a quarter of all young Muslims justify suicide bombings. So, I think, there is a recipe for disaster here,
But are they also feeling like there is a recipe for disaster here, and, if so, in what kind of a time frame might we be attacked?
I think that classically we think of sleeper cells as people who are planted here and given a green light to act at a certain time in the future. That's not the way it works with homegrown cells. People can be living here for twenty years as normal citizens and suddenly get radicalized because of something they read, they hear, or something they are told about. So it's almost impossible to gauge the time frame, but if you look at a pattern over the last six years, you'll see the last two years really seeing a dramatic rise in homegrown plots – and if we plot that out over the next four years, you'll see even more.

WITT: Ok, and real quickly Steve, because we're out of time – do you fear more of a large-scale attack like 9/11 or those smaller-scale attacks like what we saw in Britain this summer?

EMERSON: I think the Britain style attacks, or the Fort Dix style attacks, are the type of attacks we'll see in the future.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by Libertygal] to fix bracket

[edit on 6-11-2009 by Libertygal]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
This guy was an extremist. There are extremists in every religion. The man who shot George Tiller, the abortion doctor, was the same kind of guy as Hasan here. An extremist Christian. There are Christians singing his praises, too, giving him money and supporting him all the way, laughing at it all, laughing at us... It's the SAME THING.

ProtoplasmicTraveler - I don't think there were ever "other shooters". Some other people were arrested, but were let go.

Kind of odd that trained military people whose lives actually depend on intelligence and being able to assess where incoming fire is coming from to respond to it defensively imagined there were two to three other shooters?

How could that happen? The fog of war gets foggy but that sounds like pea soup to me!

My main point is how can we trust the government and the media to ever truly report to us the truth, when the truth changes so conveniently so quickly?

Ultimately I fear in a rush to create a politically accepted emotionally convenient scapegoat like on 9-11 a lot of critical questions aren't going to be asked by emotionally charged people more interested in assessing and placing blame somewhere politically expedient than finding out truly how people become victims of such violence and dealing with the root causes.

It's a frightening thing that so many people are prepared to believe things that reek of deception and manipulation friend.

[edit on 6/11/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by x2Strongx

That's it this is MK Ultra. It has to be. Listen to this interview. They wanted an incident, so they brainwash a guy. This is nothing new. Nobody has done their homework. Research Jonestown, Port Arthur, MK Ultra, Columbine. We are being played by these people, Nazis, paperclip Nazis trained these creeps to plague us with false flags attacks. This is ridiculous.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by JJay55

He didn't snap. He simply followed his belief. Why is this so hard to understand? Have we become so loving and accepting of others that we think they are all sweet and loving too? WTF?

It is their duty to do this. This is normal for Islam. Muslim countries didn't cause him PTS, they gave him theology that is normal and good in their eyes. They are not like us.

Your posts are dead on JJay! The ACLU and all manner of bleeding hearts attempt to force feed us that everyone allowed into and also born into this nation should not be viewed with due suspicion and measured with reason. For if we did, this creep would not have been allowed to complete his mission. The way things are now he would have completed it in some fashion and hard as it might be to beleive this was not the most damage he could have done. If he wasn't pushed for deployment he would have went his merry way undermining the US military through both his rank and his job as an Army psychiatrist. Imagine this creep planting guilt trips on returning troops, undermining their resolve and ultimately their peace of mind. Imagine him assigned to a combat zone and fullfilling his covert mission there. This was a human bomb planted as you would an actual weapon. The scariest part is there are thousands like him here now.

Don't for a minute think he should have been exempt from scrutiny because he was born here. He was raised by Islamists in the midst of extremists that our own constitution allows to be here. And the moderate Muslims surrounding this guy did nothing to protect anyone else. That's how much love they have for their fellow Americans. They were scared to death of the extremists in their own mosques. All Muslims are extremists because when push comes to shove a moderate Muslim has far more fear of the extremists kneeling next to them than they have of other Americans. And so a moderate is only a moderate until called upon by Allah. Go live as anything other than a Muslim in let's say Saudi Arabia. Oh that's right, they don't put up with your religious crap there. They never let down their guard. Unprogressive, uncivilized, unnaccepting, unfreakin' everything but extremely effective.

The damage from this slime is not done. Think of all the heartache these families will feel as the realities of life without their loved ones hits home. Then imagine his continued assault on those families and the nation at large as high profile lawyers rush to protect his rights under the constitution if he should recover. These are the same lawyers that will try to take your firearms away lest you deter an Islamist attack in the future. The attack is far from over.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Where was the islamic terroism before 9/11?
How come it only exploded only after 911?
Explain me that?

This very statement has to be the best so far in terms of complete and utter ignorance of world events. Astonishing. I'll bookmark this post.

I presume that you're young and don't know better.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:49 AM
Islamic terrorism was around well before 9/11, even before the Cold War era.
Anyone remember the 3 jetliners which were blown up on AMERICAN soil (after the passengers were released however), followed soon after by the Embassy siege in London to which the SAS were involved.

9/11 was a inside job designed to create mass-fear by exploiting this single event and marketing it for means of security contracts to why anyone who opposes them MUST be "one of them" (aka a mythical Al Quaeda follower.)

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Where was the islamic terroism before 9/11?
How come it only exploded only after 911?
Explain me that?
If it's part of their religion, shouldn't it have always been like this?
But it wasn't, you know Iran used to be an ally of the U.S., did you even know that?

Has someone sure fooled you? Do you have memory problems, or are are you purposely ignoring history when making the ridiculous statements above?

Before 9/11/2001, there was no islamic terrorism???

10/12/2000 - USS Cole bombing - terrorists crash a bomb-laden boat into the side of the destroyer killing 17 U.S. sailors.

02/26/1993 - First World Trade Center bombing - designed to make tower 1 crash into tower 2 and kill thousands. 6 people died.

That's just 2 huge examples.

For a complete timeline of islamic terrorist acts going back over 1,000 years, but focusing in the terrorist acts since 1960, please read this

The timeline is a series of links on the right side of the page. Click on any year for a list of the islamic terrorist acts for that year or time period.

Then maybe you owe the rest of us an apology for making such a foolish post ...

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by JJay55

Please look up incidents of islamic terrorism since 911. There have been many. They will continue no matter what your diagnosis is because muslims have a duty. This is a fact.

This is ridiculous. Moslem's have a duty!!!!!? God, am I hearing this. I'm not going to call you bastards because I don't want to get kicked off, but this frys the cake.

Moslems don't have any kind of duty to uphold anything. Christians don't have any kind of duty to uphold anything. You keep watching your football games and keep grunting. I shouldn't say that's all you're good for. I am really loosing it.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by Libertygal
Note the date. The last line is a killer.

Al Qaeda intensifying efforts to get operatives within U.S. borders
by Steven Emerson
October 14, 2007

Administration officials there warning Osama bin Laden's organization could be using safe havens in Pakistan now from which to launch future attacks. There is also growing concern, in intelligence circles, about homegrown terrorists who already are here in the US.
that surveys show, including the Pew Poll, that up to a third – up to a quarter of all young Muslims justify suicide bombings. So, I think, there is a recipe for disaster here,
But are they also feeling like there is a recipe for disaster here, and, if so, in what kind of a time frame might we be attacked?
I think that classically we think of sleeper cells as people who are planted here and given a green light to act at a certain time in the future. That's not the way it works with homegrown cells. People can be living here for twenty years as normal citizens and suddenly get radicalized because of something they read, they hear, or something they are told about. So it's almost impossible to gauge the time frame, but if you look at a pattern over the last six years, you'll see the last two years really seeing a dramatic rise in homegrown plots – and if we plot that out over the next four years, you'll see even more.

WITT: Ok, and real quickly Steve, because we're out of time – do you fear more of a large-scale attack like 9/11 or those smaller-scale attacks like what we saw in Britain this summer?

EMERSON: I think the Britain style attacks, or the Fort Dix style attacks, are the type of attacks we'll see in the future.

You are being manipulated. "Never let a crisis go to waste" Rahm Emanuel,wow . Let them manipulate you. You are putty in their hands.

Has nobody read anything about MKUltra? Do we have any real people left in the United States? So you got pablum at school. So what? You are supposed to educate yourselves.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by m khan]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:56 AM
Due to some hot tempers this thread is being temporarily closed. It will reopen in about 2 hours hopefully this temp closure will allow tempers to cool.


ATS member and mod

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:33 PM
This thread is re-opened. Please refrain from any further attacks on each other; you are expected to conduct yourselves with civility and decorum.



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