reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler
What a dreary and stuffy life they must live there friend. It's probably even worse than Washington D.C.
Very dreary with stuffy sullen people. It is a beautiful area but I was very glad to leave.
The stuff on treaties is very interesting. I know a little about the Universal Commercial Code but my general knowledge of history stinks and I am
will be the first to admit it.. Science and math were more my interest in school.
Have you done a thread tracing these treaties or can you point to some online sources?
It is no wonder the US Constitution is so clear about the Constitution trumping a treaty if the treaty is not in the best interest of the American
people. Unfortunately our dumbed down education system has done their darnedest to make sure we are unaware of our rights as citizens. Heck all this
claptrap about a President declaring a "State of Emergency" that suspends the Constitution are Unconstitutional. except under very specific
conditions,( war time emergencies)
I have hopes that the individual states tenth Amendment resolutions and states nullification of unconstitutional laws catches on as people finally
start to wake-up. A state even has the right to nullify a treaty, now if we can just get a state to nullify the World Trade Organization treaty and
NAFTA - Texas maybe - we have a chance of straightening out this country.
I agree we could use some protectionism but the WTO wants US tax payers to fund business start-ups in other countries!!
Up for grabs at the negotiating table is worldwide privatization and deregulation of public energy and water utilities, postal services, higher
education and state alcohol distribution controls; a new right for foreign firms to obtain U.S. Small Business Administration loans; elimination of a
list of specific U.S. state laws about land use, professional licensing and consumer protections, and extreme deregulation of private-sector service
industries such as insurance, banking, mutual funds and securities.
Not only are they after control of our farmland [see
NATIONAL DEBT] they want control of everything else!
Luckly our farmers figured out that the WTO/USDA/FDA contracts including "premises ID" "National Animal ID" (NAIS) left them, as the contracts
states, as "stakeholders" not owners. A stakeholder is a third party physically holding property until the true owner is determined. That is why
all the USDA and FDA announcements, etc about NAIS always refers to farmers as "stakeholders" and not owners.
The attack on our food supply/farmland is the one that really has me very worried, especially since it is a big yawn to most people. They seem to
think food grows in stores and not on farms. Once our farmers, seed, livestock and farmland is gone [controlled by the corporate/banking cartel] we
are well and truly screwed. Unfortunately we are losing
first conviction of a
farmer for failure to register their premise is hitting the wires and
HR 2749 is being rushed through
Congress, and the house may look to suspend the rules and fast track the bill at Obama’s request
Dick Peixoto planted hedges of fennel and flowering cilantro around his organic vegetable fields in the Pajaro Valley near Watsonville to harbor
beneficial insects, an alternative to pesticides.
He has since ripped out such plants in the name of food safety, because his big customers demand sterile buffers around his crops. No vegetation. No
water. No wildlife of any kind.
“I was driving by a field where a squirrel fed off the end of the field, and so 30 feet in we had to destroy the crop,” he said. “On one field
where a deer walked through, didn’t eat anything, just walked through and you could see the tracks, we had to take out 30 feet on each side of the
tracks and annihilate the crop.” ...
Large produce buyers have compiled secret “super metrics” that go much further. Farmers must follow them if they expect to sell their crops. These
can include vast bare-dirt buffers, elimination of wildlife, and strict rules on water sources. To enforce these rules, retail buyers have sent forth
armies of food-safety auditors, many of them trained in indoor processing plants, to inspect fields. (Lochhead, C.)
Most of these inspectors have little to no experience other than inside four walls. Take for example Ken Kimes, who owns New Natives Farms in Santa
Cruz County. He was told that “no children younger than five can be allowed on his farm for fear of diapers” (Lochhead, C.)
HR 2749: Food Safety’s Scorched Earth Policy
Not only will we be looking at rising unemployment, a dead dollar but if one of these %$# "unsafe Food" bills makes it through congress we can
expect food cost to sky rocket as crops are destroyed and farmers bankrupt and it becomes illegal to own a backyard garden. I plan to kill off
everything and plant trees, I am sure I am not the only US farmer with similar plans. We hope to at least salvage our land until the American people
can come to their senses. Unfortunately Obama will probably just "nationalize" all the farmland to "solve" the problem instead.