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You dont know anything about us

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posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by Sestias

If you want vision, try "The Communist Manifesto." It has a very utopian vision. I don't buy it all, but it is inspiring.

The left also has positive values.

The Communist Manifesto is one of the most poisonous pieces of trash ever written.

The main message of it i s "You are not responsible for your reality, you are a poor and weak victim. The only solution is to bring down those who have more than you"

The entirety of our financial crisis can be traced back to such philosophies.

Funny, I thought our financial crisis could be traced back to people who were greedy and wanted to get rich on what they considered "free money" with no regard on the possible fall out.

Greed and short sightedness cause a whole lot more damage than being nice. That being said, the biggest problem I see with liberals is that they want "the Government" do be nice. They should start with themselves. We cannot legislate away human behavior. The government should be neutral. It should merely be there to ensure that humans who are alive can stay alive as long as they wish, not be enslaved or controlled by people, and have the opportunity to be happy.

Neither the Liberals or the Conservatives seem to get that.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Im not. But I appreciate diversity and believe differences-are-good rather than the marxist dictum of differences being "bad" and having to force everyone to be "the same", dress the same, act the same, etc.

Interesting post. Can you elaborate on the quoted point? Where did Marx state that society had to be culturally homogeneous? Marxism is an economic philosophy.

posted on Dec, 6 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
Interesting post. Can you elaborate on the quoted point? Where did Marx state that society had to be culturally homogeneous? Marxism is an economic philosophy.

Marx and Engels talk of there being economic Inequality and the need for Equality eventually turned into the same ideas being applied to culture by marx succesors.

(An example: In Communist nations such as former East Germany or Poland or Russia schoolchildren were expected not to "dress up" in order not to appear richer than other children, for the sake of "Equality")

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Conclusion: Your stereotypes about Republicans/Neo-Cons/Anti-Socialists are false. They are generalizations that apply to a very small segment of the population and not the majority.

Once you open your eyes and look beyond marxist-propaganda and brainwashing you will see that most of us are not bigotted bible-thumpers and war-mongers.

You dont know anything about us

Excellent post and a real eye opener.

Starred and Flagged.

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

But I dont hate hate Obama. I actually like him and even agree with some of his policies. Im glad a man of colour is President because it totally debunks the leftist dictum of "black people are oppressed in America".

The reason for assumption is the constant media barrage from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Greta Van Suusssuuusserwhatever.

Those people have become the face of your ideology.

So you're right, i don't know anything about YOU.

But i know plenty about the image.

But thank you for your post - it was very refreshing to see someone that can speak their mind and be honest, instead of being a talking point.

By the way - edit to add:

If you support UHC - your own party will label you a democrat.

Thats how bad things really can get.

[edit on 7-12-2009 by Snarf]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by Snarf

Some of these polarizers and demonizers are making us look like idiots, I know. I dont watch them, I dont listen to them, I dont support them.

Demonizing the other side (instead of emphasizing ones own goods) will eventually lead to the downfall of the country.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Well my main question is, since you seem to be more liberal than conservative, did you vote for Bush or vote against the other guy. They may seem like the same thing, but sometimes you need to choose the lesser of two evils when that is all you have to choose from.

I don’t like Obama’s agendas , and I didn’t like McCain’s either…so I’m one of those “none of above” kind of voters, but my views are based on conservative/constitutionalist ideals.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
The reason for assumption is the constant media barrage from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Greta Van Suusssuuusserwhatever.

There isn't abundance of very liberal commentators out there? I would label Bill O'Reilly, and Greta Van S…. as moderate more than anything else. Hannity is annoying to anyone that isn’t far right and I rarely tune into Rush. Fox news and Rush do lead in popularity, so maybe that is what annoys you the most, but I can guarantee you I can easily pick a large group of commentators on the radio and TV that are just as far left as Hannity is far right.

If I were you I wouldn’t drink the cool aid from either camp, for this whole Rush, Hannity, Beck, O’Reilly etc propaganda that they are the leaders and spoke persons for the GoP is a liberal propaganda attack to counter their popularity. It’s like “see that clown over there, that is the GoP’s spoke person…” , so there really is nothing more to it than that, but I guess it is working to some degree as I read your post. The funny part is none of them are politicians so it is all kind of moot, unlike the Al Franklins’ and Barney Franks’ that are actually in positions to screw us over with their idiocy.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
Well my main question is, since you seem to be more liberal than conservative, did you vote for Bush or vote against the other guy.

For Bush. And Im not liberal. Im centrist. Most people are centrist. And ALL Presidents have been either center-left or center-right up to now, so it does not make that much of a difference which "side" is in office.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
I voted Bush, the most hated person around. Now, merely based on this, many internet-scribes will presume that I...

...Im pro-war.

Im not. I am non-interventionist and anti-war, except in cases of self-defense.

[edit on 3-11-2009 by Skyfloating]

So you voted for Bush in 2004. Nearly a year after the U.S. chief WMD inspector David Kay resigned after having found nothing and yet you found it in yourself to vote Bush in. Iraq was clearly a non-defensive war and it was extremely apparent to anybody as of November 2004. So what were you thinking?

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
There isn't abundance of very liberal commentators out there? I would label Bill O'Reilly, and Greta Van S…. as moderate more than anything else.

Bill O'Reilly hounded a doctor who performed abortions on television with the nickname "Tiller the Baby Killer" up until that doctor was subsequently murdered while attending a church service. After the murder O'Reilly stood firm on his on-air actions. There really isn't any point in mentioning this to you as I'm sure such information will do nothing to change your opinion of the man or in what you see as "moderate".

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 10:22 AM
I thought I'd give your answers a shot as well, and yup I'm a Republican as well.

...hate Obama.

I don't hate Obama as a person. But, I don't really like him as a President, his policies so far make absolutely no sense, I don't like most of his appointees, and the race card being played by the left has to go. He isn't unifying anbody, but rather the opposite I'm afraid. (I know this probably makes me the r word. ) opposed to Universal Healthcare.

I am opposed. Political correctness and entitlements will be our downfall. Reform yes, but the way this whole charade has been handled now just proves it's about control and money, not peoples welfare. opposed to abortion in all cases

Im not. I think in cases of rape, incest or a danger to the mother, by all means. But for the tax payers to pay for abortions as a means of birth control for lazy stupid people, nope we shouldn't be doing it. Not a moral issue, people need to take responsibility for their own actions. a fundamentalist Christian.

Im not. I'm an ecclectic Witch.

...I think European countries are socialist.

They`re not. Some of them employ social-democrat policies which is something very different than socialism.

...Im opposed to homosexuals.

Im not. I do not support same-sex-marriage or teaching the homosexual agenda in school though. When do kids get to be kids?

...Im racist.

Im not. However , I feel professional victims ala Jessie, Al and company, need to go away. If equality is ever to truely be had all seperatist organizations need to go away.....Black Caucus, Naacp etc.

...Im an evil Corporatist.

Im not. I dont like viewing people as "consumers" and a society based on mere consumerism. But I believe capitalism is the backbone of civilized countries and has created more prosperity, philantropy and employment for the world than anything before it.
Me : Agreed

I dont believe in the marxist dictum of workers being "victims" of Corporations. I believe most of them applied for their jobs of their own free will. I believe that most business people are decent and do not run exploitative sweatshops in China. I believe that most business people give back to the community. I think that all the anti-corporatists around here dont realize that everything they have...streets to walk on, clothes to wear, an internet to type on...are the result of business and capitalism.
Me: Agreed

...Im pro-war.

Im not. But, I think again political correctness will be our down fall. We have identified those that wish us harm and should quit playing the political correctness/race/religion card.

...Im anti-muslim.

Im not. The majority of muslims are moderate, friendly folk. A small percentage are fanatics out to destroy western values. Im opposed to the leftist attitude of being nice and diplomatic to people who would not hesitate to nuke you if only they could. I think its naive and childish to assume everyone is interested in peace and democracy.
Me: Agreed, except I think stronger measures should be under taken then they are right now.

...Im one of the "sheeple" who blindly trust the Government

Im not. I question the Government. But I dont consider much of the stuff I read here and in Blogosphere to be mere Government-Questioning but part of a Hate-America, Hate-Authority movement perpetuated by extremists.
Me: Agreed +1000.......lot of hate for America on here, and as Veteran I do find it disturbing. However, I do entertain the idea that alot of folks on here are only here to argue from the safety of their keyboards.

...I dont see through the left-right / two-party false dichotomy.

I do. And I only see it getting worse.And after this administration grants amnesty to all of those poor illegals, it will only get worse.

...that Im for the "War-on-Drugs"

Im not. I think its idiotic.
Me: Agreed, as well as a huge waste of money.

...I endorse one of the current Republican prospects

I dont. I wish Republicans would offer more Moderate Candidates.
Me: Agreed, although I really would have liked to see Romney in the running. Never did quite appreciate that his religion was his major fault, yet a pass was given to someone else on theirs.

Anyhow, I'm sure alot don't agree with some of my responses, but let them post theirs as well. It's a good thing we all don't agee as the world would truely be a boring place.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
I wish Republicans would offer more Moderate Candidates.
Me: Agreed, although I really would have liked to see Romney in the running.

Romney may at times pretend to be a moderate, but in his 2008 concession speech he was anything but. He sounded like any other far-right candidate. Including being so far-right and so pro-war he accused Obama and Clinton of surrendering to terror.

If I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I would forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win. And in this time of war, I simply cannot let my campaign, be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

When has a moderate ever talked like that? I'd like to know.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:51 AM
I feel he was far more moderate about the economy most importantly, and no one is ever going to be moderate in all aspects. As far as your quote, I tend to agree with him. Whether or not you agree with the war, now is not the time to play patty cake. If anything else, I would like to see the whole thing escalated, as an earlier victory, may just save American lives. It is possible to win in Iraq as well as Aphganistan......we just need to untie a few hands to finish the job. Unfortunatly this will never happen, as for some reason we still have to care what the rest of the world thinks.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
For Bush. And Im not liberal. Im centrist. Most people are centrist. And ALL Presidents have been either center-left or center-right up to now, so it does not make that much of a difference which "side" is in office.

But just those slight swings do affect us enough to notice. As example, the Clinton years were very hard on me as I look back, but under both Ragan and Bush I have prospered much better. This is going to be a wild ride with one so far off of center (either way) as Obama has shown not only in his first year, but with a voting history more liberal than Kennedy was.

I know McCain from personal experience and so I would not want him in office for the sole reason that he has an uncontrollable temper that he hides very well to the public.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by Xtrozero]

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

S&F! Excellent break down that one can be one thing but have their own views without prescribing to the prejudices applied to them.

Not everyone on the left follows all the policies and mantras just as all the people on the right do not follow their policies and mantras.

Yet, we as humans have the need to compartmentalize and categorize nearly everything into neat little boxes.

Although I believe in some absolutes, without black and white, one cannot have a gray area.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by Frith
Bill O'Reilly hounded a doctor who performed abortions on television with the nickname "Tiller the Baby Killer" up until that doctor was subsequently murdered while attending a church service. After the murder O'Reilly stood firm on his on-air actions. There really isn't any point in mentioning this to you as I'm sure such information will do nothing to change your opinion of the man or in what you see as "moderate".

Can not a moderate be for or against abortion? This subject is so polarized in view that I do not think there is such a thing as a moderate when dealing with it.

BTW didn't old Bill give that guy that nick name not because he did abortions, but because he did extremely later term abortions, well beyond what any other doctor would care to go? Late term abortions was like his calling card…

Or mabe you feel that Bill decided to single out one abortion doctor out of 1000s.....

At some point there are limits even if you believe in abortions....

[edit on 31-12-2009 by Xtrozero]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

It is interesting, I agree with 100% of your post, well except for being an ecclectic Witch part, but then again I have no clue to what the hell that is, so maybe I’m one of those too…

[edit on 31-12-2009 by Xtrozero]

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